Open - Other - Reasonable Respec NPC | Page 3 | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Open Other Reasonable Respec NPC

This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Jun 13, 2021
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Introduce a Respec NPC with a few tradeoffs to make it fair.

Being able to respec without relying on other players and/or save valuable time.

I think having convenient tools like this (with tradeoffs) is a good approach into making the game more enjoyable.

Introduce a Respec NPC with a few tradeoffs to make it fair.

The tradeoffs:
  1. Comes with a small credit fee, but saves time!
    I don't want to propose a specific number, but 225k for ELITE Professions & 75k for CORE Professions seems reasonable.
    • For example, Master Combat Medic requires 135k credits to fully learn. Master Scout Requires 45k to fully learn.
      So thats a 40% fee (god, hope I got that right).
  2. Could work like a skill trainer, providing options for specific trees (4xxx BH etc.).
  3. You can respec only into professions mastered before (hit Master Box).
    • Assumes the player has put in enough effort to master a profession on their own, so that they can save more time later.
  4. Spin groups will remain valuable and optional source of grinding a template.
    • You can actually profit from them as there could be players that can teach you.
I think this is a good idea, this will allow people to quickly swap between templates for a specific instance/fight etc.
Say you have a dust covered armor set suited for SL/Pistols and you want to do heroics, this is your time to finally shine!

Jedi are disqualified from being able to use public service such as this.

Take a look at these suggestions in the comments to this PV as an alternative or add-on to mine:
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Reactions: Derpyh and Dom
The nyms star map was changed to include an option to skip the mind numbing time sink that was the last part

Good example. You left out they stopped folks from repeating it over and over endlessly to very quickly level up their Jedi, In essence they removed a tiny time sink but in reality added a bigger one and stopped folks from practically insta leveling there. Kinda says being able to instant respc not so good outside a controlled area eh?

Sorry turning the 3 char limit into unlimited is just a no.
Consider this too. I forgot Jedi tbh, but I agree on no respec for them.
what do you get from having to spin the 21st time?
Credits, loot and XP. (I would also add possible new friends, new guildies, new people for your city as well as the social interaction)

Sorry but the only time I spin is for XP. But lets take another example since you didn't like that one. CH pets. You have to basically double level them. Once to level 80 and the other that seems to take forever to BFF. I should just be able to poof them both up so I can get into the real fun and action.

It bears repeating that your responses still are bascially right back to its about some not wanting to do some stuff they considered a waste of time.

Again make it exclusive to a certain area and have it revert back when leaving that area. Problems fixed.

Credits, loot and XP. (I would also add possible new friends, new guildies, new people for your city as well as the social interaction)

The people using this potential npc likely won't be needing credits or loot and are willing to actually dump credits into the ether instead.

It bears repeating that your responses still are bascially right back to its about some not wanting to do some stuff they considered a waste of time.

It also bears repeating that you seem to think because a profession is mastered with an npc, all the benefits of that profession should come with it. That's not the case. You would and should still have to work for your materials if you want to harvest or sample or level your pet or whatever. No one else is making the leap that you are in thinking that everything should just be handed to you because you didn't have to do a bunch of spins to finish a template.

Again make it exclusive to a certain area and have it revert back when leaving that area. Problems fixed.

Or just make it strictly a profession thing and have to still do the work to get any kind of benefit from it.
The nyms star map was changed to include an option to skip the mind numbing time sink that was the last part

Good example. You left out they stopped folks from repeating it over and over endlessly to very quickly level up their Jedi, In essence they removed a tiny time sink but in reality added a bigger one and stopped folks from practically insta leveling there. Kinda says being able to instant respc not so good outside a controlled area eh?

Sorry turning the 3 char limit into unlimited is just a no.
You missed where I said to make it a normie exclusive
You missed where I said to make it a normie exclusive
No I didnt, I just used your example of Nyms.

EDIT - here is the key point of the response

In essence they removed a tiny time sink but in reality added a bigger one and stopped folks from practically insta leveling there. Kinda says being able to instant respc not so good outside a controlled area eh?
double xp each time you master a profession for that profession

That one Max doesn't make sense since you only need to master it once to get your pv and the point of your pv is to skip having to regrind the xp and spin and be able to instantly respec. NGE = blech
double xp each time you master a profession for that profession

That one Max doesn't make sense since you only need to master it once to get your pv and the point of your pv is to skip having to regrind the xp and spin and be able to instantly respec. NGE = blech
That is why it says "alternative".

Basically, if this won't work, what about just doubling EXP instead, without Respec NPC?
That is why it says "alternative".

Basically, if this won't work, what about just doubling EXP instead, without Respec NPC?
Sorry my mistake. That would be a different PV :) Also I think I don't understand. If this idea no go instead double the xp needed for respec? Why not just leave it alone with the same xp for respec? I am missing something here. Need coffee.
No I didnt, I just used your example of Nyms.

EDIT - here is the key point of the response

In essence they removed a tiny time sink but in reality added a bigger one and stopped folks from practically insta leveling there. Kinda says being able to instant respc not so good outside a controlled area eh?
Not really since it was never an issue until it affected jedi which wouldn't be allowed to use the npc anyway and it's a gross exaggeration to say people were insta leveling there. Nyms is under a pretty long lock out, this npc could also be under a similar one or longer.
Not really since it was never an issue until it affected jedi which wouldn't be allowed to use the npc anyway and it's a gross exaggeration to say people were insta leveling there. Nyms is under a pretty long lock out, this npc could also be under a similar one or longer.
No it wasn't as I pretty much insta leveled MLS usi9ng Nyms. Nyms is NOW under the lockout but wasn't back then and that is THE POINT. They stopped people from running it over and over and made it so they could not do it more than once a day. And saying it was never an issue until Jedi is wrong also, it was never noticed until Jedi started using it because it paid out nice xp, had vis but not bad and was on rinse and repeat endlessly for anyone who ran it. Now its lower xp, higher vis and locked out so you can't use it to level up so fast. Still doesn't change the fact this PV really only works in a controlled area that resets once leaving it.
Not really since it was never an issue until it affected jedi which wouldn't be allowed to use the npc anyway and it's a gross exaggeration to say people were insta leveling there. Nyms is under a pretty long lock out, this npc could also be under a similar one or longer.
IF this npc would be under a long lock out , then might as well go spin , making this whole PV irrelevant
The fact is this guy claims he does not have 1 hr to grind , but sure has lot of time for heroics and other activities
and he didn't think or fully thought of how it would affect the game as a whole , because he was too busy writing something out that would benefit him
No it wasn't as I pretty much insta leveled MLS usi9ng Nyms. Nyms is NOW under the lockout but wasn't back then and that is THE POINT. They stopped people from running it over and over and made it so they could not do it more than once a day. And saying it was never an issue until Jedi is wrong also, it was never noticed until Jedi started using it because it paid out nice xp, had vis but not bad and was on rinse and repeat endlessly for anyone who ran it. Now its lower xp, higher vis and locked out so you can use it to level up so fast.
Nyms was always under a lockout, so if you insta leveled MLS you did something else...
Nyms was always under a lockout, so if you insta leveled MLS you did something else...
No it wasnt. You could run it, rinse and repeat. Unless it was a bug that let me and others do that.
IF this npc would be under a long lock out , then might as well go spin , making this whole PV irrelevant
The fact is this guy claims he does not have 1 hr to grind , but sure has lot of time for heroics and other activities
and he didn't think or fully thought of how it would affect the game as a whole , because he was too busy writing something out that would benefit him
I'd rather wait for the lock out and spend credits than spin and make credits. There's no effect outside of saving people some time and getting lots of credits out of the economy. I'm not sure what apocalypse would happen if this was allowed.
I'd rather wait for the lock out and spend credits than spin and make credits. There's no effect outside of saving people some time and getting lots of credits out of the economy. I'm not sure what apocalypse would happen if this was allowed.
IF you want to talk about saving ppl some time , i would love to spend credits for insta factory runs , i would also pay credits for insta respec into another squadron , i would also pay credits for insta jedi respec, i can go on and on about me wanting to spend credits to save time oh and i would definitely pay credits to skip all the HK pre reqs
IF you want to talk about saving ppl some time , i would love to spend credits for insta factory runs , i would also pay credits for insta respec into another squadron , i would also pay credits for insta jedi respec, i can go on and on about me wanting to spend credits to save time
Luckily none of those are on the table outside of just professions. The "I got this, therefore I should get that" argument is just inane.
Luckily none of those are on the table outside of just professions. The "I got this, therefore I should get that" argument is just inane.
oh so what makes your time more valuable than mine ? why shouldn't i save time on those things ?
oh so what makes your time more valuable than mine ? why shouldn't i save time on those things ?
I don't know how you value your time, so comparing something so subjective is silly. None of the other things you mentioned are true credit sinks while the npc would be.
I don't know how you value your time, so comparing something so subjective is silly. None of the other things you mentioned are true credit sinks while the npc would be.
i listed a few examples of me paying credits to save time , and i value my time enough that i would pay for insta factory runs