Playing Cupid

Playing Cupid
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  • Playing Cupid

    Playing Cupid is a quest that can be started and completed during Ewok Festival of Love.
    To begin, find L-O53 (a matchmaking droid) in any of the following locations:

    /way Naboo 5233 6742 Ewok Festival of Love;
    /way Corellia -5178 -2560 Ewok Festival of Love;
    /way Endor -663 -5025 Ewok Festival of Love;

    This quest can be repeated every 24 hours.

    Conversation with L-O53

    Find the fancy droid near the chocolate fountain in any city with festival and talk to it.

    L-O53 (a matchmaking droid): Step right up, my friend. I have a proposition for you. During this Festival that celebrates Love and Romance, there are those who lack someone with whom to share their life. You can help change that. Are you interested?
    You: I would be glad to help.
    L-O53 (a matchmaking droid): Of course you would! I could tell from the first moment I saw you. Very well, I will assign you a companion. Your job is, quite simply, to find them someone who matches them in the hope that true love will spark.
    You: How will i do that?
    L-O53 (a matchmaking droid): Throughout Tyrena on Corellia and Kaadara on Naboo, there are potential matches for your companion. These people are also looking for love and have come to us for assistance. Speak with your companion and learn what kind of things he or she is looking for, then speak with those potential soul-mates until you find one that matches. Nothing could be easier!
    You: I'm ready to go.
    L-O53 (a matchmaking droid): Then let's get started!

    Alternative choice.

    You: No thanks.
    L-O53 (a matchmaking droid): Oh, I see. Happy Festival of Love to you.

    Playing Cupid

    You have 24 hours to complete this quest.

    : 10
    The Ewok Festival of Love celebrates romance, but not everyone has someone with whom to share their life. Help the romantically lost find love.
    Recommended combat level: 10

    Find a Match

    Find a Match for your romance seeker companion. You willl find potential soul-mates for your companion in Tyrena on Corellia and in Kaadara on Naboo.

    Start by summoning your companion, you may do so from the Heart in your datapad (K by default).

    Get to it. These people won't find a soul-mate on their own. Believe me, they've tried. - L-O53 (a matchmaking droid)

    Summon it and talk with your companion, find out what kind of interests they have.

    Words outlined in pink color are your companions interests/preferences/hobbies.
    There are five "interests" in total, you have to find a soul-mate who matches at least 4 of these to complete the quest.


    These soul-mates can be found in Tyrena (Corellia) or Kaadara (Naboo).
    They can be identified by looking for a rotating gift box above them, they will also have a random name.


    Speak with them and ask them about their interests.
    If there are 4 or more matches with your companion, then you can go ahead and introduce them to each other by choosing the option "I think you'd be a great match for my companion here" and confirming it in the next dialog window.

    Good job, you helped those people find each other in this vast galaxy of ours. Now return to L-O53.
    I'm so excited! I can't believe I may have found someone with whom I can share my life! - Cera (a desperate romance seeker)

    Return to L-035

    Wasting no time...I like that. - L-O53 (a matchmaking droid)

    L-O53 (a matchmaking droid): You have made this a Festival of Love to remember for those two lucky people! Well done.
    You: Thank you.
    L-O53 (a matchmaking droid): No, thank you. The galaxy has a bit more love in it thanks to you. And please come back tomorrow. I'm sure i can find someone else for you to match by then!


    Repeating the Quest

    If you want (you have to), you can repeat this quest every 24 hours.
    Complete it 8 times in total to finish the collection.

    Something to keep in mind before repeating the quest:

    Droid can give you a companion for whom you have already found a match.
    This can be checked by navigating to the Achievements tab in the Collections sheet.

    You can delete the companion from the datapad and ask droid for another.

    Reward for completing the whole collection:

    • The Matchmaker Title
    • Ewok Festival of Love Matchmaker Badge
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