Creature Handler

Creature Handler
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  • Introduction


    The Creature Handler is a unique combat profession that allows the player to use various creatures to assist them in combat. On Restoration, Creature Handling is based on a heavily modified version of the Beast Master from NGE. They have low stats and few skills of their own, relying solely on their pet to do the fighting for them. Master Creature Handlers also gain the ability to create creature Mounts.

    Prerequisites: Scout 4x4x - Exploration IV: Alien Environment Training and Hunting IV: Unconventional Methodology. These both require Scouting XP, which is obtained by harvesting Meat, Hide or Bone off dead creatures. The food Veghash increases your creature harvesting skill mod, which can speed up this process significantly.


    Obtaining a Pet​

    There are several ways you may obtain your pet:
    • Tame your pet
    • Buy a pet from the bazaar or vendors
    • Buy a pet directly from another player
    • Create your pet via Bio Engineering

    Taming Pets​

    • Once you achieve Novice Creature Handler, you can tame wild (baby) pets.
    • To tame a pet, approach it, use the Radial dial, and select 'Tame.'
    • You will either have success or failed tame based on your Taming Wild Creatures and Taming Vicious Creatures skill.
    • If the taming is successful, an egg of the creature you have tamed will appear in your inventory. If you are unsuccessful with your tame, the baby will likely turn on you and become aggressive, so beware!
    • You can increase your creature Taming skill by using the Chef food Almond-Kwevvu Crisp Munchies.
    • Unlike Bio-Engineered pets, the stats on a tamed pet are distributed completely at random.
    • You can't tame pets that are BE mutations or come from Mustafar, the one exception being Frenzied Graul.

    Calling and Storing Your Pet​

    • You must be trained in Novice Creature Handler to hatch an egg or call a pet.
    • Pets are stored in your datapad (K). You may have up to 20 pets stored in your datapad at once.
    • Pets can be placed on your toolbar to make calling them easier
    • You can call a pet from your datapad (K) by double-clicking it
    • You can call a pet during combat
    • You can not store a pet during combat
    • You can only call pets that are no more than 10 Combat Levels above your own (inclusive)
    • Only one pet can be called at any one time
    • Droids cannot be called at the same time as pets

    Caring for your Pet​

    • Feed your pet at least once per hour
      • Pet Food can affect happiness which affects loyalty, experience gain, and can affect damage per second (DPS).
      • Prevents hunger, which decreases loyalty
    • Every time your pet dies in PVE, its loyalty is decreased (PVP deaths do not affect loyalty)
    • Your pet has its personality; there are things it enjoys and doesn't enjoy.
    • You can change your pet's color using a Beast Dye

    Playing with your Pet​

    • There are several basic emotes you can do with your pet that MAY cause them to animate
      • /pet
      • /point
      • /scold
      • /bonk
      • /beckon
    • If you /pet your pet multiple times, there is a chance it will lie down or sit, depending upon which animations it has
    • Some pets have an animation they perform when you feed them pet food
    • Pet abilities Trick 1 and Trick 2 can increase pet's happiness
    • Some pets have an additional hidden animation for tricks, triggered when they have been placed "at rest" by being targeted and /pet till the pet's position changes (ie: it sits or lays down), then using Trick 1 or Trick 2.

    Trading Pets​

    • Tamed / Incubated eggs can be traded
    • Tamed / Incubated eggs can be sold on the bazaar / vendors
    • Combat pets that have been hatched can not be traded
    • Mount pets that have been hatched can be traded from one player's datapad to another's
    • Mount pets that have been hatched can not be sold on the bazaar / vendors


    Leveling Creature Handler​

    • Every time you have your pet called and you kill an NPC that cons green or higher to you, you will receive Creature Handler Experience Points (CH XP).
    • Creature Handler XP is gained for each NPC that you have at least one hit on. Your pet does NOT have to damage the NPCs for you to receive Creature Handler XP.
    • The fastest way to level creature Handler is by finding a spin group (a grouped activity where players take multiple missions and destroy them using area attacks)
    • You can increase the amount of XP you receive by obtaining an XP buff (up to 15% extra) from an Entertainer.

    Leveling Pets​

    • Regardless of the points spent during their incubations, all pets are level 1 and quite small when hatched. Over time and as they level up, they gain size, health, armor, and DPS.
    • Pets need to level up two things: combat level and loyalty rank.
    • Each creature they kill within a certain number of levels nets them a base of 100 points of XP, modified by XP supplements and by the pet's mood. The range is around 10 levels at lower levels, 15 at mid-range, and 20 once the pet is CL75.
    • Pets also gain XP and loyalty by you attacking any creature that cons green or higher to you. As long as the NPC cons green or higher to you, your pet does not need to attack the target to gain XP credit for the kill.
    • Player and Pet XP are not shared, so when a player kills an NPC that cons green or higher, both the pet and player will receive the full amount of XP (CH XP and Pet XP, respectively).
    • There is a percentage gauge when you /examine your pets, so you can see how far they are to the next combat level.
    • Loyalty rank limits what level of specials your pet can learn. There is also a percentage gauge to show the current loyalty progress.
    • XP and Loyalty gains go up when your pet is happier.


    Supplements are a consumable item crafted by Bio-Engineers that can be used to drastically increase the amount of experience gained by your pet. However, they do not affect loyalty gain.
    • There are 14 different types, lettered A through N
    • Each type has a regular (Mark I) version and an advanced (Mark II) version
    • Pet types are assigned to a specific supplement type and are not random
    • Each use grants a 15 minutes experience buff
    • The current supplement experience buff is lost if
      • The pet is stored
      • The pet dies
    • Mark, I supplements DO NOT work past CL75. You will need to use Mark II supplements from CL75-80.

    How to use Pet Supplements​

    • Inventory: double-clicking
    • Inventory: radial (right-click) the supplement and select Use
    • Toolbar: dragging to a toolbar slot and manually clicking
    • Toolbar: dragging to a toolbar slot and using a Macro: /ui action toolbarSlot##

    Supplement Pet List​

    Bantha, Bol, Bolma, Borgle, Dewback, Gackle Bat, Guf Drolg, Horned Dewback, Mouf, Reek, Tulrus, Uller
    Bearded Jax, Corellian Sand Panther, Durni, Fanged Tiglon, Gurreck, Kima, Kittle, Langlatch, Narglatch, Nexu, Psychotic Jax, Squall, Tusk-cat, Vir Vur, Xandank
    Bageraset, Brackaset, Eopie, Falumpaset, Graul, Gronda, Gurnaset, Kashyyyk Bantha, Rancor, Snorbal, Spined Rancor, Thune, Walluga, Wampa
    Chuba, Chubafly, Fambaa, Gnort, Gubbur, Huf Dun, Malkloc, Spined Puc, Torton, Worrt
    Bolle Bol, Ikopi, Murra, Nerf, Perlek, Piket, Ronto, Sharnaff, Swirl Prong, Verne
    Condor Dragon, Gulginaw, Gurk, Hanadak, Horned Raptor, Kai Tok, Veermok
    Bocatt, Bolotaur, Bordok, Dune Lizard, Gualama, Kimogila, Krahbu, Tybis, Varactyl, Vesp, Voritor Lizard
    Acklay, Dalyrake, Kliknik, Mamien, Merek, Minstyngar, Purbole, Shaupaut, Skreeg, Squill, Varasquactyl, Woolamander
    Carrion Spat, Corellian Butterfly, Flewt, Fynock, Mynock, Salt Mynock, Spineflap Capper, Vynock
    Boar Wolf, Boar Wolfcale, Flit, Horned Rasp, Lantern Bird, Mott, Peko-Peko, Plumed Rasp, Reptilian Flyer, Roba, Whisper Bird, Zucca Boar
    Blistmok, Blurrg, Borgax, Co-henpa, Cu-pa, Kaadu, Kwi, Mawgax, Pugoriss, Quenker, Remmer, Stintaril, Tauntaun, Winged Quenker, Womp Rat
    Bark Mite, Crystal Snake, Fanned Rawl, Horned Krevol, Kubaza, Lava Flea, Rock Mite, Shear Mite, Spined Snake, Tanc Mite
    Angler, Gaping Spider, Hermit Spider, Tanray, Webweaver
    Baz Nitch, Choku, Corellian Slice Hound, Dwarf Nuna, Feathered Slice Hound, Huurton, Jundak, Kusak, Nuna, Pharple


    As you use your pet in combat, it will become more loyal to you; unlocking higher-ranked special abilities and improving its happiness. Keeping your pet well-fed and alive is crucial to increasing loyalty ranks. Happiness will also improve loyalty, which will help keep the pet happy. The player food Karkan Ribenes also gives a boost to pet loyalty gained.

    The Loyalty levels are as follows:
    • Wild
    • Disobedient
    • Trained
    • Loyal
    • Best Friend Forever (BFF)

    Loyalty Effects​

    • Enables the pet to learn higher-ranked Special Abilities
    • Bonus to pet Happiness
    • It does not directly affect combat, only indirectly through happiness Damage bonus.

    Gaining Loyalty​

    • The best way to gain loyalty is to kill things with your pet on its favorite planet and keep it well fed with its favorite food - see happiness below.
    • Loyalty points are gained for every creature or NPC killed that generates positive pet XP
    • There are two ways for a pet to gain Loyalty:
      • Kill an NPC or creature that cons green or higher to your character - with or without your pet's help
      • Kill an NPC or creature that cons green or higher to your pet, and the pet does 100% of the damage - you can heal (using Heal Beast only). Any Medic/Doctor or Combat Medic heals will negate your pet receiving XP.
    • Green con is around 10 levels difference at lower levels, 15 mid-levels, and 20 after CL75.
    • CL80 player with a CL80 pet will gain no loyalty from slaughtering CL5 NPCs but from every kill CL60 or higher.
    • The pet's current Happiness level provides a bonus per kill
    • Supplements do not directly increase or decrease loyalty - however, heavy use of supplements will make it more likely for your pet to reach level 80 before getting BFF (more XP per kill means fewer kills to get CL80, which means less loyalty gained along the way)
    • Pet Food does not provide a bonus to gaining loyalty, but it will increase your beast's mood; also, your pet will decrease in loyalty if the pet is unfed and becomes hungry. The happier your pet is, the quicker it will reach BFF status.
    • It is possible to get BFF before, at, or after your pet reaches CL80

    Losing Loyalty​

    • Your pet will lose loyalty points from death and hunger, resulting in a loss of loyalty level.
    • Losing a level of loyalty will not remove your currently trained special abilities. However, if you reset them with a beast trainer, you will be unable to learn the higher ranks again until you regain the loyalty level.
    • Pet Death causes a loss in loyalty points - does not include PvP deaths,
    • Hunger causes a loss in loyalty points - if you get the hunger message: "Your companion seems to be hungry.", then you have already lost loyalty. Only the first message for hunger loses loyalty - if you continue to starve the pet, it will not lose more loyalty.
    • Any type of food will prevent hunger - even the pet's hated food
    • Happiness level will never lower loyalty. For example, while you may not gain much loyalty, your pet will not lose loyalty if you're doing its hated activity on its hated planet and feeding its hated food

    Pet Care

    Pet Food​

    There are twelve different types of player-crafted pet foods, crafted by Artisans.

    Purpose of Pet Food​

    • Food prevents your pet from becoming hungry. Hunger, along with death, are the only two ways that a pet may decrease in loyalty.
    • Food will improve your pet's happiness when fed its favorite food. Happiness affects the rate of loyalty gain, pet DPS, and Experience gain. Feeding your pet food it dislikes will decrease its happiness.
    • Loyalty loss can be avoided with any type of food regardless of the pet's likes or dislikes.
    Pets need to be fed at least every hour to avoid becoming hungry and losing loyalty. If you receive a system message that "Your pet appears to be hungry," then you have already lost loyalty. Loyalty is only lost on the first hunger message, not on each of the periodic messages if you continue to starve the pet.

    How to Feed your Pet​

    • Radial (right-click) the food and select "Feed Companion."
    • You can also double-click the food from your inventory when your pet is called.
    • Drag the food to a toolbar slot for a macro

    List of Pet Food​

    1. Blubbery Fish Substitute
    2. Coarse Fish Substitute
    3. Cooked Fish Substitute
    4. Cooked Meat Substitute
    5. Dry Fruit Substitute
    6. Fatty Fish Substitute
    7. Fatty Meat Substitute
    8. Juicy Fruit Substitute
    9. Sour Fruit Substitute
    10. Stringy Meat Substitute
    11. Sweet Fruit Substitute
    12. Tender Meat Substitute


    Happiness affects:
    • The rate of loyalty gain
    • Experience points earned
    • DPS (damage per second) bonus ranging from -25% to +25%
    A buff icon indicates your pet's current happiness level under the pet's health/action/mind window.
    Very happy

    Changing Happiness​

    Every pet has a "personality" that consists of liking and disliking three different traits. These traits are set when the egg is hatch and cannot be changed. This personality determines how your pet's happiness is modified. When doing something your pet likes, their happiness will increase, and when doing something they dislike, it decreases.

    TraitLike MessageDislike MessageNeutral Message
    Pet FoodYour companion seems very excited about eating this food sustenanceYour companion eats the food substitute but does not like itYour companion accepts this sustenance as a food source
    ActivityYou can tell that your companion approves of this activityYour companion seems unhappy about doing this activityNone
    PlanetYour companion seems very excited about being on this planetYour companion seems unhappy about being on this planetNone

    Activities consists of the following actions
    • Grouping
    • Watching someone dancing or playing music (person does not necessarily have to be an entertainer)
    • Killing Creatures*
    • Killing NPCs*
    • Pet Tricks
    *Note that although a pet can roll to dislike killing, it will not actually have any negative effect on its happiness. It is therefore possible to have a pet that does not dislike any activity.

    Combat Information

    Creature Handler Abilities​

    IconNameDescriptionCooldown (seconds)Abilities & Commands MenuAcquisition
    Creature KnowledgeSee the section on Creature Knowledge below for a full description.-OtherCreature Taming I: Basic Domestication
    Heal BeastInstantly heal your pet for 500/1000/1500 health.
    Affected by pet's Survival attribute.
    Not affected by Healing Efficiency or Healing Potency.
    20CombatMark 1 - Creature Empathy I: Animal Comprehension
    Mark 2 - Creature Empathy IV: Consonance of Will
    Mark 3 - Master Creature Handler
    Revive BeastRevives a dead pet after a 10 second warmup.
    Requires you to be near your pet's corpse to activate.
    It may be used in combat and is not interrupted by movement as long as you stay within range.
    21CombatNovice Creature Handler
    Soothing ComfortRemoves harmful state, effect, or damage over time effect from your pet.
    Does not work on Stun or Dizzy.
    10CombatCreature Empathy IV: Consonance of Will
    Train PetDisplays a list of known Specials to assign to your current pet.-OtherNovice Creature Handler
    Trick 1Pet performs a unique animation.
    One of the activities that may increase or decrease your pet's happiness (randomly set at hatch time).
    1CombatCreature Training II: Obedience Education
    Trick 2Same as Trick 1 but with different animation.1CombatCreature Training IV: Tactical Animal Psychology

    Creature Knowledge​

    The Creature Knowledge ability, granted at Creature Taming I: Basic Domestication, is used to learn offensive and defensive special pet abilities that can be trained to a pet using the Train Pet ability.

    While Creature Knowledge is active, the player will also have access to additional information regarding the creature's harvestable resources and the abilities it uses when they use /examine the target creature.

    All pets have a unique set of special abilities trained to an available pet toolbar slot. The Creature Handler starts without any known special abilities and must learn them before training the pet. Once a special ability has been learned, the Train Pet ability is used to train the special to any number of pets.

    Except for Provoke, all special abilities are learned with Creature Knowledge from creatures in the wild. Each wild creature has one to five special abilities of a certain rank that it will use during combat for you to learn. If a creature uses a certain rank of an ability, then it will do so at all levels and be the same as mission terminals or found in the wild. Usually, but not always, creatures that look the same with similar names will use the same abilities.

    For example, the wild blurrg uses Bite (4) and Hamstring (4) in combat. This means that you can use the creature knowledge ability on a blurrg to learn rank four of those two specials. Any blurrg (found in the wild or from a mission terminal) of any level will use the same rank. Other blurrgs use the same specials except for the elite spiketail blurrg, which uses Bite (4) and Damage Poison (1).

    How to Use Creature Knowledge​

    The Creature Knowledge ability takes 5 seconds to use and lasts 60 seconds. Movement or damage taken will interrupt the initialization of the ability.
    1. Call a pet that can be trained the ability you're attempting to learn
    2. Target the desired creature and get within 25 meters
    3. Click the Creature Knowledge ability from the toolbar
    4. Wait 5 seconds for the ability to finish
    5. Look for the Creature Knowledge buff icon
    6. Engage the creature by attacking it yourself or sending your pet to attack
    7. Let the creature live as long as possible
    8. When the creature uses a special ability on you or your pet, there is a chance for you to learn it automatically.
    9. Repeat as necessary until you receive a message indicating that you have learned a new ability

    Defensive Abilities​

    The abilities that grant a buff, such as Bolster Armor, Dampen Pain, and Defensive, are considered defensive abilities and learned slightly different than the offensive specials that damage or debuff a target.
    The process is nearly the same as the steps above, with the major difference being that you need to reuse the creature knowledge ability when the creature uses the buff. This means that your pet needs to be tanking since you will have to use the ability during combat, and taking damage will interrupt.
    For example, you're trying to learn Dampen Pain (1) from a bantha. First, call a pet, like a Boar Wolf, and place the Creature Knowledge ability on your toolbar. Target the bantha and use Creature Knowledge. Send your boar wolf in to attack the bantha and wait until you see the Dampen Pain buff on the bantha's buff bar. Use the creature knowledge ability again and repeat as necessary until learned.


    • The longer your target creature lives, the more often it will use the desired ability and the more likely you will learn it.
    • Set your pet on passive, and repeatedly use the follow ability to stop your pet from damaging and killing the creature
    • Offensive abilities can be learned when the creature uses an ability on you or your pet.
    • A single-use of Creature Knowledge will work on similar creatures for the duration. For example, using creature knowledge on a Graul Mauler will allow you to learn from any type of Graul during the 60-second buff.
    • You only have a chance of learning offensive specials when the creature uses that ability on you or your pet.
    • Like player abilities, the creature's abilities have a cooldown - some are quite long, making learning difficult and time-consuming.
    • Many of the highest rank abilities and elite abilities, such as Trample, are extremely difficult to learn.

    Increasing Creature Knowledge​

    A higher Creature Knowledge skill improves your chances to learn special abilities and can be increased with the following:
    • Ability Acquisition Bonus from Creature Taming skill tree
    • Minder Gloves of Creature Knowledge are player-worn, no-trade gloves that grant a +1 bonus from the Exar Kun Heroic.
    • Tamers Necklaces are player-worn, bio-linked necklaces created with the Chu-Gon Dar Cube and grant a bonus from +2 to +10 depending on the necklace.
    • No other food, drink, buffs, or items are known to increase the creature knowledge skill.

    Creature Handler Stats​

    Ability Acquisition BonusIncreases the chance for a pet ability to be learned
    Additional Combat CommandGrants an additional pet ability slot
    Attention Penalty ReductionSee Divided Attention Penalty
    Beast Armor PercentPercentage increase to pet armor equal to this value
    Beast Attack Speed PercentPercentage increase to pet attack speed equal to this value
    Beast Damage PercentPercentage increase to pet damage equal to this value
    Beast Happiness PercentIncreases the amount of Happiness a pet gains
    Beast Hitpoint PercentPercentage increase to pet hitpoints equal to this value
    Beast Movement RateIncrease pet movement speed
    Beast Recovery PercentIncreases the amount of health a pet has after it is revived
    Beast Revive SpeedReduces warmup time of Revive Beast in seconds
    Max level of petsDoes nothing
    Taming Vicious CreaturesIncreases ability to tame aggressive creatures
    Taming Wild CreaturesIncreases ability to tame non aggressive creatures

    Divided Attention Penalty​

    • This is a damage debuff of 25% obtained at Novice Creature Handler
    • It only applies to the character and not to the pet
    • The Creature Empathy skill tree can offset it via the Attention Penalty Reduction mod
    • Divided Attention penalty is completely removed once the player trains in Creature Empathy IV: Consonance of Will

    Pet Abilities​

    Pet abilities are located on the PET toolbar, which appears when you have a pet called. They can be accessed with the macro command /ui action petToolbarSlot# where # is the ability from left to right starting with 0

    Image:Pet toolbar.png

    Standard Abilities​

    These are basic abilities for controlling the behavior of your pet.

    AttackOrder your pet to attack your target.
    Can be used from a very long range.
    Triggers a 1 second GCD.
    /ui action petToolbarSlot0
    FollowOrder your pet to follow you (will also stop the pet from attacking).
    Pets may get stuck or stop following if they are attacked.
    Useful for resetting a pet with bugged out AI.
    /ui action petToolbarSlot1
    StayOrder your pet to stop moving and stand still (will also stop the pet from attacking)./ui action petToolbarSlot2
    DefensiveIn a defensive stance, your pet will defend you and attack anything that attacks you or the pet./ui action petToolbarSlot7
    PassiveIn passive stance, your pet will remain inactive even if you or the pet are attacked./ui action petToolbarSlot8

    Special Abilities​

    • For a full list of available special abilities, see Pet Abilities
    • The abilities that a pet can learn are determined by its family
    • To find the abilities usable by a specific pet and its family, search taking into account the changes shown in the next section
    • All special abilities have an accuracy bonus equal to the creature's level x 2
    • The abilities Provoke and Resource Scavenger are usable by all pets
    • Novice Creature Handler has two ability slots available. The third slot is unlocked at Master Creature Handler. The fourth and final slot is unlocked by equipping the Rancor Handler's Bracelet (Right) obtained from the Witches of Dathomir Theme Park vendor
    • Trained abilities may be reset at any time by visiting a Beast Trainer
    • Right-clicking a special ability slot on the toolbar will toggle on or off automatic usage

    SWGPets Changes​ lists changes made to pet ability sets that are specific to SWG Legends, and thus do not apply to Restoration. The abilities listed are otherwise accurate, with the following exceptions:
    • The Amphavian family does not learn Defensive
    • The Amphibian family does not learn Defensive
    • The Ape family does not learn Claw
    • The Avian family does not learn Puncture
    • The Bunny family does not learn Puncture
    • The Canine family does not learn Flank
    • The Caprine family does not learn Puncture
    • The Insect family does not learn Damage Poison
    • The Flying Insect family does not learn Health Leech
    • The Rat family does not learn Disease
    • The Simian family does not learn Claw
    • The Theropod family does not learn Slash


    • Most pet special abilities have multiple ranks from one to five
    • Higher ranks require higher pet combat level and loyalty level
    • Advanced special abilities (like Flank, Health Leech, Puncture, and Shaken) only have three ranks and are more difficult to learn
    • Elite special abilities (like Trample) only have one rank and are the hardest to learn
    • For tips and info on learning advanced and elite special abilities, see the Creature Knowledge section (above)

    Level and Loyalty Restrictions​

    • All special ability ranks have level and loyalty restrictions
    • See the Loyalty section above for information on how to increase your pet's loyalty level
    • Level: is the minimum level required to train the special ability
    • Loyalty: is the minimum loyalty level required to train the special ability
    • Tier 1: means the typical special abilities with five ranks
    • Tier 2: means with more advanced special abilities with only three ranks
    • Tier 3: means the elite special abilities with only one rank

    Specials and Levels​

    Pets need to be both a certain Combat Level and a certain Loyalty Rank to use the next ranks of their specials.
    Most specials are learned at the following levels:
    • Rank 1: Level 5 / Wild
    • Rank 2: Level 32 / Disobedient
    • Rank 3: Level 47 / Trained
    • Rank 4: Level 68 / Loyal
    • Rank 5: Level 73 / Best Friend Forever

    Learning Specials​

    • Before training your pet with a special ability, you must learn it first.
    • You only need to learn a special ability once - you can then train it to multiple pets without having to re-learn it
    Specials are learned in one of two ways:

    1) Most special abilities, especially the combat-related, are learned with the Creature Knowledge ability
    2) Provoke, a pet taunt, is learned from a Beast Trainer (see Beast Trainers section below for all Beast Trainer locations)

    Training Specials​

    • Once you have learned a special ability, you can assign it to an available pet toolbar slot with the Train Pet ability.
    • A pet must be called to train it an ability.
    • The pet must have an available toolbar slot - reset with a Beast Trainer if it's full.
    • The pet must be capable of learning the ability - see
    • The pet must have a high enough combat level (see Specials and Levels above)
    • The pet must have a high enough loyalty (see Specials and Levels above))
    • Higher ranks can be trained without first training the lower ranks - i.e.: Bite (3) may be trained to a pet without training Bite (1)
    • Higher ranks can be trained over a lower rank without needing to visit a Beast Trainer
    • Ability level too high means your pet needs more combat levels
    • Invalid for Pet Type means the pet you have called can not be trained the special
    • Max Abilities Trained means you need to either reset with a Beast Trainer or unlock an additional slot

    Beast Trainers​

    The Beast Trainer is used to retrain your pet's Special Abilities and teach all five ranks of Provoke.
    • You must have a pet called to interact with the Beast Trainer.
    • To retrain your specials, select I would like to un-train my beast and accept the confirmation.
    • Retraining costs 5000 credits and will remove all specials from the pet toolbar to be retrained with Train Pet.
    • The cost of retraining never increases.
    • To learn Provoke, select Is there any way for my beast to keep the attention of our adversaries
    • Learning Provoke is free, and you can learn all five ranks with only a CL1 pet, though you will be unable to train until the appropriate level

    Where to find Beast Trainers​

    /wp corellia -422 -4652 BeastTrainer: Coronet;
    /wp naboo -5019 4012 BeastTrainer: Theed;
    /wp tatooine -1445 -3750 BeastTrainer: Bestine;
    /wp tatooine -2980 2534 BeastTrainer: Mos Espa;
    /wp tatooine 3457 -4860 BeastTrainer: Mos Eisley;

    Pet Stats​

    Tamed pets have all their stats randomly generated. Bio-Engineers are able to manipulate each of stats during the incubation phase of an egg. For more information on this, refer to Bio-Engineer.

    Basic Attributes​

    Pets have 6 basic attributes with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 10. A common phrase used by players is "60 point pets", which refers to a pet that has the maximum values in all 6 of these stats. Only Bio-Engineer created eggs can attain this maximum. The 6 attributes are:

    StatAffected Stats
    AggressionIncreases Accuracy by 25 per point
    Increases Attack Speed by 0.1 seconds per point
    Bestial ResilienceReduces the length of DoTs & debuffs placed on the pet by 1 second per point
    Increase Melee and Ranged Defense by 20 per point
    CunningReduces the time taken for the pet to recover from Knockdown by 1 second per point
    Increases Critical Hit chance
    Hunters InstinctIncreases Action regeneration
    IntelligenceIncreases the duration of DoTs and debuffs applied by the pet by 1 second per point
    Increases DoT damage
    SurvivalIncrease the amount of healing from Heal Beast by 10% per point
    Increases Armour by 10% per point

    Additional Bonuses​

    Pets also have additional bonuses, most of which can only be seen during the Bio-Engineer incubation process. The majority of these bonuses are non-functional due to being NGE stats, with only Health, Hit Chance, Dodge and Critical hit having been converted for Restoration.
    • Health Bonus
    • Hit Chance (Renamed to Accuracy)
    • Dodge (Renamed to Defense)
    • Critical Hit
    • Parry
    • Glancing Blow
    • Block
    • Block Rating
    • Evasion
    • Evasion Rating
    • Strikethrough
    • Strikethrough Rating
    • Glancing Blow Reduction
    • Damage Absorption
    • Punishing Protection

    Bonus Group​

    Each pet belongs to a Bonus Group that gives a small bonus to several stats when called. This bonus is not shown in the datapad. To find the Bonus Group for a particular pet, you can look it up on

    The bonus groups are as follows:
    Bonus GroupAffected Stats
    ArmoredArmor +0.2
    Block Chance +0.2
    Block Rating +2.0
    AvoidanceDodge +0.2
    Evasion Chance +0.2
    Evasion Rating +2.0
    BalancedDPS +0.1
    Dodge +0.1
    Parry +0.1
    Critical Hit +0.1
    Evasion Chance +0.1
    DefensiveArmor +0.1
    Dodge +0.1
    Parry +0.1
    Evasion Chance +0.1
    Evasion Rating +1.0
    OffensiveDPS +0.1
    Critical Hit +0.1
    Strikethrough Chance +0.1
    Strikethrough Rating +1.0
    StrikeStrikethrough Chance +0.1
    Strikethrough Rating +1.0

    Stat Explanations​

    As seen in the example screenshot, pets have several stats to show their current state and combat ability.


    TypeThe beast type of the pet will be one listed in the pet list and determines the Pet Type Bonus.
    It is only shown when the pet has been renamed. Otherwise, the pet is named after its type.
    MasterOwner of the pet. Since hatched pets cannot be traded, this will never change.
    Engineered ByThe Bio-Engineer who created and incubated the egg. Tamed pets will not have this section.
    HealthThe current maximum hit points when the pet is undamaged.
    Increased by pet's level, Beast Hitpoint Percent and Health Bonus.
    It takes into account any health buffs like Doctor's Nutrient Injection.
    Level ProgressPercent of experience into the current level.
    At 100% experience, the pet will gain a level, and the progress will reset to 0%.
    If your character's level is the same or lower than the pet's level, the pet will not gain a level, and the percentage will keep increasing above 100%.
    The percent always displayed rounds down.
    Once a creature hits CL 80, this figure will increase but has no relevance.
    Experience Gain OnIndicates whether or not the pet will gain experience.
    Toggled by radialing the pet when called and selecting Turn Off/On Experience Gain.
    MoodCurrent happiness level.
    For information on how to change happiness and its effect on the pet, see: Happiness.
    LoyaltyCurrent loyalty level.
    For information on how to change loyalty and its effect on the pet, see: Loyalty.
    Ability 1-4Special abilities currently trained.
    For information on obtaining and using special abilities, see: Pet Abilities.
    ArmorCurrent Armor rating
    Increased by the pet's level, Beast Armor Percent from skills and Armor Bonus.
    DamageMinimum and Maximum damage.
    Increased by the pet's level, Beast Damage Percent from skills, and DPS Bonus.
    Attack SpeedThe delay between attacks - lower is faster and better.
    Only affects delay between basic attack, not special abilities.
    Only changed with the Beast Attack Speed from skills.
    Base DPSThe pets Average DPS.
    AggressionIncreases Accuracy by 25 per point.
    Increases Attack Speed by 0.1 seconds per point.
    Bestial ResilenceReduces the length of DoTs & debuffs placed on the pet by 1 second per point.
    Increase Melee and Ranged Defense by 20 per point.
    CunningReduces the time taken for the pet to recover from Knockdown by 1 second per point
    Increases Critical Hit chance by (?)% per point..
    Hunter's InstinctIncreases Action regeneration.
    IntelligenceIncreases the duration of DoTs and debuffs applied by the pet by 1 second per point.
    Increases DoT damage.
    SurvivalIncrease the amount of healing from Heal Beast by 10% per point.
    Increases Armour by 10% per point.
    Armor BonusThe temperature slider ties together armor Bonus and DPS Bonus in incubation.
    It is not possible to cap both Armor and DPS.
    Depending on the Pet Type Bonus, the pet's Armor or DPS may increase from the datapad to the examine window.
    When called, Armor may be 0.2% higher, and DPS may be 0.1% higher depending on the Pet Type Bonus.
    DPS BonusDPS bonus is a straight percentage of that added to the base.
    Health BonusIncreases Health equal to this value
    Accuracy BonusIncreases Accuracy equal to this value.
    Defense BonusIncreases Defense equal to this value.
    Critical Hit BonusIncreases Critical Hit chance equal to this value.
    Damage Absorption BonusIt is unknown as to whether this stat is functional.

    Additional Information

    Creature Handler Items​

    There are several desirable in-game items Creature Handlers may wish to get their hands on to enhance their abilities or just for show purposes.
    • Beast Dye - This can be used to change the color of a beast you have currently out, but does NOT work on mounts. This item has a single charge and is obtained by completing the collection Enzyme Colors and is repeatable.
    • Beast Encoder and Replicator - Item crafted by Architects that allows you to store up to 11 beasts after being placed inside a house.
    • Pet Stimpack - Consumable item crafted by Bio-Engineers similar to Instant Stimpacks. Heals pet when used. Has a cooldown of 20 seconds that is shared with Instant Stimpacks.
    • Shock Collar - Uncommon loot from the Undead Rancor in the Quarantine Zone. It makes your pet smaller for 10 minutes. Reuse time is 5 minutes.
    • Rancor Handler's Bracelet (Right) - This bracelet allows for one additional pet ability. It is obtained as part of the Witches of Dathomir Theme Park from the Nightsister and Singing Mountian Clan vendors.

    Decorative Pets​

    Pets can be used as decorative items in two different ways: stuffed and holo-pets.

    Stuffed Pets​

    • Pets can be stuffed after being hatched from their egg (This action is permanent)
    • Maintains the size they were at before being stuffed
    • Always have a stand underneath them
    • Restricted in their positioning


    • Pet eggs can be converted into holo-cubes (This action is permanent)
    • Can be inserted into a Holo-Pet Emitter which projects a hologram of the pet that can move around your house
    • Holo-cubes have a small chance of having the burnt orange modifier, which causes the hologram to become orange instead of the typical purple

    Miscellaneous Notes​

    • Pets receive 50% healing from all healing sources except Heal Beast
    • Pets are not affected by Combat Speed buffs or debuffs (Adrenal Boost, Thyroid Rupture, etc)

    Useful Sources​

    • Swg Pets - An external website is detailing every available Creature, Special and more.
