Patch Notes Archive (Part 3)

Patch Notes Archive (Part 3)
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  • Hotfix Publish 1.1 Fixes (B)​

    The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:
    • Changed Attacking any defensive element of a GCW Faction Base (e.g., turrets) will now TEF (Temporary Enemy Flag) you, locking your status to Special Forces.
    • Changed You can no longer donate a deed to a GCW Faction Base when there's a player of the enemy faction within 200m of the base.
    • Fixed A bug that prevented the GCW system from properly adjusting the rank of characters has been resolved. Current GCW ratings as of server shutdown were combined with all earned GCW points from before the last rank-up to set your current GCW score. The rank-up process will now occur for a one-time adjustment replacing the failed rank-up on Sun Jul 16, 2023, at 02:00:00 GMT+0000. Players logging in now through the next rank-up period on July 20 will also receive a redeemable GCW Points token in their inventory.
    • Fixed A bug that caused the start of casting/warmup to be interrupted because you are "moving" when you aren't actually moving your character client-side has been resolved.
    • Fixed A bug that caused frequent client crashes from observing a combat state change has been resolved.

    Hotfix Publish 1.1 Fixes (C)​

    The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:
    • Added All group members responsible for destroying a Faction Base will now receive a credit payout of 100,000 to 400,000 credits (increased proportionately by the type of base destroyed).
    • Changed You can no longer place a structure while you are on Special Forces (Declared) status. You must be On Leave or Combatant (Covert).
    • Changed Turrets spawned by GCW Officers will now only attack players that are Special Forces (Declared) and will now check the surrounding area for objects with collision before placing the Turret.
    • Changed The no-build radius around Faction Bases has been increased from 64 to 128 meters.
    • Changed Slowed the firing rate of Faction Base Turrets and reduced their min/max damage range.
    • Fixed A bug that prevented Faction Base Turrets from damaging droids has been resolved. This change is not retroactive to turrets that have already been placed.

    Hotfix Publish 1.1 Fixes (D)​

    The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:
    • Added 1,000 GCW Point Insignia are now purchasable from Faction Recruiters for 25 Station Battle Tokens (in addition to the existing purchase options).
    • Changed The respawn time for the Tusken Raiders outside Mos Eisley has been increased to 5 minutes.
    • Changed Pets that enter combat while their owner is considered inactive (not providing keyboard/mouse input for > 15 minutes) will now be automatically stored. You can see whether the client considers you active by pressing Ctrl + Shift + G and looking at the "Activity" section.

    Hotfix Publish 1.1 Fixes ft. Creature Handler​

    The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

    • The Empire Day and Remembrance Day celebrations have come to an end
    Galactic Civil War
    • Fixed A bug that occasionally caused some GCW points would not be counted towards promotion for Senior Officers (Major and above) has been resolved.
    Items and Equipment
    • Fixed Title Deeds from the Bestine Humanities Society will no longer lose their names.
    • Fixed A bug that occasionally caused armor to decay too much/little when cloning has been fixed. Armor, clothing, and jewelry will now decay at by 5% of the item's max condition, up to 2500. This can still be reduced by buying insurance on the item, or by PvP decay reduction via Inspiration buff or Moof Mud.

    Creature Handler
    • Added Pet creatures can now land critical hits.
    • Added All non-basic creature attacks now have an accuracy bonus equal to the creature's level x 2.
    • Added Slash and Damage Poison now have a moderate accuracy bonus.
    • Changed Hit Chance Bonus and Dodge Bonus received from incubation now work as a % bonus to a creature's Accuracy and Defense, respectively, and their bonuses are now 5x higher. These will be renamed Accuracy Bonus and Defense Bonus in a future client patch.
    • Changed Increased the amount that Creature Aggressiveness affects Accuracy by 25%.
    • Changed Reduced the effectiveness of the Flank debuffs to 10/15/20% critical hit vulnerability (from 18/25/35).
    • Fixed A pet creature's Critical Hit Bonus now properly increases their crit chance.
    • Fixed Fixed Lok Tier 5 Duty Missions having the incorrect spawns for the tier.

    Hotfix The Report Wars Strike Back​

    The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

    Galactic Civil War
    • Fixed Players who are swimming will no longer earn factional presence.
    • Fixed Players who are swimming or adjacent to waterways will now have their location reported on the War Intelpad and other GCW devices under the Factional Presence Window.

    Hotfix War is hell​

    The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

    • Fixed Knockdown immunity now starts when the player recovers from knockdown, rather than when they are knocked down.
    Galactic Civil War
    • Added Factional bases will now send an alert in the GCW Channel and Discord when their turrets are attacked. Messages of this type will only be sent once every 10 minutes per base.
    • Changed Officers (Lieutenant and above) must now visit a recruiter to go on leave. The /pvp command can only be used to switch to Special Forces.
    • Changed Increased the base amount of GCW points earned for a PvP kill to 250. If either the winning or losing player is a Senior Officer, there is an additional 50 points per senior rank granted. These values are still also subject to the same bonuses and decay as before.
    • Changed After leaving a Battlefield, a player's wounds, fill, and battle fatigue are now reset to 0.
    • Changed You can no longer donate a deed to a base when there's a player of the enemy faction within 200 meters.
    • Fixed An issue where Colonels could occasionally prevent players defending other regions from ranking up has been resolved.
    Items and Equipment
    • Fixed Fixed an issue that prevented certain collection items from being looted.

    • Changed Only the leader of the group may now use the /stopBand command.

    Update The Last (Update Before) Jedi​

    The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

    Note: Due to budget reductions changing funding priorities, we've made the decision to discontinue signing our builds of the SWG Client application. This change may result in Windows Defender or other antivirus applications warning you before you launch the game. This behavior is expected, and you can simply bypass the warning.

    • Changed Player Droids and Pets now receive the benefit of PvP Accuracy bonus if they are attacking a player.
    • Changed Armor now decays five points (instead of one point) of condition per hit to that individual piece of armor.
    • Changed You can no longer stack Damage over Time (DoT) effects of the same ability name from multiple players. If multiple DoTs are directed to the same target, the strongest of those used with the same ability name will be applied.
    • Changed The speed cap on Pistol weapons is now set at 0.9 instead of 1.0.
    • Fixed Using a recovery ability (knockdown, stun, dizzy, blind) will no longer put the other recovery abilities on cooldown.
    • Removed The Battle Fatigue mechanic has been removed in its entirety and is no longer applied from any source. This mechanic has been replaced with Rested points (see Entertainer below).

    • Added New rewards are available on the Battlefields vendors, including Stim D’s previously available at static bases, a Recon Backpack, a RIC-920 Rickshaw, and a Mandalorian Skull banner (the first piece of Jango Fett’s Jetpack; other pieces will rotate in in the future).
    • Changed Chronicler loot and the Chronicler secondary profession are now toggled off by default until talking with C-3PO at the Chronicler tents in Theed, Coronet, or Dearic.
    • Added Players completing Watto’s quest "Repo Man" before entering the Squill Cave will now be rewarded with a set of Basic armor (Assault, Battle, Recon, the player's choice). The armor will have approximately 80% of the stats as crafted Basic armor of that type.
    • Added Several interstitial pointer quests have been created to help make sure players don’t lose the questline during conversations (e.g., between the periods when you need to speak with the Mayor of Mos Eisley).
    • Changed Credit rewards have been modified on over 120 quests and now escalate throughout the story. The overall reward for completing the entire Legacy series is now ~3.5M credits.
    • ChangedPayouts for completing Missions have been increased as follows:
      • Music, Dancing, Crafting, and Surveying missions have been increased 5x.
      • Factional destroy missions have been increased 4x.
      • Creature Destroy missions have been increased 1.5x.
      • NPC Destroy missions have been increased 2.5x.
      • Escort missions have been increased 3x.
      • Recon and Delivery missions have been increased 2x.
      • NPC Bounties have been increased by 50%.
    • Added The Sher Kar instance is now active on Mustafar. This instance has been rebalanced and redesigned with new mechanics unique to Restoration.
    • Added Mustafar Trial Tokens have been added as rewards for completing instances. Depending on difficulty, you can earn between 2 and 5 tokens per instance and up to 10 tokens per week.
    • Added Many new items have been added to the Mustafar Content Vendor at Mensix, which can be purchased with Mustafar Trial Tokens. They include several warmly glowing items, Mustafar-themed memorabilia, and the XJ-2 Airspeeder.
    Tutorial and New Player Experience
    • Added The original Tutorial Experience from the Combat Upgrade has been restored and refreshed. New characters that check the "Show New Player Tutorial" option during character creation will now be sent aboard a space station to learn the basics of the game before arriving in Mos Eisley.
    • Changed The NPC Gendra has been repurposed into a singular new player contact for quests to learn game fundamentals. Gendra offers several new custom quests and also gives the starter quest for Legacy.
    • Changed The Jabba's Comlink device that offers the prologue quest for the Quarantine Zone on Dathomir has been relocated to avoid confusion for new players. The Comlink can now be found next to the corpse of one of the scientists in Mos Eisley.
    • Changed Storyteller items now persist through server restarts (but will still expire at their predetermined time).

    Galactic Moon Festival
    • In an effort to gain more support from the planets Naboo and Tatooine, Jabba the Hutt has decided to throw the annual Galactic Moon Festival so everyone can celebrate the horrifyingly awesome haunts of the season. Jabba has grown tired of all the love festivals, celebrations of life, and other saccharine events. Thus, it is my duty to report to you that he has taken it upon himself to throw the scariest festival of the year! Jabba has sent me, Aponte, to give you a quick preview of some of the great things he has planned for the big celebration. In order to participate in what is sure to be the "ghoulest" happening this year, all citizens have to do is visit the Galactic Moon Festival Organizers that can be found outside of the Moenia and Mos Eisley starports (waypoints 4790 -4777 and 3523 -4806 respectively).
    • Purchasing a Haunted Scroll will allow you to participate in the Restoration-specific GMF questline.
    • A Gackle Bat Familiar and new Badges/Titles are available for purchase from the Festival Organizer.
    Galactic Civil War
    • Added Bases can now have their vulnerability reset to 3 specific days a week. Choosing the "Reset Vulnerability" option from the base terminal will allow you to pick the vulnerability days.
    • Added Selecting “Show Defenses” on a base you own will now display whether or not it is vulnerable, the days it is vulnerable, and when the next vulnerability window will begin.
    • Added New Base Defender quests have been added, which award GCW points (with a multiplier for your rank) for being online and Special Forces while you have a vulnerable base on the server. They will automatically be granted shortly after your base goes vulnerable and can only be completed once per vulnerability day.
    • Added You can now purchase a standing War Terminal to place in your home for 1000 GCW tokens from faction recruiters.
    • Added You can now view the specific raw regional scores for the GCW Region you're standing in via the IntelPad.
    • Changed The price of factional bases and base defenses (turrets, mines) has been reduced by 50%.
    • Changed GCW Defense Zones can now change score while there is a factional base located within them, but the score can only be brought down by the non-owning faction to 51%.
    • Changed Deaths from faction perks spawned by GCW Officers (e.g. turrets, troopers) are now counted as a PvP death instead of a PvE death.
    • Changed Bases with fewer turrets than their factional counterparts can now place additional mines as a balance.
    • Changed Faction Bases may now be placed while Special Forces.
    • Changed The PvP area around GCW Invasion Generals will now only flag a player if they enter combat within that 120m radius (hopefully reducing Artisans becoming Special Forces by accident, but this was fun while it lasted).
    Items and Equipment
    • Changed Searching lairs will now produce five times more eggs.
    • Changed To reduce confusion, Junk Armor will no longer display the armor protection values in the examine window or Bazaar.
    • Fixed Junk Armor should now be flagged as unwearable in the UI immediately.
    • Changed The skill point requirements for Master Entertainer, Artisan, Scout, Medic, Brawler, and Sharpshooter have been reduced to 1 point.
    • Changed Armor may now only be repaired a maximum of two times (effective from this point forward).
    • Changed Repairing an item no longer has the potential to fail and break the item.
    • Fixed Entrance Fees can now be set with the Business I skill box, which can increase Merchant XP gain if utilized.
    • Added Rested points have replaced Battle Fatigue. Rested points accumulate while watching an Entertainer. While you have Rested points, you will have a 50% bonus to all XP earned. Rested points drain both over time and with each time you gain XP.
    • Added Suppression Fire now has a chance to Dizzy enemies.
    • Changed The Carbines Skill Tree now grants an additional 35 Carbine Accuracy.
    Combat Medic
    • Changed The damage output has been increased on the Neurotoxin Ability.
    • Changed Deuterium Toss and Combat Medic debuffs can now be used on Droid targets.
    • Changed The Stand Fast ability now roots the user in place for the duration of the buff.
    • Changed Cryoban grenade effectiveness to slow has been reduced from 85% to 65%.
    • Changed Crafted heavy weapons with Standard cores will now have a minimum CL of 14. This change is not retroactive.
    • Fixed Demolition shot no longer inflicts increased damage to pets.
    Creature Handler
    • Changed The Stomp ability now inflicts a moderate snare, has a chance to stun, and the cooldown has been reduced to 11 seconds.
    • Changed The damage and duration of the poison abilities have been increased.
    • Changed The damage of the bleed abilities has been increased.
    Force Sensitive
    • Added The Civic Rule: If you have already incited on one of your characters, and then incite on another, that second incite first has a chance to pass to one of your current group members or a nearby player instead.
    • Fixed Imperials can no longer pick up Tier 1 missions to destroy imperial ships at Naboo Space Station.
    • Changed The "Quick Draw" ability is now locked to Pistols only as a unique Pistol-only ability
    • Changed The duration of the "Aim" ability has been increased to 30 seconds..
    • Changed The Sniper Shot ability is now locked to Rifles as a unique Rifle-only ability..
    User Interface
    • Changed Adjusted some aspects of the Bazaar UI Window to be more user-friendly and better describe the function of each tab. For example, Player Vendor searches versus Bazaar searches.
    • Fixed The tooltips for the main six attributes in the Character Sheet have been updated.


    The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

    • Changed To reduce the disadvantage faster weapons have in combat, the Second Chance buff healing proc is now limited to one proc per 10 seconds per attacker.
    • Fixed The speed cap on 1H Melee Weapons is set at 1.0 speed.
    • Fixed An issue where health regen could get temporarily set to an incorrect value after combat has been corrected.
    • Fixed Several cases where non-damage combat abilities were causing cooldown and ability lockouts if the abilities failed to execute have been fixed.
    • Changed The Reclusive Gurk King respawn timer has been reduced to 30 minutes.
    • Fixed A bug that prevented certain quests from allowing the player to choose from one of multiple rewards upon quest completion has been fixed.
    Galactic Civil War
    • Changed Bases will now check for vulnerability status changes once every 15 minutes. This should address duplicated messages posted to Discord.
    • Changed A previous change that allowed control point gains by the opposing faction even when a factional base was placed in the region has been reverted. Players can no longer gain control points for a region while a faction base is placed in the region.
    • ChangedSeveral GCW rank perks have been adjusted to act as a specific reward for achieving and maintaining that rank rather than as an everlasting reward for attaining the rank in the past. With this change, the rank perks have also been adjusted such that they are not an essential feature that every player feels compelled to attain for viability. These perks should remain strong but rarer and less decisive to the overall GCW.
      • The General-rank weapons can now only be equipped or used by GCW Officers holding the rank of Major or higher, and the proc on these weapons now does less damage and will now only have a chance to activate if you currently hold the rank of General.
      • The Colonel’s Signet Ring can now only be equipped or used by GCW Officers holding the rank of Major or higher.
      • The Command BARC can now only be called or mounted by GCW Officers holding the rank of Major or higher.
        • Note: Some players purchased these weapons, rings, or vehicles (or multiples thereof) with the expectation of always being able to use them regardless of their future rank. Consequently, we will allow for a one-time refund of the items purchased before this patch as in reconciliation for this change. Please contact Community Support if you would like a refund..
      • The GCW General's Airstrike ability is now limited to one use per hour per planet for each faction. Friendly players nearby will now also receive the comm messages when this ability is used.
      • The GCW General's Innate Armor bonus has been reduced from 20% to 15%.
    • Changed The health of vehicles constructed for GCW City Invasions will now scale to the tier they were built to.
    • Changed GCW City Invasion AT-AT and Hailfire vehicles no longer have health regen and now grant a large GCW bonus when destroyed.
    • Fixed Corrected the erroneously high bonus granted to factional control after gaining GCW points in a region you had selected to defend.
    • Fixed The Rebel’s Defend Barricade quest granted during GCW City Invasions now grants 1,000 GCW points while Special Forces, instead of 500, to match the Imperial quest.
    • Fixed A bug that required GCW Officers to need to visit Tatooine for their rank to update has been resolved.
    • Fixed Being Stunned should no longer prevent the use of officer abilities.
    • Removed To reduce the scope of the Galactic Civil War Planetary Control Game, better align with lore, and support future storytelling, the following planets have been removed from the control game and no longer have controllable regions or influence the galaxy-wide control score: Dathomir, Yavin IV, and Endor. Current Senior Officers holding ranks for controlling regions on these planets will lose rank through the regular weekly decay processes.
    Items and Equipment
    • Changed Removed combat-level restrictions from virtually all non-crafted items in-game (this change is not retroactive for some items at this time but will be in the future). Please report as a bug any items that still contain combat-level restrictions. As a general rule, the Development Team does not intend for items to have combat-level restrictions due to the design mechanics of the Combat Upgrade era.
    • Changed The RIC-920 Rickshaw's speed has been increased and the description has been updated. This item is now no-trade.
    • Fixed Personal Shield Generators will now only decay 1 point on one in every four hits and are once again subject to the protection of Moof Mud in PvP.
    • Fixed Personal Shield Generators will no longer charge if they have 0 condition.
    • Fixed Several factory crate max capacities have been updated to 100.

    • Fixed Sword Techniques IV now displays the correct name in the Skill Tree.
    Bounty Hunter
    • Fixed Being Stunned should no longer prevent the use of the Bounty Check ability.
    Creature Handler
    • Changed The Kick ability now does increased damage and mesmerizes the target for a short period.
    • Changed The Spit ability now does increased damage.
    • Fixed The Charge, Kick, and Spit abilities will no longer lock the player out of performing other actions during their cooldown period.
    • Added A total of 35 Polearm Accuracy has been added and distributed throughout the Lancer's Skill Tree.
    • Added A total of 45 Pistol Accuracy has been added and distributed throughout the Pistoleer's Skill Tree.
    • Fixed Smuggler missions now correctly grant you the choice of slicing materials instead of a random assortment.
    Teras Kasi Artist
    • Fixed Focus Movement now works as a self-buff that grants +60% movement speed, snare immunity, and root resistance for 6 seconds.

    Hotfix Life Day​

    The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

    • Changed Knockdown Recovery no longer is part of the global cooldown, and should instantly get you standing back up again. This is a temporary change as we work on some underlying combat queue improvements.
    • AddedLife Day is upon us! One of the most important Wookiee customs is Life Day. On this day, extended Wookiee families gather and celebrate a day of joy and harmony as promised by the Tree of Life. Traditionally celebrated on the Wookiee home world Kashyyyk, Life Day is a time to reflect on the renewal of life and to remember those who have passed on.
      • Players can go to Wayfar, Dearic, or Doaba Guerfel to participate in the festivities.
      • Help Saul Dann with his quests to receive a STAP vehicle.
      • Visit the factional vendors to participate in decorating or destruction for rewards (including a bonus for completing the runs while Special Forces).
      • Open the Radial Menu on the Life Day Tree for the 2023 Life Day Badge and Title: Life Day Enjoyer.
      • Open the Radial Menu on the Life Day Tree for a pile of presents for you and a friend. Players will receive either a white or red Life Day themed pajamas and a unique ornament. Presents you can share with your friends will feature both an ornament and an exclusive Life Day painting.
      • The Kashhyyyk Tree House is newly available to purchase on the Life Day Vendor.
    Items and Equipment
    • Changed Karkan Ribenes (the food) has been changed to grant Creature Loyalty.


    The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

    Galactic Civil War
    • Changed The master of a pet or beast that attacks a GCW Faction Base Installation (e.g., a Turret) will now automatically be flagged to Declared/Special Forces status.
    • Fixed An edge case that prevented the "Defend" or "Repair" radial options from being displayed on GCW City Invasion Turrets and Barricades has been resolved.
    Items and Equipment
    • AddedJunk Dealers will now purchase the following items:
      • Isomerase Enzymes
      • Power Crystals
      • Color Crystals
      • Datapad Storage Unit looted pieces
    • Changed The Sandcrawler House can now only be placed on Tatooine and Lok, its lot consumption has been reduced to two lots, is now no-trade when purchased from the Chronicles Vendor, and its storage capacity has been increased to 500 (making it equivalent to the size and storage capacity of the Kashyyyk Tree House).
    • Changed You are no longer required to target a beast to use a Pet Stimpack. Using the Pet Stimpack from your toolbar or inventory will now automatically apply it to your called beast if you are in range.
    • ChangedSeveral changes have been made to Instant Travel Vehicles:
      • Instant Travel Vehicles are now free to use for new characters (defined as characters that were created in the last 30 days).
      • Instant Travel Vehicles no longer have a cooldown for use.
      • Instant Travel Vehicles can no longer be called while your factional PvP status is Declared/Special Forces.
    • Changed The Vibrosword (2h melee weapon from Battlefield vendors) will now craft with an Energy damage type.
    • Fixed Wookiee-ookies now correctly grant a 10% movement speed buff.
    • Changed Safely logging out (e.g., using /logout), such that your player disappears from the world, will now take five minutes, instead of 30 seconds, if you attempt to log out while your factional PvP status is Declared/Special Forces.
    • Changed A player's online status will now only be shared with you when viewing your friend's list if that player has also added you to their friend's list (mutual friends).
    • Fixed A bug that prevented players added to your ignore list from persisting after server restarts has been resolved.
    • Fixed A bug where the construction pylons did not appear after you placed a structure has been resolved.
    • Removed Static Quests, that is, quests from the Pre-CU era of the game that do not use the modern Journal-based quest system, have been temporarily disabled because of their underlying bugs and inconsistencies that confuse new players. We will re-enable these quests once they have been ported to the new Journal-based quest system. Static Quest NPCs will now inform you that they are disabled when speaking to them in the meantime.

    • Changed Thyferran Buff Enhancements now cost an additional 1000/2000/3000 credits for each duration, and this fee will be passed on to the owner of the droid.
    User Interface
    • Added The Faction Icon displayed next to your name and above your character will now appear gold when you are Declared/Special Forces to provide a better indication of your current factional status.
    • Added The first time a character stores a vehicle, they will now receive a helper popup explaining that vehicles are stored in the Datapad.
    • Changed When examining a structure deed, the attributes pane will now always display the planets a deed can be used on in a single line and the number of lots that the structure will consume when placed.

    Publish 1.2: The Schisms of The Heretics​

    The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

    Welcome to Publish 1.2. If you're new or just returning after some time away, we highly recommend taking a look at our detailed New and Returning Player Guide to catch up on what's new and different as well as the adventures in store for you.

    • Changed The base regen rate for Health has been increased: 1% of your max health per second out of combat; 0.25% of your max health per second in combat.
    • Fixed Several issues with how health, action, and mind regen were calculated in and out of combat have been corrected.
    • Fixed Addressed a common crash that occurred after combat while using a Carbine (usually when trying to enter a vehicle).

    Player Activity Awards
    • Added The Player Activity Awards System (PAAS) introduces Veteran Rewards to the galaxy with new ways to earn:
      • Daily Login Rewards are rewards you receive just for logging in every day. The time of day resets at midnight Greenwich Mean Time Zone (GMT). If you are logged in when the time of day passes, you must log out and log in again to receive the next day's reward. The Daily Login Reward consists of 1,000 to 5,000 credits and 1 Galactic Fortitude Token. You also have a 1% chance to receive a Rare Loot Chest of Rare or Exceptional value.
      • Earn Veteran Tokens (tiers I through IV) through two ways: By logging in consecutive days in a row (from 10 to 300), and by playing the game through your recorded play time in hours (24 to 1,000 hours) with counting effective as of this update.
      • Use Veteran Tokens to purchase rewards of a current tier or lower from the new vendor, Ski Werrdas, in Mos Eisley. Check your progress and learn about the system using the /activityRewards command. Featured rewards include:
        • Cybernetic Implant Chip and Modification Tool - An object you can equip that takes up a new slot (the "implant" slot) so it doesn't occupy any existing slots like your armor or weapons. When modified with the Modification Tool, adds +5 of any of the base six stats to your implant (consumed on use), allowing you to add up to +40 of any base stat to your character.
        • Self-Powered Harvester Kit - Makes a harvester no longer require energy to use. Combining three of them together can be used on an Elite Harvester.
        • Veteran's Crate of Free Resources - Gives you 10,000 units of any non-energy resource that has ever spawned on the server, allowing you to get a server-best resource even if you weren't a part of the server when it first spawned.
        • Dianoga Dumpster - Functions like a Sarlacc Trash Can. Can be fed junk and eventually returns rewards.
        • Twin Cloud Car ITV - ITV that goes inside a structure and has three programmable slots to teleport you to those designated places. Can be used by anyone who can access the ITV object.
        • Neural Recon Network Terminal - When placed inside of a structure, can be used once every 48 hours to reset one instance lockout timer.
        • Homing Beacon - Allows you to land your ship from space at the structure where this beacon is located.
        • Flight of the Veteran - ITV-like object that allows you to teleport to a group member.
        • Veteran's Storage Deed - A special storage increase deed that increases the storage on the house it is applied to by 500.
        • Seven vehicles: Geonosian Speeder, Air-2 Racing Swoop, A1 Deluxe Floater, XJ-6 Airspeeder, Light Bending BARC Speeder, Koro-2 Exodrive Airspeeder, and Sith Speeder.
        • And more!
      • Detailed information on the mechanics of this system and the available rewards can be found on the Player Activity Awards Wiki Page.

    Mararuder Theme Park
    • Added Inspired by The Ewok Adventure, The Mararuder Theme Park has been restored to the game with new updates and rewards.
      • The Theme Park has been redesigned as challenging open-world mid-size group content and requires players to explore all around the planet of Endor.
      • There are three separate endings with different rewards (including the new Woodland Poncho) and the quest lines can be reset by talking with the initial quest giver.
      • Badges for each ending and a server's first badge for completing all three endings are up for grabs.
      • Note: This content is intentionally vague and does not provide pointers or hints.
    • Added The Old Republic Jedi Master Cloak can now drop from the CY-M Prototype in the HK-47 instance.
    • Added The Old Republic One-Handed Lightsaber Hilt Schematic can now drop from the HK-47 instance.
    • Added The Old Republic Two-Handed Lightsaber Hilt Schematic can now drop from the Sher Kar instance.
    New Player Experience
    • Fixed Corrected issues with Gendra's quests providing inaccurate waypoints and entertainer-related quests getting stuck.
    • Added Archeologists have excavated a temple dedicated to the Ancient Celestials that holds relics of advanced technologies. Architects should seek out an Archeologist working to learn the temple's mysteries. On your journey of solving the vague hints and clues that follow, a repeatable questline, The Elitist Harvester, will offer desirable awards. Note: This content is intentionally vague and does not provide pointers or hints.
    Galactic Civil War

    • Added Two new items are now available from the Battlefields Rewards Vendor:
      • Wampa Severed Arm, a reusable offensive buff item that shares a cooldown with the Lair Crystal.
      • Commando Bunker Structure Deed (two lots, 250 storage).
    • Changed The first Jango Fett jetpack piece (Mandalorian Skull Banner) has been replaced with the second piece (Merr-Sonn JT-12 Jetpack Blueprints).
    Items and Equipment
    • Changed Player Inventory capacity has been permanently increased from 80 to 100 slots.
    • Changed Items that are "No Trade Shared" can now be traded with your alt directly while you and your alt are online. Additionally, items that are No Trade Shared can now be dropped or picked up in any house owned by your account where either character is the structure owner.
    • Changed Items with a combat level requirement greater than 54 have now been lowered to 54.
    • Changed Profession requirements have been removed from the following weapons: Tenloss DXR-6 Disruptor, Nak’tra Crystal Rifle, Proton Rifle, Geonosian Sonic Blaster, Guardian Lightning Cannon, OR-5’s E-5, Sayormi Heartstriker, DP-23, C10 “Dragoneye Reaper,” High Capacity Scatter Pistol, Intimidator Pistol, DL 44 Metal Pistol, Trandoshan Suppressor Pistol, DL44 “Dosh Special” Pistol, Firestar 10-K
    • Changed The speeds of several endgame reward vehicles have been brought up to match the speed of the Command BARC: All Jetpacks, the XJ-2 Landspeeder from Mustafar, and the Sith Speeder from Player Activity Awards.
    • Fixed The Mutant Rancor Boss now correctly drops colorable Katarn Armor. This change is retroactive for previously dropped schematics, but not for previously crafted Katarn Armor pieces.
    • Fixed Wookiees and Ithorians can now equip RIS and crafted Bounty Hunter armor (but it will appear invisible).
    • Fixed The sound effect from Moof Mud is now played directionally from the source of the player using the buff.
    • Fixed A bug that caused artifact to appear in the Ithorian version of the Galactic Moon Festival Jacket has been resolved.
    Force Sensitive

    Added Introducing the Force Sensitive:
    • A new agent of disruption, The Patriots of Dathomir, have emerged in earnest to purge the planet of Dathomir of the dangerous Force Sensitives that have hidden themselves in a village surrounded by a mysterious wall of mist. At the behest of the Imperial Inquisition, they are gathering supporters in preparation for an attack and have spread propaganda throughout the galaxy. The Mysterious Figure, who guided characters on the earliest parts of their Force-discovery journey, has ceased contact, and players pursuing the Force have been left with nothing but the notion of needing to seek knowledge. Upon login, those ready for Phase III of Jedi Unlock will be granted a new quest; this begins your Voyage to the Village.
    • Once players arrive at The Village, a familiar but refreshed experience of the old Jedi Unlock system, and complete quests inside the village to unlock Force Sensitive skill boxes that can be purchased by converting their experience points to train in Force Sensitive skill boxes. Four new abilities have been added to the master boxes of the Force Sensitive trees:
      • Use the Force (Combat Prowess): Guarantees your next attack will hit.
      • Trust the Force (Enhanced Reflexes): Guarantees the next attack against you will miss.
      • Feel the Force (Crafting Mastery): Gives a bonus to experimentation rolls for 1 minute.
      • Hear the Force (Heightened Senses): Detects any bounty hunters or enemy players in your vicinity.
    • The Village will cycle through four different phases, changing once per week at the normal server reset time on Friday morning. During each phase, different quests can be completed (one per phase) to learn different boxes of the Force Sensitive trees. After completing six trees of your choosing, players will be granted the village exit quest.
    • Players who complete this final quest will have the irreversible choice to stay a Force Sensitive or to pursue the path of the Jedi. Once a player becomes a Jedi, they will partner with a new trainer to partake in the Padawan Trials and thereafter will be able to master the Jedi skills of their choosing: Force Defense, Force Enhancement, Force Healing, Force Powers, and Lightsabers.
    • Jedi are heavily CU-inspired but will have a variety of new abilities, items, and other ways to customize themselves. All cloaks have been made wearable on top of your robes with unique stats. Color crystals will also give special skill mods to your lightsaber according to their color. The instanced Ilum cave for named crystals will be added in a future update. Among the new abilities are:
      • Force Bubble (Healing tree): Creates a protective barrier around any target, preventing them from attacking or being attacked for a short period of time.
      • Battle Meditation (Master Force Healer): Greatly increases the combat effectiveness of all nearby group members.
    • Force Sensitives are not a welcome group in this galaxy. Many threats await those who emerge with powers that the Empire has spent years propagandizing as dangerous. To better understand the story angles and dynamics of how Force Sensitives and Jedi will exist in the galaxy, see our Developer Diary: It's the Emperor's Galaxy and the Jedi are Just Living In It.
    • Jedi wear both robes and cloaks. Most will wield a lightsaber and use the force. When doing so, they will accrue visibility if seen by others. Visibility is generated by observations of Jedi behaviors and the choice of players or NPCs to report you to the authorities. Be mindful that accrued visibility will result in higher and higher levels of adverse actions, including being placed on player bounty boards and summoning powerful enemies to eliminate any threat you pose. Robes, Cloaks, Lightsabers, and Visibility have been implemented as described in our Developer Diary: The Tools of the Jedi and The Consequences of Using Them.
    • Once you elect to become a Jedi, you will have a set number of lives. For Jedi Padawans (the highest attainable position before FRS is introduced), Jedi will have four lives. When you die, such that you require cloning, you will lose one life. When you lose all available lives, you will become a Force Ghost for a set period. For Jedi Padawans, this period is 24 hours. Ghosts cannot be seen by normal players and cannot perform most normal actions. It is a cooling-off period for the Jedi. However, they still can have a role in helping the Jedi that are alive in combat, reducing their visibility, increasing the tuning range of power crystals, and more. Our Developer Diary, Life, Death, and the Jedi Ecosystem, describes some of these mechanics, but we'll also be releasing a specific diary to cover the Ghost system in more depth in the near future.
    • Jedi will begin their training towards becoming a Jedi Padawan in The Ranch, a "safe haven" area on Dathomir that only Jedi are able to enter. The Ranch is a "truce" zone, and no PvP or Combat may take place inside. The Ranch contains several storylines and side quests for Jedi to learn about Jedi lore and how the Jedi mechanics work. Jedi can clone to The Ranch from anywhere in the galaxy and can use The Ranch's passageway system to safely move about the planet of Dathomir. The Ranch is a larger part of what is known as "The Path," a hidden network of safe houses and resources for Jedi to stay safe in the dangerous world hunting them. Other features will include most civic services that would be otherwise dangerous to access in public. The remaining two safe havens will be implemented in future updates as part of our expanding Jedi storyline.

    • Fixed The Mutated Bol is now a 2nd-stage mutation instead of a 3rd-stage mutation.
    • Fixed Stat mutation combinations for Mutated Rawl, Mutated Makloc, and Mutated Vesps have been added to allow further stat mutations.
    • Fixed Winged Quenker color combination has been added as Purple Lyase, Red Top Isomerase, and Yellow Bottom Isomerase.
    • Fixed Color Combinations for Acklay has been added to enable the 3rd-stage Mutant Acklay mutation.
    • Changed The Full Auto Area and Rapid Fire abilities no longer have any weapon restrictions but will do reduced damage when used with any weapon aside from a Carbine.
    • Changed The potency of Karkan Ribenes Pet Loyalty has been decreased.
    • Changed The Rested XP Bonus has been reduced from 50% to 25%.
    • Changed The Quick Draw ability no longer has any weapon restrictions but will do reduced damage when used with any weapon aside from a Pistol.
    • Changed The Reckless Shot and Last Ditch abilities no longer have any weapon restrictions but will do reduced damage when used with any weapon aside from a Pistol.
    • Changed The Sniper Shot ability no longer has any weapon restrictions but will do reduced damage when used with any weapon aside from a Rifle.
    • Changed The minimum range of 20 meters from your target for Sniper Shot to execute has been removed, and the warmup time for Sniper Shot has been changed from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds.
    • Changed The warmup timer for the Aim ability has been reduced from 3 seconds to 2 seconds.
    User Interface
    • Added Two new fully-functional Vertical Toolbars have been added to the Ground Game's User Interface. The Vertical Toolbars are referred to as the "Left Toolbar" and "Right Toolbar" and contain 12 slots each. Key Bindings for these toolbars can be set in the Options Menu and they can be accessed for macros via UI Actions "leftToolbarSlotXX" and "rightToolbarSlotXX" 00 thru 11.
    • Fixed Elevator Terminal buttons with only one directional option can now be double-clicked to use them instead of requiring you to open the radial menu.

    The in-game credits have been updated to reflect the amazing volunteer team that helped support Publish 1.2, including our staff, the Galactic Senate, our 1.2 Alpha Testers, players who shared ideas in PlayerVoice, community members who engaged in thoughtful discussions in Discord, and many more. Thank you all for your support in making this update happen!


    The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:


    Player Activity Awards
    • Added A new item, An Ancient Jedi Text, is now available for purchase from the Player Activity Awards Vendor with a Tier IV Veteran Token. This Ancient Jedi Text, when read, teaches the reader the history and ways of The Force, allowing them to experience an Inciting Incident immediately upon use. Alternatively, makes for a very expensive decor item to show off to others. Don't let the Empire find it, though.

    Ewok Festival of Love
    • The Ewok Festival of Love has returned to the galaxy! Visit Tyrena, Kaadara, and the Southern Ewok Lake Village to join the celebration of love with the Ewok tribe.
    • The festival includes its usual activities, including a chance to play cupid! Use any earned Chak Hearts to purchase several rewards that are exclusive to the Ewok Festival of Love, including new Heart Sunglasses and two new Wearable Brochettes that sit in a new clothing slot for pinned items.
    • The Ewoks are also offering the traditional Festival of Love cuisine. Camby berries and chak juice are available, but because the Ewoks do not yet fully trust outsiders, festival-goers must pay a small price for these luscious treats. The credits are well-spent, however, as this exquisite fare offers beneficial effects.
    • Allayloo ta nuv! This year, matchmaking may be done between NPCs of any gender.
    Items and Equipment
    • Changed The Lair Crystal now shares a cooldown with the Gorax Ear, Shard of Retaliation, Wampa Severed Arm, and other similar long-cooldown short-duration combat buffs.
    • Fixed The Gleaming Ring from the Village is now wearable by players with the Enhanced Reflexes Novice skill.
    • Fixed Pilot XP will no longer go negative when you drop your Pilot Profession.
    • Fixed The Theed Palace Librarian is now ready to talk about trivia again.

    Update 1.2.1​

    The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

    • Added All accuracy rolls now have an additional 10% chance to hit added.
    • Added A "Glancing Blow" can now occur if you miss an attack computed to have an 80%+ chance to hit. Instead of missing, the attack will now deal drastically reduced damage but will still include any combat effects.
    • ChangedSeveral changes have been made to rebalance damage, action, and mind across professions. You can read more about specifics in the Professions section below, but the theme of these changes is:
      • Single target damage has been increased.
      • AoE damage has been decreased.
      • Melee damage and accuracy have been further increased.
      • Professions linked with weapons that deal more damage will have higher action/mind costs.
      • Professions linked with weapons that deal less damage will have lower action/mind costs.
    • Fixed Grenades now use the Thrown Weapon Accuracy skill mod to determine if they hit. Grenades (and any other delayed attacks) do not use the attacker's posture to determine bonus accuracy.
    • Fixed Damage over Time (DoT) Resist stat modifiers now work consistently. They act as a defense roll against the attacker's accuracy. Combat Medic DoT accuracy is equivalent to their Medical Warfare Efficiency stat; for others, the DoT accuracy is generally 100.

    Player Cities
    • Changed Player Cities can now place and maintain a Shuttleport at Level 3 (Note: The net result of this change with other city rank requirement changes is expected to be the loss of only one shuttle port in the galaxy based on citizen numbers as of this patch).
    • Changed Player Structures placed outside of a Player City's limits (i.e., anywhere in unincorporated territory that is not part of a Player City) will now incur 3x maintenance costs.
    • ChangedThe minimum citizen requirement per city level and the radius of a city zone have changed as follows:
      • Level 1: 16 citizens required; City radius: 250m
      • Level 2: 24 citizens required; City radius: 350m
      • Level 3: 32 citizens required; City radius: 500m
      • Level 4: 48 citizens required; City radius: 600m
      • Level 5: 64 citizens required; City radius: 800m
    • ChangedThe weekly maintenance costs of Player Cities have changed as follows:
      • City Hall Cost: 50,000 Credits * City Rank (e.g., Rank 3 City Cost = 150,000)
      • Shuttle Port Cost: 100,000 Credits
      • Medical Center and Other Civic Structures: 25,000 Credits
      • Small Objects: 300 Credits
      • Small Gardens: 5,000 Credits
      • Large Gardens: 10,000 Credits
    • Added A new Celestial Discovery quest line is available for Master Shipwrights and Corellian Engineering Corporation Certified Miners at the Celestial Temple on Yavin IV. Completion of the quest line grants new limited-use schematics and a new badge.
    • Changed Initial Legacy quests have been rebalanced, including all of the Mayor’s quests. This includes the difficulty of mobs, spawners associated with quests, and amount of mobs required to complete quests. More dialogue cues have also been added to make the next steps in the quest chain more intuitive.
    • Fixed The Mutant Rancor Boss will now grant schematics 2-3x more often.
    • Added Gendra now has a dialogue option pointing to The Collector quest series, which provides an introductory overview of the Collection System.
    • Fixed Quests now give Entertainer and Crafting experience when appropriate instead of only Combat experience.
    • hanged All asteroids now have a quality of 1000, which affects schematics for Cargo Holds, POB Equipment, and some Chassis.
    • Changed Socketing now utilizes Assembly attribute mod instead of Experimentation attribute mod and is guaranteed at 151 Assembly skill.
    Force Sensitive
    • Visibility:
      • Jedi gain visibility by using their abilities in front of others at a rate of
      • Players can report a Jedi using the “Report a Jedi” command that has been added for all players. Reports can be filed for 60 seconds after they witness a Jedi perform any Jedi-related action, and for an optional fee can add extra visibility (4x). Players can only report a specific Jedi once every five minutes. Reports can be filed simultaneously if witnessing multiple Jedi.
      • Note that factional affiliation is irrelevant to visibility. Jedi are unwanted in the galaxy; even those among your ranks may report you.
      • As visibility is gained, NPCs with friendly attitudes towards Jedi may warn you about your visibility or help you lower it. With further gains in visibility, you will face environmental consequences, including an inability to use public/civic services (no travel tickets, no bank terminals, no bank tipping, cannot use NPC vendors or junk dealers, and cannot repair vehicles). Reaching the highest levels of visibility will result in your player being placed on player bounty boards and difficult NPCs coming after you, including the Inquisitors and Darth Vader.
      • The amount of visibility generated by each action will increase exponentially based on the number of Jedi in the surrounding area.
      • Visibility is reduced by logging off, while you are in a Safe Haven, and when using Force Meditate from the Force Enhancement Tree. Visibility is reduced dramatically by killing a player Bounty Hunter currently charged with killing you.
      • When a Jedi performs an action causing visibility, a fly text +Visibility+ will appear above the creature that caused the Jedi to gain visibility. This includes players using the Report a Jedi command.
      • Visibility rates and other visibility mechanics not mentioned here are intended to be discovered by players. Additionally, note that visibility is new and a far-reaching mechanic, so we may continually tweak values as we monitor behaviors and effects. Please contact the Force Sensitive Senator if you have any feedback to share.
    • Ghost:
      • When a Jedi dies and no longer has any lives, they become a Ghost. A buff placed on your player indicates the length of time you will be a ghost. This special buff timer will also tick down while you are offline.
      • Ghosts cannot enter combat, converse with NPCs, travel, or perform most other basic player functions.
      • Ghosts can only be seen by other Jedi.
      • Ghosts will have special roles to play in the Jedi experience in the future.
    • Safe Havens:
      • A Safe Haven is a private sanctum for Jedi that only Jedi can enter. A barrier protects a Safe Haven, preventing any combat near its borders and blocking non-Jedi from entering.
      • The first Safe Haven, The Ranch, is located on Dathomir, and players will visit The Ranch as part of their unlock journey.
      • Jedi will always be presented with the option to clone at a Safe Haven when they die.
      • Jedi can travel to a Safe Haven for free by opening the radial menu on the Planetary Travel Ticket Purchasing Terminal as long as they do not have high visibility.
      • Safe Havens have cloning, insurance, banking, and bazaar terminals inside. At least one building inside functions as a hospital and cantina as well.
      • NPCs inside Safe Havens may now (or in the future) offer quests for you to complete or provide other services for Jedi, such as transportation. Stay tuned if any current NPCs don’t have anything to offer you yet.
    • Lightsabers:
      • Lightsabers are crafted by the Jedi using a lightsaber crafting kit, and act as a container for crystals and pearls. Every lightsaber must have a color crystal, and may contain a number of Pearls or Power Crystals allowed by the "Generation" of Lightsaber schematic used. At this time, the highest available generation is 4, which can contain 4 pearls.
      • Components within a lightsaber (pearls, color crystals) will decay over time at the same rate, and will become disabled and stop contributing stats once at 0 condition.
      • Placing a color crystal inside of a lightsaber will give a unique skill mod based on its color. There are four different stats to discover.
    • Changed Your character’s stored incident type for The Inciting Incident now rotates every 15 days instead of every 30 days.
    • Changed Items used or worn by Jedi are now labeled contraband (this label will appear in red when examining items). Local authorities will search for contraband items, which can result in fines for non-Jedi or fines and visibility for Jedi. Contraband items cannot be sold on the Bazaar or Vendors, so players must establish other ways to exchange them but must do so cautiously, as exchanging these items may result in unwanted attention from authorities. Note, however, that items already listed on the Bazaar or Vendors will not be removed.
    • For more information about Jedi mechanics, please see our Developer Diaries covering these features, The Tools of the Jedi And The Consequences and It's The Emperor's Galaxy And The Jedi Are Just Living In It; but note that where Patch Notes conflict with the Developer Diary, the Patch Notes supersede the diary and are considered authoritative.
    Items and Equipment
    • Fixed The Twin Pod Cloud Car ITV now properly charges 10,000 credits and a Mark V Fuel Cell or ITV Fuel Cell for use.
    • Changed Player Datapads now have a limit of 20 Creatures and 20 Droids instead of 20 combined Creatures and Droids.
    • Changed Exo Protein Wafers now reduce damage by about 50% less.
    • Changed Synthsteaks now reduce damage by 20% less.
    • ChangedThe following Reverse Engineering mods have changed:
      • Droid Critical Chance -> One Handed Lightsaber Accuracy
      • Humanoid Critical Chance -> Two Handed Lightsaber Accuracy
      • Creature Critical Chance -> Double Bladed Lightsaber Accuracy
      • Devastation -> One Handed Lightsaber Speed
      • Parry Reduction -> Two Handed Lightsaber Speed
      • Dodge Reduction -> Double Bladed Lightsaber Speed
    • Fixed Bacta Spray Enhancers will now only consume one charge regardless of how many players were healed.
    • Fixed Clothing belts no longer appear to float around the midsection when worn with particular items like jackets or vests. Belts now hug the body and are positioned underneath outer layers.
    • Added You can now add factions (Rebel/Imperial), All Citizens of a Player City, and all Jedi players to the Entry List and Ban List of structures. For more information on how this feature works, review the Structure Permissions Wiki Page.

    • Changed Critical Strike's cooldown is now 2 seconds (from 4)
    • Changed Power Attack now does increased damage
    • Changed Head Hit now deals increased damage when using a two-handed Melee weapon
    Bounty Hunter
    • Changed Duelist Stance now grants 60/90 defense (from 75/125)
    • Changed Eye Shot and Critical Shot now deal increased damage
    • Changed Suppression Fire's cooldown is now 10 seconds (from 20)
    • Changed Rapid Fire now deals increased damage
    • Changed Leg Shot now deals increased damage when using a Carbine
    • Changed Scatter Shot and Full Auto Area now deal reduced damage
    Combat Medic
    • Changed Master Combat Medic now grants 6 Healing Potency instead of 10
    • Changed Cryoban Grenade now only snares movement by 20% for 15 seconds
    • Changed Damage from Grenade abilities has been reduced by 25%
    • Changed Standfast's cooldown is now 3 minutes (from 1 minute)
    • Changed Riddle Armor's cooldown is now 4 seconds (from 10)
    • Changed Overkill Shot's cooldown is now 40 seconds (from 60), and its damage has been reduced
    • Changed Riddle Armor and It Burns now deal increased damage
    • Changed Deadbang Shot now deals decreased damage and has a 35m range (from 42)
    • Added Advanced Bacta Infusion has been added to Master Doctor. Advanced Bacta Infusion grants a Heal over Time to all allies within 20 meters (healing numbers are identical to Improved Bacta Infusion)
    • Changed Extinguish Fire now affects all friendly players within a 10m range
    • Changed Poison and Disease Inoculation buffs now grant 10/20% DoT resist (from 50/80)
    • Fixed Countertoxin Spray now properly affects all friendly players within the 20m range
    • Changed Scatter Hit's cooldown is now 4 seconds (from 2)
    • Changed Lunge's cooldown is now 2 seconds (from 2.5)
    • Changed Scatter Hit and Lunge now deal increased damage
    • Changed Body Hit now deals increased damage when using a one-handed Melee weapon
    • Added Spin Attack now includes a 50% snare on all affected players
    • Changed Stunning Blow and Impale now deal increased damage
    • Changed Leg Hit now deals increased damage when using a Polearm
    • Changed Body Shot now deals increased damage when using a Pistol
    • Changed Overwhelming Shot now deals increased damage
    • Changed Kneecap Shot now has a 45% movement snare (from 25%)
    • Changed Head Shot now deals increased damage when using a Rifle
    • Fixed Ace Helmet limited schematics are now learned by Master Tailor instead of Master Shipwright.
    Tera Kasi Artist
    • Added Combo Attack now grants a stacking defense buff each time the ability is used. Each stack increases your Defense by 15 points, up to ten stacks.
    • Changed Center of Being's defense bonus has been reduced to 100/300/400 (from 200/400/500)
    • Fixed A Vibro Unit can now be applied to melee weapons that were missing slots.
    • Fixed Weapons now correctly add Accuracy from components baked into the craft (most notably affecting Geonosian weapons).
    User Interface
    • Added Jedi can now view the number of lives they have remaining from the Character Sheet.


    The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

    • Fixed Force Bubble, Avoid Incapacitation, and Standfast have been adjusted to no longer get diminished by Snare/Root resistance.

    Theme Parks
    • Fixed The enemies near the Imperial Downed Transport no longer spawn on top of each other.
    The Village
    • Fixed An issue where Captain Sarguillo would not grant his second quest during Phase 4 if you completed his first quest in a prior round has been resolved.
    Items and Equipment
    • Changed The Old Republic Jedi Master Cloak includes Force Armor Cost Reduction (instead of Force Aura Effectiveness), which reduces the amount of Force spent while using Force Armor. This change is retroactive.
    • Changed Increased the crafted damage bonus of Old Republic Lightsabers. This change is not retroactive. If you would like a refunded schematic for a previously crafted Lightsaber, please contact Community Support.
    • FixedThe Force Regen stat on the following items has been fixed and increased to grant a noticeable amount; previously the following items would grant Force every 10 seconds (which often rounded down to 0/sec), and now they grant every 1 second:
      • Padawan Robes
      • Cloak of the Kursk
      • Cloak of the Storm Lord
      • Old Republic Jedi Knight Cloak
      • Old Republic Jedi Master Cloak
      • Old Republic Lightsabers
      • Jedi Knight Wristguards
    • Fixed Fixed an issue where old Ancient Krayt Dragon Pearls would tune with lower damage than intended
    Force Sensitive
    • Added Added a total of 50 points Force Breach Resistance to the Force Ranged Defense branch of Force Defense. Each point reduces the chance that a given buff will be stripped by 1%.
    • Added Added a total of 50 points of Armor Break Resistance to the Force Melee Defense branch of Force Defense. Each point reduces the effectiveness of any armor break debuff on you by 1%.
    • Added Jedi may now visit their assigned Force Shrine from the Mending Mindfulness questline in order to restore the condition of their Lightsaber Color Crystals
    • Changed Using Meditate (Force Sensitive) will now refresh your first meditation buff before cycling to others
    • Changed The Force regained from the Niman Form proc has been reduced to 100 (from 150)
    • Changed Healing abilities now have a 42 meter range
    • Fixed Fixed an issue that could cause Jedi to lose multiple lives at once by closing the cloning UI
    • Fixed Fixed Force Weaken sharing a debuff slot with snares
    • Fixed Force Bubble can now be used while Stunned
    • Visibility:
      • Unattackable NPCs who have a favorable attitude and environment towards the Jedi will now either alert you to your visibility level or even help you reduce it. You will find these NPCs all over the game (such as Commoners), and the circumstances that factor into their opinions of Jedi will change along with their environment. Things like factional control, your visibility level, attributes about themselves or your character, etc all weigh in. If you encounter a friendly NPC, you will see one of the following effects above their head for a short time:
        • A warning symbol indicates you have a high visibility rating
        • A hooded figure icon indicates they are willing to help you hide. Radial them and select "Accept shelter".
      • Several methods of reducing visibility have been added or adjusted:
        • Meditating no longer reduces visibility
        • Being at a Safe Haven (the Ranch): now -10 points of Visibility per minute
        • Meditating at your assigned Force Shrine from the Mending Mindfulness questline: -50 points of Visibility per minute
        • Watching an Entertainer who has the Force Veil stats from the Enhanced Senses tree: up to -5 points of Visibility per ten seconds
        • Defeating all bounty hunters who have initiated combat against you: -2000 visibility
        • Completing a terminal mission of any kind without using a Jedi ability: -200 visibility
        • Accepting shelter from a friendly NPC (see above): -100 visibility
      • Adjusted the requirements for Darth Vader to appear:
        • The Jedi must have been at 5000+ visibility for over an hour
        • The Jedi must have defeated an Inquisitor
    • Ghost:
      • Several adjustments have been made to Jedi lives and Force Ghost to help give opposing players a better opportunity to take a Jedi out of a fight, while reducing the punishment that can occur for players who might have recently come back from being a ghost:
        • Jedi Padawans continue to start with 4 lives, but will lose all of their remaining lives when they are killed by another player. Deaths from PvE will continue to decrement 1 life per death.
        • When a player hits 0 lives and a Force Ghost, the timer that determines how long they are a Force Ghost now has a minimum of 2 hours and maximum of 24 hours (real-time, not logged-in time). The amount of time on the timer will depend on how long the player was actively been playing (capping at 24 play hours), or the number of days that have passed (capping at 7 days) since they were last a ghost or became a Jedi. We use whichever value is smaller and calculate an appropriate ghost timer from that value. For example, if a player had been alive for 3 days and had played for 20 hours during that time, their ghost timer would be around 11 hours.
    • Fixed Fixed an issue where some items would get stuck in the buyback container, preventing players from selling more Junk Loot.
    • Fixed The Havoc turret is now functional
    • Changed The T-Wing speed modification has been changed from 0.95 to 1
    • Changed IFF Scramble no longer works on space battle frigates
    • Changed Hyperspace droid commands can now be used in the pilot seat of a POB
    • Changed Officer pilots will no longer gain GCW unless they are special forces


    The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

    • Added When a player has their buffs removed by a Force Breach, new flytext will appear to all players.
    • Changed You may now heal or buff a player target who has a TEF if both you and the target are flagged Special Forces.
    • Fixed Buffs that reduce melee damage no longer affect Force powers used by a player wielding a Lightsaber.
    • Added In case you missed it, the in-game Galaxy Chat channel is now integrated with our Discord server, allowing cross-messaging between servers.
    • ChangedThe Player Activity Awards System (PAAS) has been fully re-enabled, and the following adjustments have been made:
      • Instead of tracking a single daily login streak, you can accumulate Streak Months. If you login for 30 consecutive days, you accrue one Streak Month. Tokens are now granted at 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 Streak Months. You can miss up to 4 days in a month and still maintain your streak.
      • Streak days will be converted to Streak Months using each player's highest streak record.
      • Streaks are now tracked by logins during the same 24 hour window in which you gain Daily Login Rewards.
      • Playtime rewards are now re-enabled. All players should have adjusted playtime retroactively according to time actively spent playing since the PAAS launched.
      • To prevent unfair advantages or incentives to exploit the system, we now cap players activity time at about 4 hours per day. Exact details of this cap are not disclosed. Just play the game.
    • Changed Mercenary faction helpers will now be reset to Civilian status after cloning
    • Fixed Mercenary faction helpers will now be affected by things that flag players for PvP status (like the Invasion General or Covert Detectors)
    • Fixed Base timer shutdown confirmation windows will no longer appear if you moved out of the area and invalidated the timer.
    Items and Equipment
    • Added Tailors are now able to craft a new Brooch pin, and a new colored Poncho.
    • Changed The duration for Synthsteak has been reverted to pre-1.2 levels
    • Changed Static Field Generators now grant 25% Jedi damage reduction which reduces Lightsaber and Force Power damage. The cooldown is 5 minutes and the duration is 30 seconds.
    • Changed All consumable Mustafar buff items from the Chu Gon Dar cube have had their cooldowns and durations adjusted to no longer allow for constant uptime.
    • Changed All Jedi Cloaks have been reduced to 5 Force Regen Bonus (from 10)
    • Changed Padawan Robes now have 6 Force Regen Bonus (from 10)
    • Changed Crispic no longer shares a buff slot with Corellian Ale

    • Changed Armor Break's effectiveness has been reduced to 40/50% (from 50/60%)
    • Added New animations have been added for Acid-based Heavy Weapons
    • Added Heavy Particle Beam Cannon, C-M Frag Storm Heavy Shotgun, and Crusader M-XX Heavy Rifle now apply a Bleed DoT
    • Added The Launcher Pistol can now apply a Knockdown
    • Added CR-1 Blast Cannon and Legendary Reaper Cannon now add wounds
    • Added The Pulse Cannon now adds a Fire DoT
    • Changed The Corellian Destroyer and Lightning Beam Cannon now apply an Energy DoT
    • Changed Riddle Armor's stacking effectiveness now caps at 70% (from 80%)
    • Fixed Animations for Rocket Launchers and Flamethrowers have been fixed
    • Added A new song "Ethereal" is available to Force Sensitive Entertainers. Speak to the new NPC Eliana T'Nara in the Village.
    • Added A new song "Six Eight" is available to Master Musicians.
    • Added Musicians with Instrument Use IV may now craft a new instrument, the Downey Box.
    • Changed The PvP Damage Reduction Inspiration buff now grants up to 10% damage reduction (from 4%)
    • Added Added a new Breach Guard ability to the Force Ranged Defense branch of Force Defense tree. This ability gives you a short buff that reduces the chance of having your Jedi buffs removed by other players or NPCs. This replaces the "Force Breach Resistance" stat on that branch.
    • Changed Saber Armor Break's effectiveness has been reduced to 40/60% (from 50/75%)
    • Changed Added 50 Force Regen to the Force Powers tree, to offset the Regen lost from Cloaks. (10 Force Regen = 1 Force Regen Bonus)
    • Changed Juyo form stacking debuff now reduces healing by 5% per tick (from 3%)
    • Changed Soresu form procs now drain enemies for 175 action and 125 mind.
    • Changed Reduced the penalty of using Battle Meditation to 75% of your regen, and removed the Action/Mind regen penalties.
    • Changed Removed the Force casting cost of Battle Meditation
    • Changed Increased the Force cost of Force Breach to 500 (from 300) and increased the cooldown to 15 seconds (from 5).
    • Changed Reduced Force Aura effectiveness by -200 defense, and reduced the effectiveness of Force Armor/Shield by about -35%, and moved the removed stats to all Jedi Padawans as innate armor/defense. In other words, if those buffs are active, nothing changes, but if they are not active you still gain some of their benefit. This was done to make the effects of Breach less drastic, and also to make those two branches less "mandatory".
    • Changed Reduced the effectiveness that Serenity (the Light Side Meditation buff) has on Force Aura by 125 (from 250).
    • Fixed Total Heal may now be used while a heal cut is active (and is not affected by the heal cut).
    • Fixed You will no longer receive visibility from NPCs that you kill and despawn
    • Fixed Force Ghosts can no longer buff or heal other players
    • Fixed NPCs will no longer talk negatively about nearby Jedi more than once a minute.
    • Fixed Visibility enforcement NPCs will no longer drop their TEF against players after a couple minutes
    • Fixed Jedi buffs that a player gives themselves will now sort at the beginning of the buff bar.
    • Fixed Dominate Mind now pulls immediate aggro from an affected NPC.
    • Fixed Regain Consciousness has been fixed. A Jedi may use this ability to revive themselves after dying, and it has a short cooldown.
    • Removed Regain Consciousness has been removed from the Force Enhancement tree.
    • Removed Removed the dynamic Force Ghost timer feature. All Force Ghost timers will now last 18 hours.
    • Changed Sniper Shot's damage has been reduced by 0.5x weapon damage.


    The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

    Items and Equipment

    We fixed a couple different issues related to socketed items below. This mostly affected static wearables (like Jedi cloaks) and crafted weapons. If you had an item that was affected by these bugs, it has now had its attachment removed and socket reset, so be sure to check your gear.
    • Fixed Patched an exploit that could allow a player to repeatedly socket a crafted weapon and increase its baked-in stat.
    • Fixed Fixed an issue that could cause stats on an item from returning after it has been retrofitted.


    As the meta shifted to Force Defender after the last patch, players quickly found a build that would allow a Jedi to absorb about 99% of incoming damage through innate and Force armor. We are reducing that cap to about 90% with the below changes, and will continue to monitor the situation.
    • Changed Reduced the amount of innate armor granted by boxes in the Force Defender tree by 20.
    • Changed Reduced the effectiveness that Serenity (the Light Side Meditation buff) has on Force Armor by 40%.


    The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

    • AddedThe Petranaki Tournament has begun!
      • For more information on the Tournament, check out this post.
      • All forms of PvP (bounties, guild wars, GCW, etc) are disabled for tournament participants except for the tournament itself.
      • There will not be a weekly update for anyone already at the rank of Major or higher in the GCW.
      • After this event, the GCW weekly reset will now take place on Sundays at the same time.

    • Fixed The non-stacking buffs for the four Lightsaber Forms will now show their correct values

    Update 1.2.3 - Skyward Bound​

    The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

    • Changed The root debuff resistance timer now lasts 90 seconds (from 120).
    • Changed Items that remove snares and/or roots will now reset snare and root resistance timers after wearing off. This affects the Anti-Mobility Dampening Device, Synaptic Stimulation Collar, and Ice Cream if it removes a movement debuff.

    Player Cities
    • Changed Static decoration storyteller props placed within the boundaries of a player city no longer expire and can be used for decoration. This does not apply to NPC, effect, or other storyteller item types. There are no costs associated with this decor.
    • Changed City Mayors and Militia can now remove storyteller props placed in a player city.
    • ChangedWe recognize the city changes announced with Update 1.2.1 took some players by surprise, and we want to apologize for this approach to our change management. While we intentionally do not forecast all updates and changes, we’ll try to identify earlier opportunities to share our intentions with the community. We'll share a Developer Diary in July with more details, but are making the following changes immediately:
      • Shuttleports and City Decorations (including gardens) will no longer have a city maintenance cost.
      • All player cities already established during the 1.2.1 changes will receive a one-time 3 Million Credit payout to their treasury (pro-rated if the city was founded thereafter).
      • Any structures or decor that are already placed in place must be packed and replaced for the price change to take effect.

    Idiot's Array
    • Added A new lounge for the most elite of Pilots, The Idiot’s Array, has opened up in Bela Vistal. Factional Aces, that is, players who have earned Ace Status in all three of any one faction’s squadrons, are eligible to enter.
    • The Idiot’s Array offers new Tier 8+ challenges and mission content, and five new quest lines offer exciting, repeatable adventures and rewards.
    • Visit Skyyy’rwok, the Club Bouncer, to determine if you qualify for entry, and Myrna the Space Queen, for rewards.
    • Earn eight new badges, including a new Server First that’s up for grabs, as well as several new titles for your character.
    • One reward available for completing content includes the Vigo Starship Player House, a special structure created by Rabiator in memory of the late Irish Darkshadow, a member of the SWG Source and SWG: Legends Development Team, without whose support of collaboration and the SWG community our server wouldn’t exist.
    • Once a player reaches Ace of Aces status, meaning they have earned all nine ace badges, they will gain access to the following benefits:
      • Double Total Ship Limit in Datapad to 12
      • Double Total POB Ship Limit in Datapad to 4
      • Hangar Player House Structure
      • Special Vendor Access that accepts Space Battle Tokens
      • Token Reduction Cost from Kash Nunes on Parts and Schematics
      • Additional 1x Experience Multiplier for Pilot Experience
    • ChangedMustafar Instances have been adjusted as follows:
      • Beetle Cavern: Explosion damage from Beetles has increased; Assist aggro has been increased such that the Foreman will assist Beetle Defenders when attacked.
      • Droid Army: Forward Commander and CWW8 droid damage has been increased.
      • Droid Factory I: CWW8 droid damage has been increased; Assist aggro has been increased for Battle Droids where they will assist Colonel OR-5; New ability sets have been added to Super Battle Droids and Battle Droids; Upon failing the initial code sequence, droids enemies will now spawn; Droids in the main entry room will no longer respawn once killed.
      • Droid Factory II: Devastator droid abilities and the Doombringer's damage have been increased.
      • Sher Kar: Sher Kar's damage has been increased.
    • Added Mustafar Instances now have Difficulty Modes, which are aligned with our future difficulty mode plans for Heroics. Whoever enters the instance first will receive a popup to select the instance difficulty. For each mode, NPCs have adjustments to health, accuracy, damage, defense, KD immunity, and armor. Many of the mechanics for each instance are scaled with the mode. For example, Beetle explosion damage or Sher Kar healing from eating Karlings are scaled as well as the phase duration in Droid Army. Loot tables have also been adjusted for each instance mode described below. We are planning on publishing a balance patch in 2-3 weeks after players have had a chance to test these out, and make sure the balance feels right at all difficulties.
      • Womp Rat (Easy): In easy mode, mobs and mechanics are much more forgiving. Pick-up groups can go through the instance and familiarize themselves with the instance. High-quality or valuable loot does not drop from Womp Rat mode.
      • Bantha (Normal): This mode is the baseline and is similar to the live game. It challenges unprepared players and those without experience with the instances. Loot drops are as they already existed.
      • Rancor (Hard): This mode is more difficult and requires a well-organized team composition, technical expertise with the instance, highly geared players, and strategic coordination. Loot tables in this mode are modified such that low-value/junk loot will not drop, allowing the existing pool of available loot to only be filled by high-value items (i.e., the same number of items that drop, but all items are guaranteed to be high value).
      • Krayt Dragon (Nightmare): This mode is extremely difficult and requires players to creatively solve ways to defeat instances, utilize all tools at their disposal, build squads that are completely in sync, and make zero technical mistakes. It may add additional mechanics not seen in other modes. The loot tables in this mode are modified both to remove low-quality loot and offer new Legendary versions of items.
    • Changed The Force Crystal from the Trials of Obi-Wan finale now grants Healing Potency instead of Healing Efficiency, which should allow healing to be more impactful during this fight.
    • Changed The XP gain from Nym's Starship questline has been reduced.
    • Changed The Celestial Shipwright quest item, Hopper Shielding, has been moved to a different warzone on Talus.
    • Changed Once a player has completed the Ridth DNA Collection, they will now receive a pointer quest informing them to return to Ridth.
    • Changed Certain static quests, such as Rakir Banai, who awarded the Shellfish Harvesting Tool, have been temporarily turned back on until they can be upgraded by the development team.
    • Changed The Darklighter Cache quest now properly re-grants the quest to the player if they fail the quest due to running out of time.
    • Changed The Rroot - Captured! quest now re-grants the quest if the player fails the encounter.
    • Changed Reduced the WoD Acolyte respawn timer to 10 minutes so players can complete the quest more easily.
    • Changed Added more conversational pointers to the Mos Eisley Mayor to guide players to proper NPCs during side quests.

    Festival of Harmony
    • AddedThe Festival of Harmony, a celebration of acceptance and the diversity of our galaxy, is taking place in June. A crackdown by the Empire has ruined plans for most festivities, but several contraband items are available for purchase with 100,000 credits on the Galactic Fortitude Vendor, including:
      • Harmony Sparklers for entertainers who want to share a more colorful performance.
      • The Harmony Necklace is for those wanting more color in their style.
      • Four exclusive paintings that are available this year only.
    Galactic Civil War
    • Fixed Players who log out or close their client while inside a factional base will no longer immediately disappear (e.g., "safe logout") and will instead persist in the world for up to five minutes.
    Items and Equipment
    • Added Two new schematics have been added to the Tailor profession: A neck-only wrapped scarf and a head-covering wrapped scarf.
    • Changed Reverse Engineering Tools will now show their current tape setting and modifier bit in the attributes pane of the examine window based on the contents of the tool.
    • Fixed Kinetic Repulsion Generators (from the Chu Gon Dar cube) now grant Melee Defense instead of Melee Damage Reduction.
    Force Sensitive
    • AddedJedi will now incur XP/Skill loss upon becoming a Force Ghost:
      • 500,000 Jedi General XP will be lost upon becoming a Force Ghost.
      • If the death that caused the Jedi to become a Force Ghost was caused by a Bounty Hunter or another Visibility-related consequence (like an Inquisitor), the XP lost is 1,000,000 instead of 500,000.
      • If the player has negative Jedi General XP after this loss, they will lose one of their highest-trained Jedi Discipline skills. The XP from that skill will be refunded to the player so that they once again have positive XP.
      • If a player has no Jedi Discipline skills to lose, they will remain in negative XP.
    • Fixed Jedi can no longer use travel tickets gained through unintended means to work around visibility travel restrictions.
    • AddedJedi defeated in combat as part of the GCW or by a Bounty Hunter (but, for example, not a Duel) will now drop new trophies for all non-Jedi players involved in their defeat.
      • Five trophies are available: Broken Lightsaber, Cracked Holocron, Fractured Kyber Crystal, Torn Jedi Robes, and Charred Jedi Cloak.
      • These unique trophies will show information about who they were taken from, who killed them, and the time of death.
      • Trophies can be sold to junk dealers for between 50,000 to 100,000 credits, depending on the type.
      • Trophies can alternatively be added to a new Order 66 - Player Slayer collections, one for each type of trophy. Each collection completed will grant a permanent +2% Jedi Damage Reduction Skill Mod.
      • Completing any one collection will grant the badge Making the Galaxy Safe Again and the title Patriot of Dathomir.
      • Completing all of the collections will grant the badge No Match for a Good Blaster and the title Needs No Hokey Religions.
    • Changed Visibility gain now scales based on the number of friendly/aligned Jedi in your immediate vicinity rather than for all Jedi in the area. This change was made to realign the incentives in PvP to simply not stack too many Jedi on the same team, making the visibility gain something more in the player's control.
    • Changed A NPC can now only report each player only once per 5 minutes (instead of 1 minute).
    • Changed A player can now only report another player once every 15 minutes (instead of 5 minutes). This change was made to make visibility gain more manageable in situations where visibility was accruing so fast that players were simply ignoring the consequences.
    • Changed Jedi are now allowed to use the Mustafar travel shuttle even if they have high visibility.
    • Changed Visibility reduced from completing mission terminals will now be scaled down (from 200) if completed in less than four minutes, proportional to how long it took you.

    Bounty Hunter
    • Added Bounty Hunters that accept a bounty from a high-visibility player (above 4000, aka Inquisitor level) will receive a Breaching Charge that's tied to that bounty. The Bounty Hunter can use this Breaching Charge while at the doorstep of a private house that their target is inside of. Doing so will eject the targeted Jedi from the building after a short delay (and prevent them from logging off and disappearing inside the house during that delay). In the future, we intend to reimplement these as new crafted items from Droid Engineer.
    • Changed High-level bounties, including player bounties, may now be taken at Investigation IV (4xxx) instead of Master Bounty Hunter.
    • Changed Jedi players that are currently in a safe haven (like The Ranch) will no longer appear on Bounty Hunter terminals
    • Changed Bounty Hunter terminals will now indicate if a player target is a Jedi.
    • Fixed The Songwriter in the Village now properly grants the Ethereal song to those who have met the requirements
    • Fixed Weapon subcomponents with SAC bonuses or Critical Hit bonuses (e.g., looted barrels) will now properly be baked into the weapon craft.
    • Added Players may now pay Han Solo 50,000 credits out of their bank after threatening to report Han to Jabba during the Nym’s Starmap Part IV quest.
    • Added Ionic Pulse Weapon has been added to the reward loot crate pool
    • Changed Increased PVE missile damage by 2x
    • Changed Properties of all Tier 6+ NPC ships, excluding Nova Orion and Ace pilots, have been rebalanced. Scaling of top speed, yaw, pitch, and roll have been decreased such that top speeds are now ~130 instead of ~160. Damage on high-end turret ships such as the Aggressor is reduced as well as an increase in turret miss chance and spread angle. Missile accuracy has also decreased.
    • Changed When leaving the sector during an uncompleted Duty Mission or deleting the mission, players will receive a message that the mission has failed as opposed to successfully completing.
    • Fixed Corrected a bug with the spawning of Ace Imperial Pilot Turr Phennir.
    • Fixed Emergency Shield Front and Back now have a cooldown modifier of 1.0 instead of 0.1
    • Fixed Smuggler’s Alliance pilots can now take the Jabba Throne Room access quest anytime in their pilot profession.
    User Interface
    • Added UI Scaling is now available, allowing you to scale the user interface up as your screen resolution increases, ensuring you're able to adequately see all user interface elements in resolutions higher than 1080p, such as on 4K monitors. A new option to configure scaling is available in the SWG Client Setup application (Launcher > Launcher and Game Settings > Game Settings > Graphics > UI Scale). You may need to experiment with multiple scales to your preference. After adjusting your UI scale, you may need to run /ui reset in-game to reset the positions of all UI elements. Special thanks to the SWG: Legends team for sharing this work with our project.
    • Added The Vertical ("Side") Toolbars can now be toggled through a new checkbox in the User Interface Options in-game. The Vertical Toolbars will be hidden by default.
    • Changed The maximum waypoints that you can store in your Datapad has been increased from 100 to 250.
    • Changed The login screen background will now rotate through a selection of seasonally thematic artwork.
    • Fixed The Skills UI Window now properly displays the experience progress bar on each individual skill box in the skill tree when you are actively earning experience points towards that box.
    • Fixed The Skills UI Window now properly displays an arrow “>>” next to professions you have purchased at least one skill in when browsing the “All Professions” tab.
    • Fixed The Experience Monitor now properly populates with your available skills for advancing when you first log in.
    • Fixed A bug that caused combat commands to appear "stuck" in the combat queue, requiring players to use /clear before they could perform certain actions, such as mounting a speeder, has been resolved. Please report any additional actions that appear to be caught with this behavior to the Development Team.

    Hotfix - Empire Day​

    The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

    • Removed The PvP "Rating" feature has been removed due to its inaccuracy. Ratings will be replaced with the Leaderboards feature in a future update.

    The Village
    • Fixed An issue that prevented certain NPCs from spawning during The Village Exit Quest has been resolved.

    Empire Day
    • AddedThe Empire Day and Remembrance Day celebrations have arrived with tension high between the Rebel Alliance and the Empire as the Empire seeks to celebrate the Emperor's rise to power and the termination of the Jedi Council while the Rebel Alliance works to inspire hope for the future and defeat imperialist propaganda.
      • Both factions are recruiting members to help post propaganda and tear down whatever propaganda the other side managed to post. Entertainers are recruited to boost the troops' morale, while Artisans are hired to help keep supplies flowing to the front lines.
      • Imperials seek out, in Theed, Major Brenn Tantor for Propaganda Quests and Droid Kaythree for Artisan and Entertainer Quests.
      • Rebels seek out, in Coronet, Captain Derlin for Propaganda Quests and Major Carlist Rieekan for Artisan and Entertainer Quests.
      • Be sure to grab the new rewards!
    Festival of Harmony
    • Removed The Festival of Harmony has concluded for this year, and rewards are no longer available on the Galactic Fortitude Vendor.
    Force Sensitive
    • Changed The requirement for regional control aligned to the Rebellion as part of Phase II of Jedi Unlock has been removed.
    • Fixed NPC computed behavior has been adjusted to center more around an NPC's inherent opinion of the Jedi. This will help with situations where Force-sensitive NPCs previously added to a Jedi's visibility.
    Items and Equipment
    • AddedNew rewards have been added to the Galactic Fortitude Vendor in Mos Eisley, in preparation for the public quality assurance program. More details on how to acquire Galactic Fortitude Tokens through this program will be published soon. These rewards include:
      • ARC Trooper Armor - All ten pieces are available, and will be made recraftable and colorable in a future update.
      • Portable Bazaar Terminal Schematic - Allows you to access the Galactic Bazaar from your inventory or a player city
      • City Banner Kit - Customizable banner that can be placed in player cities
      • AT-AT player house - Purchased as four separate items that can be combined to generate a house deed, including a programmable AT-AT Head ITV
      • Darth Vader Statuette - A decorative item that plays the Imperial March when nearby
      • Malfunctioning Moisture Vaporator - A decorative item that makes it rain inside a player house.
      • Camo/Battle Worn Composite Dye Kit - Color kits for Composite armor
      • Yoda backpack
      • Guise of Vapaad
    • Fixed An issue that prevented new players from using the Cloud Car ITV has been resolved.
    • Fixed An issue that caused some players to be unable to use ITV Fuel from a factory crate has been fixed.
    • Fixed Newly crafted robes and newly looted luck buff trinkets/artifacts will no longer be labeled as Jedi Contraband. This change is not retroactive.
    • Fixed Consuming food or drinks will now only apply to your stomach/fill attributes if the buff successfully applies to your character.

    Bounty Hunter
    • Fixed Bounty NPCs that spawn should no longer spawn inside of other objects.
    Combat Medic
    • Fixed Medical Combat abilities will no longer go on cooldown if the target was invalid (like being out of line of sight).
    • Changed The Force Run II and III abilities now cause Force Regeneration to drop to 0 while the buffs are active.
    • Changed Jedi that spec into Bounty Hunting may no longer hunt non-Jedi players.
    • Fixed All Force Run buffs will now end if you cannot afford the upkeep cost (every 10 seconds, these abilities drain 33/66/99 Force, respectively).

    User Interface
    • Added Enzyme Extractors, and other stackable crafted items, will now show the amount in the stack in the attributes pane during the craft.
    • Fixed The Right Vertical Toolbar's context menu (e.g., right-click to remove) now properly populates when right-clicking.
    • Fixed The Vertical Toolbars should no longer wiggle if you scroll your mouse wheel while hovering over them.
    • Fixed The game will no longer show an error popup if it crashes while exiting.