Structures & Cities

Structures & Cities
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  • Housing

    Player Housing Information and Images.

    One of the great aspects of Star Was Galaxies, is that you can become immersed and "live" in a house. Saving up credits to purchase the home of your dreams is often an early goal for players. Houses are a great place to show off loot and other collections, to store items, to stay in for protection against attack, to craft, or to visit with friends.

    Houses and Player Cities

    Houses can be a part of a player city, and are indeed the most important (and necessary) part. If you place a house within the city limits of a player city, or if the city limits are increased so that your house comes within them, you will become responsible for any fees and taxes levied by the city. In addition, if the house is your declared residence, you become a citizen of the city with the right to vote; this assures that you can be a citizen of only one player city at a time. You must wait 24 hours after declaring residence before you can do so again, even if you redeed (or pack-up) and then replace the same house in the same player city.

    Placing a House

    Placing a house is rather simple, whether it is from a deed (in your inventory) or the house control device of a packed-up house (in your datapad). Find an open area that is relatively flat. Placement restrictions are more relaxed for houses than for harvesters, so that player cities have more viable real estate. Once you are in the general area, generate the structure from theradial menu of the deed or control device. You will get a face-down map of the area around your character. Move the cursor to move the placement of the house. If the highlight is green, you are allowed to place in that particular spot; if the highlight is red, you have to choose a different location. Yellow areas are not allowed for placing. Right-clicking will rotate the house 90 degrees clockwise. The map will be oriented with North facing up. Left-click when the highlight is green to place the house in that location.

    If a player forgets what houses they have placed and where, there is a command to help with that: /locateStructure


    Houses come in a wide variety of sizes. Each size will have a different footprint size (the area on the world that it will take up) and lot size. Small houses all take up 2 lots, with the exception of the round Small Naboo House, which takes up only 1 lot. Medium houses take up 3 lots. All large houses and guild halls take up 5 lots. Each character has a limit of 10 lots.


    Because of natural database limitations, each house has a storage limit of how many items can be dropped in the house. You can view the current number of items by accessing the Status option from the house's structure terminal.

    The storage rule to remember is 100 items per lot. This means smalls have a limit of 200, mediums have a limit of 300, larges and guild halls have a limit of 500. The round Small Naboo House has a limit of 100.

    Some special houses, like the VIP Bunker and both Spire houses, take 2 lots but have 250 storage.

    There are items and collections that can increase your house storage, for example the Housecleaning kit (+50 additional storage) from the Fortitude Vendor. You can have multiple Housecleaning kits, but can only use one of them per structure. Or you can complete one of the 5 Storage Increase collections. Each one of them will grant you 100 additional storage, plus 200 more completing all five., for overall of 700 when you complete the whole Tier 2: Housing Improvement Collection Mark I.


    The Structure Management Terminal in your house lets you manage the house and control what others can do in and to it. You can perform most of the actions described on this page using commands found on the terminal's radial menu.


    Like other structures, houses require hourly credit maintenance. This could be viewed as utility bills or costs for upkeep. In any case, it is deducted from the house maintenance pool every hour (you can view and update this pool using the structure management terminal); if the pool is empty, it will come from your bank account or cash if the account is empty.

    If your character has no credits, the house becomes condemned—the entrance will be locked until the repair maintenance is paid. Regular maintenance will continue to build up. Inactive accounts are at risk of being purged, but houses belonging to inactive players will be packed up into the player's datapad when this happens.

    The daily maintenance is dependent on the size of the house. Smalls require 384 credits/day, mediums 816/day, larges 1200/day, and guild halls 2400/day. This does not include player city property taxes, which will increase your hourly maintenance by a certain percentage.

    Player cities may also charge an income tax to citizens. This is a set amount of credits taxed to each citizen, regardless of the size of their house, in addition to any property taxes. Fees are 1% to 15%.


    If you decide to move to a different location, you can take your house with you! There are two ways, redeed the structure, or pack-up the structure. Only the owner of a structure can redeed it.

    To be able to redeed the structure you must remove all items from the structure, it must be empty. Pack-up does not require you to empty the structure, you can leave all your items in it when you pack it up, and they will still be there when you unpack it again.

    At the time of redeeding, you must make sure you have enough maintenance paid in order to cover the cost of redeeding. The cost equals the hourly maintenance rate times 50. This redeed cost will be deducted from the maintenance pool when the structure returns to a deed. The rest of the maintenance will remain attached to the deed, but is not retrievable.

    To redeed, select "Destroy Structure" on the radial menu from the house's structure management terminal. A confirm window will pop up, if you have enough maintenance all figures are green. You can opt out of this phase, just in case you are not sure.

    House Pack-up

    As the owner of a player house, you may choose to "pack-up" your house and all its contents into a house control device, which is stored in your datapad (CTRL-D). You pack up the house using the house's Structure Management Terminal. This is for temporary storage of the house - you must still pay maintenance on the house and it still reserves it's allocated number of lots.

    Once the house is packed up, you can interact with it in a limited fashion via the house control device in your datapad. You have three options available:

    • Check Status lets you see the number of items stored in the house as well as its current maintenance pool.
    • Pay Maintenance lets you add credits to the house maintenance pool.
    • Unpack house lets you place the house in a new location. This works the same way as placing a house from a deed. All placement rules are followed.
    After you pack up your house:

    • The waypoint to the house is removed.
    • If the house was your declared residence, your residency is reset.
    • If the house was your declared residence within a player city, your citizenship is revoked.
    • Vendors stored inside are automatically packed up and placed into owner's datapad

    Planet Restrictions

    Each house design can be placed on select planets. To find out which planets your deed is eligible for, simply examine the deed.

    Current rules are:

    • Corellian - buildable on Corellia and Talus
    • Naboo - buildable on Naboo, Rori and Dantooine
    • Tatooine - buildable on Tatooine, Lok and Dantooine
    • Generic - buildable on Corellia, Talus, Naboo, Rori, Dantooine, Tatooine and Lok
    Houses cannot be placed on Endor, Yavin IV, Dathomir, Kashyyyk, or Mustafar.
    Harvesters and factories can be placed on all planets, with the exception of Kashyyyk and Mustafar.

    Merchant Tents

    Merchant tents are housing-like structures that are ideal for Crafters, as they are easy for customers to identify and visit when searching for vendors. These tents have a very small footprint and take up only 1 lot, limiting the item capacity to 100 items. But since most items would logically be on the vendors, 100 items is often plenty for decorating the store for customers. A crafter needs to have learned Efficiency IV: Structures in Merchant tree, in order to place a Tent The maintenance is 6 credits/hour

    Merchant tents come in three colors: gray, brown, and green. Other than that, there are no style differences. Tents have the same building restrictions as Generic houses.