Destroying Base Defences Outside of Base Vulnerability should instead Disable them temporarily

Destroying Base Defences Outside of Base Vulnerability should instead Disable them temporarily
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.


Galactic Senator
Instead of turrets and defences being destroyed while the base is invulnerable, they should instead be disabled. The turrets should stay disabled until 15 minutes after the base becomes vulnerable, allowing attackers to destroy the turrets if they are undefended within this time, without the turrets returning fire.

Behaviour of mines should not change.
- Reduction in cost of maintaining a base (it costs 800-900k for a full set of large turrets).
- Still gives attackers advantage at start of a base's vulnerability timer.
- Reduce burnout and improve sustainability of base defending
Currently, turrets are base defences can be destroyed outside of base vulnerability times, without warning or notification. We simply cannot be expected to defend the defences at all hours of playing, when there is literally a time slot that you should be able to defend your base within. This is causing burnout and is simply not sustainable.
Proposal to change turrets from being destroyed to being disabled, when "destroyed" outside of base vulnerability.
This concept also has really good potential for an avenue to involve artisans in gcw player bases, whether through a crafted repair kit or something even more involved like an artisan only repair terminal in the base.
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Or honestly if they aren't wanting to make a "drastic" change turrets getting attacked/destroyed should ping a base being attacked alert - because it's technically being attacked. Especially with so many ways to "cheese" destroying turrets present.
"We simply cannot be expected to defend the defences at all hours of playing, when there is literally a time slot that you should be able to defend your base within. This is causing burnout and is simply not sustainable."
This is a QoL change that is positive for both sides. Your remark is both unnecessary and not productive to the discussion.

We have no problem defending turrets. We also have no problem destroying them (which is the root of this proposal).

What would the point of disabling turrets be if this change were to go through? Maybe add an hour to the vulnerability time for every turret disabled?
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"We simply cannot be expected to defend the defences at all hours of playing, when there is literally a time slot that you should be able to defend your base within. This is causing burnout and is simply not sustainable."

We have no problem defending turrets. We also have no problem destroying them (which is the root of this proposal).

What would the point of disabling turrets be if this change were to go through? Maybe add an hour to the vulnerability time for every turret disabled?
"I bet you wouldn't post this if you were [losing] the war" - you

Your not having a problem destroying them is because you've been bugging them out with droids. Period. Plenty of screenshots to prove it.

This can easily expand into shintu's idea. Be constructive or don't bother posting.
Let's not bombard Banth's PV with the no value added back and forth.

I will say from my perspective - I absolutely think there should be some sort of notification if the base or any of its associated structures are attacked by the opposing faction. The second part of this PV definitely needs some thought.

This is a single server with varying time zones involved and there is a lot to take into consideration with regards to vulnerability times.

As is - I think the fact that turrets can be blown up is completely valid - the defending faction just needs to be informed of an attack. If there is desire to change that any further - this needs to be a much bigger discussion.
"I bet you wouldn't post this if you were [losing] the war" - you

Your not having a problem destroying them is because you've been bugging them out with droids. Period. Plenty of screenshots to prove it.

This can easily expand into shintu's idea. Be constructive or don't bother posting.
We don't need droids to kill the turrets. It's not that hard to begin with.
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Let's not bombard Banth's PV with the no value added back and forth.

I will say from my perspective - I absolutely think there should be some sort of notification if the base or any of its associated structures are attacked by the opposing faction. The second part of this PV definitely needs some thought.

This is a single server with varying time zones involved and there is a lot to take into consideration with regards to vulnerability times.

As is - I think the fact that turrets can be blown up is completely valid - the defending faction just needs to be informed of an attack. If there is desire to change that any further - this needs to be a much bigger discussion.
Isn't that what the War Intel pad is for?
Rebels have been using droids as well as they used to destroy them as combatant so let's not start that topic again. Turrets and mines are both owerpowered right now so if you wanted to change that you would have to nerf both of these defenses quite a lot so a single person or two can't defend a base against a party of 5 as an example. Not to mention the bug that makes turrets hit 3, 4 or even 5 times in a row with the same shot. However my biggest issue with the bases are not turrets it's more the vulnerability window timers, because for me at least there is no fun in setting a base vulnerability timer to 4-8am so my base is safe and uncontested forever without effort while i grind my pve gcw points and keep my shiny general title.
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I just want to flag that have the bugs with turrets on our radar and are investigating. Please keep discussion centered around this PV and avoid personal attacks. We all want to make the game better.
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Economic warfare is valid.
I completely agree with this, and turrets still should be destroyable - the credit sink won't go away with my suggestion. The PV aims to add some control to when the destruction occurs (the vulnerable time) but still giving an advantage to the attacking team if they disable the turrets outside of vulnerability.

Maybe I wasn't generous enough with this advantage - maybe they can be weakened or something as well within a small window at the start of the vulnerability.

Base maintenance is essentially (up to) 900k every two days currently which is just silly, yet destroying a base isn't rewarding enough either.

We also have no problem destroying them (which is the root of this proposal).
My motivation for this proposal isn't self fulfilling, it serves to help both sides not suffer burnout. Obviously this proposal comes from personal experience (as do most Player Voices) and you're right, this idea wouldn't have stemmed from this not occurring and from other players (not just rebels) coming to me with the same concerns. Its rather demoralizing waking up to my base defences gone while I'm asleep lol.

Let's not bombard Banth's PV with the no value added back and forth.

I will say from my perspective - I absolutely think there should be some sort of notification if the base or any of its associated structures are attacked by the opposing faction. The second part of this PV definitely needs some thought.

This is a single server with varying time zones involved and there is a lot to take into consideration with regards to vulnerability times.

As is - I think the fact that turrets can be blown up is completely valid - the defending faction just needs to be informed of an attack. If there is desire to change that any further - this needs to be a much bigger discussion.
Thanks Phil. I think a base attack notification is a great starting point to this and is probably a sensible stepping stone to alieviate the problem.

It would be great if the turrets could be repaired as well (not during an attack / during vulnerability perhaps) to give artisans a bigger role in the GCW.
However my biggest issue with the bases are not turrets it's more the vulnerability window timers, because for me at least there is no fun in setting a base vulnerability timer to 4-8am so my base is safe and uncontested forever without effort while i grind my pve gcw points and keep my shiny general title.
I think a good solution to this is to have rigid vulnerability windows and then limit the number of bases that can share a vulnerability window on a planet. I agree having 4 bases with a vulnerability window at 4am EST / 8am GMT on the same planet is against the spirit of the GCW (unless the person placing them lives in Australlia/Asia lol, in that case its fair enough).
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The main issue with attack notifications for turrets outside vulnerability, is essentially spam/trolling.

If you get a notification when your turrets take at least 5% damage with a 30min cd(for example). Someone could just swing by, ding your turret and leave. Then return later and do it again, essentially ding dong ditching or filling your mailbox with tons of notifications.
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Proposal to change turrets from being destroyed to being disabled, when "destroyed" outside of base vulnerability.
Hi, these are the thoughts and ramblings of a new Restoration player, but someone who had time in the game back in the day.
1. IMO - Turrets being vulnerable outside of normal base vulnerability makes sense. They're not an actual piece of the base, and hold no bearing on if we flip or not. So, making them invuln or temp disabled is a lazy fix for a PvP dominated game.
1a. If the primary solution is a notice when turrets are under attack, that works for all parties. In fact, that's ideal, as it instigates more PvP.
2. Completely disabling the ability to destroy turrets, especially when EVERY Rebel base is set to vuln during the work day for NA, means NA players are left with no PvP. Truly, none whatsoever. Eliminating a key piece of fun because Rebels are sad only initiates the possibility of a dwindling population.
3. If you truly want to make Banth's suggestion a reality, then there needs to be rules on when bases can be vuln - as not having anything to do during prime NA hours is cause for major concern on player trunover.
Ultimately, I'm sorry - but this suggestion is silly. It's from someone who's mad that their base was hit and turrets lost. Removing this ability has me concerned for my time on SWGR, as again, there are no other PvP opps during NA PrimeTime.
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My motivation for this proposal isn't self fulfilling, it serves to help both sides not suffer burnout. Obviously this proposal comes from personal experience (as do most Player Voices) and you're right, this idea wouldn't have stemmed from this not occurring and from other players (not just rebels) coming to me with the same concerns. Its rather demoralizing waking up to my base defences gone while I'm asleep lol.
This point is deceptive, as you posted your PV suggestion merely hours after YOUR base was hit.