Skill Modifiers

Skill Modifiers
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    Skill ModSource(s)EffectPatch
    1-H Critical ChanceSEA (exotic)Increases critical chance with one handed weapons1.1
    1-Handed Melee DamageSEA (exotic)Increases damage with one handed weapons1.1
    Ability Acquisition BonusCHImproves chance to learn special abilities1.0
    Additional Combat CommandCHIncreases training slots for pets1.0
    Additional Holographic ImagesEntertainerIncreases the number of holograms that can perform with the Entertainer1.0
    Advanced AssemblySW, SEA (exotic)(No known benefit)1.0
    Advanced Component ExperimentationSW, SEA (exotic)Every 10 gives 1 experimentation point in crafting for associated item (cap 12)1.1
    Anti-Personnel TrapsRanger(Unimplemented)1.0
    Armor AssemblyAS, SEA (exotic)Increases success chance for assembly, repairs, and sockets1.1
    Armor CustomizationAS, ArtisanIncreases armor color palette options1.0
    Armor ExperimentationAS, SEA (exotic)Every 10 gives 1 experimentation point in crafting for associated item (cap 12)1.1
    Artisan AssemblyArchitect, AS, Artisan, Chef, SW, Tailor, SEA (exotic)Increases success chance for assembly, repairs, and sockets1.1
    Artisan ExperimentationArchitect, AS, Artisan, Chef, SW, Tailor, SEA (exotic)Every 10 gives 1 experimentation point in crafting for associated item (soft cap 25)1.1
    Artisan Inspiration IncreaseMusicianIncreases the strength of the artisan group of inspiration buffs(may not display in inspiration window)1.0
    Attention Penalty ReductionCHReduces divided attention(damage debuff on the CH for using a pet)1.0
    Augmentation EfficiencyDoc, Medic(Not working)1.0
    Beast Armor PercentCHIncreases pet's armor1.0
    Beast Attack Speed PercentCHIncreases pet's attack speed1.0
    Beast Damage PercentCHIncreases pet's damage1.0
    Beast Experience BonusSEA (exotic)(Unimplemented) Requires heroic junk1.1
    Beast HappinessCHImproves ability to keep pet happy1.0
    Beast Hitpoint PercentCHIncreases pet's health1.0
    Beast Movement RateCHIncreases pet movement speed1.0
    Beast Recovery PercentCH% additional health recovered on pet revive1.0
    Beast Revive SpeedCHReduces cast time of pet revive skill1.0
    Bio-Suppression EfficiencyCM, MedicIncreases the effect of CM debuffs1.1
    Bleeding AbsorptionSEA (exotic)Reduces the damage of Bleed DoTs1.1
    Bleeding ResistanceSEA (exotic)Reduces the success chance of Bleed DoTs1.2.1
    Body-formIDIncreases the variety of body options available in image designing1.0
    Booster AssemblySW, SEA (exotic)(No known benefit)1.0
    Booster ExperimentationSW, SEA (exotic)Every 10 gives 1 experimentation point in crafting for associated item (cap 17)1.1
    Bounty Mission DifficultyBHGives access to more difficult bounty missions, player missions at cap 31.0
    Burst Run EfficiencyRanger, ScoutDecrease cost of /burstrun1.0
    Called Shot BonusSLImproves accuracy and damage bonus of Called Shot1.0
    CamouflageRanger, SEA (exotic)(Unimplemented)1.0
    Carbine AccuracyCarbineer, Sharpshooter, SEA (exotic)Improves accuracy with carbines1.1
    Carbine Action CostSEA (exotic)Reduces the cost of actions while using a Carbine1.1
    Carbine Critical ChanceSEA (exotic)Increases critical chance with carbines1.1
    Carbine DamageSEA (exotic)Increases damage with carbines1.1
    Carbine DefenseCarbineer, SharpshooterImproves defense while using carbines1.1
    Carbine SpeedCarbineer, Sharpshooter, SEA (exotic)Improves attack speed with carbines1.1
    Chassis AssemblySW, SEA (exotic)(No known benefit)1.0
    Chassis ExperimentationSW, SEA (exotic)Every 10 gives 1 experimentation point in crafting for associated item (cap 12)1.1
    Chassis/Armor Reverse EngineeringSWIncreases the quality of REed parts (cap 20)1.1
    Clothing AssemblyTailor, SEA (exotic)Increases success chance for assembly, repairs, and sockets1.1
    Clothing CustomizationArtisan, TailorIncreases clothing color palette options1.0
    Clothing ExperimentationTailor, SEA (exotic)Every 10 gives 1 experimentation point in crafting for associated item (cap 12)1.1
    Create MountCHAllows the CH to create mounts1.0
    Creature Critical ChanceSEA (exotic)Replaced with Double Bladed Lightsaber Accuracy
    Creature HarvestingScoutIncreases yield of resources harvested from creatures1.1
    Creature KnowledgeScout(No known benefit)1.0
    Creature To-Hit-BonusScout
    Critical Chance IncreaseSEA (exotic)Increases critical chance1.1
    Critical Hit ReductionSEA (exotic)
    Cure EfficiencyDocIncreases the amount of dot damage that can be mitigated by cure abilities and the effectiveness of heal wound1.1
    Cybernetic AssemblySEA (exotic)(Deprecated) Old NGE stat1.1
    Cybernetic ExperimentationSEA (exotic)(Deprecated) Old NGE stat1.1
    Damage Decrease %CommandoIncreases the damage reduction of Stand Fast1.1
    Dance EnhancementDancer, Entertainer(No known benefit)1.0
    Dance KnowledgeDancer, Entertainer, SEA (exotic)(No known benefit)1.0
    Dance Prop AssemblyDancer, Entertainer, SEA (exotic)(No known benefit)1.0
    Defense GeneralSEA (base attribute)See Defense General1.1
    Defense Vs. BlindSEA (exotic)Reduces the chance of Blind applying1.1
    Defense Vs. DizzySEA (exotic)Reduces the chance of Dizzy applying1.1
    Defense Vs. IntimidateSEA (exotic)Reduces the chance of Intimidate applying1.1
    Defense Vs. KnockdownSEA (exotic)Reduces the chance of Knock Down applying1.1
    Defense Vs. StunSEA (exotic)Reduces the chance of Stun applying1.1
    Defense Reverse EngineeringSWIncreases the quality of REed parts (cap 20)1.1
    Detect CamouflageRanger, SEA (exotic)(Unimplemented)1.0
    DevastationSEA (exotic)(Unimplemented) Requires heroic junk - replaced with One Handed Lightsaber Speed1.1
    Disease AbsroptionSEA (exotic)Reduces damage of diseases1.1
    Disease ResistanceSEA (exotic)Reduces the chance of diseases applying1.2.1
    DNA HarvestingRanger, ScoutIncreases % of DNA extracted1.1
    Dodge ChanceSEA (exotic)(Deprecated) Old NGE stat1.1
    Dodge ReductionSEA (exotic)(Deprecated) Old NGE stat - Replaced with Double Bladed Lightsaber Speed1.1
    Droid AssemblyDE, SEA (exotic)(No known benefit)1.0
    Droid Critical ChanceSEA (exotic)Increases the critical chance of a summoned droid - Replaced with One Handed Lightsaber Accuracy1.1
    Droid CustomizationDEIncreases droid color palette options1.1
    Droid ExperimentationDE, SEA (exotic)Every 10 gives 1 experimentation point in crafting for associated item (cap 12)1.1
    Droid PrecisionBHReduces chances of droids being lost to mishaps1.0
    Droid SpeedBH, SEA (exotic)Decreases the time it takes a droid to report back on a bounty target when using find1.0
    Droid Tracking SpeedBHDecreases the interval between seeker tracking updates when using track1.0
    Elemental Penetration: AcidSEA (exotic)(Unimplemented) Requires heroic junk1.1
    Elemental Penetration: ColdSEA (exotic)(Unimplemented) Requires heroic junk1.1
    Elemental Penetration: ElectricitySEA (exotic)(Unimplemented) Requires heroic junk1.1
    Elemental Penetration: HeatSEA (exotic)(Unimplemented) Requires heroic junk1.1
    EnduranceSEA (base attribute)See Endurance1.1
    Engine AssemblySW(No known benefit)1.0
    Engine ExperimentationSWEvery 10 gives 1 experimentation point in crafting for associated item (cap 17)1.1
    Face-formEntertainer, IDIncreases the variety of face options available in image designing1.0
    Feign DeathSmuggler
    Fervant MutationSEA (exotic)(Unimplemented) Requires heroic junk1.1
    Fire AbsorptionSEA (exotic)Reduces damage of Fire DoTs1.1
    Fire ResistanceSEA (exotic)Reduces application chance of Fire DoTs1.2.1
    Focused Enzyme ManipulationSEA (exotic)(Unimplemented) Requires heroic junk1.1
    Food AssemblyChef, SEA (exotic)Increases success chance for assembly1.1
    Food ExperimentationChef, SEA (exotic)Every 10 gives 1 experimentation point in crafting for associated item (cap 12)1.1
    ForagingSEA (exotic)(Unimplemented) Requires heroic junk1.1
    Force AccuracySEA (exotic)Improves accuracy with all Force attacks1.2
    Force Heal Cost ReductionSEA (exotic)Reduces the Force cost of Force Heal (Replaces Combat Medicine Assembly modifier)1.2
    Force Powers Cost ReductionSEA (exotic)Reduces the Force cost of Force Powers abilities (Replaces Combat Medicine Experimentation modifier)1.2
    Force Powers Critical ChanceSEA (exotic)Increases the Critical Chance of Force Powers abilities (Replaces Strikethrough Value modifier)1.2
    Force Power MaxSEA (exotic)Increases the maximum amount of Force a player may have (Use Force Power Regeneration combination)1.2
    Furniture CustomizationArchitectIncreases furniture color palette options1.0
    General Melee AccuracyBrawler, Commando, Fencer, Lancer, TKAImproves accuracy with all melee weapons1.1
    General Melee SpeedBrawler, Fencer, Lancer, Berserker, TKAImproves attack speed with all melee weapons(0.5 per 100)1.1
    General Ranged AccuracyBH, Carbineer, Commando, Sharpshooter, Pistoleer, Ranger, Sniper, Smuggler, SLImproves accuracy with all ranged weapons1.1
    General Ranged SpeedBH, Carbineer, Sharpshooter, Pistoleer, Ranger, Sniper, Smuggler, SLImproves attack speed with all ranged weapons(0.5 per 100)1.1
    Genetic EngineeringBio-EngineerBonus to hydrolase extraction and refinement1.0
    Group Burst Run EfficiencySLDecrease to cost of /burstrun for all group members1.0
    Hair StylingEntertainer, IDIncreases the variety of hair styles available in image designing1.0
    Heal Action Cost ReductionSEA (exotic)(Unimplemented) Requires heroic junk1.1
    Healing EfficacyCyberneticIncreases amount healed by 1% per point1.1
    Healing EfficiencyCM, Doc, MedicIncreases amount healed by: [log(healing efficiency) * 100]%1.1
    Healing PotencyCM, Doc, SEA (exotic)Increases amount healed by 2% per point1.1
    Heavy Weapon AccuracyCommando, SEA (exotic)Improves accuracy with heavy weapons1.1
    Heavy Weapon DamageSEA (exotic)Increases damage with heavy weapons1.1
    Heavy Weapon DefenseCommandoImproves defense while using heavy weapons1.1
    Heavy Weapon SpeedCommando, SEA (exotic)Improves attack speed with heavy weapons1.1
    HiringArtisan, MerchantIncreases the number of vendors you can place1.0
    Humanoid Critical ChanceSEA (exotic)Replaced with Two Handed Lightsaber Accuracy
    Improv PerformancesEntertainer(No known benefit)1.0
    Incubation Time ReductionSEA (exotic)
    Incubation Processing TimeBio-EngineerReduces time between incubator experiment sessions1.0
    Incubation QualityBio-EngineerIncreases base quality of bio-engineers1.0
    Innate Tera Kasi ArmorTKAGrants armor while not wearing armor1.1
    Inspiration Attribute IncreaseDancer, Entertainer, MusicianIncreases the strength of the attribute group of inspiration buffs1.0
    Inspiration Base Point IncreaseDancer, MusicianIncreases total points allowed for inspiration buffs1.0
    Inspiration Combat IncreaseDancer, MusicianIncreases the strength of the combat group of inspiration buffs1.0
    Inspiration Duration IncreaseDancer, MusicianIncreases maximum duration of inspiration buffs1.0
    Inspiration Pulse IncreaseDancer, MusicianIncreases the amount of inspiration buff time gained each tick1.0
    Inspiration Reactive Proc IncreaseDancerIncreases the % chance of reactive inspiration buffs (ie Second Chance)1.0
    Inspiration Resist IncreaseDancer, MusicianIncreases the strength of the resist group of inspiration buffs1.0
    Instrument AssemblyEntertainer, Musician, SEA (exotic)(No known benefit)1.0
    Instrument CustomizationEntertainer, Musician(No known benefit)1.0
    IntimidationSEA (exotic)(Deprecated) Old NGE stat1.1
    Language ComprehensionSmugglerAllows understanding of other languages at 100 points1.0
    LeadershipSL(Not working) Increases strength of SL abilities1.0
    Lightsaber AssemblySEA (exotic)Increases success chance for assembly1.2
    Lightsaber ExperimentationSEA (exotic)Every 10 gives 1 experimentation point in crafting for associated item (cap 12)1.2
    Marking DesignEntertainer, IDIncreases the variety of markings available in image designing1.0
    Mask ScentScoutIncreases the effectivness of Mask Scent1.0
    Max level of petsCH(Unused)1.0
    Medical AssemblyBio-Engineer, Medic, SEA (exotic)(Not working) Increases success chance for assembly1.0
    Medical Combat SpeedSEA (exotic)Improves ability speed with offensive medical abilities (Uses junk combos of strikethrough chance)1.1
    Medical ExperimentationBio-Engineer, Medic, SEA (exotic)Every 10 gives 1 experimentation point in crafting for associated item (cap 12)1.1
    Medical Warfare EfficiencyCMIncreases damage of CM dot abilities1.1
    MeditateTKAIncreases wound healing while meditating1.0
    Melee DefenseBH, Brawler, Carbineer, CM, Commando, Dancer, Doc, Fencer, Sharpshooter, Musician, Lancer, Pistoleer, Ranger, Sniper, Smuggler, SL, Berserker, TKA, SEA (exotic)Improves defense against melee weapons1.1
    Melee GeneralSEA (base attribute)See Melee General1.1
    Mobility DurationSLIncreases duration of SL mobility enhancing abilities1.0
    Music KnowledgeEntertainer, Musician, SEA (exotic)(No known benefit)1.0
    Musical EnhancementEntertainer, Musician, SEA (exotic)(No known benefit)1.0
    One-Handed Lightsaber Action CostSEA (exotic)Reduces action costs with one-handed Lightsabers1.2
    One-Hand Lightsaber DamageSEA (exotic)Increases damage with one-handed Lightsabers1.2
    One-Hand Lightsaber SpeedSEA (exotic)Improves attack speed with one-handed Lightsabers (Requires Junk Loot from Exar Kun Heroic instance)
    One-Hand Melee Action CostSEA (exotic)Reduces action costs with one-handed weapons1.1
    One-handed Melee DefenseBrawlerImproves defense while using one-handed weapons1.1
    One-handed Weapon AccuracyBrawler, Fencer, SEA (exotic)Improves accuracy with one-handed weapons1.1
    One-handed Weapon SpeedBrawler, Fencer, SEA (exotic)Improves attack speed with one-handed weapons1.1
    Opportune ChanceSEA (base attribute)See Opportune Chance1.1
    Parry RatingSEA (exotic)(Deprecated) Old NGE stat1.1
    Parry ReductionSEA (exotic)(Deprecated) Old NGE stat - Replaced with Two Handed Lightsaber Speed1.1
    Performance Effectiveness IncreaseDancer, Musician(No known benefit)1.0
    Pistol AccuracySharpshooter, SEA (exotic)Improves accuracy with pistols1.1
    Pistol Action CostSEA (exotic)Reduces action costs with pistols1.1
    Pistol Critical ChanceSEA (exotic)Increases critical chance with pistols1.1
    Pistol DamageSEA (exotic)Increases damage with pistols1.1
    Pistol DefenseSharpshooter, PistoleerImproves defense while using pistols1.1
    Pistol SpeedSharpshooter, Pistoleer, SEA (exotic)Improves attack speed with pistols1.1
    Poison AbsorptionSEA (exotic)Reduces damage taken from Poison DoTs1.1
    Poison ResistanceSEA (exotic)Reduces the application chance of Poison DoTs1.2.1
    Polearm AccuracyBrawler, SEA (exotic)Improves accuracy with polearms1.1
    Polearm Action CostSEA (exotic)Reduces action costs with polearms1.1
    Polearm Critical ChanceSEA (exotic)Increases critical chance with polearms1.1
    Polearm DamageSEA (exotic)Increases damage with polearms1.1
    Polearm DefenseBrawler, LancerImproves defense while using polearms1.1
    Polearm Lightsaber Action CostSEA (exotic)(Unimplemented) Slated for 1.21.1
    Polearm Lightsaber DamageSEA (exotic)(Unimplemented) Slated for 1.21.1
    Polearm SpeedBrawler, Lancer, SEA (exotic)Improves attack speed with polearms1.1
    Power Systems AssemblySW, SEA (exotic)(No known benefit)1.0
    Power Systems ExperimentationSW, SEA (exotic)Every 10 gives 1 experimentation point in crafting for associated item (cap 12)1.1
    Propulsion Reverse EngineeringSWIncreases the quality of REed parts (cap 20)1.1
    PvP Critical ChanceSEA (exotic)Increases critical chance against other players1.1
    Ranged DefenseBH, Brawler, Carbineer, CM, Commando, Dancer, Doc, Fencer, Sharpshooter, Musician, Lancer, Pistoleer, Ranger, Sniper, Smuggler, SL, Berserker, TKAImproves defense against ranged attacks1.1
    Ranged GeneralSEA (base attribute)See Ranged General1.1
    Reverse Engineering ChanceSEA (exotic)Increases chance/gain in reverse engineering process1.1
    Rifle AccuracySharpshooter, Sniper, SEA (exotic)Improves accuracy with rifles1.1
    Rifle Action CostSEA (exotic)Decreases action cost with rifles1.1
    Rifle Critical ChanceSEA (exotic)Increases critical chance with rifles1.1
    Rifle DamageSEA (exotic)Increases damage with rifles1.1
    Rifle DefenseSharpshooter, SniperImproves defense while using rifles1.1
    Rifle SpeedSharpshooter, Sniper, SEA (exotic)Improves attack speed with rifles1.1
    Shield ExperimentationSW, SEA (exotic)Every 10 gives 1 experimentation point in crafting for associated item (cap 12)1.1
    Shields AssemblySW, SEA (exotic)(No known benefit)1.0
    Shop Sign OptionsMerchantIncreases building sign options1.0
    Slicing: ArmorSmugglerIncreases variety of slices for armor available1.0
    Slicing: WeaponSmugglerIncreases variety of slices for weapons available1.0
    Spice AssemblySmuggler(No known benefit)1.1
    Spice ExperimentationSmuggler(No known benefit)1.1
    Structure AssemblyArchitect, SEA (exotic)Increases success chance for assembly1.1
    Structure ExperimentationArchitect, SEA (exotic)Every 10 gives 1 experimentation point in crafting for associated item (cap 12)1.1
    SurveyingArtisan, SEA (exotic)Increases the range of surveying, reward of survey missions, and yield of hand sampling1.1
    Systems Reverse EngineeringSWIncreases the quality of REed parts (cap 20)1.1
    Tactical ExpertiseRanger(Unimplemented)1.0
    Taming Vicious CreaturesCHIncreases odds of successfully taming a creature1.0
    Taming Wild CreaturesCHIncreases odds of successfully taming a creature1.0
    Terrain NegotiationArtisan, Ranger, Scout, SEA (exotic)Increases speed at which you move up slopes1.0
    Thrown Weapon AccuracyCommando, SEA (exotic)Improves accuracy with thrown weapons1.2.1
    Thrown Weapon SpeedCommando, SEA (exotic)Improves attack speed with thrown weapons1.1
    ToughnessSEA (base attribute)See Toughness1.1
    Tracking Droid EffectivenessBHReduces chances of droids being lost to mishaps when using track1.0
    Tracking DroidsBH, SEA (exotic)Increases the number of droids that can track simultaneously1.0
    Two-Hand Lightsaber Action CostSEA (exotic)(Unimplemented) Slated for 1.21.1
    Two-Hand Lightsaber DamageSEA (exotic)(Unimplemented) Slated for 1.21.1
    Two-Hand Melee Action CostSEA (exotic)Reduces action cost with two-handed weapons1.1
    Two-Hand Melee Critical ChanceSEA (exotic)Increases critical chance with two-handed weapons1.1
    Two-Hand Melee DamageSEA (exotic)Increases damage with two-handed weaponss1.1
    Two-handed Melee AccuracyBrawler, Berserker, SEA (exotic)Improves accuracy with two-handed weapons1.1
    Two-handed Melee DefenseBrawler, BerserkerImproves defense while using two-handed weapons1.1
    Two-handed Melee SpeedBrawler, Berserker, SEA (exotic)Improves attack speed with two-handed weapons1.1
    Unarmed AccuracyBrawler, Smuggler, TKAImproves accuracy with unarmed weapons1.1
    Unarmed Action CostSEA (exotic)Reduces action cost with unarmed weapons1.1
    Unarmed Critical ChanceSEA (exotic)Increases critical chance with unarmed weapons1.1
    Unarmed DamageBrawler, TKA, SEA (exotic)Increases damage with unarmed weapons1.1
    Unarmed DefenseBrawler, TKAImproves defense while using unarmed weapons1.1
    Unarmed SpeedBrawler, Smuggler, TKA, SEA (exotic)Improves attack speed with unarmed weapons1.1
    VendorArtisan, MerchantIncreases variety of vendor types you can place1.0
    Vendor Item LimitArtisan, MerchantIncreases number of items a vendor can hold1.0
    Weapon AssemblyWS, SEA (exotic)Increases success chance for assembly, and repairs1.1
    Weapon ExperimentationWS, SEA (exotic)Every 10 gives 1 experimentation point in crafting for associated item (cap 12), also used for socketing1.1
    Weapon Systems ExperimentationSW, SEA (exotic)Every 10 gives 1 experimentation point in crafting for associated item (cap 17)1.1
    Weapons SystemsSW, SEA (exotic)(No known benefit)1.0

    This is intended to be a complete list of skill mods. It is a work in progress and is maintained by the community so please update it when the game changes, or fill in missing information. The patch column is the last time the functionality was explicitly verified.