Meatlump Food Sabotage

Meatlump Food Sabotage
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  • Meatlump Food Sabotage is a collection, that is part of the Meatlump Sabotage Collection Tier 2 collection.

    To start this collection, you must receive the Muddle the Meatlumps quest from the Meatlump Themepark.

    To get credit towards the collection, you will need to sabotage Meatlump Food Supplies. Once you complete the collection, you will get credit for the quest.

    This collection and the quest are repeatable!


    To get credit for Meatlump food supplies, you must use a Biological Yeast Dispenser item, be on the Muddle the Meatlumps quest, and sabotage the food supply successfully.

    The Biological Yeast Dispenser item is given to you for free by the Corellian Times Reporter, Halden Wes.

    /way Corellia -175 -4435 Halden Wes;


    The player must solve a color-matching puzzle. You will be given 2 sets of 3 squares with colors ranging from black to white. You will need to use the slider to change the color of the squares on the right side of the screen so that they match the squares on the left side of the screen. You have a meter called "integrity" which starts at 100%. Each time you click a triangle, you lose 10% integrity. Once the set of squares on the right side match the color of the squares on the left side, the puzzle completes.

    You may also purchase an Yeast Bolster item, which when used prior to starting a puzzle, will make it so each click on a triangle will only consume 5% integrity instead of 10%.

    You may purchase this tool from the Corellian Times Vendor for 2 Meatlumps.

    /way Corellia -172 -4437 a Corellian Times Vendor;


    There are 12 Meatlump food supplies in total.
    • 2 are located inside of the Meatlump Bunker
    • 10 are scattered around the galaxy
    /way Tatooine 3961 2425 Food Crate 1/12;
    /way Naboo -5256 3663 Food Crate 2/12;
    /way Naboo 4633 -5058 Food Crate 3/12;
    /way Tatooine -5218 -6773 Food Crate 4/12;
    /way Corellia -5704 -2326 Food Crate 5/12;
    /way Corellia 3606 5825 Food Crate 6/12;
    /way Lok 273 4638 Food Crate 7/12;
    /way Corellia -3961 3159 Food Crate 8/12;
    /way Talus 3959 5078 Food Crate 9/12;
    /way Rori -5164 -2549 Food Crate 10/12;
    /way Corellia -563 -4365 Food Crate 11/12 (Inside Meatlump Bunker);
    /way Corellia -437 -4288 Food Crate 12/12 (Inside Meatlump Bunker);

    Once you complete the collection, you will not be able to sabotage the Meatlump food supplies again until you complete the Muddle the Meatlumps quest and grab it again.

    Reward: XP, Meatlumps, and progress towards the Meatlump Sabotage Collection Tier 2 collection

    • Halden Wes will only give you a Biological Yeast Dispenser item if you don't have any in your inventory already
      • A way around this is to put the Biological Yeast Dispenser item in your bag and he will give you another one