Positioning Modifiers

Positioning Modifiers
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   Attack Speed
      Defense General
      Melee General
      Ranged General
  • Positioning and Movement​

    Movement and posture plays an effect on the Accuracy and Defense rolls. The following is a list of different posture and movement bonuses or penalties. A basic understanding of this document is to consider your accuracy from skill tapes + your bonus accuracy based on your posture and movement multiplied by what type of weapon you are holding. Then the opposite can be rolled for your defense.

    Weapons type coefficient:
    • Pistols/One-handed/Unarmed x1.25
    • Carbines/Polearms x1.5
    • Rifles/Two-handed x1.75
    • Heavy weapons/Flamethrowers x2

    Positioning Accuracy Modifier

    Standing accuracy bonus = 25Standing accuracy bonus = 100
    Walking accuracy bonus = -20Walking accuracy bonus = -10
    Running accuracy bonus = -25Running accuracy bonus = -15
    Kneeling accuracy bonus = 50Kneeling accuracy bonus = -20
    Prone accuracy bonus = 100Prone accuracy bonus = -100

    Positioning Defense Modifier

    Standing defense mod = -10Standing defense mod = 0
    Walking defense mod = 25Walking defense mod = 25
    Running defense mod = 45Running defense mod = 50
    Kneeling defense mod = 0Kneeling defense mod = -20
    Prone defense mod = 75Prone defense mod = -80
    Crawling defense mod = -30Crawling defense mod = -95
    Knock down defense mod = -100Knock down defense mod = -100