Patch Notes
Hotfix - Comfort in Conflict
The server was taken down for maintenance today, and an update was applied. Be sure to close the game and run your launcher. The update notes are as follows:

- Changed You can now store a vehicle directly even after it has taken damage within the last minute.
- Fixed Storing a vehicle when pulling out a Familiar will no longer restore the damage done to that vehicle.

Added All players now have access to the /getInspiration command. This will print out the current effects on your Inspiration buff. Additionally, if you are an Entertainer using this ability on a player watching or listening to you, you can target them while using /getInspiration and it will show you what is on their buff instead.

Added All cloning facilities should now have insurance terminals (including outposts).
- Removed Cybernetics that were automatically applied to characters after cloning have been removed from the game.
Added Merchants can now rename their vendors. However, mail from sales related to that vendor may still display the old name.
- Changed When experimenting during a craft in a Research City, you will now only receive one message about the bonus.
Changed Bespin Port bonus will now persist through the entirety of the craft as opposed to a single experimentation.
- Changed Deflective Hide, the Creature ability, will now grant 50% invulnerability instead of 100%.
- Tusken King
- Added Cloning and insurance terminals have been added.
- Added Citizens now will exclaim when being attacked.
- Fixed Regen has been fixed on the Mastiff spawns.
- Lost Star Destroyer
- Added Insurance terminal has been placed near the cloning room.
- Fixed Regen has been fixed on the Grenadier spawns.
- Added Players may now choose the direction of Destroy missions with the radial menu of the Mission Terminal. The direction is saved and applies to all Mission Terminals until changed or reset.
- Changed In an Improved Job Market, the message about the bonus payout will now be limited to once every two minutes.
- Changed Smuggler Missions now have a lower probability of encountering spawns.
Quarantine Zone
- Changed Courier NPCs now run more slowly.

- Changed Players must now wait 24 hours to join a new faction after resigning an old one (from 5 days).
Changed Reduced the region score contribution from a Watchtower to 50 points every 5 minutes (from 250).
Changed Region score contribution from a Watchtower is now tripled if it's being applied for the faction that does not control that region.
- Fixed Watchtower terminals can no longer be captured by more than one person at a time.
- Fixed The shady pirate at Endor Smuggler's Outpost will now accept Galactic Civil War tokens inside of a token box.
- Fixed The /gcw window will now properly reflect the assault status of the planets after a transition.

- Added Holiday tokens can now be added to the token box of achievements.
- Added Tokens can now be extracted from the Token Box.
Changed Crafted Food, Drink, Spice, Grenade, and Enhancer items will now auto stack if it was created from the same schematic.
- Changed Footprint of the Vigo house has been updated to be larger.
- Changed Footprint of the Mustafar Bunker has been updated to be smaller.
Changed Individual Rebel and Imperial Battlefield map tokens have been combined into a single Battlefield token, and vendor prices have been updated to reflect this. Tokens inside your inventory or a token box will be automatically combined.
- Changed Weapons purchased from vendors will no longer be automatically bio-linked to the purchaser.
- Changed Item models for enhancers and some foods have been updated.
- Fixed Experience bonus buff items (like Han's Hydrospanner/Radtrooper Insignia) will now apply to all forms of XP.
- Fixed Bounty Hunter Armor pieces will now have the correct Left or Right designation.
- Fixed New robes and Tusken clothing will now keep their recolors after using a Clothing Coloring Kit.
- Fixed Legendary backpacks will now show up on characters properly when equipped.
- Fixed Female Zabraks can now wear new Tusken clothing.

Fixed After clearing out an incubator that you used recently, you no longer need to log out in order to use it again before a cooldown.
Bounty Hunter
Added Duelist Stance now grants 90/140 defense (from 60/90).
Added Added 15 Heavy Weapon Speed and 40 Thrown Weapon Accuracy to Master Commando. Added a total of 30 Heavy Weapon Accuracy to the Commando tree.
Changed It Burns and Burn It Down cooldowns have been reduced to match the global cooldown.
Fixed Burn Down, It Burns, and Riddle Armor can now be used while crawling.
Droid Engineer
- Added Space Component Tracking Devices may now remove tagging by placing a space component inside and radialing “Remove Tag”. This does not require a Tagging Module.
Added Force Sap from the Force Healer tree now does a small amount of damage with an armor bypass, and heals the user according to damage dealt, in addition to its other effects. Master Healer now has Advanced Force Sap which does additional damage and healing.
Added Force Shock from the Force Healer tree now does a moderate amount of Electrical damage, in addition to its other effects.
Changed Dominate Mind cooldown has been reduced to 5 seconds (from 15).
Fixed Improved Force Throw is now an AoE.
- Fixed Killing a Jedi in space will no longer grant a Jedi Trophy.
- Fixed Logging out will no longer allow you to Accept Shelter from the same NPC.
Fixed Stabilizers (basic) should now properly only remove one state debuff.
Fixed The Advanced Intimidate debuff can now be removed with Stabilizers (Medic) and Heal States (Jedi).
Squad Leader
Fixed An interaction between Second Chance Squad Leader buff and AoE abilities that caused damage to be divided by too much has been fixed.

Added Flight computers can now be traded to different characters.
Added Flight Computers may now be renamed by radialing in the datapad.
- Changed Space Bounty missions each have one wave added per round.
- Fixed Programmed droid commands are now listed properly upon examining Flight Computers and Astromechs.
- Fixed Fix a bug with YKL37R Nova ships being one-shot.
May The Force Be With You,
The SWG Restoration Development Team