Group TeFs for Bounty Hunters

Group TeFs for Bounty Hunters
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.


Galactic Senator
- Allow anyone grouped with a Jedi to kill Bounty Hunters, Inquisitors, and any other NPC that attacks your party member.

- Allow anyone grouped with the BH to join in and kill the Jedi who attacked the Bounty Hunters.

Alls fair in love and war.

Seeing five BHs kill someone in your party and not being able to do shit isn't fun. Anyone grouped with the Jedi should be able to PvP too.

SWG is a group game, and this is making me upset because I have missed the TK instance 3 times due to Bounty Hunter's spawn camping the instance areas. It's very easy to pick someone off loading in that way, especially with recent changes to Auras and Jedi Buffs granting VIS.

Jedi are not nearly as tough as they were, and seeing a group of five + npcs spawning in on someone and not being able to do anything is lame.

It also fixes the bug where Jedi NPCs can attack you but you can't attack them. I also find this frustrating as they hit especially hard.
As I said, I am quite upset my groups keep getting wiped and watching others play a mini-game whilst I can't do shit pisses me off, if BHs want to Hunt high value targets let them but when it starts affecting my gameplay that is what upsets me.
BH can't heal each other, my point stands you opt in to PVP and you opt in to being Jedi, both put you on to the boards.
If you think there is no disadvantage to being attacked by more than one player, healing each other or not (as most BHs are solo specs, not support specs) than I have nothing more to tell you. BH even favors the best solo class in the game (CH) because it's also scout based.

Also, in my proposition they can, so your argument is both disingenuous and favors my previous point.

I can also simply turn your own words on you. When you get a Jedi Bounty you "opt-in" to PvP. Your argument is semantics.
I repeat, you opt in to PVP and you opt in to playing a PVP alpha class. I can literally post a dozen youtube videos of Resto Jedi winning 3v1, 4v1 etc.
I repeat, you opt in to PVP and you opt in to playing a PVP alpha class. I can literally post a dozen youtube videos of Resto Jedi winning 3v1, 4v1 etc.
Yeah, I am sure they are exactly the same after halving their total force and nerfing their damage to the ground.

You can also bring up the "Knight" thing, but by that point Inquisitors (players) will be a thing as well.

Again, you opt-in to PvP when playing a BH, it seems like your just afraid of consequences or anything besides 1v5s.
I am not replying to the others

Because your own words to "others" show your idea is Bantha Poodoo not to mention you can't and haven't refuted what has been said.
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So you made my point for me, thank you. We agree, Jedi don't need help.
What point were you making again? So far your point has been hogwash and "no u". I am proposing a change to the system to make it more interesting. You like the system as is because you think Jedi is too hard to kill when I face them all the time in PvP.

It sounds like you just favor this mini-game of mock pvp that favors 1vX. I guess, but my suggestion allows others to participate and allows for greater playstyle and variety of gameplay, not just hurr-durr I roll solo spec and 6v1 a player that is about 2 players strong.

If you think 2v6 is fair then I can see the rebel in you I guess.

I am not replying to the others

Because your own words to "others" show your idea is Bantha Poodoo not to mention you can't and haven't refuted what has been said.
I didn't think replying to it was necessary. I don't care about your feelings, and "Yours and Wes" don't add or take away from my argument. If you made a solid point about why its troublesome than maybe I would of listened, but most of your argument fell to emotions.

Soon it will be "Hurr-Durr" I roll solo spec, 6+Inquisitor vs 1. Even with ranks I doubt it will make them that much stronger; as I doubt its going to double their damage, especially if it's based on the old system. Gaining Master was a second Job in that old system.
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You're a very emotional person. You ok?
Perhaps consider taking some Thai chi lessons or do yoga and control your emotions if dying to an electronic avatar upsets you so much?

Jedi = Alpha class and is only going to get stronger. It doesn't need help
You're a very emotional person. You ok?
Perhaps consider taking some Thai chi lessons or do yoga and control your emotions if dying to an electronic avatar upsets you so much?

Jedi = Alpha class and is only going to get stronger. It doesn't need help
Yeah, about as expected to my calculations.

Every player you add multiplies this aspect. You should also try CH, Creature Handler's do very well against Jedi.
I am proposing a change to the system to make it more interesting.

Really...lets see why you said you are doing this:

Seeing five BHs kill someone in your party and not being able to do shit isn't fun.
whilst I can't do shit pisses me off, if BHs want to Hunt high value targets let them but when it starts affecting my gameplay that is what upsets me.

Sorry Vryka but this is, again, all about you and not what is best or right for others and the game. Jedi are supposed to be in hiding, hunted and not swinging their glow bats everywhere. They and their supporters should be on the boards and hunted down (and yes I have a Jedi and BH).
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I am proposing a change to the system to make it more interesting.

Really...lets see why you said you are doing this:

Seeing five BHs kill someone in your party and not being able to do shit isn't fun.
whilst I can't do shit pisses me off, if BHs want to Hunt high value targets let them but when it starts affecting my gameplay that is what upsets me.

Sorry Vryka but this is, again, all about you and not what is best or right for others and the game. Jedi are supposed to be in hiding, hunted and not swinging their glow bats everywhere. They and their supporters should be on the boards and hunted down (and yes I have a Jedi and BH).
Oh I *agree*, if you support a Jedi openly you should get a Bounty and also hunted by Inquisitors and BHs.

Give us the option too.

EVEN IN THAT VIDEO DO YOU think standing around watching your ally die is "fun gameplay"

All your talk about others, when your ignoring all the other players around you.
I am proposing a change to the system to make it more interesting.

Really...lets see why you said you are doing this:

Seeing five BHs kill someone in your party and not being able to do shit isn't fun.
whilst I can't do shit pisses me off, if BHs want to Hunt high value targets let them but when it starts affecting my gameplay that is what upsets me.

Sorry Vryka but this is, again, all about you and not what is best or right for others and the game. Jedi are supposed to be in hiding, hunted and not swinging their glow bats everywhere. They and their supporters should be on the boards and hunted down (and yes I have a Jedi and BH).

Normally I agree with the sentiment of Vryka PV's being a "Throw it at the wall and see what sticks" approach, and this PV was probably another one of those because it was posted right after the PVP channel talked about group tef. However, it doesn't change that group tef is a good feature, and promotes organic conflict and the ability to help your friends.
Normally I agree with the sentiment of Vryka PV's being a "Throw it at the wall and see what sticks" approach, and this PV was probably another one of those because it was posted right after the PVP channel talked about group tef. However, it doesn't change that group tef is a good feature, and promotes organic conflict and the ability to help your friends.
This was a feature in Pre-CU and worked very well, not some idea I have or came up with.

It's probably still in the game files too.