Mysterious Meeting Request

Mysterious Meeting Request
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  • This quest is part of the Quarantine Zone Theme Park questline.

    Level: 1
    Darth Vader requests your presence on Dathomir. / Han Solo requests your presence on Dathomir. / Someone requests your presence on Dathomir.
    Recommended combat level: 1

    Travel to Dathomir Starport​

    You are sent to the new Dathomir Starport named Quarantine Zone and told to meet either Captain Firmus Piett, Guri, or Han Solo.

    Imperial-aligned players will need to meet with Captain Firmus Piett.
    • On completion of theme park, players will receive the Quarantine Zone Survivor - Imperial Badge
    /way dathomir -5749 -6492 Captain Firmus Piett;

    Rebel-aligned players will need to meet with Han Solo.
    • On completion of theme park, players will receive the Quarantine Zone Survivor - Rebel Badge
    /way dathomir -5663 -6817 Han Solo;

    Neutral players will need to meet with Guri.
    • On completion of theme park, players will receive the Quarantine Zone Survivor - Neutral Badge
    /way dathomir -5904 -6427 Guri;

    Once you arrive to your respective quest-giver, speak with them.

    Speak with Captain Piett / Speak with Han Solo / Speak with Guri

    Conversation with Captain Firmus Piett

    Captain Firmus Piett: Yes?
    You: I was told by Darth Vader to report to you.
    Captain Firmus Piett: I see. I was informed by Imperial High Command that a special 'volunteer' would be sent.
    You: What is going on here Captain?
    Captain Firmus Piett: The situation is dire. A large portion of Dathomir had to be quarantined. You may have noticed the barriers.
    You: Quarantined? Is there a disease?
    Captain Firmus Piett: Well yes, you could call it that. There was an accident, possibly sabotage, at an Imperial Research Facility and as a result several became infected.
    You: How is it spread?
    Captain Firmus Piett: All research into the problem suggest it is an airborne virus and highly contagious.
    You: There is no cure?
    Captain Firmus Piett: No, not for this.
    You: No cure? Why isn't orbital bombardment being used?
    Captain Firmus Piett: I believe Lord Vader thought you might be able to help avoid the need for such measures. Orbital bombardment isn't exactly a precise science and killing civilians won't exactly win the hearts of the galaxy.
    You: I see.
    Captain Firmus Piett: Are you ready to be briefed on your mission, [Player's name]?
    You: Yes
    Captain Firmus Piett: You are to travel to the Research and Prison Facility and gain entrance to the primary research lab there. Inside you are to locate at least one sample of a chemical named 'Blackwing.' You have a secondary mission of destroying the virus.
    You: What about the virus?
    Captain Firmus Piett: Luckily there seems to be a way to inoculate against contracting the virus.
    You: Seems to be?
    Captain Firmus Piett: Unfortunately the only way to find out for sure is to seek out the individual giving the inoculation.
    You: You don't know where this individual is?
    Captain Firmus Piett: We have received reports this person is at a refugee camp just on the other side of the walls. If you decide to take this mission, a waypoint will be provided.
    You: I see.
    Captain Firmus Piett: Any other questions?
    You: What is the payment for fulfilling the missions?
    Captain Firmus Piett: I assure you that Lord Vader will be very very pleased.
    You: I need a number Captain.
    Captain Firmus Piett: Perhaps you'd like to contact Darth Vader and ask yourself.
    You: Uh, no thanks.
    Captain Firmus Piett: Any other questions?
    You: So there are survivors?
    Captain Firmus Piett: Quite a few based on reports.
    You: Why aren't they being evacuated?
    Captain Firmus Piett: We have tried. Venturing into the quarantine zone has proven to be fatal to rescue parties.
    You: I see.
    Captain Firmus Piett: Any other questions?
    You: You haven't mentioned anything regarding symptoms.
    Captain Firmus Piett: Symptoms for the disease are the sudden onset of seizures followed by a phase where the victim appears dead.
    You: Oh. Wait, what?
    Captain Firmus Piett: The victim goes through a short phase where they appear dead. This is a temporary state. Later the victim appears to partially recover but becomes very violent.
    You: I see.
    Captain Firmus Piett: Any other questions?
    You: You mentioned this may be sabotage?
    Captain Firmus Piett: Lord Vader is convinced the Rebellion is behind the outbreak. Most likely one or more saboteurs thought they were destroying an Imperial weapon, but really released it. Rebel scum! They are nothing more than well funded terrorists.
    You: I see.
    Captain Firmus Piett: Any other questions?
    You: No, I'm ready.
    Captain Firmus Piett: I have uploaded the details to your datapad. Give your authorization code to the officer at the gate to gain entry.

    Conversation with Han Solo

    Han Solo: Thanks for showing up, [Player's name].
    You: Why is this area walled in?
    Han Solo: This is the handy work of the Empire. Apparently there was an 'accident' with a virus and anyone that happened to be nearby was...infected.
    You: Virus? Do we know anything about it?
    Han Solo: Well yes actually. I know about it first hand. Chewie and I had an 'experience' with this virus before. It was called Blackwing. The virus wiped out a star destroyer as well as a prison ship. Nasty stuff.
    You: So it is a deadly airborne virus that kills?
    Han Solo: Airborne most likely, but the killing part gets a little complicated, kid. You see, it does kill the victim but then the virus takes over the victims body. And then things get violent.
    You: So mean the virus makes the dead walk.
    Han Solo: Walk, run, bite...even pick up a blaster and shoot at you. Unnerving isn't it? Its even worse if it catches someone...I guess reanimating the dead makes the infected hungry.
    You: What? They eat people?
    Han Solo: Yeah, kid...I ain't gonna candy coat it. They eat anything moving that isn't one of them.
    You: Um great, sounds like a nice place to avoid.
    Han Solo: Well, I was hoping you'd actually volunteer for a mission for the Alliance. Pay is pretty good. I'd do it myself if I wasn't already tasked with dropping supplies.
    You: Wait...what? I'm not going in there.
    Han Solo: I told Mon Mothma it was a hard sell, Chewie. I don't know who else to call for this, kid. You came highly recommended.
    You: Why me?
    Han Solo: We contacted you because you have already done some fact finding on the subject. Remember something Jabba had you looking into? Something about a Super Soldier? You actually obtained the scientific data on the virus genome without the Empire knowing. You're resourceful, discreet and you managed to stay alive.
    You: But not stupid. I'm not putting myself in the middle of a deadly virus.
    Han Solo: Oh right. I keep forgetting to tell everyone about the anti-virus. I'm with you, kid. Me and Chewie wouldn't be within a parsec of this system if we didn't have the anti-virus.
    You: Educate me.
    Han Solo: Well, Doctor Cody administers the anti-virus. She's just inside the walls tending to survivors.
    You: So there are survivors in there? Why haven't they been evacuated?
    Han Solo: Look, anyone that lands in there risks becoming lunch, or worse. Evacuations have been tried and failed. The best we can do is fly over and drop supplies.
    You: So, what is so valuable in there that you need someone like me?
    Han Solo: The Empire has sent in several of its own volunteers to retrieve an unmutated sample of the Blackwing virus.
    You: Why would they be that stupid?
    Han Solo: The Empire isn't one to invest millions of credits only to lose it on an accident. It is likely that the Emperor or Vader want the virus to restart research in a new location.
    You: And you need me to get to it first?
    Han Solo: Exactly, kid. Get in there, meet with Cody, get the anti-virus and find the main research facility where the virus was released. Infiltrate the facility and retrieve the sample before anyone else. I'd say it was easy, but it won't be.
    You: I don't know. Sounds like a suicide mission.
    Han Solo: It just might be, kid, so you should think it over real good. The only reason the Alliance would ask someone to volunteer for this operation is to help avoid the death of innocents down the road. If the Empire is allowed to make a virus that kills entire planets, only to bring them back to life and attack others...well, you can imagine what type of problems that might create.
    You: And if I succeed?
    Han Solo: Well if you succeed, Mon Mothma herself will probably reward you. She'll probably pin a nice medal on you or something. Honestly, kid...I don't blame you if you don't think it's worth it...I'd be on my way as well if...
    You: Okay, I'll do it.
    Han Solo: weren't...What? You'll do it? Fantastic, kid. You got guts! You remind me of someone else I hang out with. Can't wait to tell him he has some competition. Heheha! Do you have any questions before you get started?
    You: How will I get in? Air Drop?
    Han Solo: No, kid, we got you Imperial authorization. It will be as if you were working for Vader himself. Pretty snazzy, huh? Anything else?
    You: How did the virus escape in the first place?
    Han Solo: Well, if you listen to Darth Vader, the Alliance is behind the outbreak. In reality it was likely a research accident. Anything else?
    You: No, I'm ready.
    Han Solo: I have uploaded the details to your datapad. We have procured a stolen Imperial authorization code that shows you are working as an Imperial volunteer. Anyone who examines the authorization will think you are working for Vader himself.

    Conversation with Guri

    Guri: Thank you for coming, [Player's name].
    You: What is this place and who are you?
    Guri: I am Guri, lieutenant to Prince Xizor and this is the Quarantine Zone.
    You: Quarantine? Is there a disease?
    Guri: Well yes, you could call it that. There was an accident at an Imperial Research and Prison Facility and as a result many...well, most in the area have become infected.
    You: How is it spread?
    Guri: All research into the problem suggest it is an airborne virus and highly contagious.
    You: There is no cure?
    Guri: No, not really. Once you have contracted the virus it will eventually kill the host.
    You: Why haven't the Imperial Navy used orbital bombardment?
    Guri: There is reason to believe that Lord Vader himself needs something inside the Research Facility.
    You: I suppose he hasn't had much luck finding someone suicidal.
    Guri: Actually, reports show that the Empire has sent in several volunteers.
    You: Are they using Zero-G suits? How are they avoiding the virus?
    Guri: Reports show there is a doctor inside the quarantine zone that is providing an anti-virus. Several sources have confirmed the doctor is in a hold out camp just inside the quarantine zone.
    You: What could possibly be so valuable in this research facility?
    Guri: We contacted you because you have already done some fact finding on the subject. The Empire believes they can mutate the virus to make a super soldier. Considering you actually obtained the scientific data on the virus genome without the Empire knowing, you seemed like a resourceful candidate.
    You: Oh that...Why the interest if it kills everyone?
    Guri: I guess you aren't completely familiar with the side-effects of the virus then.
    You: Why don't you educate me?
    Guri: The virus appears to infect and kill the host rapidly. Not long after the host's death the virus takes over the motor functions of the dead host's body.
    You: Are you telling me that when someone dies the virus re-animates their dead body?
    Guri: Yes. We believe this is why the Empire is so interested. They are not researching a live super soldier with special powers. They are interested in cultivating a dead being that is hard to destroy and can spread their own infection to an enemy.
    You: Does their evil know no bounds?
    Guri: We need your help, [Player's name]. Can you infiltrate the quarantine zone and beat the Imperials from getting their hands on the virus?
    You: What is Xizor going to do with it? Sell it to the highest bidder?
    Guri: I assure you Xizor has his own plans and it doesn't involve selling it.
    You: What if I refuse?
    Guri: It may be hard to keep the fact that you have the scientific data a secret, [Player's name]. As you have noticed there is a vested interest in keeping it a secret.
    You: So if I don't help, I die, and if I try and fail, I am dead as well.
    Guri: But if you try and succeed, Xizor is a very very generous individual.
    You: Well, since I have no choice, might as well tell me your plans.
    Guri: The plan is simple. Make your way into the quarantine zone and receive the anti-virus. Once you have obtained a defense against the virus you will need to find the research facility and search for the original strain of the virus.
    You: What if no such strain exists?
    Guri: We will be monitoring your progress, [Player's name]. We are certain the strain exists but it is imperative that you arrive before other interested parties. Is there anything else you need to discuss?
    You: So there are survivors of this virus?
    Guri: Quite a few based on reports.
    You: Why aren't they being evacuated?
    Guri: There have been attempts but most have proven to be fatal to rescue parties.
    You: I see.
    Guri: Any other questions?
    You: What symptoms do the infected exhibit?
    Guri: Symptoms of the disease are the sudden onset of seizures followed by a phase where the victim appears dead.
    You: And then they just wake up?
    Guri: Sometime after death the victim suddenly reanimates and becomes very violent. Any non-infected in the immediate area risk being attacked and, if subdued, eaten by the infected.
    You: Wait...what? Eaten?
    Guri: The infected are apparently in a constant state of hunger which appears to be the motivation for attacking.
    You: This is horrible.
    Guri: Any other questions?
    You: How did the virus escape in the first place?
    Guri: Lord Vader is convinced the Rebellion is behind the outbreak. We think it was a research accident. Did you have any other questions?
    You: No, I'm ready.
    Guri: I have uploaded the details to your datapad. We have procured a stolen Imperial authorization code that shows you are working as an Imperial volunteer. Anyone who examines the authorization will think you are working for Vader himself.

    After your conversation with your faction's quest-giver, the quest completes and starts the next quest.

    Reward: XP

    Following Quest: Get Inoculated >>