Allow Sub Components Enhancements for Weapons and Armor to be Purchased from a GCW PVP Vendor.

Allow Sub Components Enhancements for Weapons and Armor to be Purchased from a GCW PVP Vendor.
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Proposal: Allowing sub components enhancements that are needed to craft armor and weapons to be purchased from a GCW PVP vendor using some form of currency earned from pvp. Example Weapon Decrepits , Peko Feathers , Weapon Crit enhancements , Weapon Health/Action Augments, Interwovens etc.
Justification: Make PVP Great and Fun Experience
Motivation: To help increase pvp population and sustainability with pvp.
This is to help create a more sustainable cycle of life for pvp as you can earn rewards from doing the thing that is fun. This way rewards can be taken to a crafter to make your new gear after the end of life of your gear comes as well as reduce the cost of some of the most outrageously price items in the game.
I don't know if it is suitable to remove the sand from a sandbox game. Hunting, farming, looting suff to make your living was always a part of SWG.
Some of us go farming, someone does the crafting, someone needs an atmor or a weapon, some go dancing in the cantina, others enjoy pvp. That's basically the economy of the game.
Doing your favorite thing (I.e. PvP) running to a vendor with your passive generated "currency" and buying the stuff you need, carry that to a Crafter will eliminate a big part of the server economy.

Limit the Vendor bought component to 80% of the maximum value.
No 225 Augments, only 180 on the Vendor / No +25 feathers, only +20 to have a reliable source would be something to think about.
Then there is still a reason to go hunting and farming.

I understand that a PvP player might not enjoy PVE to farm his own augments and feathers. But why kill it for others?
PVP definitely needs more rewards to increase participation. I don't think taking existing rewards from elsewhere and adding them to PVP is the way though. It would be better if PVP had its own unique rewards which would create even greater motivation to participate in them.
Love the idea, especially if something like decrepits roll like they would normally every time you purchase them. Adding something like interwovens would be inroads to offset that bottleneck.

Thumbs down on the 80% thing btw, that would make the entire system useless.
I don't know if it is suitable to remove the sand from a sandbox game. Hunting, farming, looting suff to make your living was always a part of SWG.
Some of us go farming, someone does the crafting, someone needs an atmor or a weapon, some go dancing in the cantina, others enjoy pvp. That's basically the economy of the game.
Doing your favorite thing (I.e. PvP) running to a vendor with your passive generated "currency" and buying the stuff you need, carry that to a Crafter will eliminate a big part of the server economy.

Limit the Vendor bought component to 80% of the maximum value.
No 225 Augments, only 180 on the Vendor / No +25 feathers, only +20 to have a reliable source would be something to think about.
Then there is still a reason to go hunting and farming.

I understand that a PvP player might not enjoy PVE to farm his own augments and feathers. But why kill it for others?
All players need to generate credits and pvp players are no different. They aren’t two different groups. Players that pvp also farm (much more often than they pvp). Why force players to farm alone in the wilderness when they can do it in a city, SF, and engage with other players at the same time? The game is meant to be social after all.
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I don't know if it is suitable to remove the sand from a sandbox game. Hunting, farming, looting suff to make your living was always a part of SWG.
Some of us go farming, someone does the crafting, someone needs an atmor or a weapon, some go dancing in the cantina, others enjoy pvp. That's basically the economy of the game.
Doing your favorite thing (I.e. PvP) running to a vendor with your passive generated "currency" and buying the stuff you need, carry that to a Crafter will eliminate a big part of the server economy.

Limit the Vendor bought component to 80% of the maximum value.
No 225 Augments, only 180 on the Vendor / No +25 feathers, only +20 to have a reliable source would be something to think about.
Then there is still a reason to go hunting and farming.

I understand that a PvP player might not enjoy PVE to farm his own augments and feathers. But why kill it for others?
It is not "killing it for others" it is literally a new way to farm the components you need, you can keep farming that stuff the same way as before if you enjoy killing krayt dragons 24/7 or whatever you are farming. Although i agree that its own unique rewards like cosmetic armor/weapons would be much better than components
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Yeah I think using pvp currency as an alternate way to roll components is a good idea. Good suggestion.

I think in addition to things like decrepits it would be cool to be able to buy things like pvp specific armor power/weapon bits which can be used to bake in a pvp specific stat or something like that would be a neat extension to this. There's a hundred different ways that this could be added on to, so I don't wanna muddy waters. Just some food for thought.
Love the idea, especially if something like decrepits roll like they would normally every time you purchase them. Adding something like interwovens would be inroads to offset that bottleneck.

Thumbs down on the 80% thing btw, that would make the entire system useless.
I actually like this idea. Maybe my thoughts were a little bit short sighted. Adding usable components with the same amount of "luck" involved isn't that bad. That wouldn't take away, it would be a second source.
First thing that came to my mind was a vendor with "Ranged +25 Crit" Augment, buy, build weapon, done. If there is still the random factor getting ranged vs melee, health vs action, and a range of values could be done in a way as it is for random drops.

You are really adding something to the discussion. Not only calling out how stupid people's opinions are without bringing anything to the table.

All players need to generate credits and pvp players are no different. They aren’t two different groups. Players that pvp also farm (much more often than they pvp). Why force players to farm alone in the wilderness when they can do it in a city, SF, and engage with other players at the same time? The game is meant to be social after all.
That is a valid point, acknowledged that. How can we make Player that RP to earn credits :D
Jokes aside... I'll get the point of compensating 'successful' playtime.
Playing the game, killing people and be rewarded for that could be a thing in SWG.

It is not "killing it for others" it is literally a new way to farm the components you need, you can keep farming that stuff the same way as before if you enjoy killing krayt dragons 24/7 or whatever you are farming. Although i agree that its own unique rewards like cosmetic armor/weapons would be much better than components
Same answer as above. My first thought was short sighted. I'll get the point of the second source, when implemented in a fair way.
This does sound very similar to the already tagged as implemented PVP Dailies pv.

A short term simplified solution could be implemented that could later be expanded upon to include unique items.
A vendor with some farmed components for SF tokens, get 10 tokens for a successful invasion, 2 for failed invasion, get 5 for a successful fight, get 1 for failed fight etc. Eventually when the team has time and a 3D artist there could be unique armor sets or weapon skins for the pvp beasts. You could purchase titles.

A 200-225 augment roll costs 50, a decrepit costs 100, an interwoven costs… whatever the heck they cost. Could spend an afternoon SF doing invasions and fighting folks and although it might not be as lucrative as farming some PVE spot it gives a little back.

I mention the failed tokens because I feel like new pkayers that flag up and fight will get a tiny dopamine hit to offset the loss when they wake up in the cloner. They might not walk away from it feeling completely demoralized and hating pvp forever.
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I think this is a great PV to help give PVP some attention and in fairness would proably be pretty quick and easy to implement ?

If the rewards are some new unique currency then they can be scaled pretty easily by changing their cost amount on some sort of vendor NPC which can even be tied in to GCW control (if you control the planet you get cheaper rates etc.).

Hopefully there would be some measures in place to stop this being abused though such as killing your alt / a guildie (kind of like how bh missions work) and not giving the rewards from the same kill etc.

There are often dry spells with enhancements and some rarer weapon mods not being on the market so this would certainly help people get access to this equipment and since they aren't crafted it doesn't neccecarily mess up the crafting market - in fact it helps boost it.
And if you don't need anything then at the very least you can sell the components and get some income from doing PvP in itself where there aren't many ways to make money by just participating.