The purpose of entering the GCW is to show support for the Galactic Empire or Rebellion, earn ranks in those factions, achieve planetary control and server dominance, affect spawns in the game, earn experience and rewards, and have fun!
There are two forms of this either PvE or PvP. Most believe the end goal for achieving rank is to PvP. On Restoration, the Temporary Enemy Flag (TEF) is not automatic for killing a factional-aligned NPC. Therefore, PvP is not forced.
Joining a Faction
To join a faction, you need to speak to a Rebel Recruiter/Imperial Recruiter or Rebel Pilot Trainer/Imperial Pilot Trainer. You can also support either side as a neutral player.
Recruiter Locations
Planet | City | Waypoint |
Corellia | Coronet (Cantina) | /wp -342 -4466 |
Corellia | Tyrena (Cantina) | /wp -5259 -2521 |
Dantooine | Abandoned Rebel Base | /wp -6817 5511 |
Dathomir | Small Rebel installation | /wp -52 142 88 |
Naboo | Moenia (Cantina) | /wp 4827 -4697 |
Rori | Rori Rebel Outpost | /wp 3683 -6460 |
Tatooine | Anchorhead (Cantina Basement) | /wp 137 -5349 |
Planet | City | Waypoint |
Corellia | Bela Vista | /wp 6718 -5809 |
Dantooine | Dantooine Imperial Outpost | /wp -4198 -2412 |
Lok | Lok Imperial Outpost | /wp -1843 -3069 |
Naboo | Dee'ja Peak | /wp 5307 -1584 |
Naboo | Theed | /wp -4927 4231 |
Rori | Restuss (Imperial base) | /wp 5916 5551 |
Talus | Talus Imperial Outpost | /wp -2192 2269 |
Tatooine | Bestine | /wp -1275 -3594 |
Tatooine | Bestine (Bunker Hill) | /wp -1138 -3897 |
Tatooine | Mos Eisley (Attached to Medical Center) | /wp 3499 -4752 |
Service Status
This is a non-pvp factional status. It allows you to attack or be attacked by factional NPCs of the opposing faction.
Special Forces
This is a PvP factional status. This allows you to attack or be attacked by both factional NPCs and factionally-aligned PvP'ers.
This is a covert status. You will not be attacked by either factionally aligned NPCs or Players. You may be prevented from entering certain factionally-aligned locations.
Changing Status
To escalate your status:
It takes 30 seconds to escalate from leave to combatant and combatant to special forces.
To Deescalate Your Status:
Use the same /pvp command to drop from special forces to combatant. It takes 5 minutes to become a combatant from special forces. You can only go on leave by visiting a factional recruiter and requesting leave.
If you are an
Officer (Lieutenant or Higher), you must speak with a recruiter to flag down to
On Leave status. While you are an
Officer, Combatant Status is no longer an option.
Monitoring Planetary Control
The state of the Galactic Civil War!!!
GCW User Interface
GCW Terminal
These terminals are found during city invasions, for attackers they are located in the camps which spawn just outside of the city. For defenders, can be found near to where the General NPC spawns.
GCW War Intelpad
War Intelpads are crafted by Droid Engineers (requires schematic from the Corellian Times Vendor in Coronet - purchasable with Meatlump Lumps).
The GCW War Intelpad is stored in your inventory and has the following functionality.
- Battlefield Status Update - this shows who is queuing for GCW battlefields and how long any active games have left on their timer
- GCW Info
- GCW Planetary Score - for the planet you are currently on
- GCW Factional Presence - indicates which contested regions/space sectors have Special Forces players present
- GCW Personal Contribution - details the GCW regions/activities to which you have contributed in the last 30 days
- GCW Region Defender - shows a table of GCW regions being defended by a player city or guild.
- GCW Officer Region
- Select your GCW Officer Region - to progress from the rank of Major you must assign yourself to a region. You will only be able to change your region while you hold the rank of Major, you will not be able to change regions at a higher rank.
- Show Rebel Officer Region - shows which regions have been assigned to Rebel Majors, Commanders, Colonels, and Generals
- Show Imperial Officer Region - shows which regions have been assigned to Imperial Majors, Lt. Colonels, Colonels, and Generals
Rank Advancement
GCW Ranks
Rank | GCW Points for Officer Upkeep | Perks | Buff Abilities |
Private | | DZ-70, R2, R3, R4 and R5 Droid Schematics | |
Trooper/Lance Corporal | | Data Terminals and Tech Furniture for your home | |
High Trooper/Corporal | | Electrobinoculars (Advanced, Superior, Experimental) | |
Sergeant | | Faction Uniform, Standard Weapons | |
Master Sergeant | | Small Block, Dish & Tower Turrets, Various Mines, Painting | |
Sergeant Major | | Medium Block and Tower Turrets, PvP Bases (F.0/F.H), Medal | |
Lieutenant* | 6,000 | Large Block, Dish & Tower Turrets, Faction Spawn Perk: AT-ST or AT-XT, PvP Bases (T.C/D.HQ), Covert Detector | |
Captain* | 9,000 | Faction Banner | Adrenaline Rush |
Major* | 12,000 | Faction Officer Armor 1st Half , Armor Dye Kit, Spawn Perk: GCW Placeable Turret | Last Man Standing |
Commander/Lt.* Colonel | 16,000 | +5% Innate Armor, Faction Officer Armor 2nd Half | Retaliation |
Colonel* | 24,000 | +10% Innate Armor, Faction Officer Signet, Armored BARC Speeder, Spawn Perk: Backup Fireteam (3 x elite NPC) | Stasis Laser / Unstoppable |
General* | 36,000 | +20% Innate Armor, Faction Weapon Set, Spawn Perk: Backup Squad (1 x gold elite and 8 elite NPC) | Airstrike / Legendary Officer |
* Indicates Commissioned Officer ranks. These ranks are part of a high-risk high reward system, as such the Combatant status has been removed for Commissioned Officers and their only choice is to be
On Leave or
Special Forces (PvP enabled)
Affecting the War (Planetary Control)
- It takes 20 NPCs to get a control score point.
- GCW points scored in a region contribute to that faction's score (No Cap)
- Points are designed to auto-balance to 50/50 control
- Player(s) Present in the region as Combatant or Special Forces and Actively Playing
- Player(s) GCW Rank Kicker
- City Bonuses Based on City Alignment
- Factional Bases
- Regional Defender System Bonus
Earning Faction Points
Faction NPC Spawns
If you explore the planetary surface you will find many squads of faction-aligned NPCs wandering around. You may also discover factional NPCs guarding camp flags identical to those you would find on mission terminals.
Enemy | Theater | Points | Point Limit |
Imperial and Rebel NPCs 86% of your level and above. | Ground | 5 | |
Imperial and Rebel Elite NPCs. (Silver Elite) | Ground | 10 - 15 | |
Imperial and Rebel Elite Bosses | Ground | 50 | |
Imperial and Rebel Mission Flags | Ground | 40 - 50 | |
Imperial and Rebel NPC pilots. | Space | 6 Points per Tier | The total amount of possible points is modified by the difference in pilot tiers. |
Faction PvP Combat
Enemy | Theater | Points | Point Limit |
Imperial and Rebel players 70% of your level and above. | Ground | Each player can earn points depending on how much damage was done to the target by each player.
Rank dependent | The total amount of possible points that can be scored each day depends on your rank. |
Imperial and Rebel Player pilots. | Space | Point scores are based on combined ranks. | PvP kills will earn GCW points when:
Player Tier | Enemy Tier | 1 | 1+ | 2 | 1+ | 3 | 2+ | 4 | 3+ | 5 | 3+ |
- GCW points are shared, and split among group members.
- GCW bonus points are rewarded for going into battle outnumbered.
- The maximum amount of possible points that can be scored by a player each day is shared for PvP on the ground and in space.
- No more than a single rank will be awarded each week.
Faction Mission Terminals
Same points as Random!
Bases and the GCW
GCW Static Bases
In the July Game Update (Aug 8, 2022) , GCW Static Bases had been Added.
- Static bases have returned. Fight in PvP to hold important bases with unique rewards:
- Weapons Development Facility (Naboo at /way 936 -1582)
- Military Weapon Speed Enhancements
- Military Weapon Accuracy Enhancements
- Military Weapon Damage Booster Packs
- Military Weapon Critical Hit Booster Packs
- GCW Rally Banner
- Tactical Training Facility (Corellia at /way 4772 -5233)
- Military Stimpacks
- Military Adrenaline Injections
- Military Pain Numbing Powders
- Military Might Enhancements
- Military Positional Recovery Injection
- Industrial Research Center (Talus at /way -4899 -3137)
- Industrious Opportunity Inspiration Injection
- Crafting Innovation Injectable
- Experimental Experimentation Enhancement
- Creature Incubation Inoculation
- Expeditious Social Acclimation Enhancement
- Capture bases by interacting with each of the four terminals on the base without interruption for 30 seconds.
- The longer you hold the base, up to 4 days, the more powerful the supplies that arrive (each buff available from the logistics officers inside increases in potency and power).
- Check with the logistics officer to see what is available for purchase, the status of the base (up to phase 5), and the duration before the next phase.
- Static base attacks are announced in the new #gcw-activity channel on Discord.
- When the server starts from a fresh restart, all terminals are unclaimed.
- When you attempt to capture an unclaimed terminal, it will become contested, and the factional logo will appear red. When a terminal is contested, you have 25 minutes for as many players as possible representing your faction to interact with the terminal. At the end of the 25 minutes, the faction with the most points wins control of the terminal. If there is a tie or no points, the faction with existing control wins the terminal (except if the previous phase was unclaimed, in which case the faction of the player who initiated the contested period will win the terminal). The terminal becomes controlled when the contested period ends and the factional logo appears blue.
- If you attempt to capture a controlled terminal, the terminal will become vulnerable for 5 minutes, and the factional logo will appear orange. During these 5 minutes, you must have five players from your faction (who must be from separate accounts) interact with the terminal. A smuggler can attempt to slice the terminal to reduce the requirement to 4 players. When the 5-minute vulnerability period has ended, if the required number of players have interacted with the terminal, the terminal will become contested and eligible for capture for 25 minutes following the procedure described above. If the 5-minute period ends without the required number of players interacting with the terminal, the terminal will return to controlled status.
- When you interact with a contested terminal, a terminal fatigue debuff will apply for 5 minutes, and you will be unable to interact with any terminals for the duration of the debuff.
- When a terminal leaves a contested status, it will enter a cool-down period for 1 hour, during which the terminal may not be attacked (i.e., it will be unable to go from controlled to vulnerable).
- All players who interact with a contested terminal and who win at the end of the contested period (i.e., they either maintain control for their faction in defense or claim control for their faction in attack) will earn 10 GCW Tokens and 1,000 GCW Points (per terminal).
- Discord Announcements will be made when a terminal becomes contested, when the contested period ends, and when a factional base has changed control (where all terminals have controlled status for a single faction).
Bonus GCW is awarded in combat static areas.
PvE Player Bases
PvE player bases are currently unobtainable/placeable since update 1.1.
PvP Player Bases: Overview
- There are 4 types of PvP bases and these vary in size:
- Forward Outpost
- Field Hospital
- Tactical Centre
- Detachment HQ
- They are placeable by any faction player
- Can only be entered by Special Forces Players
- Defended internally by NPC elite guards
- You will need to pickup a prototype shield inverter from a Tower you have under control.
It will last 30 min in your inventory. You need then to stand with 4 other players near the base to take down the shield, after activating it from inventory. (few minutes)
- During this 30 min window, no one can take another PSI from the tower.
- Vulnerable bases are indicated on the planetary map with a sun symbol (they are vulnerable when the planet is under attack)
- Invulnerable bases are indicated on the planetary map with a moon symbol
- Vulnerable/invulnerable bases are also announced in the #gcw-activity discord channel
- Supports GCW control by locking out the contested region and preventing the opposing faction from altering the score in that region until the base is destroyed
- Purchased from Faction Recruiters
- Players can place 1 base per character in any contested or uncontested region on the following planets:
- Corellia
- Talus
- Naboo
- Rori
- Dantooine
- Lok
- Tatooine
- Bases also help to maintain Commissioned Officer Ranks. Earning GCW Points in the vicinity of a Base will yield a bonus to awards.
- SF Forward Outpost - 2%, 750m
- Field Hospital - 3%, 1000m
- SF Field Hospital - 5%, 1000m
- Tactical Center - 6%, 1250m
- SF Tactical Center - 8%, 1250m
- Detachment Headquarters - 10%, 1500m
- SF Detachment Headquarters - 12%, 1500m
PvP Bases: Base Busting
Player-placed bases enable players to lock GCW contested regions which prevents them from falling to the enemy. They also enable commissioned officers to advance in rank and it's for that reason placing and destroying PvP bases or "Base Busting" as it's known is an integral part of the GCW.
To effectively destroy a base, you will need to slice several terminals found inside the structure. These terminals only appear during the base vulnerability window, are randomly placed throughout the structure, and require specific professions.
The following instructions will guide you through the base destruction sequence.
1. Jam the Uplink Terminal - (Bounty Hunter Investigation II)
This terminal has a mini-game wherein the Bounty Hunter must guess the uplink signal. This is guessing a number between 1 and 10. Throughout you will receive messages advising if the number is higher or lower than the selected frequency.
2. Slice the Security Terminal - (Smuggler Slicing I)
There is no mini-game for this terminal, the smuggler simply has to select the radial menu from the terminal to slice it.
3. DNA Sequence Override Terminal - (Novice Doctor)
This mini-game can be complex and requires you to match the DNA markers within a randomized control sequence (these are displayed in letter form). There are around 23 letters to match and you will need to remember that A and T are paired as are C and G. Select the letters from the list until you complete the match. When matches are paired they appear in green.
It is possible to blindly click your way through this mini-game, however you risk making time an ally of the rebellion!
4. Power Regulator Terminal - (Novice Commando)
There is no mini-game for this terminal, the Commando simply has to radial select the terminal to realign the Power Regulator.
5. Overload the HQ Terminal - (Novice Squad Leader)
There is no mini-game for this terminal, once the Squad Leader uses the radial menu the 10-minute shutdown timer will commence.
You will need to remain vigilant as enemy Special Forces players can stop the countdown sequence, if they succeed you will need to slice all of the terminals again.
Successfully destroying a base awards between 250-1000 GCW and 100,000 - 400,000 credits depending on the size of the base.
- Rebel Themepark
- Imperial Themepark
Battlefield | Location | Objective |
Massassi Isle | | Destroy your enemy command terminals while defending your command terminals |
Jungle Warfare | | Destroy/defend command terminals, while a central command terminal can be captured repeatedly |
Bunker Assault | | One objective in a base |
Data Runner | | Get vital data to a communication tower or prevent data from getting to a communication tower |
- Battlefields are queued events
- Scoreboards show the player's faction, kills, assists, captures, deaths, damage, and healing
- Logging out removes you from the queue
- Terminal Labels show on overhead map and who controls
- Invitations time out after 30 seconds
Bonus GCW is awarded in combat Static Areas
GCW City Invasions
Galactic Civil War Invasions
GCW Space Battles
GCW Tokens
You earn GCW tokens by participating in
galacitc civil war invasions.
GCW Token Rewards
Game Update 15 Rewards
Item | Faction | Cost | Description |
War Terminal | Either | 1000 | |
Trexler 906 Armored Transport | Either | 20000 | |
Armored Backpack | Either | 1500 | |
DH-18A Blaster Pistol Prototype | Either | 1000 | |
Technical Readout of a Fourth Generation One-Handed Lightsaber Hilt | Either | 1000 | |
Technical Readout of a Fourth Generation Two-Handed Lightsaber Hilt | Either | 1000 | |
TC-22 Blaster Rifle Replica | Either | 1000 | |
Pulse Cannon | Either | 1000 | |
Gand Shockprod Staff | Either | 1000 | |
Charric Carbine | Either | 1000 | |
Appearance Schematic Ghost Trooper Helmet | Empire | 3000 | |
Appearance Schematic Ghost Trooper Chest Plate | Empire | 3000 | |
Appearance Schematic Ghost Trooper Left Bicep | Empire | 1000 | |
Appearance Schematic Ghost Trooper Right Bicep | Empire | 1000 | |
Appearance Schematic Ghost Trooper Left Bracer | Empire | 1000 | |
Appearance Schematic Ghost Trooper Right Bracer | Empire | 1000 | |
Appearance Schematic Ghost Trooper Pauldron | Empire | 500 | |
Appearance Schematic Ghost Trooper Gloves | Empire | 500 | |
Appearance Schematic Ghost Trooper Leggings | Empire | 1000 | |
Appearance Schematic Ghost Trooper Boots | Empire | 1000 | |
Weapons Rack | Either | 500 | |
Empty Weapons Rack | Either | 500 | |
Star Destroyer System Console | Either | 500 | |
Star Destroyer Console Row | Either | 500 | |
Imperial Cape | Empire | 2500 | |
Imperial Trenchcoat | Empire | 800 | |
Great Hyperspace War Bas-Relief | Either | 10000 | |
Breakthrough | Either | 10000 | |
A 10 Point GCW Imperial Insignia | Empire | 1 | |
A 100 Point GCW Imperial Insignia | Empire | 10 | |
A 100 Point GCW Imperial Insignia | Empire | 100 | |
Prop Glowstick (Left) - Imperial | Empire | 500 | |
Prop Glowstick (Right) - Imperial | Empire | 500 | |
Tactical Electrobinoculars | Either | 1000 | |
Schematic: Imperial Commander Hat | Empire | 1000 | |
10 x Factional Mini-Turret | Either | 250 | |
HH-15 Torpedo Warhead | Either | 500 | Provides buff that increases GCW point gain by 50% for 1 hour. |
Radtrooper Insignia | Either | 500 | Provides buff that increases XP gain by 25% for 1 hour. |
Schematic: Prop Ribbon (Right) Aqua | Either | 500 | |
Schematic: Prop Ribbon (Right) Lime | Either | 500 | |
Schematic: Prop Ribbon (Right) Orange | Either | 500 | |
Schematic: Prop Ribbon (Left) Aqua | Either | 500 | |
Schematic: Prop Ribbon (Left) Lime | Either | 500 | |
Schematic: Prop Ribbon (Left) Orange | Either | 500 | |
AT-ST Familiar Deed | Empire | 5000 | |
Employment Terminal: Royal Guard Greeter | Empire | 2000 | |
GCW Faction Purchases
Recruiter Rank Purchase Item Dialogue
Item | Rank Restriction | Rebel Rank | Imperial Rank | Credit Cost Initial* |
R2 Droid Schematic | | Private | Private | 165,000 |
R3 Droid Schematic | | Private | Private | 180,000 |
R4 Droid Schematic | | Private | Private | 195,000 |
R5 Droid Schematic | | Private | Private | 210,000 |
Surgical Droid Schematic | | Private | - | 16,500 |
DZ-70 Droid Schematic | | - | Private | |
Dead Eye Prototype Schematic* | | Private | Private | 15,000 |
Rebel Assault/Battle/Marine Armor <Piece>* | | Private | Private | 20,000 Boots and Gloves; 25,000 Helmet, Biceps, Bracers, Leggings;
30,000 Chest |
Data Terminal 1 | | Trooper | Lance Corporal | |
Data Terminal 2 | | Trooper | Lance Corporal | |
Data Terminal 3 | | Trooper | Lance Corporal | |
Data Terminal 4 | | Trooper | Lance Corporal | |
Imperial Table | | - | Lance Corporal | |
Tech Armoire | | Trooper | Lance Corporal | 105,000 |
Tech Bookcase | | Trooper | Lance Corporal | 105,000 |
Tech Cabinet | | Trooper | Lance Corporal | 105,000 |
Tech Chest | | Trooper | Lance Corporal | 75,000 |
Tech Couch | | Trooper | Lance Corporal | 112,500 |
Tech Chair | | Trooper | Lance Corporal | 75,000 |
Tech Coffee Table | | Trooper | Lance Corporal | 75,000 |
Tech End Table | | Trooper | Lance Corporal | 75,000 |
Electrobinoculars | | High Trooper | Corporal | 15,000 |
Advanced Electrobinoculars | | High Trooper | Corporal | 22,500 |
Superior Electrobinoculars | | High Trooper | Corporal | 30,000 |
Experimental Electrobinoculars | | High Trooper | Corporal | 37,500 |
Imperial Boots | | - | Sergeant | |
Imperial Jacket | | - | Sergeant | |
Imperial Pants | | - | Sergeant | |
Imperial Hat | | - | Sergeant | |
Power5 Pistol | | - | Sergeant | |
E-11 Carbine | | - | Sergeant | |
Sword | | - | Sergeant | |
Laser Carbine | | Sergeant | Sergeant | |
Scout Pistol | | Sergeant | Sergeant | |
Metal Staff | | Sergeant | Sergeant | |
Small Block Turret | | Senior Sergeant | Master Sergeant | |
Small Dish Turret | | Senior Sergeant | Master Sergeant | |
Small Tower Turret | | Senior Sergeant | Master Sergeant | |
DRX-55 Mine | | Senior Sergeant | Master Sergeant | |
SR-88 Cryo-Mine | | Senior Sergeant | Master Sergeant | |
XG-Mine | | Senior Sergeant | Master Sergeant | |
Painting: We Will Never Surrender | | Senior Sergeant | - | |
Painting: Might of the Empire | | - | Master Sergeant | |
Medium Block Turret | | Sergeant Major | Sergeant Major | |
Medium Tower Turret | | Sergeant Major | Sergeant Major | |
S.F. HQ: Forward Outpost | | Sergeant Major | Sergeant Major | |
S.F. HQ: Field Hospital | | Sergeant Major | Sergeant Major | |
Crimson Phoenix Medal of the Rebel Alliance | | Sergeant Major | - | |
Nova Star Medal of the Empire | | - | Sergeant Major | |
Large Block Turret | | Lieutenant | Lieutenant | |
Large Dish Turret | | Lieutenant | Lieutenant | |
Large Tower Turret | | Lieutenant | Lieutenant | |
S.F. HQ: Tactical Center | | Lieutenant | Lieutenant | |
S.F. HQ: Detachment Headquarters | | Lieutenant | Lieutenant | |
Covert Detector | | Lieutenant | Lieutenant | |
Factional Comlink | | Lieutenant | Lieutenant | |
Factional Banner | | Captain | Captain | |
| | Major | Major | |
| | Major | Major | |
| | Major | Major | |
| | Major | Major | |
| | Commander | Lt. Colonel | |
| | Commander | Lt. Colonel | |
| | Commander | Lt. Colonel | |
| | Commander | Lt. Colonel | |
Black Spec Ops Armor Torso Orange Pauldron | | - | Lt. Colonel | |
| | Commander | Lt. Colonel | |
| | Commander | Lt. Colonel | |
| | Commander | Lt. Colonel | |
Colonel Signet Ring | Major or Above | Colonel | Colonel | |
BARC Command Vehicle | Major or Above | Colonel | Colonel | |
Exceptional Rebel DL44 Pistol | Major or Above | General | - | |
Exceptional Imperial E-11 Carbine | Major or Above | - | General | |
The Legendary Starlight Carbine | Major or Above | General | General | |
The Legendary Crimson Nova Pistol | Major or Above | General | General | |
The Legendary Vortex Rifle | Major or Above | General | General | |
The Legendary Reaper Cannon | Major or Above | General | General | |
The Legendary Power Hammer | Major or Above | General | General | |
The Legendary Stun Baton | Major or Above | General | General | |
The Legendary Massassi Knuckler | Major or Above | General | General | |
The Legendary Vibro Lance | Major or Above | General | General | |
Imperial Squad Communication Link | Major or Above | General | General | |
* Prices are discounted based on GCW Control
Deprecated GCW Rank Vendor Items
The items below have been deactivated or otherwise no longer available in-game.
Item | General |
Windu's Guile Lightsaber Crystal | General |
Prototype Rebel Crafter's Backpack | General |
HQ: Forward Outpost [PVE Base] | Sergeant Major |
HQ: Field Hospital [PVE Base] | Sergeant Major |
HQ: Tactical Center [PVE Base] | Lieutenant |
HQ: Detachment Headquarters [PVE Base] | Lieutenant |
Galactic Civil War Token Vendor
Game Update 15 Items
Item | Token Cost | Description |
DH-18A Blaster Pistol Prototype | 1,000 | |
Technical Readout of a Fourth Generation One-Handed Lightsaber Hilt | 1,000 | |
Technical Readout of a Fourth Generation Two-Handed Lightsaber Hilt | 1,000 | |
TC-22 Blaster Rifle Replica | 1,000 | |
Pulse Cannon | 1,000 | |
Gand Shockrod Staff | 1,000 | |
Charric Carbine | 1,000 | |
Tactical Binoculars | 1,000 | |
Factional Mini Turret | 250 | Mini-Turret Effect |
Batte Worn Marine Armor <Piece>
Battle Worn Storm Trooper Armor <Piece> | 300 for Belt, Biceps, Bracers; 800 for Chest Plate; 500 for Leggings | |
Battle Worn Rebel Assault Armor <Piece>
Battle Worn Storm Trooper Armor <Piece> | 300 for Belt, Biceps, Bracers; 800 for Chest Plate; 500 for Leggings | |
Battle Worn Rebel Battle Armor <Piece>
Battle Worn Storm Trooper Armor <Piece> | 300 for Belt, Biceps, Bracers; 800 for Chest Plate; 500 for Leggings | |
Battle Worn Rebel SpecForce Armor <Piece>
Battle Worn Storm Trooper Armor <Piece> | 300 for Belt, Biceps, Bracers; 800 for Chest Plate; 500 for Leggings | |
Imperial Rug | 500 | |
Rebel Rug | 500 | |
Weapons Rack | 500 | |
Empty Weapons Rack | 500 | |
Rebel Cape | 2,500 | |
Rebel Trenchcoat | 800 | |
A 10-point GCW Rebel Insignia | 1 | |
A 100-point GCW Rebel Insignia | 10 | |
A 1000-point GCW rebel Insignia | 100 | |
Prop Glowstick (Left) - Rebel | 500 | |
Prop Glowstick (Right) - Rebel | 500 | |
Schematic: Prop Mystical Ribbon (Right) - <Color> | 500 | |
Schematic: Prop Mystical Ribbon (Left) - <Color> | 500 | |
AT-XT Familiar Deed | 5000 | |
Battle Worn Imperial Galactic Marine <Piece> | 300 for Belt, Biceps, Bracers; 800 for Chest Plate; 500 for Leggings | |
Battle Worn Imperial Stormtrooper<Piece> | 300 for Belt, Biceps, Bracers; 800 for Chest Plate; 500 for Leggings | |
Battle Worn Imperial Scout Trooper Armor Left <Piece> | 300 for Belt, Biceps, Bracers; 800 for Chest Plate; 500 for Leggings | |
Battle Worn Imperial Shock Trooper Armor <Piece> | 300 for Belt, Biceps, Bracers; 800 for Chest Plate; 500 for Leggings | |
Imperial Rug | 500 | |
Imperial Trenchcoat | 800 | |
A 10-Point GCW Imperial Insignia | 1 | |
A 100-Point GCW Imperial Insignia | 10 | |
A 1000-Point GCW Imperial Insignia | 100 | |
Prop Glowstick (Left) - Imperial | 500 | |
Prop Glowstick (Right) - Imperial | 500 | |
Schematic: Imperial Gunner Helmet | 1,000 | |
Schematic: Bestine Imperial Planning Table | 500 | |
Schematic: Dearic Imperial Planning Table | 500 | |
Schematic: Keren Imperial Planning Table | 500 | |
AT-ST Familiar Deed | 5,000 | |
Other Rewards
Turned Off ?