Group TeFs for Bounty Hunters

Group TeFs for Bounty Hunters
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.


Galactic Senator
- Allow anyone grouped with a Jedi to kill Bounty Hunters, Inquisitors, and any other NPC that attacks your party member.

- Allow anyone grouped with the BH to join in and kill the Jedi who attacked the Bounty Hunters.

Alls fair in love and war.

Seeing five BHs kill someone in your party and not being able to do shit isn't fun. Anyone grouped with the Jedi should be able to PvP too.

SWG is a group game, and this is making me upset because I have missed the TK instance 3 times due to Bounty Hunter's spawn camping the instance areas. It's very easy to pick someone off loading in that way, especially with recent changes to Auras and Jedi Buffs granting VIS.

Jedi are not nearly as tough as they were, and seeing a group of five + npcs spawning in on someone and not being able to do anything is lame.

It also fixes the bug where Jedi NPCs can attack you but you can't attack them. I also find this frustrating as they hit especially hard.
As I said, I am quite upset my groups keep getting wiped and watching others play a mini-game whilst I can't do shit pisses me off, if BHs want to Hunt high value targets let them but when it starts affecting my gameplay that is what upsets me.
I’d only be fine with group tef if it’s opt in. Don’t want to join a group for spin and suddenly get ganked off someone else getting hunted.
Group TEF in any other place I've seen it is opt in from the group mates perspective. The enemy goes yellow and you have to choose to attack them to join the fight.
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Group TEF in any other place I've seen it is opt in from the group mates perspective. The enemy goes yellow and you have to choose to attack them to join the fight.
Needs to be harder opt in, when I’m aoeing in a spin group and don’t see in the .1 second they turn yellow while I have a spray shot queued up…
Needs to be harder opt in, when I’m aoeing in a spin group and don’t see in the .1 second they turn yellow while I have a spray shot queued up…
I am sure if you paid attention to the game you would notice several things that will help you never have this issue again.

1). Grouping with a Jedi is consenting, you don't have to.
2). If you do group with a Jedi, don't report them, it grants "vis", a mechanic that happens when too many NPCs see them.
3). Make sure your Jedi friend goes to places with little NPCs, most "spin groups" are around tons of NPCs, which grants "vis".
4). Lava Fleas.

For my last point, I am sure if you don't AFK macro you can see the bike/and blue dot coming way before the fight even begins. Most Bounty Hunters are hybrid builds as well, so their level is usually right below 80, (78-76).

I hope this guide helps you not fat finger a button, you can also /disband if your worried about doing it accidently.

As for this affecting your content, the Bounty Hunter killing your Jedi will lock them out of your "spin group" so it already does. I stopped doing such content ages ago though myself as I am not a new player anymore.

I know its hard to pay attention to the game some times, especially when your doing such boring content but paying attention helps.
I am sure if you paid attention to the game you would notice several things that will help you never have this issue again.

1). Grouping with a Jedi is consenting, you don't have to.
2). If you do group with a Jedi, don't report them, it grants "vis", a mechanic that happens when too many NPCs see them.
3). Make sure your Jedi friend goes to places with little NPCs, most "spin groups" are around tons of NPCs, which grants "vis".
4). Lava Fleas.

For my last point, I am sure if you don't AFK macro you can see the bike/and blue dot coming way before the fight even begins. Most Bounty Hunters are hybrid builds as well, so their level is usually right below 80, (78-76).

I hope this guide helps you not fat finger a button, you can also /disband if your worried about doing it accidently.

As for this affecting your content, the Bounty Hunter killing your Jedi will lock them out of your "spin group" so it already does. I stopped doing such content ages ago though myself as I am not a new player anymore.

I know its hard to pay attention to the game some times, especially when your doing such boring content but paying attention helps.
Also never group with anyone who has 4xxx bh because that is a visible thing like a Jedi… oh wait.
I am sure if you paid attention to the game you would notice several things that will help you never have this issue again.

1). Grouping with a Jedi is consenting, you don't have to.
2). If you do group with a Jedi, don't report them, it grants "vis", a mechanic that happens when too many NPCs see them.
3). Make sure your Jedi friend goes to places with little NPCs, most "spin groups" are around tons of NPCs, which grants "vis".
4). Lava Fleas.

For my last point, I am sure if you don't AFK macro you can see the bike/and blue dot coming way before the fight even begins. Most Bounty Hunters are hybrid builds as well, so their level is usually right below 80, (78-76).

I hope this guide helps you not fat finger a button, you can also /disband if your worried about doing it accidently.

As for this affecting your content, the Bounty Hunter killing your Jedi will lock them out of your "spin group" so it already does. I stopped doing such content ages ago though myself as I am not a new player anymore.

I know its hard to pay attention to the game some times, especially when your doing such boring content but paying attention helps.
A more serious response:
I am on board with any PvP changes that people want… as long as it does not inconvenience everyone else. The specific implementation implied here inconveniences others. All of a sudden now everyone has to be paying attention as if they have a bounty at all times.

Also not all Jedi are readily identifiable. I have a Jedi with just FS boxes and padawan, the rest is normie build because 4th character slot is worth sacrificing 24 SP on one toon.

Additionally, you often join spins when people are spread out/split up so unless you’re giving Jedi a visible marker or prompt on a group with them, it’s not reliable.
A more serious response:
I am on board with any PvP changes that people want… as long as it does not inconvenience everyone else. The specific implementation implied here inconveniences others. All of a sudden now everyone has to be paying attention as if they have a bounty at all times.

Also not all Jedi are readily identifiable. I have a Jedi with just FS boxes and padawan, the rest is normie build because 4th character slot is worth sacrificing 24 SP on one toon.

Additionally, you often join spins when people are spread out/split up so unless you’re giving Jedi a visible marker or prompt on a group with them, it’s not reliable.
If you played the game you would know that is how Jedi plays now.

That is how a Jedi should be playing.

I understand your frustration, but if that is the case just don't group with Jedi, you don't need them to do spin groups.

To get "Jedi Experience", you need to have a saber out or be using force powers, these are *very visual*; since you play Jedi I hope you know that, I am explaining to people who do not.

With the content I play, what you described will happen 10000% more, because heroics generate much more vis than a spin group. My gameplay has already been inconvenienced. So your describing something that just (*could happen if you don't pay attention and is unlikely and can be spotted a mile away by anyone who has played longer than a week*) vs what has already happened to me, multiple times.

You have a brain, use it please.

They even removed decay in PvP, so there is not even a punishment for losing, and even if you did you lost your party member anyways so the run or group is gone.
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If you played the game you would know that is how Jedi plays now.

That is how a Jedi should be playing.

I understand your frustration, but if that is the case just don't group with Jedi, you don't need them to do spin groups.

To get "Jedi Experience", you need to have a saber out or be using force powers, these are *very visual*.

With the content I play, what you described will happen 10000% more, because heroics generate much more vis than a spin group. My gameplay has already been inconvenienced. So your describing something that just *could happen* vs what has happened to me, multiple times.

You have a brain, use it please.

Sorry I agree with Shintu on this. Make it more visual/more clicky to opt in or out for this. Maybe you would have more luck with these PV's if you quit doing the I so much and remember it is supposed to be about WE/US. Number of things I would love to see but don't suggest them because they would mess up others. Shintu offered a reasonable compromise but you are, again, talking about and caring about only "the content I play". You have a brain too, so try to think about more than just your knee jerk, dumb it down, make everything instant gratification, make it easy for me, game.

Oh and FYI SWG is not a "group game" is a a unique mixture of solo and group, pvp and pve, crafting and fighting. Interdependency was and is a key part of the game.
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Sorry I agree with Shintu on this. Make it more visual/more clicky to opt in or out for this. Maybe you would have more luck with these PV's if you quit doing the I so much and remember it is supposed to be about WE/US. Number of things I would love to see but don't suggest them because they would mess up others. Shintu offered a reasonable compromise but you are, again, talking about and caring about only "the content I play". You have a brain too, so try to think about more than just your knee jerk, dumb it down, make everything instant gratification, make it easy for me, game.
I mean, the only thing I want to opt out right now is using my brain anymore on the conversation. I stop caring about others opinions when their concerns exceed and devalue common sense.

I explained several things to you and Shintu, and you completely went over what I said, so why should I care?

If you can't pay attention, which I am not sure how that is possible myself, maybe they can add a mode in the misc options to just click it off so you never have to interact with it.

It's also funny how you said "dumping down" when your suggestion goes against common sense.

Here is how I view this conversation:

You: "Wow, what if I burn my hand! There should be more clues as to why this burns my hand!"

Me: "Well, it could be the fact it's smoking, there is also a burned piece of meat there and oh it's red hot!"

You: "That is too hard for me to figure out, how do I know it's hot?!"
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If you played the game you would know that is how Jedi plays now.

That is how a Jedi should be playing.

I understand your frustration, but if that is the case just don't group with Jedi, you don't need them to do spin groups.

To get "Jedi Experience", you need to have a saber out or be using force powers, these are *very visual*; since you play Jedi I hope you know that, I am explaining to people who do not.

With the content I play, what you described will happen 10000% more, because heroics generate much more vis than a spin group. My gameplay has already been inconvenienced. So your describing something that just (*could happen if you don't pay attention and is unlikely and can be spotted a mile away by anyone who has played longer than a week*) vs what has already happened to me, multiple times.

You have a brain, use it please.

They even removed decay in PvP, so there is not even a punishment for losing, and even if you did you lost your party member anyways so the run or group is gone.
Yes this is how Jedi play. But you are making it so anyone who joins a group with them, knowingly or not, should have to play this way too.
I mean, the only thing I want to opt out right now is using my brain anymore on the conversation. I stop caring about others opinions when their concerns exceed and devalue common sense.

I explained several things to you and Shintu, and you completely went over what I said, so why should I care?

If you can't pay attention, which I am not sure how that is possible myself, maybe they can add a mode in the misc options to just click it off so you never have to interact with it.

It's also funny how you said "dumping down" when your suggestion goes against common sense.

Yes trying to have any conversation with you, unless agreeing with you 100%, is like giving medicine to the dead. I guess a Senate candidate doesn't get the idea of compromise or explaining why Shintus response is wrong, wouldnt work, is bad for others etc? His suggestion says yes to yours and simply asks for it to be a little more.

I also said dumbing down but nice that you can read and it was in regards to most of your PV's on here. I don't have a suggestion so that is another huh moment. I just said I agree with Shintu.

And someone agreeing with you and saying how about add a little more is not "exceed and devalue common sense." That is just your inability to respond well on something that basically started off with agreement and a suggestion to help make it better. Guess you are my way or highway type candidate eh Vryka?
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Jedi are not nearly as tough as they were, and seeing a group of five + npcs spawning in on someone and not being able to do anything is lame.

What happens when the FRS and tougher ones are here?

Jedi Knights and higher get here are you going to write another one to change this back because the grouped Jedi are now way to strong? Think about not just now but in the future as well when you do this stuff please.

Also, You make a choice to use your Jedi in high vis stuff and that choice has consequences. Jedi are supposed to be in hiding and deciding to get high vis on purpose and complain when the BH come to collect.....I would also point out your response to Shintu was right off the bat condescending. So will use your argument flipped the other way and it is your choice to get high vis, simply use a normie, problem solved. (or how about anyone who "helps" the outlawed jedi/FS gets automatically put on the boards as well)
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Here is how I view this conversation:

Seeing five BHs kill someone in your party and not being able to do shit isn't fun.
whilst I can't do shit pisses me off, if BHs want to Hunt high value targets let them but when it starts affecting my gameplay that is what upsets me.

I am sure if you paid attention to the game you would notice several things that will help you never have this issue again.

1). Grouping with a Jedi is consenting, you don't have to.
2). If you do group with a Jedi, don't report them, it grants "vis", a mechanic that happens when too many NPCs see them.
3). Make sure your Jedi friend goes to places with little NPCs, most "spin groups" are around tons of NPCs, which grants "vis".
4). Lava Fleas.

Wow you answered yourself all in your own words. Kudos
No, just no. You choose to be a jedi and if you can't handle being hunted then play something else. Jedi are already Alpha and will only get stronger once FRS is introduced. There's plenty of evidence that average Jedi can 3v1 comfortably and the best current jedi can handle greater odds. Pandering to jedi is what killed the original game.
No, just no. You choose to be a jedi and if you can't handle being hunted then play something else. Jedi are already Alpha and will only get stronger once FRS is introduced. There's plenty of evidence that average Jedi can 3v1 comfortably and the best current jedi can handle greater odds. Pandering to jedi is what killed the original game.
You should read the post, it goes both ways. I am not replying to the others, but a BH can also group with more allies. I also spoke of it from the aspect of a player unable to help their ally and being ganked by multiple enemies.

I can also say the same to you, you just want BH to 1vX with no downsides, or consequences? Sounds like your the coward here.

In almost every medium, it is never about just facing a Jedi, as even in this era they have supporters who usually hover around them (See Jedi Fallen Order as a good example).

This doesn't even address the issues with NPCs being unattackable too, it doesn't make sense from a gameplay aspect.

So by lore, gameplay, and fun its a crap design.
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You seem emotional. BH can't heal each other, my point stands you opt in to PVP and you opt in to being Jedi, both put you on to the boards.
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