Introduction to Chronicler | The SWG Player Quest Maker

Introduction to Chronicler | The SWG Player Quest Maker
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  • Background


    The Chronicle System gives players the tools and freedom to create their own in-game quests. Similar to a Dungeon Master (of sorts), this system puts the power of storytelling in your hands and whilst it does have its limitations, creative players will enjoy the possibilities that Chronicles can bring to their SWG experience.

    Chronicler is independent of other professions (much like Pilot) and does not require you to spend valuable profession points to become a Chronicle Master.

    Getting started


    Ensure your ability to loot Chronicle Shards and Relics is activated as you will need to loot both in order to progress through to master.

    Use /chroniclesloottoggle to active/deactivate this type of loot.​

    Next head to C3P0 who is located in Coronet, Corellia /wp -152 -4806 and tell him you would like to become a Chronicle Master. This will unlock the ability to use the Chronicle Quest Builder.

    Chronicle Apprentice

    You are now a Chronicle Apprentice and there is a lot to learn, so strap in and let’s get started.

    Chronicle Relic Fragments


    Chronicle relic fragments are loot drops from many in-game NPCs. Whilst these may not seem very useful at first, you can actually combine fragments and reconstruct them into Chronicle Relics. 10 Relic Fragments create a random Chronicle Relic.

    To do this, simply right click on the fragments in your inventory and use the radial menu to select the ‘Reconstruct a Relic’ option.

    Chronicle Relics


    Chronicle Relics are looted items that drop from most NPCs across the galaxy. They are also randomly awarded to crafting professions once an item has been successfully created. These relics are required components for player made quests.

    Once you have looted your first relic, right click on it from your inventory and ‘Add to Chronicle Relic'. The relic will then be consumed and stored in the Chronicle Quest Builder Tool. Alternatively, you can also ‘Deconstruct a Relic’ to convert it to a Relic Fragments. This is a useful option if you have too many of the same Chronicle Relic type or if you do not yet have the skill level to use a more complex relic.

    💡Pro Tip: ‘in most cases’ specific relic loot will drop from the type of NPC you are looting them from. For example, if you kill a Tusken Raider then you’ll likely loot a “Kill Tusken Raider” Chronicle Relic.

    Looted relics have 3 values attached to them and you’ll want to pay attention to the Relic Quality if you’re working through the Chronicle profession as an Apprentice:

    Volume - this is always set to 1 and indicates a single Relic type.​
    Relic Quality - this value is important when levelling up through the Chronicle profession as some relics will not be available for your use until you reach a certain skill level. You can save these for later or they can be deconstructed into fragments for immediate use.​
    Amount – the number of uses per relic. This varies depending on your Chronicle Level and RNG but is usually anything from a single use to 3+ uses.​

    In some instances, Chronicle Relic drops are random. Therefore, you are not always guaranteed a Kill relic for killing a specific Mob and instead could receive “Goto location” or “Comm Message” relics.

    Relic Types​


    A Comm Message – a fun relic to add flavour to any story. Comm messages display an NPC on screen and allow the Chronicler to add any messages or instructions. Included in this relic type are the “Message Window” relics which can be used by the Chronicler to display a window of text at a specific point in their player created quest.​
    Crafting – Crafter specific tasks to create X number of an item, such as a Droid Battery or Leather Work Gloves etc.​
    Destroy – a standard kill task for various NPCs such as Tuskens, Jawas, Meatlumps, Jabbas Enforces etc.​
    Goto Location – Send players to a specific named location or use the “Go to Generic Location” relics which allow the Chronicler to set their own location Note: generic locations cannot be set when inside a structure and when building their quest, the Chronicler must be at the in-game location to capture the waypoint.​
    Kill and Loot – a useful task that allows the Chronicler to set the name and the % drop rate of an imaginary item. For example, kill Tusken Raiders and loot 5 Gaderffii Sticks (there is no physical item involved in this transaction, just a line of text on screen to advise the player if they have/haven’t looted the required number).​
    Perform – Entertainer specific tasks to perform to X number of players.​
    PvP – Player vs Player chronicles are available and require you to kill Imperial/Rebel players who hold a specific rank in the GCW.​

    Quest Builder

    You now have your desired chronicle relics, a story in mind and are ready to create your first player made quest.


    To create this quest, you’ll need to use the quest builder which can be found in your task bar (as illustrated above) or type /Chronicle into the chat bar to open the tool.

    The Chronicle Quest Builder UI can appear daunting at first, so lets split it down into its core functions.

    Section 1: Relics


    Category – this will show all the relics that you have looted to date. This list grows the more Chronicle Relics you loot/consume along your journey to Chronicle Master. Here you can also use the drop down to toggle between the different Relic Types.​
    Find – is a basic search function to help you locate a specific relic type. This is a useful function as you can gather a serious numbers of relics and this will save time trying to locate a specific type.​
    Show only current draft types – is a function for your Chronicle Draft Quests. We’ll cover the creation of these drafts later on in this guide, but if for example you have a Tusken Raider Draft Quest, then this toggle would display only those relics used in your draft (such as “Goto Fort Tusken” or “Kill Tusken Snipers”).​
    Title – shows the name of the Chronicle Relic, click this to alphabetise your list.​
    Qty – shows the quantity of the relics you hold, again these can be sorted to list them by amount.​
    Add task – adds a specific Chronicle type to the task list (you can also just double click them directly from the list to add them to your quest builder)​
    Prev/Next Page – as mentioned earlier, you can collect a serious amount of Chronicle Relics, and you may have multiple pages listing them. Use these buttons to navigate to each page.​

    Section 2: The Quest


    Quest Title – give your quest a name.​
    Description – describe what your quest is all about and set the scene, this is especially important if you plan on selling your quests to other players from a vendor or on the bazaar.​
    Example: “Jabba’s Thugs have stolen my shipment of precious Mandalore antiques, and I want them back! Travel to Jabba’s outpost in northern Tatooine and locate the missing items. Kill anybody who stands in your way!”
    Tasks – this box displays the relics you are using to build your quest and these will be listed in the order in which they were selected. Tasks are customisable and you can set the amount of items you require a crafter to build, how many Creatures, NPC or Players you want the quest holder to kill and in instances where you have used a 'Kill and Loot' relic (see Relic Types) you can also set the % drop rate between 1 and 100.​
    To restructure the running order of your tasks, simply use the up/down arrow buttons as illustrated above.​

    Section 3: Quest Info and Rewards


    Level – this is a general estimation of the player combat level required to take on your quest. This will vary based on the activities or NPC you are asking players to take on.​
    Tasks – indicates the number of steps you have in your quest. As you progress through the Chronicle Profession you will be able to add more tasks/steps however, as an Apprentice you will begin with just 6 (increases to 12 at Chronicle Master).​
    Requires – this shows the player what type of profession is required, such as Combat, Crafting or Entertainment. Here you will also see if the quest requires a group of players or if it can be completed solo. If you were to create a 'Kill Krayt Dragon' quest for example, then this would display the "Group" requirement.​

    Rewards - If you want to reward your participants with physical in-game loot or a crafted item, you can simply drop items directly from your inventory into one of the four reward boxes. In addition, you can also add a credit reward. Using the Clear button, will remove all loot/credits you have added to your quest.​

    Drafts - Check this toggle box to create a draft version of your quest, this will store a draft in your inventory (can also be dropped in houses and safety deposit boxes). Chronicle Drafts can be revisited, tweaked or used again and again without the need for you to painstakingly rebuild your quest each time.​

    💡Pro Tip: When a draft is created the system does not consume any relics you have used in your quest. You can also right click a draft in your inventory to directly create a Quest Holocron without the need to manually use the Chronicler Quest Builder.

    Allow Sharing - An option that can be toggled to enable the sharing of Quests up to 20 times (can be set by the ‘Share Limit’ drop down menu). This allows players to further share your quests to friends or anybody else they may encounter.​

    💡Pro Tip: any loot or credits added by the Chronicler to the original Chronicle Holocron do not transfer over to the ‘shared’ version.

    💡Pro Tip: Setting a quest to share 20 times has a waterfall effect. If you share a quest with a 20 player share limit, then that shared quest can also be shared a further 20 times and so on.
    Create Quest / Clear Tasks - These buttons are self-explanatory, but once you’re happy with your quest you can click this button to create your first Chronicle Holocron.​

    Chronicle Holocrons


    Chronicle Holocrons are the physical manifestation of your Player Created Quests and can be traded between players, sold on the bazaar or player vendor. As mentioned previously, the Chronicle Master and or Quest Holder can also share these with others (up to 20 times).

    To share a Quest Holocron, simply select it in your inventory and chose the Share option from the radial menu. You will need to have the player you wish to share the quest with selected, which will then send them a prompt to accept/not accept your share request.

    Testing your Quest

    Chronicler’s have the option to test their own quests from any Drafts they create. This can be helpful to identify any spelling or grammatical errors in a story, seeing if the quest itself flows correctly, is too easy or too difficult. This can be done via the Chronicle Draft radial menu from your inventory and does not consume any valuable Chronicle Relics.

    💡Pro Tip: You can use HTML Color Codes to make your Chronicle Holocrons pop!
    Quest Name - \#FFFF00 Eliminate Rebel Sympathizers
    Quest descriptions can also benefit from splashes of color, but bear in mind that some color combinations can be difficult to read and will vary from user to user depending on their in-game UI display settings.

    Example player quest

    Quest Name: Neutralize Dark Jedi Master and his followers
    Description: Imperial Inquisitors have identified a possible Force User threat. You have been tasked with travelling to Dantooine to take down a suspected Dark Jedi Master and his insane followers.
    1. A comm message from a Male Dark Jedi​
    "So you’ve found our secret lair, I invite you to come see us face to face and we’ll show you the true power of the Darkside!"
    2. Goto Location: Jedi Temple Ruins (a POI waypoint on Dantooine near Jedi Master spawns)​
    Search the ruins for these despicable Darkside follower
    3. Kill 5 Force Crystal Hunters​
    4. Loot 3 Lightsabre hilts from Dark Jedi Knights​
    5. A comm message from a Male Dark Jedi​
    "You may have thinned our numbers but that will not make things any easier for you!"
    6. Kill 1 Dark Jedi Master​
    7. Goto Location: Talus Imperial Outpost​
    Travel to the Imperial Outpost on Talus to collect your reward

    At point 4, the Chronicler will have entered Lightsabre Hilt as the item to loot. As a reminder, this is not a physical in-game item that needs to be looted and instead is simply a line of text which can appear when a player has a successful RNG roll.

    A Chronicler can determine the drop rate via the “Kill and Loot” task drop rate option per below.


    💡Pro Tip: I would strongly advise against using loot drop rates below 100 as this can risk sucking the fun out of your quests.

    Holocron Quest Completion​

    Completion of a player quest will allow the participants to access any loot items or credit amounts that have been added as a reward by the Chronicler. Note: these will need to be manually removed from the Holocron itself before deleting it from your inventory.

    Players will be awarded Silver/Gold Chronicle Tokens which can be used to purchase unique loot from the Chronicle vendor and we'll cover this in more detail.

    Participants are also given the option to rate your quest out of 10. Ratings are available for all players to see when they’re browsing your Chronicle Quests.

    You can use /ChroniclerGetRating <player name> to check your own or an other player's rating.


    How to Grind to Chronicle Master


    As a Chronicle Apprentice you’ll earn Chronicle Experience with each crafted quest. This will enable you to progress through each stage of the profession. Many who have undertaken this path will tell you that this is quite the grind. That said, there have been some recent updates to SWG Restoration that can hopefully speed things along for you.

    What you’ll need

    Between 8’000 - 12’000 Chronicle Fragments – convert these to Relics and add them to your quest builder.​
    An XP Buff from an Entertainer – you should also maximise your ‘Rested Bonus’ for an additional boost to XP gain. Optional XP boosters include the 'Radtrooper Insignia' (purchasable from GCW recruiters) and or Meatlump Wine from the Meatlump Themepark.​
    Patience – this is a manual grind that requires data entry, and this cannot be done with macros.​

    Step 1: Add the Chronicle Relics to your Quest Builder.​
    Step 2: Maximise the number of steps in your quest, you start with 6 as an Apprentice but these increase as you progress through the Chronicler profession.​
    Step 3: Enter values into any Loot, Kill, Craft quest relics. This will inevitably slow you down but thankfully you do not need to add names or descriptions as part of this task (as illustrated below).​

    Chronicle Profession Overview​


    LevelAbilities UnlockedRewards
    Chronicle Apprentice+ 6 Holocron Task Efficiency
    + 1 Chronicle Relic Quality
    Chronicles Starter Kit
    Chronicle Apprentice: Tier I+ 5 Holocron Sharing Proficiency--
    Chronicle Apprentice: Tier II+ 1 Relic MasteryChronicles Booster Pack
    Chronicle Apprentice: III+ 1 Holocron Task Efficiency--
    Chronicle Apprentice: IV--Chronicles Booster Pack
    Chronicle Novice+ 1 Chronicle Relic QualityChronicle Master Statuette
    Chronicle Novice: I+ 1 Holocron Task EfficiencyChronicles Booster Pack
    Chronicle Novice: II+ 5 Holocron Sharing Proficiency--
    Chronicle Novice: III+ 1 Relic MasteryChronicles Booster Pack
    Chronicle Novice: IV+ 1 Holocron Task Efficiency--
    Chronicle Novice: V--Chronicles Booster Pack
    Chronicle Scholar+ 1 Chronicle Relic QualityChronicle Master Sign (Hanging)
    Chronicle Scholar: I+ 1 Holocron Task EfficiencyChronicles Booster Pack
    Chronicle Scholar: II+ 5 Holocron Sharing ProficiencyChronicle Master Sign (Standing)
    Chronicle Scholar: III+ 1 Relic MasteryChronicles Booster Pack
    Chronicle Scholar: IV+ 1 Holocron Task EfficiencyDeed: Chronicles Tent
    Chronicle Scholar: V+ 5 Holocron Sharing ProficiencyChronicles Booster Pack
    Chronicle MasterAbility: ChroniclerVentriloquism
    + 1 Chronicle Relic Quality
    + 1 Holocron Task Efficiency
    + 1 Relic Mastery
    Chronicle Master Robe

    💡Pro Tip: The starter kit and booster packs give much needed Chronicle Relics which will help with your progression through the profession.

    Chronicle Rewards


    S7-U44 is a vending droid that deals in Chronicle Rewards. There are two droids and these can be found stationed in a tent just outside of Coronet Starport /wp -152 -4809 or the Theed Royal Hanger, Naboo at /wp -4802 4125. Rewards can be purchased using Chronicle Tokens which are awarded to both the quest participants and the Chronicler upon completion of a quest.

    Chronicle Tokens​

    Any Quest Participants are awarded tokens directly to their inventory but Chonicler's will need to access their personal reserve to claim any tokens by using the /ChroniclerGetReserve command.

    Silver Tokens - are always awarded in varying amounts at the end of each quest (the exception to this rule is where you have only crafted a very basic quest with 1 or 2-steps).​
    Gold Tokens - are a rarer drop which have a chance to accompany any Silver Token pay-outs.​

    💡Pro Tip: to maximise your chances of receiving Gold Tokens, you will need to build more complex and challenging player quests. For example, a 12-step and well thought out quest has a much higher Gold drop rate.

    💡Pro Tip: whilst sharing quests with your alts or partaking in your own quests is allowed, you will not earn any Silver or Gold Chronicle Tokens.


    Available items

    Chronicles Booster PackMisc, Generic Item
    Chronicles Goto Relics Booster PackMisc, Generic Item
    Chronicles Comm Message Booster PackMisc, Generic Item
    Vehicle Deed: USV-5 Modified LandspeederDeed, Vehicle Deed
    Stardeck Coordination TerminalMisc, Generic Item
    Structure Deed: Sandcrawler HouseDeed, Structure Deed
    MonitorscreenMisc, Generic Item
    Small MonitorscreenMisc, Generic Item
    Large Square Pane of GlassMisc, Generic Item
    Large Rectangular Pane of GlassMisc, Generic Item
    Jabba's ChandelierMisc, Generic Item
    Jabba's DrapesMisc, Generic Item
    Jabba's RugMisc, Generic Item
    Jabba's GargoyleMisc, Generic Item
    Jabba's GeneratorMisc, Generic Item
    Jabba's Bar Style TableMisc, Generic Item
    Jabba's TasselsMisc, Generic Item
    Jabba's Wind ChimeMisc, Generic Item
    FireplaceMisc, Generic Item
    Yoda GraffitiMisc, Generic Item
    Rebel GraffitiMisc, Generic Item
    Imperial GraffitiMisc, Generic Item
    Imperial Starfighter GraffitiMisc, Generic Item
    Rebel Starfighter GraffitiMisc, Generic Item
    Large Hologram of CorelliaMisc, Generic Item
    Large Hologram of DantooineMisc, Generic Item
    Large Hologram of DathomirMisc, Generic Item
    Large Hologram of EndorMisc, Generic Item
    Large Hologram of LokMisc, Generic Item
    Large Hologram of NabooMisc, Generic Item
    Large Hologram of RoriMisc, Generic Item
    Large Hologram of TalusMisc, Generic Item
    Large Hologram of TatooineMisc, Generic Item
    Large Hologram of Yavin IVMisc, Generic Item
    Hologram of CorelliaMisc, Generic Item
    Hologram of DantooineMisc, Generic Item
    Hologram of DathomirMisc, Generic Item
    Hologram of EndorMisc, Generic Item
    Hologram of LokMisc, Generic Item
    Hologram of NabooMisc, Generic Item
    Hologram of RoriMisc, Generic Item
    Hologram of TalusMisc, Generic Item
    Hologram of TatooineMisc, Generic Item
    Hologram of Yavin IVMisc, Generic Item
    Gold Chronicles TokenMisc, Generic Item
    Chis Costume InstructionsMisc, Generic Item
    Exar Kun Cultist Costume InstructionsMisc, Generic Item

    Chronicles Epilogue

    Some final notes.

    Chronicles is a great system for those with a flare for creating content for others, but it does have its limitations. These include many NPC relics that simply never made it to the live version of SWG. This is unfortunately also the case when it comes to specific Comm Messages and Goto Locations.

    In closing, an "Elite Chronicle Master" will find and utilise all kinds of fun and quirky locations that can be found hidden away across the Galaxy. This coupled with the use of Storyteller can really ascend quests to new heights and offer an immersive gaming experience that your quest participants never thought possible.

    💡Pro Tip: A Chronicle Master using the Chronicler Ventriloquism ability can speak through any Storyteller NPC that they place within the game world.

    Chronicle Relic Catalogue​

    📖 Catalogue - list of available chronicle relics by type.

    Versatti - Jan 2025