Helping Ridth (3rd Character Slot Quest)

Helping Ridth (3rd Character Slot Quest)
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  • Helping Ridth (3rd Character Slot Quest)

    Acquiring a 3rd character slot requires completing a collection by repeating a quest. The 3rd slot is treated as a reward and is a time investment. Expect this to take 1-6 hours (previous iterations of the quest took much longer). Make sure to load up on Opportune Chance before starting this endeavor!

    To summarize, the collection requires you go to a bunker behind the Nashal Starport, solve a series of puzzles, and return to the quest giver to repeat the quest until you collect the five different DNA canisters. There is no combat and this quest can be completed at any level.

    Weird Gaming Adventure has a great YouTube video with explanations on how to solve the puzzles as well:

    Stage 1: Receiving the Quest

    Head to Nashal on Talus and go to the cloning facility (/Waypoint 4535 5142). In the basement (to the right), you will meet Ridth Tercarcha (Third Character), a crazed Scientist, who will request your assistance in acquiring DNA canisters. Ridth will give you the location of a bunker where you will have to complete a series of puzzles. The bunkers are located around 500m north of the Cloning Facility.

    There are five DNA types required to complete the collection:
    • Devar (Vader)
    • Isoiuds (Sidious)
    • Satyrun (Tyranus)
    • Anbe (Bane)
    • Iplagues (Plagueis) [very rare]

    Stage 2: Traveling to the Bunker

    Head over to the ancient bunker Keypad Terminal behind the Nashal Starport and interact with it. You will be transported into a bunker and the timer will begin.

    You will not be able to interact with the terminal if you are in combat or mounted.

    Note: Previous versions of the quest made you travel across the planet to access bunker spawns!

    Stage 3: The 1st Room - Security Keypad

    Make your way down to the first room where you will have to find and enter a 6-digit code to open a security door.

    The Holobank is on the left-hand side. Interact with the Holobank until you are given a 6-digit code. This will likely involve interacting with the Holobank 1-6 times until the code is given. Once you have the code, head over to the Security Keypad. Enter the 6-digit code you were given to unlock the door.

    Bonus Profession DNA: Check the Old Terminal in this room to see what profession is represented. Each iteration of the bunker will have a different combination of professions. If you are a master of that profession, you can interact with the terminal and activate DNA processing. After ~15 seconds, open the DNA Processor directly to the right of the Old Terminal to acquire an extra DNA canister. You will also receive a 2nd profession bonus canister upon completing the quest at the end.

    Pro tip #1: Quickly activate the profession Old Terminals on your way down and then pick up the DNA on your way out so you don't waste time trying to get the bonus speed DNA. If you wait until after you may not have enough time until the bunker de-spawns.

    Pro tip Smugglers have a chance to slice the first terminal, saving time to get the passcode.

    Stage 4: The 2nd Room - Power Reactor

    In the next room, you will need to find 4 different parts and place them into the Power Reactor to activate the machine.

    There is a skeleton on the ground. Interact with it to acquire a Reactor Repair Manual. Double-click the manual and you will receive instructions for 4 parts to be used to repair the Power Reactor.

    There are 4 containers that contain reactor spare parts. The different parts are below. Note some are named such that you may be tripped up (i.e. spare battery versus used battery).
    • Flat Canvas Strip
    • Reactor Tubes
    • Reactor Connectors
    • Reactor Coolant Analyzer
    • Old Blue Wiring
    • Red Wiring
    • Red Reactor Motor
    • Blue Reactor Motor
    • Spare Battery
    • Used Battery
    As you locate the parts required, drag them into the Power Reactor container. When completed, interact with the Reactor Terminal to open the door to the next room.

    Pro-tip #1: Open all 4 containers and the Power Reactor container all at once while reading the Reactor Repair Manual so you can quickly look through all containers and drop the correct parts onto the Power Reactor.

    Pro-tip: Parts required will always appear in the same order of container starting with the container next to the body, then going clockwise around the room. IE, part 1 will always be the container next to the body, part 2 will always be in the container to the door you came from, etc.

    Stage 5: The 3rd Room - Water Valve

    In this room you will need to solve a puzzle in which 3 valves are in the correct open/close position. There are 8 (2^3) different combinations to work through. For example, Open-Open-Close, Close-Close-Close, etc.

    The Water Control Console is on the left side of the room. Interact with each valve in different configurations until the machine is operational. Once you have the correct configuration, you may proceed to the final room.

    There is a 2nd Old Terminal in this room that may field a bonus DNA canister if you (or anyone in your party) meets the master profession requirement.

    Pro tip: Utilize the macros listed below to speed up working through all of the options (thanks to SithMasterWHO). Interact with the Water Control Console and fire the macro.

    Stage 6: The 4th Room - DNA Processor

    Now to reap your rewards! Head over to the DNA Processor at the end of the room and collect your DNA canister(s). If you meet the speed bonuses you will have extra canisters in your inventory.

    There is a 3rd Old Terminal in this room that may field a bonus DNA canister if you (or anyone in your party) meets the master profession requirement.

    Total DNA canisters per bunker:
    • 1x DNA for completing the quest before the 5-minute timer is complete
    • 1x DNA for completing the quest in under 1:00
    • 1x DNA for completing the quest in under 1:30
    • 1x DNA for completing the quest in a full group
    • 6x DNA for profession-specific opportunities
      • 3x profession canisters, receive 1x DNA at the canister, and 1x DNA at the end
    NOTE: Only the person who activated the terminal to enter the bunker will be able to get the canister at the end. Because of this, it's not advised to run this in a group.

    Pro tip: Use your Burst Run command to shave a few seconds off your time.

    Stage 7: Repeating the Quest

    You did it! Return to Ridth in Nashal and repeat the quest until you have collected all five different DNA canisters.

    As mentioned above, this quest requires repeating many many times. This is why purchasing the set of DNA typically costs over 1 million credits. Expect to loot in the magnitude of hundreds of DNA canisters before getting the infamous Iplagues canister.

    Pro tip: Opportune chance plays a significant role in which DNA canisters are rewarded.

    Stage 8: Finishing the Quest

    Once you have all DNA canisters, right-click each one and 'add to collection. ' Return to Ridth and listen to his narrative to unlock your 3rd character slot. Congratulations!

    ***IMPORTANT*** Completing the collection is not enough. You must then return to Ridth and he will unlock your 3rd character slot once you complete the narrative with him.

    Pro tip: Add the canisters you get to your collection. The algorithm may take into account which canisters you already have.

    Pro tip: You can drop your extra DNA canisters on to Ridth, which will increase how 'full' his canister is (Bane +0.25%, Tyranus +0.5%, Sideous +0.75%, Vader +1.0%). If you reach 100%, Ridth will give you an Iplagues canister (original credit to ThunderVamp9).

    May the force be with you-

    Overcoming the kick-out issue (Daxar Capn)

    After investigation, I've been able to find the cause of the "random" kick outs. Once you finish the mission, the timer is still counting down and is NOT visible. So in order to avoid the bug, there are 2 solutions involving a timer (using my cellphone).

    Once you enter the bunker, you start the timer on your cellphone. Finish the quest, go to Ridth (timer still running). Once you get to the bunker terminal, you decide, either you wait till the timer reach the 5 minute mark, or you go in the bunker again and try to do it with the time left.

    With all the Pro tips in this page, we are able to do the whole circuit in 3 min approx. (50 to 70 seconds doing the bunker and around 2 minutes to go reactivate the quest and come back).

    Water Valve Macros (thanks to SithMasterWHO)

    Macro: waterValve1

    /ui action conversationResponse0;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse0;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse0;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse2;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse1;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse0;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse2;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse2;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse0;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse2;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse2;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse1;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse2;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse1;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse1;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse2;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse0;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse1;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse2;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse1;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse0;
    /pause 0.5;
    /macro waterValve2

    Macro: waterValve2
    /ui action conversationResponse2;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse2;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse0;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse2;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse1;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse1;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse2;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse0;
    /pause 0.5;
    /ui action conversationResponse0;

    -Taegost, updated Oct 2022
    -SoloWest, updated Sept 2022
    -SoloWest, Feb 2022