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  • Introduction​

    Vehicles are the primary mode of transportation in Star Wars Galaxies. Basic vehicles are crafted by Master Artisans but there are a wide variety of special vehicles available as loot or quest rewards. These vehicles may have to be reconstructed by a crafter in order to reach their full potential.

    All vehicles naturally decay over time, and can also take damage from enemies in both PvE and PvP combat situations. Damaged vehicles may be repaired at any Parking Garage by going close to the Garage and selecting the repair option from the radial menu on the vehicle you wish to repair.

    If a vehicle reaches zero condition, it becomes disabled. A disabled vehicle can only be restored through the use of a Vehicle Restoration Kit (crafted by Master Artisan). However, due to their high cost, it is generally only worthwhile to repair valuable (i.e. non crafted) vehicles.

    On the Planet of Mustafar, lakes of lava across the planet will quickly damage and destroy vehicles that cross over it, unless it is lava resistant. Some vehicles have innate lava resistance, while other vehicles can be made so through the use of a Vehicle Lava Resistance Kit, purchasable from the Mustafar Content Vendor.

    List of Vehicles​

    AB-1 Landspeeder217.93 000Master Artisan Schematic
    Advanced Flare S Swoop12215 000Reconstructed from Flare S Swoop
    Advanced STAP-1121.915 000Reconstructed from STAP-1Bio-Link Required
    Advanced Tantive IV Landspeeder817.915 000Reconstructed from Tantive IV Landspeeder
    Air-2 Racing Swoop122.115 000PAASNo Trade
    AT-PT121.515 000Legendary Loot Chest, Rare Loot System
    AT-RT121.510 000Galactic Fortitude Vendor
    AV-21 Landspeeder221.93 000Corellian Corvette
    A1 Deluxe Floater22215 000PAASNo Trade
    BARC Command Vehicle123.115 000Imperial or Rebel Recruiter (Colonel Rank)Available through GCW Ranking
    BARC Speeder122.11 500Rryatt Trail TrialsNo Trade
    Desert Skiff822Desert Skiff CollectionCollection unknown
    Flare S Swoop120Death Troopers
    Flash Speeder219.9/flash command during Restoration launchNo longer obtainable
    Geonosian Speeder123.115 000PAASNo Trade
    Hover Lifter Speeder620Cornburr's Brain Collection
    Hover Lifter Speeder (Custom)62215 000Reconstructed from Hover Lifter SpeederLava Resistant
    Jetpack123.11 500Crafted in Death Watch Bunker using rare looted componentsLava Resistant
    Koro-2 Exodrive Airspeeder217.915 000PAASNo Trade
    Lava Skiff217.91 500Looted from Lord VartonisLava Resistant
    Light Bending BARC Speeder123.1PAASNo Trade
    Mechno Chair1015 000Legendary Loot Chest, Rare Loot System
    Mustafarian Panning Droid1163 000Droid Engineer (Advanced Droid Production) SchematicLava Resistant
    Mustafar Lava Skiff82220 000Mustafar Lava Skiff CollectionLava Resistant
    Recoloured version of Desert Skiff
    No longer obtainable
    RAM-1511 Transport821.915 000Empire/Remembrance Day
    Senate Pod61615 000Awarded to members of the Galactic Senate
    Sith Speeder123.1PAAS
    Speederbike119.91 500Master Artisan Schematic
    Pod Retrieval
    STAP-1117.910 000Saun Dann's quest during Life DayNo Trade
    Swamp Speeder217.915 000Galactic Fortitude VendorNo Trade
    Swoop121.91 500Master Artisan Schematic
    Tantive IV Landspeeder81510 000Empire/Remembrance Day
    Tsmeu-6 Personal Wheel Bike22315 000N-K Necrosis
    USV-5 Modified Landspeeder517.915 000Chronicles Vendor
    V-35 Landspeeder717.93 000Master Artisan Schematic
    X-34 Landspeeder217.93 000Master Artisan Schematic
    XJ-2 Landspeeder223.1Mustafar Content Vendor
    XJ-6 Airspeeder22215 000PAASNo Trade
    XP-38 Landspeeder217.93 000Master Artisan Schematic
    A Speeder for Me