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  • Pilot is an auxiliary profession. All player characters can be pilots, and it does not require any skill points.


    The pilot profession is associated with the three factions of the Galactic Civil War. Player characters must join either the Galactic Empire or Rebel Alliance in order to become an Imperial Pilot or Alliance pilot respectively. Declared players may also choose to become a freelance pilot. On the other hand, neutral player characters with no faction declaration can only become freelance pilots.


    Players must also choose a pilot Squadron to join. Each of the three factions has three Squadrons available to them.

    Alliance Pilot​

    Arkon's Havoc SquadronCaptain KreezoCorellia, Tyrena-5177 -2281Easy
    Crimson Phoenix SquadronCommander Da'la SocunaTatooine, Mos Espa-3002 2202Medium
    Vortex SquadronV3-FX (droid)Naboo, Moenia4764 -4795Hard

    Freelance Pilot​

    CorSec SquadronSergeant RheaCorellia, Coronet-275 -4730
    RSF Squadron (Imperial aligned)Captain DingeNaboo, Theed-5497 4575
    Smuggler Alliance (Alliance aligned)DravisTatooine, Mos Eisley3429 -4788

    Imperial Pilot​

    Black EpsilonHakasha SireenTalus, Imperial Outpost-2183 2259Medium
    Imperial InquisitionLt. Barn SinkkoNaboo, Kaadara5204 6728Easy
    Storm SquadronLt. Akal ColzetTatooine, Bestine-1110 -3514Hard

    Switching Squadrons​

    To switch your squadron, you must first speak to the respective pilot coordinator of you faction to resign from your current squadron, then speak to the Trainer of the squadron you wish to join. Note that your progress with your current squadron will not be saved.

    FactionPilot CoordinatorLocationWaypoint
    FreelanceGil BurtinTatooine, Bestine-1174 -3647
    AllianceJ'pai BrekCorellia, Tyrena-5073 -2342
    ImperialCommander LandauNaboo, Theed-5516 4403

    Pilot Skills​

    Cert BoxXP ReqImperial PilotFreelance PilotRebel Pilot
    10Imperial Pilot Initiate:
    Level One Astromech Certification
    TIE Fighter (Light Duty) Piloting Certification
    Droid Program: Mute Droid/Flight-Computer
    Space Battle Status
    Show Space Faction
    Special Forces: Imperial
    Freelancer Recruit:
    Level One Astromech Certification
    Level 1 Ship Equipment Certification
    Scyk Starfighter Piloting Certification
    Droid Program: Mute Droid/Flight-Computer
    Space Battle Status
    Show Space Faction
    Factional Helper: Imperial Combatant
    Special Forces: Imperial
    Special Forces: Rebel
    Factional Helper: Rebel Combanat
    Alliance Starfighter Trainee:
    Level One Astromech Certification
    Level 1 Ship Equipment Certification
    Z-95 Headhunter Piloting Certification
    Droid Program: Mute Droid/Flight-Computer
    Space Battle Status
    Show Space Faction
    Special Forces: Rebel
    20Imperial Technology 1:
    TIE Fighter Piloting Certification
    Freelancer Technology 1:
    Kihraxz Starfighter Pilor Certification
    Alliance Technology A:
    Y-Wing Piloting Certification
    37.5kEquipment 1:
    +65 Missile Launching Skill
    Level 2 Ship Equipment Certification
    Level 3 Ship Equipment Certification
    Equipment 1:
    +65 Missile Launching Skill
    Level 2 Ship Equipment Certification
    Level 3 Ship Equipment Certification
    Equipment A:
    +65 Missile Launching Skill
    Level 2 Ship Equipment Certification
    Level 3 Ship Equipment Certification
    47.5kImperial Training 1:
    +20 Pilot Special Tactics
    Pump Reactor
    Freelancer Training 1:
    +20 Pilot Special Tactics
    Emergency Thrust
    Alliance Training A:
    +20 Pilot Special Tactics
    IFF Transponder Scramble
    Jump Start Level One
    57.5kAstromech Management 1:
    Level Two Astromech Certification
    Droid Program: Engine Tuning - One
    Droid Program: Engine Stabilization
    Droid Program: Engine Overload - One
    Droid Program: Weapon Tuning - One
    Droid Program: Weapon Normalization
    Droid Program: Weapon Overload - One
    Astromech Management 1:
    Level Two Astromech Certification
    Droid Program: Reactor Stabilization
    Droid Program: Reactor Overload - One
    Droid Program: Weapon Capacitor Reset
    Droid Program: Weapon Capacitor Overcharge - One
    Droid Program - Capacitor to Shield Shunt - One
    Astromech Management A:
    Level Two Astromech Certification
    Droid Program: Shield Front Adjust - Light
    Droid Program: Shield Rear Adjust - Light
    Droid Program: Shield Front Reinforcement - Light
    Droid Program: Shield Rear Reinforcement - Light
    Droid Program - Shields Normalization
    660kImperial Technology 2:
    TIE/In Fighter Piloting Certification
    Freelancer Technology 2:
    Dunelizard Starfighter Pilot Certification
    Alliance Technology B:
    Y-Wing 'LongProbe' Piloting Certification
    760kEquipment 2:
    +10 Missile Launching Skill
    Level 4 Ship Equipment Certification
    Level 5 Ship Equipment Certification
    Equipment 2:
    +10 Missile Launching Skill
    Level 4 Ship Equipment Certification
    Level 5 Ship Equipment Certification
    Equipment B:
    +10 Missile Launching Skill
    Level 4 Ship Equipment Certification
    Level 5 Ship Equipment Certification
    860kImperial Training 2:
    +20 Pilot Special Tactics
    Emergency Weapons
    Freelancer Training 2:
    +20 Pilot Special Tactics
    Pirate Trap Level One
    Alliance Training B:
    +20 Pilot Special Tactics
    Emergency Shields
    Ship System Emergency Repair
    960kAstromech Management 2:
    Level Three Astromech Certification
    Droid Program: Engine Tuning - Two
    Droid Program: Engine Overload - Two
    Droid Program: Weapon Tuning - Two
    Droid Program: Weapon Overload - Two
    Astromech Management 2:
    Level Three Astromech Certification
    Droid Program: Reactor Overload - Two
    Droid Program: Weapon Capacitor Overcharge - Two
    Droid Program: Capacitor to Shield Shunt - Two
    Astromech Management B:
    Level Three Astromech Certification
    Droid Program: Shield Front Adjust - Moderate
    Droid Program: Shield Rear Adjust - Moderate
    Droid Program: Shield Front Reinforcement - Moderate
    Droid Program: Shield Rear Reinforcement - Moderate
    100Imperial Technology 3:
    TIE Bomber Piloting Certification
    TIE Interceptor Piloting Certification
    Freelancer Technology 3:
    Rihkxyrk Starfighter Certification
    Ixiyen Starfighter Certification
    Alliance Technology C:
    X-Wing Piloting Certification
    110Equipment 3:
    +10 Missile Launching Skill
    Level 6 Ship Equipment Ceritification
    Level 7 Ship Equipment Certification
    Equipment 3:
    +10 Missile Launching Skill
    Level 6 Ship Equipment Ceritification
    Level 7 Ship Equipment Certification
    Equipment C:
    +10 Missile Launching Skill
    Level 6 Ship Equipment Ceritification
    Level 7 Ship Equipment Certification
    120Imperial Training 3:
    +20 Pilot Special Tactics
    Bomber Strike 1
    Nebula Blast
    Freelancer Training 3:
    +20 Pilot Special Tactics
    Energy Pulse Level One
    IFF Transponder Scramble
    Alliance Training C:
    +20 Pilot Special Tactics
    In Space Repair
    Jump Start Level Two
    130Astromech Management 3:
    Level Four Astromech Certification
    Droid Program: Engine Tuning - Three
    Droid Program: Engine Overload - Three
    Droid Program: Weapon Tuning - Three
    Droid Program: Weapon Overload - Three
    Astromech Management 3:
    Level Four Astromech Certification
    Droid Program: Reactor Overload - Three
    Droid Program: Weapon Capacitor Overcharge - Three
    Droid Program: Capacitor to Shield Shunt -Three
    Astromech Management C:
    Level Four Astromech Certification
    Droid Program: Shield Front Adjust - Heavy
    Droid Program: Shield Rear Adjust - Heavy
    Droid Program: Shield Front Reinforcement - Heavy
    Droid Program: Shield Rear Reinforcement - Heavy
    141mImperial Technology 4:
    ARC-170 Piloting Certification
    Belbullab-22 Piloting Certification
    Eta-2 Actis Interceptor Piloting Certification
    TIE Advanced Piloting Certification
    TIE Aggressor Piloting Certification
    TIE Defender Piloting Certification
    Imperial Guard TIE Interceptor Piloting Certification
    Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing Starfighter
    Freelancer Technology 4:
    Naboo N-1 Starfighter Piloting Certification
    ARC-170 Piloting Certification
    Vaksai Heavy Starfighter Certification
    Vaksai Starfighter Certification
    Belbullab-22 Piloting Certification
    Havoc Starfighter Piloting Certification
    Eta-2 Actis Interceptor Piloting Certification
    Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing Starfighter
    Alliance Technology D:
    Advanced X-Wing Piloting Certification
    ARC-170 Piloting Certification
    A-Wing Piloting Certification
    Belbullab-22 Piloting Certification
    Eta-2 Actis Interceptor Piloting Certification
    T-Wing Interceptor Piloting Certification
    Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-Wing Starfighter
    151mEquipment 4:
    +15 Missile Launching Skill
    Level 8 Ship Equipment Certification
    Equipment 4:
    +15 Missile Launching Skill
    Level 8 Ship Equipment Certification
    Equipment D:
    +15 Missile Launching Skill
    Level 8 Ship Equipment Certification
    161mImperial Training 4:
    +20 Pilot Special Tactics
    Bomber Strike 2
    Freelancer Training 4:
    +20 Pilot Special Tactics
    Energy Pulse Level Two
    Alliance Training D:
    +20 Pilot Special Tactics
    Underway Replenishment
    Other Ship System Emergency Repair
    171mAstromech Management 4:
    Level Five Astromech Certification
    Droid Program: Engine Tuning - Four
    Droid Program: Engine Overload - Four
    Droid Program: Weapon Tuning - Four
    Droid Program: Weapon Overload - Four
    Astromech Management 4:
    Level Five Astromech Certification
    Droid Program: Reactor Overload - Four
    Droid Program: Weapon Capacitor Overcharge - Four
    Droid Program Capacitor to Shield Shunt - Four
    Astromech Management D:
    Level Five Astromech Certification
    Droid Program: Shield Front Adjust - Extreme
    Droid Program: Shield Rear Adjust - Extreme
    Droid Program: Shield Front Reinforcement - Extreme
    Droid Program: Shield Rear Reinforcement - Extreme
    180Imperial Pilot Ace:
    +20 Pilot Special Tactics
    Bomber Strike 3
    Level Six Astromech Certification
    Level 9 Ship Equipment Certification
    Level 10 Ship Equipment Certification
    VT-49 Decimator Piloting Certification
    KSE Firespray Piloting Certification
    Imperial YE-4 Gunship Certification
    TIE Opressor Piloting Ceritifcation
    Y-8 Mining Ship Piloting Certiifcation
    YT-2400 Freighter Piloting Certification
    Freelancer Pilot Ace:
    +20 Pilot Special Tactics
    Level Six Astromech Certification
    Level 9 Ship Equipment Certification
    Level 10 Ship Equipment Certification
    KSE Firespary Piloting Certification
    Blacksun AEG-77 Vigo Gunship Certification
    M22-T "Krayt" Gunship Certification
    Y-8 Mining Ship Piloting Certification
    YT-1300 Transport Piloting Certification
    YT-2400 Freighter Piloting Certification
    Energy Pulse Level Three
    Pirate Trap Level Two
    Alliance Pilot Ace:
    +20 Pilot Special Tactics
    Level Six Astromech Certification
    Level 9 Ship Equipment Certification
    Level 10 Ship Equipment Certification
    B-Wing Piloting Certification
    KSE Firespary Piloting Certification
    Incom X4 Gunship Certification
    Y-8 Mining Ship Piloting Certification
    YKL-37R Nova Courier Piloting Certification
    YT-2400 Freighter Piloting Certification
    Repair and Replenishment
    Jump Start Level Three