DoT Resistance

DoT Resistance
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  • DoT Resistance​

    Damage over Time(DoT) Resistance, specifically Bleed, Disease, Fire, and Poison Resistance, was fixed to work in 1.2.1 using a system similar to the accuracy and defense system of normal attacks.

    DoT 'Accuracy'​

    All non-Combat Medic DoTs have a standard 'accuracy' of 100. Combat Medic specific DoTs have an 'accuracy' equivalent to the user's Medical Warfare Efficiency skill mod.

    DoT 'Defense'​

    'Defense' value against a DoT is equivalent to the DoT Resistance of the specific type.

    DoT 'Accuracy' v. 'Defense'​

    Similar to core accuracy and defense, a dice is rolled for both 'accuracy' and 'defense', and the results are compared to determine if a DoT is successfully applied.

    For example, if a Bounty Hunter uses a Torso Shot against someone with 66 Bleed Resist: the attacker rolls a d100 and the defender rolls a d66. If the d100's result is greater than the d66's result, then the Bleed DoT applies, otherwise it does not.

    Note: Damage of the DoT is not scaled by this function.