Droid Commands

Droid Commands
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  • Droid Commands are abilities loaded into an astromech droid or flight computer, that are then run on your ship when in space to modify performance or shift energy to/between shields. Each level of droid/computer has a different capacity which is occupied by a droid chip when loaded.

    Common Loadouts(WIP)

    1- Capacitor Overcharge II, Capacitor to Shield Shunt II
    2- Weapon Overload II, Capacitor Overcharge II, Capacitor to Shield Shunt II
    3- Reactor Overload X, Weapon Overload III, Capacitor Overcharge III, Capacitor to Shield Shunt III
    4- Reactor Overload IV, Engine Overload II, Weapon Overload IV, Capacitor Overcharge IV, Capacitor to Shield Shunt IV
    5- Reactor Overload IV, Engine Overload IV, Weapon Overload IV, Capacitor Overcharge IV, Capacitor to Shield Shunt IV
    Superiority Fighter Duty Runner(6) - Reactor Overload III/IV, Engine Overload IV, Weapon Overload IV, Capacitor Overcharge IV, Capacitor to Shield Shunt III/IV, Shield Adjust Front Moderate, Shield Reinforcement Front Moderate, Shield Reinforcement Back Moderate, Kessel/Deepspace Chip
    Piracy POB/Gunship(6)- Reactor Overload III/IV, Engine Overload III/IV, Weapon Overload III/IV, Capacitor Overcharge IV, Capacitor to Shield Shunt IV, Shield Rear Adjust Heavy, Shield Rear Reinforcement Light/Moderate
    (6)- Reactor Overload III/IV, Engine Overload IV, Weapon Overload IV, Capacitor Overcharge IV, Capacitor to Shield Shunt III/IV, Shield Front Adjust Heavy/Extreme, Shield Front Reinforcement Light/Moderate

    Droid Interface Speed

    The lower the droid interface's speed is, the faster you can use your commands, but mass is much more important. Most commands have a 'delay' value of 0.1-0.25. The droid command cooldown is:
    Droid Command Cooldown = Droid Interface Speed * delay
    The only exception to this is Capacitor to Shield Shunt, which has a delay of 1.0. This is counterbalanced by the fact that most players capacitors will not have recharged suitably fast to usefully shunt again, even with a 20 speed droid interface.

    Astromech Droid/Flight Computer Capacity

    Astromech/Flight Computer LevelPilot BoxCapacity

    Programmed chip capacity usage

    Normalization, Mute Droid, and Hyperspace chips take 1 storage
    Command Level I/Light chips take 5 storage
    Command Level II/Moderate chips take 10 storage
    Command Level III/Heavy chips take 19/20 storage
    Command Level IV/Extreme chips take 24/25 storage

    Blank droid command chips are crafted by droid engineers, but then programmed by pilots with each faction getting access to a subset of commands that they can program freely without the use of chips(all factions have access to mute/unmute flight droid):
    Imperial: Engine Tuning, Engine Overload, Weapon Tuning, Weapon Overload
    Freelance: Reactor Overload, Weapon Capacitor Overcharge, Capacitor to Shield Shunt

    Droid Command Effects

    Droid CommandI/LightII/ModerateIII/HeavyIV/ExtremeStabilization/Normalization/
    Reactor OverloadGeneration x1.1Generation x1.3Generation x1.6Generation x1.9Generation x1.0
    Weapon OverloadDamage x1.25
    Drain x1.43
    EPS x1.43
    Damage x1.50
    Drain x2.00
    EPS x2.00
    Damage x2.00
    Drain x2.86
    EPS x2.86
    Damage x3.00
    Drain x5.00
    EPS x5.00
    Damage x1.00
    Drain x1.00
    EPS x1.00
    Weapon TuningDamage x0.9
    Drain x0.7
    EPS x0.7
    Damage x0.8
    Drain x0.5
    EPS x0.5
    Damage x0.7
    Drain x0.3
    EPS x0.3
    Damage x0.6
    Drain x0.1
    EPS x0.1
    Damage x1.00
    Drain x1.00
    EPS x1.00
    Engine OverloadSpeed x1.1
    PYR x1.1
    Drain x1.25
    Speed x1.2
    PYR x1.2
    Drain x1.67
    Speed x1.3
    PYR x1.3
    Drain x3.33
    Speed x1.4
    PYR x1.4
    Drain x10.00
    Speed x1.0
    PYR x1.0
    Drain x1.0
    Engine TuningSpeed x0.9
    PYR x0.9
    Drain x0.7
    Speed x0.8
    PYR x0.8
    Drain x0.5
    Speed x0.7
    PYR x0.7
    Drain x0.3
    Speed x0.6
    PYR x0.6
    Drain x0.1
    Speed x1.0
    PYR x1.0
    Drain x1.0
    Capacitor OverchargeEnergy x1.25
    Recharge x1.25
    Drain x0.8
    Energy x1.50
    Recharge x1.50
    Drain x0.66
    Energy x1.75
    Recharge x1.75
    Drain x0.57
    Energy x2.00
    Recharge x2.00
    Drain x0.5
    Energy x1.00
    Recharge x1.00
    Drain x1.00
    Capacitor to Shield ShuntShunts 25% of capacitor power to shieldShunts 50% of capacitor power to shieldShunts 75% of capacitor power to shieldShunts 100% of capacitor power to shieldN/A
    Shield Front AdjustFront hp/regen 120%
    Rear hp/regen 80%
    Front hp/regen 150%
    Rear hp/regen 50%
    Front hp/regen 175%
    Rear hp/regen 25%
    Front hp/regen 190%
    Rear hp/regen 10%
    Front hp/regen 100%
    Rear hp/regen 100%
    Shield Rear AdjustFront hp/regen 80%
    Rear hp/regen 120%
    Front hp/regen 50%
    Rear hp/regen 150%
    Front hp/regen 25%
    Rear hp/regen 175%
    Front hp/regen 10%
    Rear hp/regen 190%
    Front hp/regen 100%
    Rear hp/regen 100%
    Shield Front ReinforcementShunts 25% of rear shield to front shieldShunts 50% of rear shield to front shieldShunts 75% of rear shield to front shieldShunts 100% of rear shield to front shieldN/A
    Shield Rear ReinforcementShunts 25% of front shield to rear shieldShunts 50% of front shield to rear shieldShunts 75% of front shield to rear shieldShunts 100% of front shield to rear shieldN/A

    Special Commands

    Shield Emergency Front/Rear - these special chips take 35 capacity. Shunts 75% of capacitor and front/rear shield to the specified front/rear shield
    Mute/Unmute Flight Droid - toggles commchatter from droid(resets to unmuted after every hyperspace to another system)
    Rebel/Imperial/Freelancer Hyperspace algorithm - allows hyperspacing to Kessel or Deep Space directly