- Proposal
- Add all Heroic jewelry sets to GCW/BF vendors. Making any 5 piece set available by using GCW/BF tokens.
- Justification
- Currently Heroic jewelry sets are only available through tokens that are collected by PVE content. However, these sets are absolutely necessary to compete in PVP.
Purchasing a set from another player for 20-25 million credits is also ridiculous.
A large contingent of the player base feel it would be beneficial to grant access to these sets, by player vs player content. As this community of players are not motivated to complete PVE and/or struggle to find pre-made groups at the times they play.
PvP has had a noticable decline since the last patch, due to guilds and players completing pve dungeons at peak times.
We would hope that this will encourage more pvp, in all areas.
There are still vast rewards and content that would encourage PVE instances that wouldnt not be effected by this change,
- Motivation
- The only motivation is to encourage more PvP, base raids and battlefields. This is end game content for many people. Gearing up through pvp should be an option.
I propose all Heroic jewelry sets in game, should be purchasable by trading in GCW or Battlefield tokens. Please sign
Dots - MCM/MBH
Dots - MCM/MBH