Flower Bouquet Left & Right

Flower Bouquet Left & Right
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  • Flower Bouquet Left (or Right) Schematic is a schematic that was available for purchase during the Ewok Festival of Love.
    Requires a Novice Artisan skill to learn, it is a single use schematic.

    The bouquet is identical to the Bouquet of Flowers.

    Right bouquet can be equipped regardless of the profession, but only entertainers can wield Left or both of them at the same time.

    Both schematics cost:
    Once learned, allows player to craft a Flower Bouquet.
    Resources required to make the armoire:
    • 20 Units of Flowers
    • 5 Units of Hide
    Once crafted, can be equipped and held like a weapon.


    Size comparison

    Placed inside a house with a Pit Droid for scale

    Equipped by the player
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