Meatlump Rank | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Meatlump Rank

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  • Meatlump Rank is a collection, that is part of the Meatlump Investigation Collection Tier 2 collection.

    A player may start this collection by adding any Meatlump rank item to their collection.

    In total, there are 8 pieces to this collection and can all be looted from Meatlump Safes and Meatlump Containers.
    • Meatlump Dunder Rank
    • Meatlump Lunk Rank
    • Meatlump Donk Rank (rare)
    • Meatlump Simp Rank (rare)
    • Meatlump Nerp Rank (rare)
    • Meatlump Lieutenant Rank (rare)
    • Meatlump Captain Rank (very rare)
    • Meatlump Decider Rank (very rare)

    Reward: XP, Meatlumps, and progress towards the Meatlump Investigation Collection Tier 2 collection