Open - Other - Reasonable Respec NPC | Page 2 | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Other Reasonable Respec NPC

This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Jun 13, 2021
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Introduce a Respec NPC with a few tradeoffs to make it fair.

Being able to respec without relying on other players and/or save valuable time.

I think having convenient tools like this (with tradeoffs) is a good approach into making the game more enjoyable.

Introduce a Respec NPC with a few tradeoffs to make it fair.

The tradeoffs:
  1. Comes with a small credit fee, but saves time!
    I don't want to propose a specific number, but 225k for ELITE Professions & 75k for CORE Professions seems reasonable.
    • For example, Master Combat Medic requires 135k credits to fully learn. Master Scout Requires 45k to fully learn.
      So thats a 40% fee (god, hope I got that right).
  2. Could work like a skill trainer, providing options for specific trees (4xxx BH etc.).
  3. You can respec only into professions mastered before (hit Master Box).
    • Assumes the player has put in enough effort to master a profession on their own, so that they can save more time later.
  4. Spin groups will remain valuable and optional source of grinding a template.
    • You can actually profit from them as there could be players that can teach you.
I think this is a good idea, this will allow people to quickly swap between templates for a specific instance/fight etc.
Say you have a dust covered armor set suited for SL/Pistols and you want to do heroics, this is your time to finally shine!

Jedi are disqualified from being able to use public service such as this.

Take a look at these suggestions in the comments to this PV as an alternative or add-on to mine:
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i am well aware this isnt a pure 100% CU , but it is CU based with NGE content and some elements , i if wanted to play NGE i would have gone already to Legends , nor do i want this to become a NGE light server , sure there are some QoL things that would be welcomed here but some of these PV's totally disregard the whole game ecosystem all in the name of convenience and i don't have time , which in reality it's not about not having time its about some not wanting to do some stuff they considered a waste of time
I too prefer this server to any pure-NGE server, but I still think it's important to be open to change. :)
I too prefer this server to any pure-NGE server, but I still think it's important to be open to change. :)
yeah change is good when it actually makes sense and you take into account the consequences , having an insta respec ability will just make crafting more pointless and that's not taking into account the way to cheese the game with something like insta respec
Honestly this sounds more like a pvp ease of switch thing and IF it could be done to be restricted to only that maybe.....but even then I see exploit potential especially in the jedi/bh fights. If it was only for things like battlefield area where you could switch around quickly that might be ok but the potiential for abuse just seems high all around.
Honestly this sounds more like a pvp ease of switch thing and IF it could be done to be restricted to only that maybe.....but even then I see exploit potential especially in the jedi/bh fights. If it was only for things like battlefield area where you could switch around quickly that might be ok but the potiential for abuse just seems high all around.
thank you , someone actually sees more than " i want insta respec because i dont have time to spin" , and actually understands the potential to exploit in all sorts of manner
This is a bit off topic but kinda related. I wish there was a battlefield or arena or instance or whatever where I could enter with other players and be able to respec and change weapons (kinda like on TC) to be able to learn how to pvp and what is what. How to use MPowers better or MLS or try out this Hybrid MLS/TK or whatever. THAT would actually get my interest because I would not have to spend a bajillion credits on armor, food, drink, weapons, jewelery, accessories, etc etc and a bajillion hours trying it all out and buying all the different stuff over (i.e different types of armor) just to get into pvp let alone min/max everything and the bajillion hours it takes for all that.

Sorry I know that was off topic a tad. If they ever did this I would take the lessons learned in there and actively join pvp.
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This is a bit off topic but kinda related. I wish there was a battlefield or arena or instance or whatever where I could enter with other players and be able to respec and change weapons (kinda like on TC) to be able to learn how to pvp and what is what. How to use MPowers better or MLS or try out this Hybrid MLS/TK or whatever. THAT would actually get my interest because I would not have to spend a bajillion credits on armor, food, drink, weapons, jewelery, accessories, etc etc and a bajillion hours trying it all out and buying all the different stuff over (i.e different types of armor) just to get into pvp let alone min/max everything and the bajillion hours it takes for all that.

Sorry I know that was off topic a tad.
See this change actually makes sense , and i would support it and maybe even add it to Battlefields only
Posting to downvote. A repec NPC trivializes char grind and turns your 3 char limit into unlimited.
That's a solid "No" from me. One of the better aspects of pre-NGE servers is having to regain xp after dropping skill boxes. This creates more groups looking to grind up xp. Which forces interaction with other players and gives the community more chance to grow.

This may seem silly or unlikely to some, but I saw the NGE hit. There used to be spin groups all the time and people meeting that otherwise likely wouldn't have. When the NGE hit and you didn't regrind to respec all that was gone. Don't chip away at the community.
How about you make it like pilot and do double xp each time you master a profession for that profession?

(I am editing this to say: Non-Jedi or Penalty Experience somehow not affecting this.)
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Make it combat profession only since apparently crafting respecs will hurt the economy. As someone who has done a ton of respecs, I am fully behind this. Playing the game is more important than prepping to play the game. Make it expensive and put a timer on it so people can't change in the middle of a fight for whatever reason but make it a thing.

There will always be a reason to actually spin. You make money doing missions, with the potential to make even more by selling loot. This won't do anything but be a good credit sink for the game.
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Just from the names that are for it you can see this is a pvp driven request with what seems little care for impact on the rest. Sorry this is waaay to exploitable and as was said 3 char limit into unlimited. with this. No vote from me unless it is restricted to Battlefields or something like that.

(I would love to be able to repec my Jedi instantly with none of that usueless Vis to worry about, no way that would be an issue)
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Just from the names that are for it you can see this is a pvp driven request with what seems little care for impact on the rest. Sorry this is waaay to exploitable and as was said 3 char limit into unlimited. with this. No vote from me unless it is restricted to Battlefields or something like that.

(I would love to be able to repec my Jedi instantly with none of that usueless Vis to worry about, no way that would be an issue)
What exploits are you thinking will happen with this?
What exploits are you thinking will happen with this?
One I just mentioned. Respec Jedi with no worries about Vis. I am sure others would pop up. Unintended consequences here and it is not for me to try and work out every possible one.

Playing the game is more important than prepping to play the game.

I know some folks just want to log in and go go go. But this line of thinking just totally screws things up and might as well just make the server another TC. I shouldn't have to get prereqs for quests, no keys for corvette, etc etc. I should just be able to spec up and max out and jump into whatever instance, heroic, battlefield I want because prepping is boring, takes to much precious time etc etc.

Again this MIGHT work in a controlled setup like a battlefield where you can pul it off and all changes revert back once you leave.

Max kinda shoots his idea in the foot because of arguing it is a convenience thing and saying some folks don't have the 1 hour it takes to respc spin but turns around and say he does have time to run heroics, pvp bh hunts, etc. The only way this works without turning this game into an NGE freakish clone with just instant everything is if, and still not sure it would work then, they did something like what I talked about above or at the very least made this a pvp battlefield only kind thing that reverts when done. (Edit - oh and the whole B thing, what a waste of time I don't have right? Same with the Village?)

When you get right down to it this PV is not about not having time its about some not wanting to do some stuff they considered a waste of time.
Going to repost because folks hate to read through the whole thing. But this idea would not only allow what Max wants , could increase pvp player rates and would allow all sorts of team/guild training, test out different stratagies. builds and tactis for hunting jedi vs bh, could try different squad make ups, etc.

I wish there was a battlefield or arena or instance or whatever where I could enter with other players and be able to respec and change weapons (kinda like on TC) to be able to learn how to pvp and what is what. How to use MPowers better or MLS or try out this Hybrid MLS/TK or whatever. THAT would actually get my interest because I would not have to spend a bajillion credits on armor, food, drink, weapons, jewelery, accessories, etc etc and a bajillion hours trying it all out and buying all the different stuff over (i.e different types of armor) just to get into pvp let alone min/max everything and the bajillion hours it takes for all that.

So when you are done training and learning you know what exactly you want to spec as and what to buy for gear, food etc.
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One I just mentioned. Respec Jedi with no worries about Vis. I am sure others would pop up. Unintended consequences here and it is not for me to try and work out every possible one.

Playing the game is more important than prepping to play the game.

I know some folks just want to log in and go go go. But this line of thinking just totally screws things up and might as well just make the server another TC. I shouldn't have to get prereqs for quests, no keys for corvette, etc etc. I should just be able to spec up and max out and jump into whatever instance, heroic, battlefield I want because prepping is boring, takes to much precious time etc etc.

Again this MIGHT work in a controlled setup like a battlefield where you can pul it off and all changes revert back once you leave.

Max kinda shoots his idea in the foot because of arguing it is a convenience thing and saying some folks don't have the 1 hour it takes to respc spin but turns around and say he does have time to run heroics, pvp bh hunts, etc. The only way this works without turning this game into an NGE freakish clone with just instant everything is if, and still not sure it would work then, they did something like what I talked about above or at the very least made this a pvp battlefield only kind thing that reverts when done. (Edit - oh and the whole B thing, what a waste of time I don't have right? Same with the Village?)

When you get right down to it this PV is not about not having time its about some not wanting to do some stuff they considered a waste of time.
So make it normie exclusive. This is hardly the slippery slope people seem to think it will be. It's essentially a potentially huge credit sink, which the devs love, at the cost of the most boring part of the game.

And as usual, no one would be forced to use this. It'd likely mostly be people that have already regrinded templates over and over and don't get anything out of mindlessly killing the same mobs for the 20th time.
don't get anything out of mindlessly killing the same mobs for the 20th time.

Kill different mobs :)
So make it normie exclusive. This is hardly the slippery slope people seem to think it will be. It's essentially a potentially huge credit sink, which the devs love, at the cost of the most boring part of the game.

And as usual, no one would be forced to use this. It'd likely mostly be people that have already regrinded templates over and over and don't get anything out of mindlessly killing the same mobs for the 20th time.
Sorry but you are right back to its about some not wanting to do some stuff they considered a waste of time.

Harvesting resources over and over, especially hand sampling and organics is soooo boring after killing the same things for the 2000th time. We should get rid of this as example where this train runs off the tracks and it is really about not wanting to do anything considered boring.

Again make it exclusive to a certain area and have it revert back when leaving that area. Problems fixed.
Sorry but you are right back to its about some not wanting to do some stuff they considered a waste of time.

Harvesting resources over and over, especially hand sampling and organics is soooo boring after killing the same things for the 2000th time. We should get rid of this as example where this train runs off the tracks and it is really about not wanting to do anything considered boring.

Credit sink from credits made while spinning? lol
And what's wrong with that? The nyms star map was changed to include an option to skip the mind numbing time sink that was the last part. It's been a hit with anyone that runs it regularly. I'm sure there are some weirdos who still run it normally though.

Not sure why you're conflating harvesting and hand sampling with this. You actually get something from both those activities, what do you get from having to spin the 21st time?
what do you get from having to spin the 21st time?
Credits, loot and XP. (I would also add possible new friends, new guildies, new people for your city as well as the social interaction)

Sorry but the only time I spin is for XP. But lets take another example since you didn't like that one. CH pets. You have to basically double level them. Once to level 80 and the other that seems to take forever to BFF. I should just be able to poof them both up so I can get into the real fun and action.

It bears repeating that your responses still are bascially right back to its about some not wanting to do some stuff they considered a waste of time.

Again make it exclusive to a certain area and have it revert back when leaving that area. Problems fixed.