Give actual Scouting Abilities back to Scouts and Rangers.

Give actual Scouting Abilities back to Scouts and Rangers.
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Feedback Needed by the development team. See the post from the developers asking for follow-up discussion or alternative suggestions to discuss.
I would like the Scout to be able to make and use Traps again, and the Ranger to be able to track animals once more. I would also like the Scout and Ranger's camps to be of use. Give the Scouts and Rangers their character and purpose back, please!
All the aspects that gave the Scout and Ranger character and identity have been stripped out. The Scout and Ranger paths feel empty, almost pointless, without them.
When I played the original SWG my Scout character could make and use actual traps (not the flash bangs we have now), and could self heal to an extent while playing a musical intrument in his camp. As a Ranger he could track animals. None of this is present in Restoration.
Back in the day, when I played the original SWG, I played a hermit Scout/Ranger character. He wandered the wilderness, rarely visiting settlements, living off of the creatures he encountered. He tracked animals, trapped them with real traps of his own making, hunted and harvested their skin, meat and bone, then built himself camps (and food) from those resources and healed himself while he rested out in the wild. He could sustain himself almost indefinately without the need to ever meet another person, should he have chosen to. When he did need resources, he could hire himself out as tracker, trapper and hunter.

This does not exist in Restoration. This hermit character is impossible in Restoration.
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I started playing this game a few months ago and I really would like to have that in the game, its a great suggestion to bring that back into SWG even though I am a total amateur I like that idea.
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I had heard some chatter about scout/ranger getting more para/military scout abilities via the nge spy class. Giving then a stealth mechanic would be unique

I think the spy was essentially what the scout/ranger rework was supposed to be before the nge happened?
The original camps acted like cantinas and medical buildings. The basic ones allowed for fatigue and wound regeneration at a slow level, but still faster than nothing. The advanced ones basically were cantinas and medical buildings, providing the bonuses those buildings gave to doctors and entertainers.

Because they were temporary, they didn't remove the viability of the permanent structures, and they encouraged grouping and socialization because people would rather rest up close to where they're adventuring than travel back to a city or player town.

That's what he meant by 'could heal myself by playing music.'
Now Ranger Revamp is done, would be nice if the survival line got something. Doesn't have to be a camp every box but even just multiperson and advanced that could allow maybe ability to sell junk with master scout?
I think it is safe to assume that if ranger "area track" could be done and added, it would have been done 3 years ago at the launch of Resto.
Back in the day, when I played the original SWG, I played a hermit Scout/Ranger character. He wandered the wilderness, rarely visiting settlements, living off of the creatures he encountered. He tracked animals, trapped them with real traps of his own making, hunted and harvested their skin, meat and bone, then built himself camps (and food) from those resources and healed himself while he rested out in the wild. He could sustain himself almost indefinately without the need to ever meet another person, should he have chosen to. When he did need resources, he could hire himself out as tracker, trapper and hunter.

This does not exist in Restoration. This hermit character is impossible in Restoration.
I support this. Back on the original SWG I played a similar character, combination of MRifleman MRanger. The way Scout and Ranger work right now has no appeal to me.
Give my camps back please! That was the fun part of scouting/ranger, setting up mini cities with terminals and such... in the middle of nowhere... now I can't even craft a camping kit. Friends could stop by, entertainers entertain and buff... the good all days!
The problem with this is these tools do not do anything for the game, they are fluff at best and useless at worst. They were ok at one point in the game precu but current content just doesn't need the feature.
Not to mention that this pv is like 3 years old and heck my partial Scout drops luxury camps so not sure this is even relevant anymore really.
Tracking is pointless, I would vote against having it track humans, it could give BH a further unfair advantage. You want to track use a droid.