Comlink From Survivors

Comlink From Survivors
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  • This quest is part of the Marauder Theme Park questline.

    Previous Quest: << Another Ewok

    Charal - Comm message: I was able to forsee many visions due to my power as as Sister. I have one last command for you, servant. Then I shall release you. My vision showed me many ships landing on this planet in the near future. I will use a Comlink to steal these ships and then I can finally leave these filthy Marauders for good! There are some recently crashed survivalists who have this Comlink. I shall use it to escape this planet.

    Pop-up: There was a ship that crashed down in the Northern mountain range not long ago.

    Level: 80
    Charal has asked you to collect a Comlink from escape pod survivors.

    Recommended combat level: 80 and with a group

    Locate the Crash Survivors​

    Locate the Crash Survivors

    This one is quite a trek to the northwest, past the Death Water Bunker.
    • If you have an ITV to the Death Watch Bunker it could potentially save you some time
    Head to the waypoint below and find your downed ship, surrounded by Mandalorians. Once you arrive, the quest will update.
    /way endor -5831 6522 Crash Survivors;

    Find Comlink on a Survivor​

    Find Comlink on a Survivor

    You will need to kill Mandalorian crash survivors in the area until the quest updates
    • The Mandalorian crash survivors are CL85 elite level NPCs
    Each individual group member will have a separate quest notification so you must wait until your entire group has managed to complete.

    Return to Charal​

    Return to Charal

    Return to Charal one last time.

    Charal: Yes!! With this Comlink I can command power over the very Universe itself!! All I have to do is wait for the first ship to land on this moon. As for you... my vision has shown that you must leave me and go see King Terak. A shame, too... you were my favorite.

    This completes the quest. Charal will tell you to go speak with King Terak. Find them and speak with them to move onto the next quest.
    /way endor -4570 -2272 King Terek;

    King Terak: Scholar Szingo tells me you are worthy of trust, but you look like a weak willed, oafish lout, used to failing in your duties.
    You: I have defeated many foes for the Marauders.
    King Terak: You are to locate an Ewok holy man, destroy him, and return here with a staff I am told contains power. Power means our getting off this green carbuncle on the backside of the Galaxy. A patrol claims they were recently ambushed by Ewoks. The patrol leader claims a solitary Ewok was able to send his men running in confusion with bolts of power shot from a metal staff. Retrace the steps of the patrol, find the Ewok, and return with his staff.