Add all Heroic Jewelry sets to GCW vendors

Add all Heroic Jewelry sets to GCW vendors
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Add all Heroic jewelry sets to GCW/BF vendors. Making any 5 piece set available by using GCW/BF tokens.
Currently Heroic jewelry sets are only available through tokens that are collected by PVE content. However, these sets are absolutely necessary to compete in PVP.

Purchasing a set from another player for 20-25 million credits is also ridiculous.

A large contingent of the player base feel it would be beneficial to grant access to these sets, by player vs player content. As this community of players are not motivated to complete PVE and/or struggle to find pre-made groups at the times they play.

PvP has had a noticable decline since the last patch, due to guilds and players completing pve dungeons at peak times.

We would hope that this will encourage more pvp, in all areas.

There are still vast rewards and content that would encourage PVE instances that wouldnt not be effected by this change,
The only motivation is to encourage more PvP, base raids and battlefields. This is end game content for many people. Gearing up through pvp should be an option.
I propose all Heroic jewelry sets in game, should be purchasable by trading in GCW or Battlefield tokens. Please sign

Dots - MCM/MBH
If there was at least some PVP items that are close to the same value as the jewerly sets, then I'm sure there could be some exchange between people that primarily PVP and people that primarily PVE; but there really isn't.
Some "Heroic Jewlery Tier" Gear from GCW Tokens or BF Tokens would be sick. Bracelet Slots, Cybernetic Chip Slot, Shirt Slot, etc?
Yeah, a piece that is a bracelet slot would be a welcome addition. It doesn't step on anyones toes.

I just wish it took the colonel ring/major necklace. Sad my work had to be tossed in the garbo.

Both Bracelets would be interesting, that way you could mix and match effects.
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Agree with this initiative completely and utterly! The economy for these jewelry sets is vastly overpriced (among other things but that is beside the point)! We should be encouraging people to get into PvP quicker, not grinding mission terminals until Rapture to finally be viable.

Honestly I think there ought to be some sort of turn-in program for heroic jewelry as well... in other words, if you want to make a new build, you should be able to turn in the set you got for free (or maybe even a 200k fee like on the veteran reward vendors) for another set.
Agree with this initiative completely and utterly! The economy for these jewelry sets is vastly overpriced (among other things but that is beside the point)! We should be encouraging people to get into PvP quicker, not grinding mission terminals until Rapture to finally be viable.

Honestly I think there ought to be some sort of turn-in program for heroic jewelry as well... in other words, if you want to make a new build, you should be able to turn in the set you got for free (or maybe even a 200k fee like on the veteran reward vendors) for another set.
This sounds like a good player business… if someone had the money to start it.
Agree with this initiative completely and utterly! The economy for these jewelry sets is vastly overpriced (among other things but that is beside the point)! We should be encouraging people to get into PvP quicker, not grinding mission terminals until Rapture to finally be viable.

Honestly I think there ought to be some sort of turn-in program for heroic jewelry as well... in other words, if you want to make a new build, you should be able to turn in the set you got for free (or maybe even a 200k fee like on the veteran reward vendors) for another set.
sounds like a case of only the poors are mad.

To be serious tho: people are absolutely paying the listed prices for the jewelry sets so they're certainly not overpriced for everyone
Down voting this non sense , shocking announcement , if you want heroic sets perhaps run the heroic instances ?
If you dont want to run heroic instances because they are boring then buy a set since they are tradeable but to suggest to add an "alternative" path to obtain them is just total nonsense
these new heroics are just over 1 month old and we get this asinine PV , i might as well start a PV regarding the cost of the Ghost Armor set , i dont want to obtain it using GCW currency , let me obtain it through an "alternative" way and paying someone 13m for a full schem set, well that is just too much credits , which brings me to the next point...
players: there is no content
devs: release content
players: 1 month later, i dont want to do the content :rolleyes:
How are the sets overpriced? Do you actually have an idea how much time goes into one heroic set? We have been doing heroics since day one and that is why we are able to sell these. A "good" group can do all 5 heroics in about 4 hours. That is not the case. Most people are casuals and it will take far longer.
Even if we go by the minimum amount of time invested. That is 24 hours worth of content. Do you know how much money you can make in that time else where?

Leave content where it is. If you are to lazy to do heroics then farm credits or you are just out of luck. Maye not every content needs to be accessible to everyone. I do not pvp and I do not want an alternative to buying BF/gcw stuff either. I pay the full price to someone that does that content.
Why is this thread not closed yet?
How are the sets overpriced? Do you actually have an idea how much time goes into one heroic set? We have been doing heroics since day one and that is why we are able to sell these. A "good" group can do all 5 heroics in about 4 hours. That is not the case. Most people are casuals and it will take far longer.
Even if we go by the minimum amount of time invested. That is 24 hours worth of content. Do you know how much money you can make in that time else where?

Leave content where it is. If you are to lazy to do heroics then farm credits or you are just out of luck. Maye not every content needs to be accessible to everyone. I do not pvp and I do not want an alternative to buying BF/gcw stuff either. I pay the full price to someone that does that content.
Why is this thread not closed yet?
Maybe not every content needs made accessible to everyone…

That sounds like someone who has a lot of influential/rich friends and/or a monopoly on something. Not all of us want to make crafter accounts… not all of us belong to a clique of pals with stockpiles of everything or something to that effect.

Have you ever actually took the time to grind up 25 million credits before? I have. Repeatedly. After awhile, it gets beyond stale. I’m a patient man but having to do this for EVERY SINGLE new thing hitting the market?

Not very fair.

I’ll postpone my plans for a build change for when the respec happens because I don’t have the time to grind up that many credits 24/7 to afford an absolute game changer in PvP AND PvE.
Maybe not every content needs made accessible to everyone…

That sounds like someone who has a lot of influential/rich friends and/or a monopoly on something. Not all of us want to make crafter accounts… not all of us belong to a clique of pals with stockpiles of everything or something to that effect.

Have you ever actually took the time to grind up 25 million credits before? I have. Repeatedly. After awhile, it gets beyond stale. I’m a patient man but having to do this for EVERY SINGLE new thing hitting the market?

Not very fair.
The problem is you can make the expensive argument for anything that people think is expensive.
Just gonna leave this quote here also because it’s big facts.
You could say that about any of the rare loot items. If they were not meant to be sold they would be no trade shared. And you posting that there as big facts just shoots yourself in the foot complaining about the cost.
Down voting this non sense , shocking announcement , if you want heroic sets perhaps run the heroic instances ?
If you dont want to run heroic instances because they are boring then buy a set since they are tradeable but to suggest to add an "alternative" path to obtain them is just total nonsense
these new heroics are just over 1 month old and we get this asinine PV , i might as well start a PV regarding the cost of the Ghost Armor set , i dont want to obtain it using GCW currency , let me obtain it through an "alternative" way and paying someone 13m for a full schem set, well that is just too much credits , which brings me to the next point...
players: there is no content
devs: release content
players: 1 month later, i dont want to do the content :rolleyes:
Considering you're using a gcw cosmetic set that has no effect on combat outcomes and not a major gear set that's practically mandatory for pvp that effects stats and abilities as your comparison shows how much of a dodo head you are.
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sounds like a case of only the poors are mad.

To be serious tho: people are absolutely paying the listed prices for the jewelry sets so they're certainly not overpriced for everyone
Slow clap for the rich guy on a private server from a dead game. I bet you're proud.
I understand where you're coming from. Having another content route with which to obtain stat'd items makes sense. The question for me is does it fit with the content? These items are described as "Heroic Jewelry sets", so that would suggest that the dev's want it to be obtained via heroic instances. On the flip side, would it make sense to implement a "PvP Jewelry set" where the stats and bonuses are geared toward PvP? This wouldn't solve your PvP player engagement issue, but it would at least give PvP'ers a goal and path to work towards.
What's this have to do with anything? The armor doesn't give you extra stats or a extra skill so your comparison makes no sense guy.
The stats have nothing to do with it , its the effort , rarity and availability in obtaining an item that sets its price , using your logic would dictate that the ghost armor should be dirty cheap given it has no stats but that is not the case is it ? before the new NS armbands started to flood the market the original NS armband would go for 25-35m and it has zero stats
don't expect you to grab the concept of supply , demand and economics , but that is all besides the point , this whole PV is centered on some players wanting an "alternate" way to obtain items from a barely 1 month old expansion , just because they cant be bothered to play the game :rolleyes:
Comparing cosmetics to a must-have heroic set is absolute nonsense. And then there’s this attitude of "just because they can't be bothered to play the game." For many of us, PvP is the’s the endgame content. Farming PvE gear just to perform well in PVP has always been a heated topic in MMOs. I get it that PvP players shouldn’t just be handed free gear. But what’s so bad about having PVP-only sets that require a similar time investment as farming heroics for a PVE Set? Oh... you can’t sell the sets for 20m anymore. OR consider a compromise so everyone can be happy. Offer something on PVP vendors that can be traded for heroic sets/pieces like items for their eRP house or cosmetics so everyone can do the content they enjoy.