Group TeFs for Bounty Hunters

Group TeFs for Bounty Hunters
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.


Galactic Senator
- Allow anyone grouped with a Jedi to kill Bounty Hunters, Inquisitors, and any other NPC that attacks your party member.

- Allow anyone grouped with the BH to join in and kill the Jedi who attacked the Bounty Hunters.

Alls fair in love and war.

Seeing five BHs kill someone in your party and not being able to do shit isn't fun. Anyone grouped with the Jedi should be able to PvP too.

SWG is a group game, and this is making me upset because I have missed the TK instance 3 times due to Bounty Hunter's spawn camping the instance areas. It's very easy to pick someone off loading in that way, especially with recent changes to Auras and Jedi Buffs granting VIS.

Jedi are not nearly as tough as they were, and seeing a group of five + npcs spawning in on someone and not being able to do anything is lame.

It also fixes the bug where Jedi NPCs can attack you but you can't attack them. I also find this frustrating as they hit especially hard.
As I said, I am quite upset my groups keep getting wiped and watching others play a mini-game whilst I can't do shit pisses me off, if BHs want to Hunt high value targets let them but when it starts affecting my gameplay that is what upsets me.
If you can't handle the opinions of others why should they care about yours?

Again, your arguments are all emotions. Your literally saying "PvP is bad!" then arguing that you want safe PvP only.
No, just facts, you're the one throwing insults then editing and/ or deleting them.
Oh I *agree*, if you support a Jedi openly you should get a Bounty and also hunted by Inquisitors and BHs.

Give us the option too.
Actually if you could refine this and set some limits to it it would/could be interesting. The problem is this is not PRE CU and how will this work with 8 jedi grouped together? How will this work with the FRS system? How will you see where I am going? How the problem that my Jedi is grouped and we just walking around killing the npcs sent to make us go back into hiding with impunity because it is group tef now?

Oh and one other piece, when Live frist launched if you were dumb and fired up your saber in public every single dot on your screen turned red. No group nothing and permadeath for being dumb. So using Pre CU stuff maybe not always a good thing.
Actually if you could refine this and set some limits to it it would/could be interesting. The problem is this is not PRE CU and how will this work with 8 jedi grouped together? How will this work with the FRS system? How will you see where I am going? How the problem that my Jedi is grouped and we just walking around killing the npcs sent to make us go back into hiding with impunity because it is group tef now?

Oh and one other piece, when Live frist launched if you were dumb and fired up your saber in public every single dot on your screen turned red. No group nothing and permadeath for being dumb. So using Pre CU stuff maybe not always a good thing.
Do it like heroics, x2 the vis per Jedi and keep it going until they ghost. Penalties will be a lot worse especially with the Knight system.

A group of 8 Jedi is 8x Vis, which will quickly summon Vader (and if Vader kills a BH gets credit). Pretty much an auto-win.

Vader simply paid you to find the Jedi for him at that point, easy money for you.

A report is 200 vis, x8 is 1600 vis, 4000 summons vader. So 3 reports from BHs will get Vader.
We both know that's a lie. You've called at least two people cowards and basically idiots who don't think. Not very becoming of a Senator in waiting.
Take a breath calm down and accept Jedi are Alpha and don't need help.
If you can't handle the opinions of others why should they care about yours?

Umm really not a good platform for a Senate Candidate Vyrka
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Penalties will be a lot worse especially with the Knight system.

How do you know? And seriously upping the vis X2 until they ghost? They really aren't supposed to be seen and how long does it take to ghost them?
If you can't handle the opinions of others why should they care about yours?

Umm really not a good platform for a Senate Candidate Vyrka
I do care about opinions, but as you saw before I speak to a lot of people in PMs and privately about what they want on a more personal level and speak about them openly here. I wouldn't be a modeler if I didn't spend hours listening to others about what they want to add to the game, stuff they personally care about, ectect.

Most people don't bother posting in PVs because they feel like their opinion will be disregarded. It is why I get so angry at times because people not wanting or being able to speak out frustrates me.

A lot of players are simply also disenfranchised. As most ideas can have 50 people liking it, but 1 person not so the developers listen to the one person. ((Not this particular idea, but others in general)).
I do care about opinions, but as you saw before I speak to a lot of people in PMs and privately about what they want on a more personal level and speak about them openly here. I wouldn't be a modeler if I didn't spend hours listening to others about what they want to add to the game, stuff they personally care about, ectect.

Most people don't bother posting in PVs because they feel like their opinion will be disregarded. It is why I get so angry at times because people not wanting or being able to speak out frustrates me.

A lot of players are simply also disenfranchised. As most ideas can have 50 people liking it, but 1 person not so the developers listen to the one person. ((Not this particular idea, but others in general)).

One problem is that when you say stuff like this, unprovoked btw, they just suggested and minor adjustment to your idea, did not even disagree but even that little bit of push back results in

You are just being condescending and not coming across well and that doesn't help your good ideas at all

EDIT - talking down to someone like they are 6 doesn't sit well with most.
Group tef is literally the epitome of carebear

It's actually the opposite. If you can cause pvp on a larger scale from ANY form of group tef, then you're not going to be able to as easily exploit things like the 5man BH bug, you're not able to pick off someone in the middle of a group fight with a bounty (Which happens alot btw), and you're able to plan more accordingly how to run your groups and how you can build your comps.
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One problem is that when you say stuff like this, unprovoked btw, they just suggested and minor adjustment to your idea, did not even disagree but even that little bit of push back results in

You are just being condescending and not coming across well and that doesn't help your good ideas at all

That's the issue with this PV for me, is I want group tef, but Vryka is not a good person to be trying to push it forward lol
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That's the issue with this PV for me, is I want group tef, but Vryka is not a good person to be trying to push it forward lol
Group tef is fine but it has to be really well thought out because of the Jedi complication. If it was just normies it would be no sweat.
One problem is that when you say stuff like this, unprovoked btw, they just suggested and minor adjustment to your idea, did not even disagree but even that little bit of push back results in

You are just being condescending and not coming across well and that doesn't help your good ideas at all

EDIT - talking down to someone like they are 6 doesn't sit well with most.
To put context on that statement it was due to coming out of an argument with them in the senator chat.
Group tef is fine but it has to be really well thought out because of the Jedi complication. If it was just normies it would be no sweat.

I don't think it's any different for Jedi. Jedi generate so much vis right now that they can't even pvp for longer then like 30 mins to an hour without getting slammed, same with inside of heroics.