An Archeologist's Problem

An Archeologist's Problem
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  • You can start this quest by talking to Doctor Mi Fon Lu near the Southern Jedi Ruins on Mustafar.
    /way mustafar -1755 321 Doctor Mi Fon Lu;

    Doctor Mi Fon Lu: Don't even bother to try to go up there. Those stinking Blackguard will not let anyone near the ruins, except for Colonel Narl's crew, of course. You might as well just turn right around and head the other way.
    You: Why would these...Blackguard try to stop me?
    Doctor Mi Fon Lu: They want the treasures that are in the ruins for themselves. I tried to explain to them that I only wanted to study those relics, but they didn't believe me. I was lucky to get out of there in one piece. At least Colonel Narl agreed to let me study anything they pull out of the ruins, before they sell them off.
    You: What are you? Some sort of archaeologist?
    Doctor Mi Fon Lu: That is exactly what I am. I am Doctor Mi Fon Lu of the Theed Academy. I came here when I heard of the amazing discoveries coming from these perfectly preserved ruins. It is amazing to think that where we now stand was once a thriving temple during the period of the Old Republic. That was thousands of years ago, of course.
    You: So, who is this Colonel Narl?
    Doctor Mi Fon Lu: He is a treasure hunter, like so many others all over this planet. I don't think he is a real Colonel though...I think he just likes the sound of it. He is nice enough to me, but he probably wouldn't take kindly to anyone else. He seems to be the only one that the Blackguard cannot push around.
    You: Why is that?
    Doctor Mi Fon Lu: Colonel Narl has a pretty big crew. The Blackguard use some pretty strange powers, but the Colonel outnumbers them. They seem to have developed a truce of sorts. The two sides have divided the ruins between them and leave each other alone. Of course, whenever anyone new shows up, they both turn on the newcomer.
    You: I am guessing that the Blackguard have something you wish to study.
    Doctor Mi Fon Lu: Only the heart of the whole ruins. The primary temple is located on their side, and they won't let me anywhere near it. Their leader, San'sii, is there most of the time studying it. I told him that I could help him, but he just laughed and then I couldn't breath. He really freaks me out.
    You: Well, perhaps I can help you.
    Doctor Mi Fon Lu: I don't know exactly what you can do for me. If you go up there, the Blackguard will definitely attack you, and I am pretty sure the Colonel will too. Like I said before, you should just turn around and head the other way.
    You: Don't worry about me. I can handle myself.
    Doctor Mi Fon Lu: In that case, I wish you well. If you make it out of there alive, perhaps you will stop by and tell me about what you saw?

    Level: 70
    You met a strange little fellow near one of the Jedi enclave ruins. He told you that he has been having trouble studying the ruins because of a group that call themselves the Blackguard. Perhaps a little forceful negotiations are in order.

    Recommended combat level: 80 and with a group

    Defeat 10 Blackguard​

    Perhaps you can convince the Blackguard to let Dr. Lu examine the ruins if you defeat a few of their members.

    A short distance away is a compound that is crawling with Blackguard NPCs, simply kill 10 of them and your quest will update.

    Return to Dr. Lu​

    Inform Dr. Lu that you have cleared out some of the Blackguard.

    Make your way back to Doctor Mi Fon Lu and converse with them.

    Doctor Mi Fon Lu: Good to see you again, my friend. How was your trip into the ruins? Did you see anything that I might be interested in?
    You: I wasn't there looking around. I took care of some business.
    Doctor Mi Fon Lu: What do you mean?
    You: I eliminated some of those Blackguard for you.
    Doctor Mi Fon Lu: What! I must say that is most impressive. But I fear that your efforts are wasted. The real problem with the Blackguard is their leaders. Even if you took out all the Blackguard minions, they would never let me near the ruins.
    You: This San'sii character?
    Doctor Mi Fon Lu: Him and his woman...Vansk. She is a real mean one. This is just a guess, but I don't think she was hugged enough as a child. Those two alone could easily keep me from going anywhere near those ruins.
    You: I see. Well perhaps it is time for me to go back to work.
    Doctor Mi Fon Lu: What are you going to do?
    You: You are better off not knowing.
    Doctor Mi Fon Lu: Hmmmm...well, okay. I will just wait here.

    After your conversation, the quest updates.

    Defeat Vansk of the Blackguard​

    Since defeating the Blackguard minions didn't accomplish anything, perhaps it is time to take out one of the leaders. Defeat Vansk of the Blackguard.

    Return to the compound. You will now need to find and kill Vansk of the Blackguard.
    • They are a CL85 Boss level Jedi NPC
      • They do a lot of damage and a group is needed/highly recommended
    Vansk the Blackguard has two possible spawn locations and a respawn timer of around 10 minutes.
    /way mustafar -1532 183 Vansk - Spawn #1;
    /way mustafar -1478 173 Vansk - Spawn #2;

    Once you have killed Vansk the Blackguard, your quest will update.

    Return to Dr. Lu​

    Return to Dr. Lu and inform him that you have defeated Vansk of the Blackguard.

    Make your way back to Doctor Mi Fon Lu and converse with them again.

    Doctor Mi Fon Lu: I waited right here just like I said I would. So, what news?
    You: Vansk will no longer be of any hassle to you.
    Doctor Mi Fon Lu: You took out Vansk? I was impressed before but now I am in serious awe. I...I don't mean to ask this...I have never actually asked for this sort of help before. Could you maybe take care of San'sii too? He scares me a lot, and now that Vansk is gone, he might decide to take out his rage on someone me.
    You: I was thinking the same thing.
    Doctor Mi Fon Lu: I cannot thank you enough. While you go do that, I am going to just wait here and hope for the best.

    After your conversation, the quest updates.

    Defeat San'sii the Kursk​

    Nothing you have done so far has helped Dr. Lu. It is time to strike at the leader of the Blackguard. Defeat San'sii the Kursk in battle.

    Return to the compound one last time. You will now need to find and kill San'sii the Kursk.
    • They are a CL85 Boss level Jedi NPC
      • They do a lot of damage and a group is needed/highly recommended
      • They will always drop Cloak of the Kursk as loot
    San'sii the Kursk has a respawn timer of around 10 minutes.
    /way mustafar -1500 255 San'sii the Kursk;

    Once you have killed San'sii the Kursk, your quest will update.

    Return to Dr. Lu​

    Return to Dr. Lu and tell him that he should no longer have any problems examining the ruins.

    Make your way back to Doctor Mi Fon Lu and converse with them for the final time.

    Doctor Mi Fon Lu: You appear to be a little singed. I take it by your appearance that you dealt with San'sii.
    You: You better believe it.
    Doctor Mi Fon Lu: Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have made this archaeologist very happy. I don't have much, but I do have some relics that I pulled out of the ruins before I was driven away by those Blackguard. I insist you take one as payment.
    You: You don't have to twist my arm. Thank you.
    Doctor Mi Fon Lu: Thanks again.

    After the conversation the quest will complete.
