Sher Kar

Sher Kar
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  • The Sher Kar is the undisputed queen of the scorpion-like beasts known as sher kar. She is among the most dangerous and largest of these Mustafarian creatures.

    She is known to inhabit a massive cave at the end of the Tulrus Nesting Grounds, surrounded by lesser sher kar called karlings, praetorians, and symbiots.

    Players may enter this cave and attempt to take down Sher Kar for loot, a badge, and a collection item.

    You will need a group for this encounter.

    The encounter has a lockout timer and is repeatable!
    • Once you enter, the timer starts!
    • Do NOT enter the dungeon/instance until you have a group and are ready!
    This instance grants 3 Mustafar Trials Tokens upon completion.

    Before entering the cave of Sher Kar, also known as SK, here is some information on what awaits you.
    • This dungeon/instance is timed at an hour
      • After the hour you will be locked out for three hours
    • This will not be easy - be prepared!
      • Highly recommend crafted armor with Skill Enhancing Attachments(SEAs), also known as tapes
      • Bring consumables; food and spice
        • It is especially important to bring damage mitigation food, such as Exo-Protein Wafers and Synthsteak
      • Doctor and entertainer buffs
    • If your group happens to wipe, you are allowed to re-enter the dungeon/instance, given that the timer has not expired
    • There are four difficulty modes available, the harder the difficulty the better the loot
      • Womp Rat (Easy) / Bantha (Normal) / Rancor (Hard) / Krayt Dragon (Nightmare)
    Once you are ready, head to the cave within the Tulrus nesting grounds with your group. When you are all ready, press on the cave to enter the dungeon/instance.
    /way Mustafar 812 1293 Sher Kar - SK;


    In order for the player to be able to enter the cave in which the encounter takes place, they will need an Omniglobular Syringe in their inventory. The Omniglobular Syringe is tradable.

    This item is created with the Chu-Gon Dar cube along with three components:
    You only need to have the Omniglobular Syringe present in your inventory for the first time you enter. After that, you can choose what to do with it.
    • Tip: Players sometimes keep it in their inventory and allow other players to borrow it, so they meet the one time pre-requisite

    Boss 1: Sher Kar​

    The Sher Kar encounter requires the group to deal damage to Sher Kar, all while preventing NPCs that spawn and slowly move towards Sher Kar.

    Use the provided map to help you navigate through through the cave of the Sher Kar.
    • E: Entrance/Exit
    • 1: Sher Kar
    • 2: Karling spawn location
    After you enter the cave, make your way from the entrance (E) to the center of the cave. You and your group will see a couple praetorians and symbiots. Clear them out.

    When your group is ready, initiate combat with Sher Kar (1). As your group fights Sher Kar, CL20 karlings will spawn in the center of the cave (2) and will slowly start making their way towards Sher Kar. The karlings do no damage, will ignore the player, and only move towards Sher Kar.

    For each karling that makes it to Sher Kar, Sher Kar will do increased damage for the remainder of the encounter as well as regenerate some health. Because of this, it is highly recommended that you have a few group members concentrate on killing the karlings.

    As you kill karlings, the player that got the last hit, will gain a stacking debuff that lasts 5 minutes.
    • The Sher Kar's beauty is stunning. Her influence on you grows.
      • Modify combat speed by -25.00 points (per stack)
    This debuff is the reason you want to have multiple players of the group taking turns on preventing karlings from reaching Sher Kar.

    Keep damaging Sher Kar while controlling the karlings until you defeat her.

    As soon as you defeat Sher Kar, you will receive the Slayer of the Sher Kar badge.
    • You can go back to the entrance of the cave to leave. (You may also just do /eject)
      • After 5 minutes, you will be automatically removed from the instance
    Tip: Before you leave, be sure to collect the Devastator Acid Launcher that is part of the Rare Heavy Weapons collection which you can find towards the back of the cave

    Boss Statistics​

    Difficulty: Womp Rat (Easy) / Bantha (Normal) / Rancor (Hard) / Krayt Dragon (Nightmare)

    Sher Kar​

    • Planet: Mustafar
    • Area: Cave at the end of the Tulrus Nesting Grounds
    • Natural CL: ?? / 86 / ?? / 96
    • Health: ?? / ~588,500 / ?? / ~588,500
    • Aggressive: Yes
    • Deathblows: Yes
    • Difficulty: Boss
    • Melee
    Difficulty ModePossible Loot
    Womp Rat (Easy)
    • ??
    Bantha (Normal) (will always drop 2 items)
    • A Warmly Glowing Gravestone
    • A Warmly Glowing Skull
    • Acklay Target Creature Controller
    • Malevolent Bowcaster (Normal, Epic, and Legendary variants)
    • Malevolent Flamethrower (Normal, Epic, and Legendary variants)
    • Malevolent Heavy Sword (Normal, Epic, and Legendary variants)
    • Malevolent Lance (Normal, Epic, and Legendary variants)
    • Malevolent Obsidian Sword (Normal, Epic, and Legendary variants)
    • Malevolent Razorknuckler (Normal, Epic, and Legendary variants)
    • Malevolent Renegade Pistol (Normal, Epic, and Legendary variants)
    • Synaptic Stimulation Collar
    • Two-Handed Old Republic Lightsaber Schematic
    Rancor (Hard)
    • ??
    Krayt Dragon (Nightmare)
    • ??