Corellian Engineering Corporation

Corellian Engineering Corporation
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  • The Corellian Engineering Corporation(CEC) is a large space mining company with massive operations in the Kashyyyk space system.

    There is a questline surrounding this corporation that may be started on Kashyyyk. The questline acts as an introduction to the process of space mining and rewards the Y-8 Mining Ship on completion.

    There is no profession or faction restriction for this questline and may be completed by anyone.

    It is recommended to be in the Tier 3 range of the pilot profession for the beginning of the questline and Tier 5 towards the end.

    Completion of this questline is one of the requirements for the Celestial Discovery questline for Master Shipwrights introduced in Update 1.2.1.

    The questline may be started by speaking with Flash Harrison, who is located on the first level of the Kachirho tree.
    /way kachirho -453 158 -20 Flash Harrison - 1st level;

    Flash Harrison: Bah! Me, the best mining pilot in the Galaxy, stuck here on the lost planet of furballs by Imperial order! This is no place for Flash Harrison, mighty pilot! Who are you, anyway?
    You: You look like you could use a hand.
    Flash Harrison: Who, me? You really think you can 'give a hand' to Flash Harrison, greatest pilot in the Galaxy? Huh...I suppose you can. Between you and me, I'm working for the Corellian Engineering Corporation on a mining project in Kashyyyk, but the Imperials suspect that I'm a Rebel sympathizer!
    You: That's too bad.
    Flash Harrison: Tell me about it! They took my ship, and I'm stuck here with these filthy, dangerous Wookiees. I'll get off this rock as soon as I can, but until then, can you get a message to our base of operations on Talus?
    You: Absolutely.
    Flash Harrison: You may not be the best pilot in the Galaxy--like me--but you'll have to do. Good luck, pilot!

    Mission To Talus​

    Level: 25
    Deliver a message for Flash Harrison on Kashyyyk.

    Recommended combat level: 1

    Mission To Talus
    Flash Harrison, self proclaimed mighty pilot, has asked you to deliver a message to Thom Steele of the Corellian Engineering Corporation. He can usually be found in the Dearic Cantina on Talus.
    • Go to the Dearic Cantina on Talus and speak with Thom Steele
    /way talus 440 -2948 Thom Steele;

    Thom Steele: Yes? Look, I'm very busy...
    You: I come bearing a message from Flash Harrison on Kashyyyk.

    This completes the quest. Continue speaking with Thom Steele to receive the next quest.

    Thom Steele: That windbag? Err...I mean....that valuable asset to our company? Flash can be a little overbearing. What's the message?
    You: He's stuck on Kashyyyk, and I don't think he likes Wookiees.
    Thom Steele: The Wookiee phobia is his problem. Losing a mining pilot is mine. How am I going to come up with a quick replacement for that braggart? there, you look like you could hold your own out there. Can you fly a ship?
    You: Sure I can.
    Thom Steele: I knew I could count on you...err...whatever you said your name was. Get in your ship and head up to Corellian space. There have been reports of rival mining vessels horning in on our business. It would be a shame if something happened to them.

    Corellia System: Patrol Corellian Mining Route 42​

    Level: 0
    This route is used for Corellian mining vessels. Patrol it carefully and clear enemy mining vessels you find out of the way.

    Recommended combat level: 1 (Space quest)

    Travel to the Corellian System
    Corellian System
    • Launch your ship and travel to the Corellian System
    • Once you arrive to the Corellian System, your quest will update
    Mining Route 42
    When you reach a patrol waypoint you will receive a new one to your next location. Follow each of the patrol waypoints until you reach the end of your patrol. When you complete the mission, return to Thom Steele in Dearic for your next assignment.
    • Follow the patrol waypoints
      • After the third patrol waypoint, the quest will update and you will be ambushed by 3 Tier 3 Z-95's
      • Destroy all enemy ships and continue to the final patrol waypoint!
        • The mission is NOT complete after destroying the enemy ships
      • After you reach the last patrol waypoint, the mission is complete.
    Make your way back to Thom Steele in the Dearic Cantina on Talus to get your reward and to continue the questline.

    Thom Steele: Ah, back from your patrol, eh...err...old friend! Did you give our competition the old white glove treatment?
    You: That's one way of putting it.
    Thom Steele: Good job, old sport! You and I are going to get along just fine. Here, I have a present for you!
    You: Is it Life Day already?
    Thom Steele: Haw! Good one! No, your reward for taking care of those thugs! This is a mining laser that we salvag...that was handed in by one of our last mining pilots when he retired without being blown completely to smithereens by pirates. I'm also giving you a cargo hold. You'll need to load this onto your ship before you can mine asteroids.
    You: Such is the life of a space miner.
    Thom Steele: Don't get me wrong, pilot, it's dangerous out there! But you're better than them! You won't fall victim to space slugs, pirates, or any of the hundred other dangers mining pilots face every day! That said, ready for another task?
    You: Sure. What did you have in mind?
    Thom Steele: An abundance of silicaceous asteroids have entered the Corellia system recently, and we'd like a piece of those minerals. Head up there and get us a sample. You can keep whatever you mine, we'll only scrape a bit off to test the quality. 250 units should be enough to get a proper sample.

    • 1,500 credits
    • Class I Mining Laser
    • Small Cargo Hold (Starfighter Class)

    Corellia System: Extract 250 Units of Silicaceous Asteroid​

    Level: 0
    The Corellia system has a number of silicaceous asteroids in it. Mine 250 units of silicaceous asteroid to prove to Thom that you can fly mining missions for him.

    Recommended combat level: 1 (Space quest)

    Travel to the Corellian System
    Head to the Corellia system and locate a silicaceous asteroid. You can find one of these asteroids by looking in your zone map or POI list.
    • Launch your ship and travel to the Corellian System once again
      • Before launching, be sure to load the Class I Mining Laser and Small Carge Hold that you received from the previous quest into your ship
    • Once you arrive to the Corellian System, you will need to mine 250 units of silicaceous asteroid
      • You can locate a Silicaceous Asteroid by navigating to the POI section in your datapad
    • After you have mined 250 units of silicaceous asteroid, the mission is complete
    Make your way back to Thom Steele in the Dearic Cantina on Talus to get your reward and to continue the questline.

    Thom Steele: Did you get me those samples?
    You: I did. Here they are, 'old sport'.
    Thom Steele: Bah, mocking me is not the way to impress me! In any case, thank you for getting these samples. You can keep those resources you mined, or sell them at a resource station. You did know you could do that, right?
    You: You learn something new every day.
    Thom Steele: Every system has a station that will buy asteroid resources from you for a set price. Some station pay more for certain things than others. There's a lot of money to be made in the mining industry!
    You: I'll remember that.
    Thom Steele: Here's a little something for your troubles too. Now, I'd like you to head back to Kashyyyk and take over some of Flash's duties while he's grounded. You'll want to report to Captain Koh of the mining fleet when you get there. He'll be anxious to get you up and flying.
    You: I'll head out right away.
    Thom Steele: I Knew you'd come through again! Now get going!

    • 2,000 credits

    Back to Kashyyyk​

    Level: 25
    Return to Kashyyyk and seek out Captain Koh.

    Recommended combat level: 1

    Back To Kashyyyk
    Thom Steele had instructed you to return to Kashyyyk and seek out Captain Koh, head of the Corellian Corp. mining fleet's operations in the Kashyyyk system.
    • Go back to Kashyyyk and speak with Captain Koh, who is on the third level of the Kachirho tree
    /way kachirho -441 211 -75 Captain Koh - 3rd level;

    Captain Koh: Oh? Do you have business with me?
    You: Thom Steele sent me here to take over some mining duties in the Kashyyyk sector.

    This completes the quest. Continue speaking with Captain Koh to receive the next quest.

    Captain Koh: Did he now? Well then, I'll have to put you to work! My name is Captain Koh, and I'll be your taskmaster while you are stationed on this planet. You will respect my command!
    You: Sounds like fun.
    Captain Koh: Fun? Hardly! Mining asteroids ain't like shooting kreetles, boy! Are you ready to be put to work or not?
    You: Sir, yes sir!
    Captain Koh: That's more like it. Head to Kashyyyk space and get me some samples of the organometallic asteroids up there. You can keep what you mine, I just need a little.
    You: I'll do my best.
    Captain Koh: Right you shall.

    Before moving onto the next quest, make sure your cargo hold is empty! You can do this by:
    1. Go to your datapad (default keybind is "K")
    2. Go to the "Data" section
    3. Find your ship and right-click it
    4. Select "Unload Cargo"

    Kashyyyk System: Extract 500 Units of Organometallic Asteroid​

    Level: 0
    The Kashyyyk system has a number of organometallic asteroids in it. Mine 500 units and return to Captain Koh on Kashyyyk.

    Recommended combat level: 1 (Space quest)

    Kashyyyk System
    Travel to the Kashyyyk System.
    • Launch your ship and travel to the Kashyyyk System
      • Before launching, be sure that your ship is still loaded with the Class I Mining Laser and Small Cargo Hold
    • Once you arrive to the Kashyyyk System, you will need to mine 500 units of organometallic asteroid
      • You can locate an Organometallic Asteroid by navigating to the POI section in your datapad
      • Note: You may be attacked by 3-4 Tier 3 Asteroid Bandits
    • After you have mined 500 units of organometallic asteroid, the mission is complete
    This completes the quest. Make your way back to Captain Koh to get your reward.

    Captain Koh: Do you have those samples, pilot?
    You: Yes sir. Here they are.
    Captain Koh: Excellent! I'll need to analyze these to see if they confirm a suspicion of mine. Come back in a bit to check in with me. In the meantime, here is your pay for the mission. Oh, and it's about time we gave you a larger cargo hold for that fighter.
    You: I'll be back soon then.
    Captain Koh: Good. Hopefully I'll have some interesting work for you.

    • 5,000 credits
    • Large Cargo Hold (Starfighter Class)
    To continue the questline, speak with Captain Koh again.

    Captain Koh: I'm glad you have returned, pilot. You won't believe what I found in your samples! It's an outrage!
    You: An outrage?
    Captain Koh: You heard me! One of your samples contained a piece of a sample drill bit used by a mining fleet based out of the Lok system! Kashyyyk is OUR system!
    You: And?
    Captain Koh: You seem unconcerned! We can't lose ground to them. Listen, Lok is full of precious obsidian asteroids. Wouldn't it be a shame if someone... namely you... took a trip to Lok to do a little damage to their mining fields? If you see any of their ships along the way, don't hesitate to deal with them as you see fit.
    You: Revenge mission. Got it.
    Captain Koh: You were never here pilot, and you never talked to me about this! Now get going, and don't come back until you're ready to tell me all about the destruction you've unleashed on their mining fields.

    Lok System: Extract 750 Units of Obsidian Asteroid​

    Level: 0
    After finding evidence that rival companies have been operating in the Kashyyyk zone, Captain Koh has asked you to do some unauthorized mining in the Lok System.
    Recommended combat level: 1 (Space quest)

    Lok System
    Travel to the Lok System.
    • Launch your ship and travel to the Lok System
      • Before launching, be sure to load the Large Cargo Hold that you received from the previous quest into your ship
    • Once you arrive to the Lok System, you will need to mine 750 units of obsidian asteroid
      • You can locate an Obsidian Asteroid by navigating to the POI section in your datapad
      • Note: You may be attacked by 3-4 Tier 3 Asteroid Bandits
    • After you have mined 750 units of obsidian asteroid, the mission is complete
    This completes the quest. Make your way back to Captain Koh to get your reward.

    Captain Koh: Well, pilot? Have you been to Lok yet?
    You: They'll have trouble finding an asteroid left to mine in the entire system.
    Captain Koh: That's what I wanted to hear! You aren't half bad after all. Here's a little cash bonus for doing my dirty work. Oh, and I also have a tool that you might find useful on future tasks.
    You: A tool?
    Captain Koh: The tool I've given you is a starfighter mountable tractor beam. When you blast an asteroid apart, you'll find small chunks can be easily maneuvered with this beam weapon. It will mount to any open weapon slot on your starfighter
    You: Thanks. I'll use it well.
    Captain Koh: Indeed you will. Come back when you are ready for more work!

    • 7,500 credits
    • Tractor Beam
    To continue the questline, speak with Captain Koh again.

    Captain Koh: Today is our lucky day pilot! Do you know why?
    You: No sir.
    Captain Koh: A rival freighter is stranded in our home system of Corellia. It'll be a while before a rescue party can reach him, and in the meantime his cargo of resources is at our mercy.
    You: I guess I'm headed to Corellia...
    Captain Koh: You guessed correctly. You know that tractor beam I gave you earlier? You can use the tractor beam to transfer his cargo to your ship. Find the stranded mining ship and siphon his cargo off into your hold. Report back to me when you are finished. Got it?
    You: Sounds easy.
    Captain Koh: Glad to hear it, pilot. Off with you now.

    Corellia System: The Damaged Freighter​

    Level: 0
    Locate the damaged freighter in Corellia space, use your tractor beam to siphon the resources off the ship, and destroy it when you are finished. Fight off any attackers that might try to stop you.
    Recommended combat level: 1 (Space quest)

    Note: Do not attempt this mission in a group, as the tractor beam update portion of the quest will not function correctly

    Travel to the Corellian System

    Travel to the Corellia system.
    • Launch your ship and travel to the Corellian System once again
      • Before launching, be sure to load the Tractor Beam that you received from the previous quest into your ship
    • Once you arrive to the Corellia System, make your way to the mission target waypoint, where you will find the freighter
    • Once you arrive to the waypoint use the tractor beam on the freighter
      • You will see "Incrementing count!" in the chatbox
    • Continue siphoning from the freighter until it explodes
      • Note: You will be attacked by 3-4 Tier 2-3 Asteroid Bandits during the process
    • After the freighter explodes, the mission is complete
    This completes the quest. Make your way back to Captain Koh to get your reward.

    Captain Koh: Did you get the cargo from that ship?
    You: I sure did.
    Captain Koh: Keep it, pilot. The satisfaction of knowing that iron isn't in their hands is enough for me. Here's a few credits for your troubles too.
    You: Thank you, Captain.
    Captain Koh: Come back when you're ready for more work.

    • 7,500 credits
    To continue the questline, speak with Captain Koh again.

    Captain Koh: Welcome back, pilot. It's time to earn your keep.
    You: What now?
    Captain Koh: We're in need of a broad resource sample of several systems---Kashyyyk, which you should be familiar with already, Endor, and Dathomir. You will fly to these three systems in that order, and procure a 125 unit sample from each. Are you up to that task?
    You: I think so.
    Captain Koh: That's the right attitude. You have your orders, so get moving.

    Kashyyyk System: Broad Sample Part I​

    Level: 0
    You are to complete a broad sample of resources in several systems. Your first target are the organometallic asteroids of Kashyyyk. Harvest 125 units and proceed from there.
    Recommended combat level: 1 (Space quest)

    Kashyyyk System
    Travel to the Kashyyyk System.
    • Launch your ship and travel to the Kashyyyk System
      • Before launching, be sure that your ship is still loaded with the Class I Mining Laser if you replaced it with the tractor beam for the previous quest
    • Once you arrive to the Kashyyyk System, you will need to mine 125 units of organometallic asteroid
      • You can locate an Organometallic Asteroid by navigating to the POI section in your datapad
      • Note: You may be attacked by 3-4 Tier 3 Asteroid Bandits
    • After you have mined 125 units of organometallic asteroid, the mission completes and you will automatically receive the next mission

    Endor System: Broad Sample Part II​

    Level: 0
    Sample 125 units of ice asteroid as part of a broad sample of several systems' resources.
    Recommended combat level: 1 (Space quest)

    Endor System
    Travel to the Endor System.
    • Hyperspace to the Endor System
    • Once you arrive to the Endor System, you will need to mine 125 units of ice asteroid
      • You can locate an Ice Asteroid by navigating to the POI section in your datapad
      • Note: You may be attacked by 3-4 Tier 3 Asteroid Bandits
    • After you have mined 125 units of ice asteroid, the mission completes and you will automatically receive the next mission

    Dathomir System: Broad Sample Part III​

    Level: 0
    On the final leg of the sampling mission, collect 125 units of crystal asteroid in the Dathomir system.
    Recommended combat level: 1 (Space quest)

    Dathomir System
    Travel to the Dathomir System.
    • Hyperspace to the Dathomir System
    • Once you arrive to the Dathomir System, you will need to mine 125 units of crystal asteroid
      • You can locate a Crystal Asteroid by navigating to the POI section in your datapad
      • Note: You may be attacked by 3-4 Tier 4 Asteroid Bandits
    • After you have mined 125 units of crystal asteroid, the mission is complete
    This completes the quest. Make your way back to Captain Koh to get your reward.

    Captain Koh: Have you completed your sampling mission?
    You: I have.
    Captain Koh: Excellent. As usual, you can keep what you mined, we just need the data. It is about time we gave you a new mining laser too. Yours is looking a little old.
    You: Is it more powerful too?
    Captain Koh: Indeed it is. This is the Mark II model. You'll find mining asteroids is a bit easier using this. We don't get many of these in---so they are only reserved for our best pilots.
    You: Good to know I'm appreciated.
    Captain Koh: You've done us a great service thus far. Come back when you are ready for another task.

    • 10,000 credits
    • Class II Mining Laser
    To continue the questline, speak with Captain Koh again.

    Captain Koh: I have an urgent task for you, pilot.
    You: Let's hear it.
    Captain Koh: There is a convoy of Y-8 mining vessels coming through the Kashyyyk system later today. They're headed for a hyperspace beacon, and their path leads them through dangerous waters. As always, we expect the worst and hope for the best.
    You: So I'll be their escort?
    Captain Koh: Indeed, pilot. Meet them at the designated rendezvous point in the Kashyyyk system, and see to it that every ship in that convoy makes it to the hyperspace point.

    Kashyyyk System: Protect the Y-8 Convoy​

    Level: 0
    Meet up with the Y-8 Mining Vessel convoy, and escort them through a dangerous area of space to a convenient hyperspace beacon.
    Recommended combat level: 1 (Space quest)

    Kashyyyk System
    Travel to the Kashyyyk System.
    • Launch your ship and travel to the Kashyyyk System
      • Before launching, you can replace your mining laser with another weapon, as there is no mining for this quest
    • Make your way to the waypoint and a convoy of 3 Y-8 Mining Vessels will hyperspace in
      • Target one of them and type "/comm" and select "Get moving"
    • The convoy will start moving and you must protect them
      • Several waves of Tier 3 Gotal Bandits will ambush the convoy
    • Once the convoy reaches their destination, they will hyperspace out and the mission will complete
    This completes the quest. Make your way back to Captain Koh to get your reward.

    Captain Koh: So, pilot? Did they make it out safely?
    You: I wouldn't be here otherwise.
    Captain Koh: Excellent work. Stupendous. Marvelous! You've done our company a huge service by protecting that cargo! You've earned this reward. Keep it up and you may find yourself piloting a Y-8 one of these days...

    • 10,000 credits
    To continue the questline, speak with Captain Koh again.

    Captain Koh: The nerve! I can't believe this! Can you believe this?
    You: Err... what?
    Captain Koh: Remember clearing a path for that convoy? The Gotal bandits you took out? Yeah, thought so. Well, another convoy----not ours, mind you---is using our same route to that hyperspace beacon! Trying to slip in behind us, let us do the hard work...
    You: I see where this is headed...
    Captain Koh: Teach them a lesson! Their flagship, 'The Gilded Wookiee', will be starting on that route any minute. They probably have a heavy fighter escort, despite the path you cleared.
    You: So I should blow them up?
    Captain Koh: Are you deaf? I said teach them a lesson! Yes, blow them up, scatter their ships across space, etcetera, ad infinitum! And the escorts too... don't forget about the escorts. As far as the rest of the galaxy is concerned, Gotal bandits got them before they could get out of the system.
    You: No witnesses. Got it.
    Captain Koh: You were never here! Get moving!

    Kashyyyk System: Intercept the Gilded Wookiee​

    Level: 0
    Intercept the mining vessel 'The Gilded Wookiee' as it tries to use the path you cleared previously for the mining convoy to leave the zone.
    Recommended combat level: 1 (Space quest)

    Note: You may need a wingman or two for this mission, as you will face several Tier 4 enemies at once

    Kashyyyk System

    Travel to the Kashyyyk System.
    • Launch your ship and travel to the Kashyyyk System
      • Before launching, make sure you do not had a mining laser loaded into your ship, as there is no mining for this quest
    • After a few seconds, you will be given a waypoint to the Y-8 Mining Vessel and its escort that you will need to destroy
      • The Y-8 Mining Vessel is Tier 3
      • The escort consists of:
        • 3 Tier 4 A-Wings
        • 3 Tier 4 X-Wings
      • It is recommended to try to destroy the Y-8 Mining Vessel first, since it can escape and you will fail the mission
    • Once the Y-8 Mining Vessel and the convoy are destroyed, the mission will complete
    This completes the quest. Make your way back to Captain Koh to get your reward.

    Captain Koh: Tell me, pilot. Did Gotal bandits keep the Gilded Wookiee from leaving the zone?
    You: It was terrible. Gotals everywhere...
    Captain Koh: Tch Tch. A tragedy. Really. Tuggin' on my heartstrings there...
    My pay...for...delivering this news?
    Captain Koh: Right, right. News. Pay. Good one. Here's a little bonus for the 'news'.

    • 12,500 credits
    To continue the questline, speak with Captain Koh again.

    Captain Koh: This is it pilot. Your big break. This mission that will put you on the map.
    You: Tell me more.
    Captain Koh: A rare cluster of asteroids has been discovered in the highly dangerous Kessel system. Do you know what makes these asteroids special?
    You: Not as such.
    Captain Koh: Diamonds, pilot. They have diamond cores. Inside each of these miserable space rocks beats a pristine gemstone heart.
    You: Ooh.
    Captain Koh: Ever been to Kessel? Well, if you haven't, you're going now. Head out and sample those diamond cores before anyone else can get a hold of them. You will almost certainly be attacked by pirates while mining those rocks.
    You: Yes sir.
    Captain Koh: Report back when you have the diamonds.

    Kessel System: Space Diamonds​

    Level: 0
    Mine 500 units of precious space diamonds from the Kessel system. Watch out for pirates!
    Recommended combat level: 1 (Space quest)

    Kessel System
    Travel to the Kessel System.
    • Launch your ship
      • Before launching, be sure that your ship is loaded with the Class II Mining Laser that you received earlier into your ship
    • Travel to the appropriate system for your faction in order to hyperspace to Kessel
      • Imperial pilots:
        • Contact the Imperial Claw Station, Endor System (Nearest Hyperspace Point: Durillium Sea)
      • Freelance pilots:
        • Contact the Last Nav Station, in the Dathomir System (Nearest Hyperspace Point: Dathomir's Vitality)
      • Rebel pilots:
        • Contact the Deep Space Station, Dantooine System (Nearest Hyperspace Point: Dantooine's Wrath)
    • Once you arrive to the Kessel System, you will need to mine 500 units of diamond asteroid
      • You will need to search the system for a diamond asteroid
      • Note: You may be attacked by 3-4 Tier 5 Asteroid Bandits
    • After you have mined 500 units of diamond asteroid, the mission is complete
    This completes the quest. Make your way back to Captain Koh to get your reward.

    Captain Koh: Do you have the diamonds?
    You: Of course.
    Captain Koh: I'm suitably impressed, pilot. Your mining talents cannot be underestimated or overlooked. Your work with me is done, but I have a parting gift for you, on behalf of the Mining Division of Corellian Engineering.
    You: A gift?
    Captain Koh: This is a deed to one of the company's new Y-8 mining vessels. You've earned this, pilot. Take it, along with my gratitude. May it serve you well.
    You: I'll use it well.
    Captain Koh: I'm sure we will meet again pilot. I look forward to hearing more of your mining adventures. Good luck!

    • 15,000 credits
    • Y-8 Mining Vessel Deed
    • Small Cargo Hold (Y-8 Class)