Rebel Pilot Quota | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Rebel Pilot Quota

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  • The Rebel Pilot Quota is a collection that can be started by completing one of the tiers below.

    Once you have completed all of the tiers below, you will complete the Rebel Pilot Quota collection.

    Reward: Feared Imperial Pilot title, the Rebel Pilot Kill Quota badge, and the YE-4 Gunship schematic

    Rebel Pilot Quota Tier 1​

    Destroy the following Tier 1 Ships:
    • 50x a Rebel Z-95
    • 50x a Rebel A-wing
    • 50x a Rebel B-wing
    • 100x a Rebel X-wing
    • 100x a Rebel Y-wing
    • 25x a Rebel Gunboat

    Tier 1 Duty Mission Locations

    • Tatooine Space Station
    • Naboo Space Station
    • Rori Space Station
    • Corellia Space Station
    • Talus Space Station

    Tier 1 Static Spawns​

    Rebel Gunboats Tier 1​

    Reward: Rebel Kill Quota Tier 1 badge and Space XP

    Rebel Pilot Quota Tier 2​

    Destroy the following Tier 2 Ships:
    • 50x a Rebel Z-95
    • 50x a Rebel A-wing
    • 50x a Rebel B-wing
    • 100x a Rebel X-wing
    • 100x a Rebel Y-wing
    • 25x a Rebel YT-1300
    • 25x a Rebel Gunboat

    Tier 2 Duty Mission Locations

    • Tatooine Space Station
    • Naboo Space Station
    • Rori Space Station
    • Corellia Space Station
    • Talus Space Station

    Tier 2 Static Spawns​

    Rebel Gunboats Tier 2​

    Reward: Rebel Kill Quota Tier 2 badge and Space XP

    Rebel Pilot Quota Tier 3​

    Destroy the following Tier 3 Ships:
    • 50x a Rebel Z-95
    • 50x a Rebel A-wing
    • 50x a Rebel B-wing
    • 100x a Rebel X-wing
    • 100x a Rebel Y-wing
    • 25x a Rebel YT-1300
    • 25x a Rebel Gunboat

    Tier 3 Duty Mission Locations

    • Lok Space Station
    • Yavin Space Station

    Tier 3 Static Spawns​

    Rebel Gunboats Tier 3​

    Reward: Rebel Kill Quota Tier 3 badge and Space XP

    Rebel Pilot Quota Tier 4​

    Destroy the following Tier 4 Ships:
    • 50x a Rebel Z-95
    • 50x a Rebel A-wing
    • 50x a Rebel B-wing
    • 100x a Rebel X-wing
    • 100x a Rebel Y-wing
    • 25x a Rebel YT-1300
    • 25x a Rebel Gunboat

    Tier 4 Duty Mission Locations

    • Dantooine Space Station
    • Dathomir Space Station
    • Dathomir Space Station (Deep Space)
    • Dathomir Space Station (Unlock, Mixed)
    • Endor Space Station

    Tier 4 Static Spawns​

    Rebel Gunboats Tier 4​

    Reward: Rebel Kill Quota Tier 4 badge and Space XP

    Rebel Pilot Quota Tier 5​

    Destroy the following Tier 5 Ships:
    • 50x a Rebel Z-95
    • 50x a Rebel A-wing
    • 50x a Rebel B-wing
    • 100x a Rebel X-wing
    • 100x a Rebel Y-wing
    • 25x a Rebel YT-1300
    • 25x a Rebel Gunboat
    • 25x a Rebel Corvette

    Tier 5 Duty Mission Locations

    • Tatooine Space Station
    • Lok Space Station
    • Corellia Space Station
    • Talus Space Station
    • Dantooine Space Station
    • Dantooine Space Station (Kessel)
    • Dathomir Space Station (Kessel)
    • Yavin Space Station
    • Endor Space Station
    • Endor Space Station (Kessel)

    Tier 5 Static Spawns​

    Rebel Gunboats Tier 5​

    Rebel Corvette Tier 5​

    Reward: Rebel Kill Quota Tier 5 badge and Space XP