Investigating the Destruction of the Death Star

Investigating the Destruction of the Death Star
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  • This quest is part of the Imperial Theme Park questline.

    Level: 89
    You are to infiltrate a Rebel command base looking for information about the destruction of the Death Star.

    Recommended combat level: 80

    Infiltrate a Rebel Base​

    Infiltrate a Rebel command base on Talus and look for information about the destruction of the Death Star.
    • You are given a waypoint to a Rebel base located on Talus. You are given three tasks to complete at the Rebel base:
      • Search for Information
      • Eliminate the Rebel Commander
      • Eliminate Rebel Troops
    • The bunker is full of CL85 elite Rebel troopers

    Search for Information​

    Search for information regarding the destruction of the Death Star.
    • You will need to locate and click on the information server which is at the bottom of the Rebel base, next to Major Dare Nekor, to complete this task

    Eliminate the Rebel Commander​

    Eliminate the Rebel commander at the base, Major Dare Nekor.
    • You will need to kill Major Dare Nekor at the bottom of the Rebel base to complete this task
      • He is a CL85 elite

    Eliminate Rebel Troops​

    Eliminate Rebel troopers at the base.
    • You will need to kill seven Rebel troopers inside the Rebel base to complete this task
      • They are CL85 elites
    Once all three of the tasks are complete, your quest will update.

    Eliminating the Rebel Pilots​

    At the Rebel base, you found information naming 3 Rebel pilots who are believed to have been part of the attack at Yavin IV. Eliminate them.
    • You are given three tasks to kill three Rebel pilots located on three different planets:
      • Defeat the First Rebel Pilot
      • Destroy the Second Rebel Pilot
      • Kill the Third Rebel Pilot

    Defeat the First Rebel Pilot​

    Defeat the first Rebel pilot, Raphael Mar-Shayal. According to Rebel personel records you recovered, he is on Lok doing research at Mount Chaolt.
    • For this task you need to kill Rebel Pilot Raphael Mar-Shayal, who is on Lok, near Mount Chaolt. When you kill them, this task is completed
      • He is CL85
    /way lok 3016 -4402 Raphael Mar-Shayal;

    Destroy the Second Rebel Pilot​

    Destroy the second Rebel pilot, Aramis Kariya. Listed as scouting the Mist Falls on Dathomir.
    • For this task you need to kill Rebel Pilot Aramis Kariya, who is on Dathomir, near Misty Falls. When you kill them, this task is completed
      • She is CL85
    /way dathomir 3456 1378 Aramis Kariya;

    Kill the Third Rebel Pilot​

    Kill the third Rebel pilot, Fen Corandel. Rebel data gives his last known location at the Geonosian bunker on Yavin IV, but apparently he was not signed in for quite some time.
    • For this task you need to kill Rebel Pilot Fen Corandel, who is on Yavin IV, inside of the Geonosian Caves. When you kill them, this task is completed
      • He is CL85
      • The caves are full of CL83 elites
      • You will need to pass through two doors that require passcodes to reach him
        • Passcode for the first door is 32281
        • Passcode for the second door is 12872
    /way yavin4 -6470 -405 Entrance of Geonosian Caves;
    /way yavin4 -6308 -338 Fen Corandel;

    Once all three of the tasks are complete, your quest will update.

    Report to Colonel Veers​

    Return to Colonel Veers at the Emperor's Retreat.
    • Head back to the Emperor's Retreat on Naboo and speak to Colonel Veers

    Colonel Veers: A Rebel officer claims to have information for us. Go to Dantooine and investigate.

    This completes the quest. Continue your conversation with Colonel Veers to move onto the next quest.

    • XP
    You: Dantooine? I'm on my way.
    Colonel Veers: Proceed with care. I do not know what you should expect.