Ancient Celestial Discoveries

Ancient Celestial Discoveries
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  • This quest starts the Celestial Discoveries questline for the Architect profession.
    This quest is required in order to begin The Elitist Harvester quest, a repeatable quest which rewards schematics for elite harvesters.

    The Celestial Discoveries quest line begins with an Archeologist who talks about a new temple that has been discovered. He can be found at the Labor Outpost on Yavin IV.
    /yavin4 -6982 -5740 Archeologist

    Level: 1

    Recommended combat level: 1

    The archaeologist will direct you to speak with the site director of the Celestial Temple, located on the island in the southern ocean of Yavin IV.

    /way yavin4 1337 -6483 Bel Drusi (Site Director);

    Speaking with the site director completes the quest. To continue on the Elitist Harvester questline, speak with the Architect on the west end of the temple.