Galactic Civil War Invasions are scheduled events where one faction attacks a city and the other faction defends it. Any player can participate on their side, and neutrals get full collection and badge credit while aligned as a factional helper.
The cities which get invaded are:
- Bestine, Tatooine
- Dearic, Talus
- Keren, Naboo
The faction that has control of the region at the start of the Construction Phase play the part of the defenders and the other faction become the attackers. If there is no faction that is in control of the region (the region is 50% Rebel and 50% Imperial) then "other factors" will determine who attacks and who defends.
- The goal for the attackers is to invade the city and to kill the General
- The goal for the defenders is to prevent the attackers from killing the General
The General is going to be at the center of the city.
Unique to Restoration: If a player that is
Combatant (not
On Leave) attacks the General, they will automatically be flipped to
Special Forces and be attackable by other
Special Forces of the opposing faction.
Note: Only the factional percentage score for the region determines the attackers/defenders. The previous Invasion does not. It is possible for one faction to be successfully conquered time and time again but still hold control of the region and as such remain as the defenders.
Invasion Times
Galactic Civil War Invasions occur multiple times during the day. Expand the
Invasion Times table to see the hour at which they start, for each city.
Invasion Times
Bestine, Tatooine | Dearic, Talus | Keren, Naboo |
22:00 | 17:00 | 14:00 | 04:00 | 23:00 | 20:00 | 10:00 | 05:00 | 02:00 | 16:00 | 11:00 | 08:00 |
00:00 | 19:00 | 16:00 | 06:00 | 01:00 | 22:00 | 14:00 | 07:00 | 04:00 | 20:00 | 13:00 | 10:00 |
02:00 | 21:00 | 18:00 | 08:00 | 03:00 | 00:00 | 14:00 | 09:00 | 06:00 | 20:00 | 15:00 | 12:00 |
US Daylight Savings Invasion Times (Early March - Early November
Bestine, Tatooine | Dearic, Talus | Keren, Naboo |
22:00 | 18:00 | 15:00 | 04:00 | 00:00 | 21:00 | 10:00 | 06:00 | 03:00 | 16:00 | 12:00 | 09:00 |
00:00 | 20:00 | 17:00 | 06:00 | 02:00 | 23:00 | 14:00 | 08:00 | 05:00 | 20:00 | 14:00 | 11:00 |
02:00 | 22:00 | 19:00 | 08:00 | 04:00 | 01:00 | 14:00 | 10:00 | 07:00 | 20:00 | 16:00 | 13:00 |
Galactic Civil War Invasions consist of two phases and any profession can participate in these phases.
- Construction
- Invasion
Phase 1: Construction
The first phase is where crafters are critical. The defending faction will need to bolster their defenses, while the attacking faction will work on their invasion force. This phase lasts for 30 minutes.
There are a number of
missions that players can take.
Crafters begin by constructing tools using resources available freely from the Offensive/Defensive Supply in the Camps or next to the General. The quality of these resources can be changed by Smugglers slicing the terminals.
Supply Terminals
| Bestine | Dearic | Keren |
Defender | /way tatooine -1212 -3616 | /way talus -1 -2812 | /way naboo 1787 2521 |
Attacker | /way tatooine -1183 -3825 | /way talus 354 -2611 | /way naboo 1211 3045 |
| /way tatooine -1252 -3353 | /way talus 890 -3000 | /way naboo 2131 2758 |
| /way tatooine -899 -3786 | /way talus 465 -3005 | /way naboo 1819 2183 |
Expand the
Construction Tools table to see which experimentation stat affects which construction tool.
Construction Tools
Construction Tool | Experimentation Used |
Barricade Construction Tool | Structure Experimentation |
Tower Construction Tool | Droid Experimentation |
Turret Construction Tool | Weapon Experimentation |
Patrol Construction Tool | Food Experimentation |
Offensive Patrol Construction Tool | Artisan Experimentation |
Combat Vehicle Construction Tool | Artisan Experimentation |
All players can then use tools to add resources to the Pylons that can be found scattered throughout the city or on the invasion route. Crafters are the most efficient Pylon crafters, although other professions can take part in this stage if a crafter gives them the tools.
Pylons Available to Attackers | Pylons Available to Defenders |
- Patrol Point Pylons
- Vehicle Pylons
- Siege Vehicle Pylons
- Patrol Point Pylons
- Barricade Pylons
- Turret Pylons
- Tower Pylons
For every tool that is used in building up a Pylon, a crafter accrues one fatigue point whilst other professions suffer five. The number of resources added to the Pylon is the same for all professions but is dependent upon the stats that the tool have. Pylons take on different levels which are dependent on the amount of resources used in their construction.
Resources Used | Pylon Level |
0 | 0 |
1 to 49 | 1 |
50 to 99 | 2 |
100 | 3 |
Pylons that remain at level 0 will not transform into a combat resource once the Construction Phase is over.
Fatigue is a stackable debuff that increases the time required to add resources to a Pylon. A second is added to this timer for each ten debuffs that a player receives. The debuff is capped at a difficult to obtain 1000, meaning that a maximum of 100 seconds is added to the timer (bringing it to a total of 1 minute and 50 seconds). Entertainers can remove this fatigue and by doing so speed up the construction rates of their side.
There are quests that revolve around adding resources to a Pylon 10 times for each type of Pylon.
Upon completing Galactic Civil War Construction Quests, the player will be rewarded GCW points, tokens, and start the collection depending on the type of Pylon quest they did. Combatants receive 250 GCW points and 5 GCW tokens, while Special Forces are given 500 GCW points and 10 GCW tokens.
Patrol Point Pylons
These Pylons are the only ones that are available to both attackers and defenders. They spawn factional NPCs of various strength, depending on how many resources the pylon had at the end of the construction phase.
- The attacking patrol points spawn NPCs that march towards the city
- The defending patrol points spawn NPCs that do not move
Completing the quest associated to these pylons progresses the
Rebel Patrol Point Construction collection.
Pylon Level | Resources Used | NPC Level |
0 | 0 | Does not spawn |
1 | 1 to 49 | Level 60 |
2 | 50 to 99 | Level 80 |
3 | 100 | Level 80 Elite |
Vehicle Pylons
These Pylons are only available to attackers and spawn factional vehicles of various strength, depending on how many resources the pylon had at the end of the construction phase. These points spawn vehicles that march towards the city.
Completing the quest associated to these pylons progresses the
Rebel Vehicle Construction collection.
Pylon Level | Resources Used | Vehicle Level |
0 | 0 | Does not spawn |
1 | 1 to 49 | Level 60 Elite |
2 | 50 to 99 | Level 70 Elite |
3 | 100 | Level 85 Boss |
Siege Vehicle Pylons
These Pylons are only available to attackers and spawn a large factional vehicle at the end of the construction phase if the pylon reaches 100 resources. If the pylon did not reach 100 resources, nothing will spawn.
Siege vehicles may only be built in the Dearic, Talus and Keren,Naboo invasions.
Completing the quest associated to these pylons progresses the
Rebel Siege Vehicle Construction collection.
Pylon Level | Resources Used | Siege Vehicle Level |
0 | 0 | Does not spawn |
1 | 1 to 49 | Does not spawn |
2 | 50 to 99 | Does not spawn |
3 | 100 | Level 100 Boss |
Barricade Pylons
These Pylons are only available to defenders and become Barricades and shield nearby players and NPCs during the Invasion Phase. They do not have levels, but their hit points are increased by 300 for each resource used.
Completing the quest associated to these pylons progresses the
Rebel Barricade Construction collection.
Resources Used | Barricade Health |
0 | Does not spawn |
1-100 | 300 per resource used |
Turret Pylons
These Pylons are only available to defenders and become Turrets that are controlled by an AI and fire on enemy units. They do not have levels, but their hit points are increased by 500 and do increased damage per shot for each resource used.
Completing the quest associated to these pylons progresses the
Rebel Turret Construction collection.
Resources Used | Turret Health |
0 | Does not spawn |
1-100 | 500 per resource used |
Tower Pylons
These Pylons are only available to defenders and become Towers that give a 200% increased damage buff to nearby NPCs and vehicles. They do not have levels, but their hit points are increased by 300 for each resource used.
Completing the quest associated to these pylons progresses the
Rebel Tower Construction collection.
Resources Used | Tower Health |
0 | Does not spawn |
1-100 | 300 per resource used |
At the end of the Construction Phase, players who took part are awarded 100 GCW and 10 Tokens.
Phase 2: Invasion
Once the construction phase completes, the next phase starts automatically. The invading forces attack along a number of different paths to make their way into the center of the city. The defending forces stay rooted to their spawn location to fend off any enemies.
The objective for the attacking forces is to defeat the General. The defending faction have to keep the General alive for the full 30 minutes in order to be named the victors. The General is a CL 80 Boss with 500,000 health, he possesses ranged and AOE attacks. The NPCs make their way towards the General in order to make their attacks.
The General does not become attackable until 15 minutes after the start of phase 2.
Unique to Restoration: If a player that is
Combatant (not
On Leave) comes within 120m of the General, they will automatically be flipped to
Special Forces and be attackable by other
Special Forces of the opposing faction.
The Pylons that players contributed resources to will vanish and generate the appropriate asset if enough resources were invested.
There are
missions that players can take for these assets if they are the appropriate profession.
Patrol Points
- Attackers and Defenders
- Master Dancers/Musicians can inspire the patrol points to buff the NPCs
- Crafters can repair the Patrol points if they are damaged
Siege Vehicles
- Attackers
- Any attacking combat profession can be tasked to destroy barricades for GCW and token gain
- Defenders
- Crafters can repair the barricades if they are damaged
- Players can also defend the barricades from NPCs and players
- Attackers
- Any attacking combat profession can be tasked to destroy turrets for GCW and token gain
- Defenders
- Crafters can repair the turrets if they are damaged
- Players can also defend the turrets from NPCs and players
- Attackers
- Any attacking combat profession can be tasked to destroy towers for GCW and token gain
- Defenders
- Crafters can repair the towers if they are damaged
- Players can also defend the towers from NPCs and players
Once the General has been killed or the time limit has been reached, the Galactic Civil War invasion ends. Everyone in the city will receive a comm message from an important factional character letting them know that the invasion is over.
Players who have taken part will be rewarded GCW points and GCW Tokens for their faction.
- Winning faction - 1000 GCW Points and 40 GCW Tokens
- Losing faction - 100 GCW Points and 10 GCW Tokens
The number of tokens and GCW points rewarded for the winning and losing faction are the same for
Combatants and
Special Forces.
The city's invasion then goes into cooldown. During this time, the Invasion NPCs despawn and normality resumes.
There are several items that may be purchased in exchange for Galactic Civil War Tokens from any Factional Recruiter in.
Tokens can be collected from various missions that take place during the invasions of Bestine, Dearic and Keren.
The Tokens are flagged as
No-Trade, but the purchased items are tradeable, and the weapons are able to be deconstructed.
Generic Items
Item | Cost |
DH-18A Blaster Pistol Prototype | 1000 |
Technical Readout of a Fourth Generation One-Handed Lightsaber Hilt | 1000 |
Technical Readout of a Fourth Generation Two-Handed Lightsaber Hilt | 1000 |
TC-22 Blaster Rifle Replica | 1000 |
Pulse Cannon | 1000 |
Gand Shockprod Staff | 1000 |
Charric Carbine | 1000 |
Weapons Rack | 500 |
Empty Weapons Rack | 500 |
Tactical Electrobinoculars | 1000 |
10x Factional Mini-Turret | 250 |
Schematic: Prop Ribbon (Right) Aqua | 100 |
Schematic: Prop Ribbon (Right) Lime | 100 |
Schematic: Prop Ribbon (Right) Orange | 100 |
Schematic: Prop Ribbon (Left) Aqua | 100 |
Schematic: Prop Ribbon (Left) Lime | 100 |
Schematic: Prop Ribbon (Left) Orange | 100 |
Imperial Factional Items
Item | Cost |
Battle Worn Imperial Galactic Marine Belt | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Galactic Marine Armor Left Bicep | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Galactic Marine Armor Right Bicep | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Galactic Marine Armor Boots | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Galactic Marine Armor Left Bracer | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Galactic Marine Armor Right Bracer | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Galactic Marine Armor Chest Plate | 800 |
Battle Worn Imperial Galactic Marine Armor Gloves | 500 |
Battle Worn Imperial Galactic Marine Armor Helmet | 800 |
Battle Worn Imperial Galactic Marine Armor Leggings | 500 |
Battle Worn Imperial Stormtrooper Belt | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Stormtrooper Armor Left Bicep | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Stormtrooper Armor Right Bicep | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Stormtrooper Armor Boots | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Stormtrooper Armor Left Bracer | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Stormtrooper Armor Right Bracer | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Stormtrooper Armor Chest Plate | 800 |
Battle Worn Imperial Stormtrooper Armor Gloves | 500 |
Battle Worn Imperial Stormtrooper Armor Helmet | 800 |
Battle Worn Imperial Stormtrooper Armor Leggings | 500 |
Battle Worn Imperial Scout Trooper Belt | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Scout Trooper Armor Left Bicep | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Scout Trooper Armor Right Bicep | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Scout Trooper Armor Boots | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Scout Trooper Armor Left Bracer | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Scout Trooper Armor Right Bracer | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Scout Trooper Armor Chest Plate | 800 |
Battle Worn Imperial Scout Trooper Armor Gloves | 500 |
Battle Worn Imperial Scout Trooper Armor Helmet | 800 |
Battle Worn Imperial Scout Trooper Armor Leggings | 500 |
Battle Worn Imperial Shock Trooper Belt | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Shock Trooper Armor Left Bicep | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Shock Trooper Armor Right Bicep | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Shock Trooper Armor Boots | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Shock Trooper Armor Left Bracer | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Shock Trooper Armor Right Bracer | 300 |
Battle Worn Imperial Shock Trooper Armor Chest Plate | 800 |
Battle Worn Imperial Shock Trooper Armor Gloves | 500 |
Battle Worn Imperial Shock Trooper Armor Helmet | 800 |
Battle Worn Imperial Shock Trooper Armor Leggings | 500 |
Imperial Rug | 500 |
Imperial Cape | 2500 |
Imperial Trenchcoat | 800 |
A 10 Point GCW Imperial Insignia | 1 |
A 100 Point GCW Imperial Insignia | 10 |
A 1000 Point GCW Imperial Insignia | 100 |
Prop Glowstick (Left) - Imperial | 500 |
Prop Glowstick (Right) - Imperial | 500 |
AT-ST Familiar Deed | 5000 |
Rebel Factional Items
Item | Cost |
Battle Worn Rebel Marine Belt | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Marine Armor Left Bicep | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Marine Armor Right Bicep | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Marine Armor Boots | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Marine Armor Left Bracer | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Marine Armor Right Bracer | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Marine Armor Chest Plate | 800 |
Battle Worn Rebel Marine Armor Gloves | 500 |
Battle Worn Rebel Marine Armor Helmet | 800 |
Battle Worn Rebel Marine Armor Leggings | 500 |
Battle Worn Rebel Assault Belt | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Assault Armor Left Bicep | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Assault Armor Right Bicep | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Assault Armor Boots | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Assault Armor Left Bracer | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Assault Armor Right Bracer | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Assault Armor Chest Plate | 800 |
Battle Worn Rebel Assault Armor Gloves | 500 |
Battle Worn Rebel Assault Armor Helmet | 800 |
Battle Worn Rebel Assault Armor Leggings | 500 |
Battle Worn Rebel Battle Belt | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Battle Armor Left Bicep | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Battle Armor Right Bicep | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Battle Armor Boots | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Battle Armor Left Bracer | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Battle Armor Right Bracer | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Battle Armor Chest Plate | 800 |
Battle Worn Rebel Battle Armor Gloves | 500 |
Battle Worn Rebel Battle Armor Helmet | 800 |
Battle Worn Rebel Battle Armor Leggings | 500 |
Battle Worn Rebel Reconnaissance Belt | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Reconnaissance Armor Left Bicep | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Reconnaissance Armor Right Bicep | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Reconnaissance Armor Boots | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Reconnaissance Armor Left Bracer | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Reconnaissance Armor Right Bracer | 300 |
Battle Worn Rebel Reconnaissance Armor Chest Plate | 800 |
Battle Worn Rebel Reconnaissance Armor Gloves | 500 |
Battle Worn Rebel Reconnaissance Armor Helmet | 800 |
Battle Worn Rebel Reconnaissance Armor Leggings | 500 |
Rebel Rug | 500 |
Rebel Cape | 2500 |
Rebel Trenchcoat | 800 |
A 10 Point GCW Rebel Insignia | 1 |
A 100 Point GCW Rebel Insignia | 10 |
A 1000 Point GCW Rebel Insignia | 100 |
Prop Glowstick (Left) - Rebel | 500 |
Prop Glowstick (Right) - Rebel | 500 |
AT-XT Familiar Deed | 5000 |
As an extra incentive to players, completing the missions reward bonus GCW Points and GCW Tokens, which may be used to purchase Galactic Civil War Invasion-specific items. All of these missions also contribute to a collection, where you need to complete the same mission a certain number of times to complete the collection.
Construction Phase Missions
All of these missions can be started by just simply adding resources to their Pylon. After adding resources 10 times to a Pylon, the respective quest will complete.
The reward for completing each construction mission is 250 GCW and 5 Tokens (500 GCW and 10 Tokens if
Special Forces).
Construction Missions
- Barricade Construction
- Patrol Supply
- Tower Construction
- Turret Construction
- Vehicle Construction
- Siege Vehicle Construction
Profession Missions
- Master Smuggler - Slicing
- Started by conversing with Resource Terminals in Camps
- Press
and then Slice to start the mini-game
- Master Entertainer - Remove Fatigue
- Started by interacting with the Field Commander in the Camp
- Clear the Fatigue debuff 20 times
- Can be done by a player watching/listening to you as you perform
- 500 GCW and 5 Tokens (1000 GCW and 10 Tokens if Special Forces)
Invasion Phase Missions
All of these missions can be started by just simply adding resources to their Pylon. After adding resources 10 times to a Pylon, the respective quest will complete.
The rewards for the missions are 250 GCW and 10 Tokens (500 GCW and 20 Tokens if
Special Forces).
Attacker Missions
- Destroy Enemy Turrets
- Destroy Enemy Barricades
- Eliminate Rebel/Imperial Forces
- Kill 10 enemies in the city that is getting invaded
Defender Missions
- Defend Area
- Started by clicking a Turret
- Destroy ten vehicles
- Defend Barricade, Defeat Enemies
- Started by clicking a Barricade
- Destroy ten non-vehicle enemies
- Defend Turret, Defeat Enemies
- Started by clicking a Turret
- Destroy ten non-vehicle enemies
Profession Missions
- Novice Medic (maybe Novice Combat Medic) - Battlefield Triage
- Master Dancer/Musician - Patrol Point Entertainment
- Started by interacting with a Patrol Point
- Perform near the Patrol Point for 30 seconds
- 12 GCW and 1 Token (24 GCW and 2 Tokens if Special Forces)
- Master Entertainer - Rallying the Troops
- Started by interacting with the Field Commander in the Camp
- Perform near Demoralized Troops Patrol Point for 30 seconds
- You need to encourage three troopers
- The reward is 250 GCW and 5 Tokens (500 GCW and 10 Tokens if Special Forces).
As an extra incentive to players, completing the missions a number of times completes a number of collections. There are collections related to the construction phase, the invasion phase, and the professions.
Phase 1 Collections
To complete each construction collection, the player must complete the required mission five times. As well as the GCW point and Token gain of the individual missions, these collections will grant 5 GCW Tokens when completed.
The missions can be started by just interacting with the Pylon to add resources to it.
Imperial Collections
- Imperial Builder
- Imperial Barricade Construction x 5
- Imperial Patrol Point Construction x 5
- Imperial Tower Construction x 5
- Imperial Turret Construction x 5
- Imperial Vehicle Construction x 5
- Imperial Siege Vehicle Construction x 5
Rebel Collections
- Rebel Builder
- Rebel Barricade Construction x 5
- Rebel Patrol Point Construction x 5
- Rebel Tower Construction x 5
- Rebel Turret Construction x 5
- Rebel Vehicle Construction x 5
- Rebel Siege Vehicle Construction x 5
Phase 2 Collections
To complete each invasion-related collection, the player must complete the required mission the number of times specified. As well as the GCW point and Token gain of the individual missions, these collections will grant 5 GCW Tokens when completed.
Imperial Collections
- Defend Imperial Towers x 10
- Available for defenders
- Interact with a Tower to receive this quest
- Defend Imperial Barricades x 10
- Available for defenders
- Interact with a Barricade to receive this quest
- Defend Imperial Turrets x 10
- Available for defenders
- Interact with a Turret to receive this quest
- Imperial Fighter
- Kill Rebel Grunts x 50
- Available for attackers and defenders
- Created by a Patrol Point Pylon
- Kill Rebel Commandos x 50
- Available for attackers and defenders
- Created by a Patrol Point Pylon
- Kill Rebel Specforce Troops x 50
- Available for attackers and defenders
- Created by a Patrol Point Pylon
- Kill AT-XTs x 10
- Available for defenders
- Created by a Vehicle Pylon
- Kill a Hailfire Droid x 1
- Available for defenders
- Created by a Siege Vehicle Pylon
- Kill a Rebel General x 1
- Destroy Rebel Barricades x 5
- Available for attackers
- Interact with the Field Commanderto receive this quest
- Destroy Rebel Turrets x 5
- Available for attackers
- Interact with the Field Commander to receive this quest
Rebel Collections
- Defend Rebel Towers x 10
- Available for defenders
- Interact with a Tower to receive this quest
- Defend Rebel Barricades x 10
- Available for defenders
- Interact with a Barricade to receive this quest
- Defend Rebel Turrets x 10
- Available for defenders
- Interact with a Turret to receive this quest
- Rebel Fighter
- Kill Stormtroopers x 50
- Available for attackers and defenders
- Created by a Patrol Point Pylon
- Kill Veteran Stormtroopers x 50
- Available for attackers and defenders
- Created by a Patrol Point Pylon
- Kill Elite Stormtroopers x 50
- Available for attackers and defenders
- Created by a Patrol Point Pylon
- Kill AT-STs x 10
- Available for defenders
- Created by a Vehicle Pylon
- Kill an AT-AT x 1
- Available for defenders
- Created by a Siege Vehicle Pylon
- Kill an Imperial General x 1
- Destroy Imperial Barricades x 5
- Available for attackers
- Interact with the Field Commander to receive this quest
- Destroy Imperial Turrets x 5
- Available for attackers
- Interact with the Field Commander to receive this quest
Profession Collections
To complete each profession-specific collection, the player must complete the required mission the number of times specified and be the required profession. As well as the GCW point and Token gain of the individual missions, these collections will grant 5 GCW Tokens when completed.
Imperial Collections
- Master Smuggler
- Slice Imperial Supply Terminals x 10
- Novice Medic (maybe Novice Combat Medic)
- Heal Imperial Soldiers x 20
- Entertainer
- Imperial Entertainer
- Master Entertainer - Cure Fatigue from Imperials x 20
- Needs to be done five times to complete this collection
- Available for attackers and defenders
- Interact with the General/Field Commander to receive this quest
- Master Entertainer - Rally Demoralized Imperial Troops x 3
- Needs to be done five times to complete this collection
- Available for attackers and defenders
- Interact with the General/Field Commander to receive this quest
- Master Dancer/Musician - Entertain Imperial Reinforcement Points x 1
- Needs to be done twenty times to complete this collection
- Available for attackers and defenders
- Interact with the a Patrol Point to receive this quest
- Crafter - Each of these collections can be completed by completing each of their quests five times
- Imperial Vehicle Repair
- Available for attackers
- Interact with a disabled vehicle to receive this quest
- Spawn on the outside of the city
- Imperial Turret Repair
- Available for defenders
- Interact with a damaged Turret to receive this quest
- Imperial Patrol Point Repair
- Available for defenders
- Interact with a damaged Patrol Point to receive this quest
- Imperial Barricade Repair
- Available for defenders
- Interact with a damaged Barricade to receive this quest
Rebel Collections
- Master Smuggler
- Slice Rebel Supply Terminals x 10
- Novice Medic (maybe Novice Combat Medic)
- Entertainer
- Rebel Entertainer
- Master Entertainer - Cure Fatigue from Rebels x 20
- Needs to be done five times to complete this collection
- Available for attackers and defenders
- Interact with the General/Field Commander to receive this quest
- Master Entertainer - Rally Demoralized Rebel Troops x 3
- Needs to be done five times to complete this collection
- Available for attackers and defenders
- Interact with the General/Field Commander to receive this quest
- Master Dancer/Musician - Entertain Rebel Reinforcement Points x 1
- Needs to be done twenty times to complete this collection
- Available for attackers and defenders
- Interact with the a Patrol Point to receive this quest
- Crafter - Each of these collections can be completed by completing each of their quests five times
- Rebel Vehicle Repair
- Available for attackers
- Interact with a disabled vehicle to receive this quest
- Spawn on the outside of the city
- Rebel Turret Repair
- Available for defenders
- Interact with a damaged Turret to receive this quest
- Rebel Patrol Point Repair
- Available for defenders
- Interact with a damaged Patrol Point to receive this quest
- Rebel Barricade Repair
- Available for defenders
- Interact with a damaged Barricade to receive this quest
There are a total of six badges available to obtain, with three for each faction.
It is possible to obtain all six of the badges.
Imperial GCW Badges
Imperial Construction Badge
- Complete the Imperial Builder Collection by completing the six construction phase related collections
- Imperial Barricade Construction
- Imperial Patrol Point Construction
- Imperial Tower Construction
- Imperial Turret Construction
- Imperial Vehicle Construction
- Imperial Siege Vehicle Construction
Imperial Entertainer Badge
- Complete the Imperial Entertainer Collection by completing the three Entertainer-related collections
- Master Entertainer - Cure Fatigue from Imperials
- Master Entertainer - Rally Demoralized Imperial Troops
- Master Dancer/Musician - Entertain Imperial Reinforcement Points
Imperial Fighter Badge
- Complete the Imperial Fighter Collection by completing the six combat-related collections
- Kill Rebel Grunts
- Kill Rebel Commandos
- Kill Rebel Specforce Troops
- Kill AT-XTs
- Kill a Hailfire Droid
- Kill a Rebel General
Rebel GCW Badges
Rebel Construction Badge
- Complete the Rebel Builder Collection by completing the six construction phase related collections
- Rebel Barricade Construction
- Rebel Patrol Point Construction
- Rebel Tower Construction
- Rebel Turret Construction
- Rebel Vehicle Construction
- Rebel Siege Vehicle Construction
Rebel Entertainer Badge
- Complete the Rebel Entertainer Collection by completing the three Entertainer-related collections
- Master Entertainer - Cure Fatigue from Rebels
- Master Entertainer - Rally Demoralized Rebel Troops
- Master Dancer/Musician - Entertain Rebel Reinforcement Points
Rebel Fighter Badge
- Complete the Rebel Fighter Collection by completing the six combat-related collections
- Kill Stormtroopers
- Kill Veteran Stormtroopers
- Kill Elite Stormtroopers
- Kill AT-STs
- Kill an AT-AT
- Kill an Imperial General