The Elitist Harvester

The Elitist Harvester
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  • This quest is part of the Celestial Discoveries questline for the Architect profession.

    The Elitist Harvester, which rewards the Elite Harvester Schematics. This quest is repeatable. There is no combat for this quest, which can be easily completed at any combat level.

    The quest can be accepted by speaking with Tandy Valera located inside the Celestial Temple after completing the Ancient Celestial Discoveries quest.
    /way yavin4 1261 -6498 Tandy Valera (An Architect);

    Once the questline has been accepted, you will have to travel around the galaxy and speak to various NPCs. Each sub-quest involves speaking with the Elitist Harvester, Sarky Syrm, fetching an item or traveling to a specific location, and then returning to Sarky Syrm. Once completed, the quest can be reset by speaking with Tandy Valera again.

    /way tatooine -6201 1851 Energy Startup Capacitor;
    /way kkowir -29 143 An Ancient Piece of Bark;
    /way naboo 1000 -6550 Ocean;
    /way lok 911 -4202 An Experimental Polymer;
    /way mustafar -2570 -1576 Crystal Flats

    Tandy Valera: Hi there, I don't believe we've met.
    You: No I don't believe we have. What are you doing?
    Tandy Valera: Well I'm an architect. And from the looks of it you are as well. I've been assigned by the site Director to investigate this finding.
    You: Looks to be a harvester of some sort?
    Tandy Valera: Ah yes, quick eyes you have. A harvester it is. However, we've been carefully extracting parts and what we've found is simply fascinating.
    You: What could be so fascinating about a harvester?
    Tandy Valera: Well you see the Celestials were responsible for absolutely mind-boggling engineering tasks over the course of their existence. In order to construct these mega projects they needed to gather more resources than the Galaxy had ever known possible.
    You: OK. Go on. I'm listening.
    Tandy Valera: Some of the alloys used, gearing design, and efficiencies here are quite simply unprecedented. I mean we all know they don't make harvesters like they used to but this is truly remarkable.
    You: I'm sold. How do I help?
    Tandy Valera: I have an engineer testing our findings in the fields of Endor. Go see if you can track him down and assist. If he comes off across a bit crass, don't worry. He means well but he is a bit of an ... Elitist Harvester.

    Level: 1
    The dig site Architect has asked that you go find and assist his testing engineer on Endor.

    Recommended combat level: 1 (No combat)

    The engineer is located on the north end of Endor. Travel to the Smugglers Outpost Starport and travel northwest. Speak with him to complete the current quest. You will have to speak to him a second time to move on to the next portion of the questline.

    Sarky Syrm - /way endor 3072 6413 Sarky Syrm (An Elitist Harvester)

    Tandy Valera: Listen I've done told you I'm not selling my stash of Eenagooite. Had about enough of you people coming out here and asking.
    You: What? No. Are you the engineer working for Tandy Valera back on Yavin IV.
    Tandy Valera: The architect? Yeah, that'd be me. Now scram!

    The Elitist Harvester - Capacitor​

    The Elitist Harvester needs you to locate an Energy Startup Capacitor. They suggested a junk yard might be a good place to start.
    Reward: Elite Water Harvester (Schematic)

    Tandy Valera: You again? Back in my day I could place 30 harvesters on a sweet spot on Rori faster than you can say hand sample.
    You: Alright that's great. So I was told you might need some help testing materials out here?
    Tandy Valera: Think you're hot stuff, huh? Well not materials at the moment, but I could use a hand locating an item. Working on this Water Extractor and my Energy Startup Capacitor fried again. This advanced Celestial technology keeps burnin' them out but I think this next time I'll get it.
    You: Maybe I could help you find one?
    Tandy Valera: Heh. Easier said than done. Manufacturing across the Galaxy has been focused on the war machine. Best bet is to find a used one at this point. Maybe like a junk yard would be a good place to start.

    The capacitor is located in the Jawa encampment on Tatooine, west of Mos Espa. Because of the quest location's distance from the nearest Starport, shuttling to a nearby player city, camp, or player GCW outpost may reduce travel time. However, as of the time of writing, there are no player cities a closer distance than the Mos Espa Starport.

    Tatooine Jawa Fortress - /way tatooine -6201 1851 Energy Startup Capacitor

    Return to Sarky Syrm on Endor to complete the mission and receive a schematic for an Elite Water Harvester. Speak to Sarky Syrm again to begin the next quest.

    Tandy Valera: They call me the father of Geothermal Power in some systems. Can you top that?
    You: No but I have your Energy Startup Capacitor you were looking for. Found it at a Jawa encampment.
    Tandy Valera: Well I'll be. That did it! Finally optimized the initialization procedure to handle the increased electrical load! Let me get you a copy of these blueprints as a reward.

    The Elitist Harvester - Organics​

    The Elitist Harvester needs you to grab a piece of organic tree bark to test against. Something especially ancient.
    Reward: Elite Flora Harvester (Schematic)

    Tandy Valera: Bet you couldn't tell the difference between a smelted aluminum and a Perovskitic could ya?
    You: Well hey now, sure I could.
    Tandy Valera: Sure sure. Save it for the Marauders. So the next project I'm working on is a Flora extractor. Just about got her up an running but I need a sample to test against.
    You: Just any old Flora? I could grab some for you.
    Tandy Valera: You've got the IQ of a personal harvester extraction rate don't ya? No not any flora. I need something abrasive to test against. Wood will do. Not any Corellian Deciduous though. I need a sample of something abrasive. Go grab me a piece of bark from an ancient tree. I need to test whether the organic fines won't tear up the seals in this extra large hopper.

    The ancient bark is located at the base of the Grand Tree in The Dead Forest (Kkowir Forest) on Kashyyyk. Players will have to land at the Kachirho Starport on Kashyyyk, travel across the bridge to the northwest to enter the Kkowir Forest, and then travel northeast to the Grand Tree. A path traveling clockwise around the tree grants access up the hill that the tree is located on. You will not be able to call vehicles anywhere inside of The Dead Forest.

    The Dead Forest - /way kachirho -744 257 Entrance to Kkowir Forest
    Great Tree - /way kkowir -29 143 An Ancient Piece of Bark

    Return to Sarky Syrm on Endor to complete the mission and receive a schematic for an Elite Flora Harvester. Speak to Sarky Syrm again to begin the next quest.

    Tandy Valera: If that took any longer I'd say the Fermionic Ore was gonna despawn.
    You: Doesn't that last like three weeks? Oh that's the joke very funny.
    Tandy Valera: Yeah now you're gettin it. Hand me that sample. OK now let me make an adjustment to the lubrication injector. Yeah she's holdin up! I was worried those old fibers would tear up the seals but she looks solid. Appreciate your help partner, here's the schematic for your troubles.

    The Elitist Harvester - Under Pressure​

    The Elitist Harvester has asked you to take a gas vessel and remote testing device and subject the vessel to as much pressure as you can put it under. Where could it be put under pressure?
    Reward: Elite Gas Harvester (Schematic)

    Tandy Valera: Think you can hand sample on Mustafar? Bet you've never sampled IN the lava.
    You: I feel like that's not safe.
    Tandy Valera: What a clone got you scared? Bet you're afraid of forage worms, too. This next job might not be for you. It's rather explosive. These new gas harvester have to endure extreme pressures.
    You: High pressure? Like how high?
    Tandy Valera: Reaching the deepest part of the gas pocket with this new technology means intense force on the downhole mechanism. We'll need to expose the extraction vessel to as much pressure as we possibly can to see what it can do. Take the vessel and this remote testing device and see how much pressure you can put it under. Report back when you're finished testing.

    This mission requires you to take a vehicle into the southern Naboo ocean. Travel to the Moenia Starport and travel west. No specific vehicle type is required and - despite the quest description - there is not any item that you must bring with you. Getting within approximately 100 meters of the waypoint will trigger the quest. Because of the quest location's distance from the nearest Starport, shuttling to a nearby player city, camp, or player GCW outpost may reduce travel time. However, as of the time of writing, there are no player cities a closer distance than the Moenia Starport.

    Southern Ocean Area - /way naboo 1000 -6550 Ocean

    Return to Sarky Syrm on Endor to complete the mission and receive a schematic for an Elite Flora Harvester. Speak to Sarky Syrm again to begin the next quest.

    Tandy Valera: You smell like a Gungan. Why do you smell like a Gungan?
    You: Your pressure vessel might have been eaten by a Sando Aqua Monster. Not sure. But the pressure readings and vessel integrity look good.
    Tandy Valera: You dropped it in the Naboo ocean? Well I suppose that did the trick. Hmmm... The readings do look good. That new vessel should be able to withstand whatever we throw at it. Thanks for the help.

    The Elitist Harvester - Experimental​

    The Elitist Harvester has asked you to steal an experimental Imperial polymer.
    Reward: Elite Chemical Harvester (Schematic)

    Tandy Valera: I've surveyed more resource than you could ever dream of, my friend. And I don't even use those survey droids!
    You: Thank you, I guess?
    Tandy Valera: Well if you want to return the favor, I'm working on anew coating for this new Celestial tech drive shaft we discovered. Tensile strength is off the charts, but I need protection to be sure it doesn't tear apart the rest of the machinery.
    You: Well I'm willing to help. What do you need for the coating?
    Tandy Valera: My contact the Imperial Bureau of Standards informed me they were working on a new advanced polymer chain. If you can find me a sample I can replicate it as a coating on the internals of the Chemical extractor. See what you can dig up for me.

    The polymer is located in a tiny abandoned outpost on Lok. It is in southern half of the planet, a considerable distance from the only Starport at Nym's Stronghold. Because of the quest location's distance from the nearest Starport, shuttling to a nearby player city, camp, or player GCW outpost may reduce travel time. As of the time of writing, the two closest shuttleports are located at Kryimorut and Veshok.

    Remote Imperial Outpost - /way lok 911 -4202 An Experimental Polymer

    Return to Sarky Syrm on Endor to complete the mission and receive a schematic for an Elite Flora Harvester. Speak to Sarky Syrm again to begin the next quest.

    Tandy Valera: Better hope nobody saw you. Wonder what you'd be worth if I turned you in?
    You: But you're the one that told me about the polymer?!
    Tandy Valera: Don't get your petro fuel all mixed up I'm joking. So let's have a look at this polymer. Wow, that is an incredibly robust long-chain polymer. I'm going to add a thinning agent here and apply it to the gearing. Just what's needed to stabilize the overlocked revolutions per minute. Let me get you the schematics for your troubles.

    The Elitist Harvester - Thermal​

    The Elitist Harvester has asked you to test the new outer pump housing for heat tolerance. Find somewhere you can test the new metallurgy.
    Reward: Elite Mineral Harvester (Schematic)

    Tandy Valera: You heard about the new 1,000 quality steel that came out yesterday?
    You: What? Where? Let me check my survey tool!
    Tandy Valera: Made ya look! But I can smell one coming on... Anyway, I've got one last job for ya. Despite all of the precautions taken with this model, these traditional pumps keep burning up.
    You: That doesn't sound like what you want in a harvester.
    Tandy Valera: No kidding? Why don't you go find some Lokian Scaley hide while you're at it. Like I've been saying, the pumps have been failing left and right with the traditional steels. I smelted a low ratio of that polymer you stole in with the steel we found on the Celestial artifact. I need you to take this outer pump housing and make sure it can hold up to excessive pressures. Report back with your results.

    This quest brings you to Mustafar, which cannot be accessed by the player-owned starships. The planet can only be accessed by paid shuttle from a Starport on Corellia. Vehicles will not be able to traverse the mountains, so simply follow the paths to the quest location.

    Volcano Crest - /way mustafar -2570 -1576 Crystal Flats

    Return to Sarky Syrm on Endor to complete the mission and receive a schematic for an Elite Flora Harvester.

    Tandy Valera: Why am I not seeing the pump housing I gave you? Let me guess you got stopped for contraband and gave it up to the officer.
    You: Not exactly. I think a Mustafarian Panning Droid picked it up from the lava.
    Tandy Valera: The lava?! And it didn't melt? Well, I guess you could call that a form of destructive testing. If it didn't become one with the lava I'd say we have ourselves a metallurgy that can resist extreme temperatures alright. After all of that testing we can finally put the Celestial technology to good use. Here's a schematic of the prototype for your hard work. I'll see you at the sweet spot, partner.

    This completes the quest and concludes the questline.