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  • Brawlers in Restoration​

    Profession Overview​

    Brawler is a Core Starter Profession, or Basic Profession, in Restoration alongside Sharpshooter, Medic, Scout, Entertainer, and Artisan. Brawler is a pure melee combat class that directly stems from the Advanced Professions of Lancer, Berserker, Teras Kasi Artist (TKA), and Fencer. The class has certain Skill Blocks that serve as pre-requisite to Smuggler and Commando. A Brawler fights with their hands and unarmed weapons like knucklers, one-handed melee weapons like swords, two-handed melee weapons like axes, and dual-sided weapons like polearms. A Master Brawler is proficient in all forms of melee weapons.

    This profession requires 72 skill points to master. When creating your character you automatically start out with Novice Brawler unlocked, which takes up 15 skill points like the other Basic Professions.

    XP Requirements to Master Brawler:
    • 91,000 Unarmed XP (granted by defeating enemies in unarmed combat)*
    • 91,000 One-Handed XP (granted by defeating enemies with one-handed weapons)*
    • 91,000 Two-Handed XP (granted by defeating enemies with two-handed weapons)*
    • 91,000 Polearm XP (granted by defeating enemies with polearm weapons)*
    • 35,000 Combat XP (granted along with any weapon XP as 10% of the weapon XP gained)*
    *Note - Completing quests while holding the weapon of your choice will grant XP for that weapon type*

    Base Skills Overview​

    Each branch in Brawler teaches players how to use one of the different melee weapons categories: unarmed, one-handed, two-handed, and polearms. While each branch contains the same basic melee combat specials, you do learn skill mods specific for each weapon category as you move up each branch.

    Brawlers possess the following skills, abilities, and bonuses as you steadily learn to fight within any melee format.

    Novice Brawler

    One who wishes to pursue the study of Brawling already possesses a rudimentary knowledge of the use of melee weapons. The farther down the path one travels, the greater the knowledge of melee combat.

    Skill Mods Gained;
    Melee Defense 10
    General Melee Accuracy 10
    General Melee Speed 5
    Unarmed Damage 30

    Abilities Gained;

    Increases the aggro that a mob in combat has towards you. This ability is useful to get mobs to attack you instead of other party members.
    Knockdown Recovery:
    This ability allows you to recover immediately from being knocked down if you have enough ability points.

    Unarmed Line

    The Unarmed Line trains the Brawler in the Center of Being, Melee Strike, Lunge, and Leg Sweep abilities. The Unarmed Line also offers aid in Skill Mods toward Unarmed Speed, Damage, Accuracy, and Defense. All of this to instruct the Brawler in all things Unarmed.

    This entire Line is required for Teras Kasi Novice, Novice Fencer, Novice Smuggler, and Novice Commando.

    Unarmed I: Center of Being
    Unarmed I train in simple unarmed combat techniques.

    Skill Mods Gained;
    Unarmed Defense 10
    Unarmed Speed 5
    Unarmed Accuracy 15
    Unarmed Damage 10

    Ability Gained;
    Center Of Being:

    Focus your inner being to increase your combat defenses for a period of time.

    Unarmed II: Melee Strike

    Unarmed II trains special unarmed combat forms that deliver maximum effect with minimum effort.

    Skill Mods Gained;
    Unarmed Defense 10
    Unarmed Speed 10
    Unarmed Accuracy 15
    Unarmed Damage 10

    Ability Gained;
    Melee Strike:

    This melee attack does more damage than Melee Hit but has a slight ability cost.

    Unarmed III: Lunge

    Unarmed III trains special unarmed combat forms that allow you to hit your opponent from considerable distances.

    Skill Mods Gained;
    Unarmed Defense 10
    Unarmed Speed 5
    Unarmed Accuracy 15
    Unarmed Damage 10

    Ability Gained;

    This melee attack has an extended range potential.

    Unarmed IV: Leg Sweep

    Unarmed IV instructs the basics of the Teras Kasi fighting style.

    Skill Mods Gained;
    Unarmed Defense 10
    Unarmed Speed 10
    Unarmed Accuracy 20
    Unarmed Damage 10

    Ability Gained;
    Leg Sweep:

    This melee attack does minimal damage but has a good chance of knocking down an opponent.

    One-Handed Line

    The One-Handed Line trains the Brawler in the Lunge, Center of Being, Melee Strike, and Bleed Attack abilities. The One-Handed Line also offers aid in Skill Mods toward One-Handed Speed, Accuracy, and Defense. All of this to instruct the Brawler in all things One-Handed.

    This entire Line is required for Novice Fencer and Novice Berserker.

    One-Handed I: Lunge
    One-Handed I teach the basics of one-handed melee weapons, with an emphasis on swords.

    Skill Mods Gained;
    One-handed Melee Defense 10
    One-handed Weapon Speed 5
    One-handed Weapon Accuracy 15

    Ability Gained;

    This melee attack has an extended range potential.

    One-Handed II: Center of Being

    One-Handed II improves your ability to damage a target quickly and effectively with a light, sword-like weapons.

    Skill Mods Gained;
    One-handed Melee Defense 10
    One-handed Weapon Speed 10
    One-handed Weapon Accuracy 15

    Ability Gained;
    Center Of Being:

    Focus your inner being to increase your combat defenses for a period of time.

    One-Handed III: Melee Strike

    One-Handed III teaches you to strike an opponent using a much more efficient style of attack.

    Skill Mods Gained;
    One-handed Melee Defense 10
    One-handed Weapon Speed 5
    One-handed Weapon Accuracy 15

    Ability Gained;
    Melee Strike:

    This melee attack does more damage than Melee Hit but has a slight ability cost.

    One-Handed IV: Bleed Attack
    One-Handed IV completes your training in one-handed weapons. You learn to engage enemies quickly with a dancer's command of form and balance.

    Skill Mods Gained;
    One-handed Melee Defense 10
    One-handed Weapon Speed 10
    One-handed Weapon Accuracy 20

    Ability Gained;
    Bleed Attack:

    This melee attack causes bleeding wounds that continue to damage the target even after the initial strike.

    Two-Handed Line

    The Two-Handed Line trains the Brawler in the Melee Strike, Lunge, Center of Being, and Armor Break abilities. The Two-Handed Line also offers aid in Skill Mods toward Two-Handed Speed, Accuracy, and Defense. All of this to instruct the Brawler in all things Two-Handed.

    This entire Line is required for Teras Kasi Novice, Novice Berserker, and Novice Lancer.

    Two-Handed I: Melee Strike
    Two-Handed I teach the fundamentals of using large two-handed weapons through a basis in strong footwork and positioning.

    Skill Mods Gained;
    Two-handed Melee Defense 10
    Two-handed Melee Speed 5
    Two-handed Melee Accuracy 15

    Ability Gained;
    Melee Strike:

    This melee attack does more damage than Melee Hit but has a slight ability cost.

    Two-Handed II: Lunge

    Two-Handed II improves your ability to use weighty two-handed weapons.

    Skill Mods Gained;
    Two-handed Melee Defense 10
    Two-handed Melee Speed 10
    Two-handed Melee Accuracy 15

    Ability Gained;

    This melee attack has an extended range potential.

    Two-Handed III: Center of Being

    Two-Handed III further improves your ability with heavy two-handed weapons as well as trains you how to center yourself so that you remain calm regardless of any surrounding chaos.

    Skill Mods Gained;
    Two-handed Melee Defense 10
    Two-handed Melee Speed 5
    Two-handed Melee Accuracy 15

    Ability Gained;
    Center Of Being:

    Focus your inner being to increase your combat defenses for a period of time.

    Two-Handed IV: Armor Break
    Two-Handed IV finishes your study of two-handed weapons. At this skill level, you are able to wield large two-handed weapons to highly lethal effect, including using these weapons to shatter armor.

    Skill Mods Gained;
    Two-handed Melee Defense 10
    Two-handed Melee Speed 10
    Two-handed Melee Accuracy 20

    Ability Gained;
    Armor Break:

    This melee ability reduces your target's armor effectiveness.

    Polearm Line

    The Polearm Line trains the Brawler in the Center of Being, Melee Strike, Lunge, and Sweep Attack abilities. The Polearm Line also offers aid in Skill Mods toward Polearm Speed, Accuracy, and Defense. All of this to instruct the Brawler in all things dual-sided.

    This entire Line is required for Novice Lancer.

    Polearms I: Center of Being
    Polearms I instructs in the use of complex polearm-like weaponry.

    Skill Mods Gained;
    Polearm Defense 10
    Polearm Speed 5
    Polearm Accuracy 15

    Ability Gained;
    Center Of Being:

    Focus your inner being to increase your combat defenses for a period of time.

    Polearms II: Melee Strike
    Polearms II improves the use of polearm-like weaponry.

    Skill Mods Gained;
    Polearm Defense 10
    Polearm Speed 10
    Polearm Accuracy 15

    Ability Gained;
    Melee Strike:

    This melee attack does more damage than Melee Hit but has a slight ability cost.

    Polearms III: Lunge
    Polearms III teaches you to hit effectively with polearm-like weaponry for a longer distance.

    Skill Mods Gained;
    Polearm Defense 10
    Polearm Speed 5
    Polearm Accuracy 15

    Ability Gained;

    This melee attack has an extended range potential.

    Polearms IV: Sweep Attack

    Polearms IV completes the training with basic polearm-like weaponry. You learn to strike quickly and effectively with these large and cumbersome weapons, sweeping your opponents from their feet with ease.

    Skill Mods Gained;
    Polearm Defense 10
    Polearm Speed 10
    Polearm Accuracy 20

    Ability Gained;
    Sweep Attack:

    This melee attack does minimal damage with a good chance of knocking down any opponent in melee range.

    Master Brawler

    A master of Brawling is proficient in the use of all forms of melee weapons.

    Skill Mods Gained;
    Melee Defense 10
    General Melee Accuracy 25
    General Melee Speed 15
    Ranged Defense 5
    Unarmed Damage 15

    Abilities Gained;
    Melee Assault:

    This melee attack does more damage than Melee Hit and Melee Strike but with higher ability costs.
    Parry Riposte Stance:
    This stance grants a defensive benefit as well as reflecting a portion of the incoming damage back at the source.

    All in all, Master Brawler will get you 15 combat levels in totality. After unlocking Master Brawler, you will net these Skill Mods and Abilities altogether.

    Total Skill Mods;
    Melee Defense 20
    General Melee Accuracy 35
    General Melee Speed 20
    Unarmed Damage 85
    Unarmed Defense 40
    Unarmed Speed 30
    Unarmed Accuracy 65
    One-handed Melee Defense 40
    One-handed Weapon Speed 30
    One-handed Weapon Accuracy 65
    Two-handed Melee Defense 40
    Two-handed Melee Speed 30
    Two-handed Melee Accuracy 65
    Polearm Defense 40
    Polearm Speed 30
    Polearm Accuracy 65
    Ranged Defense 5

    All Abilities;
    Increases the aggro that a mob in combat has towards you. This ability is useful to get mobs to attack you instead of other party members.
    Knockdown Recovery:
    This ability allows you to recover immediately from being knocked down if you have enough ability points.
    Leg Sweep:
    This melee attack does minimal damage but has a good chance of knocking down an opponent.
    This melee attack has an extended range potential.
    Melee Strike:
    This melee attack does more damage than Melee Hit but has a slight ability cost.
    Center Of Being:
    Focus your inner being to increase your combat defenses for a period of time.
    Bleed Attack:
    This melee attack causes bleeding wounds that continue to damage the target even after the initial strike.
    Armor Break:
    This melee ability reduces your target's armor effectiveness.
    Sweep Attack:
    This melee attack does minimal damage with a good chance of knocking down any opponent in melee range.
    Melee Assault:
    This melee attack does more damage than Melee Hit and Melee Strike but with higher ability costs.
    Parry Riposte Stance:
    This stance grants a defensive benefit as well as reflecting a portion of the incoming damage back at the source.