Bio-Engineer is one of the trickiest crafting professions due to a high quantity of resource that requires both specificity as well as organic and inorganic variety. Many consider pet creation the most involved and demanding crafting trades in the entire game. In addition to pet engineering, Bio Engineers also make several consumable items for combatants, Chefs, and pets.
Note that Bio Engineered clothing tissues used by Tailors are
not functioning in this version of Star Wars Galaxies.
Primary Products
- Bio-Engineered Pets for Creature Handlers
- Health Stimpacks for Combatants and Pets
- Food Additives to boost qualities of Chef products
- Enhancers for Doctors and Combat Medics
Due to the wide variety of resources required, there isn't necessarily a 'best' grinding path but here is one of the simpler paths.
As you are working your way up Scout: Hunting IV, harvest for Creature Meat to be used in your BE grind.
- Neuron Enhancers (1200xp) - Creature Food, Flora Resource, Creature Resource
Work your way up the Tissue Engineering line and find a schematic you have resources for. Here are some suggested schematics:
- Pathway Agents (Tissues III) - Creature Food, Flora Resource, Creature Resource, Bone (2k xp)
- Broad Spectrum Nutrients (Tissues III) - Organic, Flora Food, Creature Food (2k xp)
- Edible Nano Constructors (Tissues IV) - Vegetables, Cereal, Wild Meat (2.5k xp)
- Active Biosensors (Tissues IV) - Creature Food, Flora Structural, Insect Meat, Wild Meat (2.3k xp)
Skill Tree
Clone Engineering
- Gives the schematics and sub-components for Enzyme Re-Processors
Tissue Engineering
- Grants schematics for tissues (not functioning) as well as Food Additives for Chef
DNA Sampling
- Awards Genetic Engineering skill mods, reduces incubation time, and increases quality
Engineering Techniques
- Yields Medical Assembly and Experimentation skills, as well as Enhancer and Stimpack schematics
Master Bio Engineer
- Reduces incubation time and awards additional Food Additive and stimpack schematics
Key Resources
Resource Types & Qualities
Stims & Enhancers
- Stimpacks & Enhancers
- Effectiveness OQ/PE
- Charges OQ/UT
Chef Nutrients
Pet Engineering
- Geothermal - OQ
- Reprocessor - Purity - OQ/UT, Mutagen - OQ/SR
- Capsules - OQ/UT, Mutagen - OQ/SR
Stimpacks are consumables used by combatants to assist in healing. They are particularly useful in conjunction with Ruby Biel which offsets the stimpack cooldown timer. Pet stimpacks can also be used to assist with pet healing to supplement Heal Beast skills.
- Instant Stimpack A / B / C / D
- Pet Stimpack A / B / C / D
- Pet Vitality Medpack A / B / C (Not used in this version of SWG)
Enhancers are utilized by Doctors and Combat Medics to increase the effectiveness of their heals, buffs, and debuffs.
- Bacta Infusion - Single Heal
- Bacta Jab - Single Heal
- Endorphine Injection - Action Pool Enhancement (Not working)
- Nutrient Injection - Health & Health Regeneration (Not working)
- Disinfect - Cure Disease (Not working)
- Stabilizer - Remove States (Not working)
Combat Medic
- Bacta Spray - Ranged AoEHeal
- Bacta Toss - Ranged AoE Heal
- Deuterium Toss - Fire DoT
- Neurotoxin - Poison DoT
- Thyroid Rupture - Attack Speed Debuff
- Traumatize - Mind Regen Debuff
These supplements to Chef foods are crucial in making the highest quality food and drink.
Light Food Additive
Example food & drink used in:
- Bofa Treat, Blob Candy, Crispic, Caf, Ruby Bliel, Starshine Surprise, Teltier Noodles, Deuterium-Pyro...
Full List Here
Schematic Name | Bonus Attribute |
Multisaccharide Dimate | Flavor (Duration) |
Micronutrient Supplement | Nutrition (Effect) |
Hyper Yeast Additive | Quantity |
Carboreductive Catalyst | Filling |
Medium Food Additive
Example food & drink used in:
- Ahrisa, Kiwik Clusjo Swirl, Pikatta Pie, Pyollian Cake, Rancor Aid, Veghash...
Full List Here
Schematic Name | Bonus Attribute |
Multisaccharide Tetramate | Flavor (Duration) |
Broad-Spectrum Nutrients | Nutrition (Effect) |
Hyper Yeast Concentrate | Quantity |
Caloric Conversion Supplement | Filling |
Heavy Food Additive
Example food & drink used in:
- Bespin Port, Pica Thundercloud, T'illa-T'ill, Vagnerian Canape, Mandolorian Wine...
Full list here
Schematic Name | Bonus Attribute |
Multisaccharide Pentamate | Flavor (Duration) |
Intelligent Nanonutrients | Nutrition (Effect) |
Edible Nano Constructors | Quantity |
Carbocaloric Eliminator | Filling |
Note these are schematics exist, but do not currently have any clothing slots where they are used. This renders them effectively not functioning in game.
- Active Biosensors
- Active Tranquilizers
- Confidence Cloth
- Crystalization Circuitry
- Enhanced Myoflex Treatment
- Fear Release
- Myoflex Cloth Treatment
- Neuron Enhancers
- Passive Biosensors
- Passive Tranquilizers
- Pathway Agents
- Scent Camoflage
- Scent Neutralization
- Tensile Resistance
- Toughened Fibers
- Visualizers
Crafting Suit
Bio Engineers will want to have crafting suits with Medical skill modifiers

(Click link for high resolution)
Pet Engineering Summary
In a nutshell, Bio Engineers combine 1x DNA (extracted or looted), 6x Isomerase Enzymes (looted from creatures), 3x Lyase Enzymes (foraged), and 3x processed Hydrolase Enzymes (extracted) in three Incubation sessions to create a pet egg. The Hydrolase Enzyme processing requires several steps with a variety of equipment and consumables in order to enhance the purity to the point of being able to cap a pet.
DNA determines the type of pet you create. The primary means of acquiring DNA is by extracting, however, rarer forms of DNA are looted or awarded from collections.
DNA Harvesting is a skill initially awarded in Scout: Trapping I called "Extract DNA". Skill mods to increase quality of DNA extracted are gained up to Trapping IV for +100. This is typically enough to pull high quality samples (at least 90%). Some Bio Engineers may only want the highest quality DNA and additional bonuses are awarded in Novice Ranger and Master Ranger.
A 90% DNA sample is typically considered good enough, but samples up to 130% are noted to contribute toward mutation chances. DNA quality only matters for mutation chance, which means you use any % to make a capped pet. It is recommended to use high-end DNA since all pets are eligible for stat mutations.
- Barbed Quenker - Rats at bottom of DWB
- Cracktooth Narglatch - the Warren, Dantooine
- Forage Worm - Legendary Loot Chests
- Nexu - Geonosian Caves, Yavin 4
- Razor Angler - Queen's guards
- Reek - Geonosian Caves, Yavin 4
- Spiderclan Consort - Spiderclan Consort, Dathomir
- Spiderclan Queen - Spiderclan Queen, Dathomir
- Vorpal Durni - "Death Trooper" named mobs level 90+, they do NOT drop from "undead" named mobs.
- Wing-Clipped Hawk Bat - the Warren, Dantooine
Collection (Rare)
- Walluga (Slayer Collection Reward)
- Mouf (Bird Butcher Collection Reward)
- Kittle (Rodent Eradicator Collection Reward)
- Webweaver (Insect Exterminator Collection Reward)
- Minstyngar (Primate Plunderer Collection Reward)
- Uller (Cold-Blooded Killer Collection Reward)
- Nerf (Ferocious Creature Slayer Collection Reward)
Isomerase Enzymes
Creation of a pet requires 2 Isomerase enzymes per session, for a total of 6 per pet. In the Incubator UI, the slots for the Isomerase are usually referred to as the Top/High Quality slot and Bottom/Low Quality slot, so named because of their position in the UI and the quality of the Isomerase required to reach cap.
The Isomerase in the Top/High Quality slot affects the Armor/DPS bonus, while the Isomerase in the Bottom/Low Quality slot affects the Lyase stat bonus.
Quality of enzymes is correlated with the Combat Level of creatures, therefore to loot high-end Isomerase Enzymes, target high-level creatures typically CL80+.
Bio Engineers typically tier out 2 levels of usefulness in Isomerase Enzymes. Note: these tiers are higher on Restoration due to having access to 1 additional focused enzyme manipulation point for a total of 10 points instead of the typical 9 seen on live and other servers. If you do not use 89.59% on your top slot isomerase enzyme, you risk not capping the pet's DPS or armor bonus (2.2% at egg formation).
- 89.59% - 90.00%
- 88.00% - 89.58%
Save your 89.59%+ isomerase for your top/high quality slot in the UI window. Save your 88-89.58% isomerase for your bottom/low quality slot.
NOTE: The above is under the assumption you are using 1000 Overall Quality (OQ) geothermal. Your OQ on the geothermal will determine the minimum isomerase percent required to cap the DPS or armor bonus at 0.72 per session (or 2.16 overall, which rounds to 2.2 at egg formation). Please see the chart below for OQ under 1000. Experienced pet crafters will notice that it is more difficult to cap pets on Restoration due to this additional focused enzyme manipulation point.
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Teal
- Light Blue
- Dark Blue
- Purple
- Violet
Lyase Enzymes
Lyase Enzymes contribute towards stat bonuses for the pet. There are 12 key stats on a pet, 4 of which show up on a pet egg (accuracy, critical hit, defense, and health bonus).
Use the /forage command to search for Lyase Enzymes. Talus, Lok, and Rori are recommended planets for foraging due to the loot tables not including Ice Cream ingredients and therefore more chances for Enzymes.
Completing the
Creature Resource Collection can help increase Lyase foraging. This gives a pet a bonus +25% chance to acquire an enzyme while foraging.
Each Lyase Enzyme has a 'Random Attributes Affected'. There are 12 total pet stats and by using anything other than 11's, your chances of having a less than optimal pet are increased. Therefore, only 11's are generally worth keeping. One Lyase is used in each of the three incubation stages.
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Teal
- Light Blue
- Dark Blue
- Violet
- Purple
Pet stats:
- Block Chance
- Block Value
- Critical Hit (functions correctly)
- Defense (formerly Dodge) (functions correctly)
- Evasion
- Evasion Rating
- Glancing Blow
- Health Bonus (functions correctly)
- Accuracy (formerly Hit Chance) (functions correctly)
- Parry Chance
- Strikethrough
- Strikethrough Rating
Hydrolase Enzymes
Raw Hydrolase Enzymes
Hydrolase Enzymes are key ingredients that determine the number of 'points' a pet has. These points are used to increase pet stat qualities.
Raw Hydrolase Enzymes are extracted from creatures and have stats from 0-10+; with capped extractors and full Genetic Engineering you can get higher than ten purity, however, this is uncommon. This enzyme can then be broken down, processed, and reconstructed into a higher purity enzyme. When you hear a '60 point pet' this refers to using three +20 purity Hydrolase Enzymes in the three incubation stages of pet creation.
Quality of Hydrolase Enzymes depends on:
- The creature you're pulling from
- The Enzyme Extractor Purity rating
- Genetic Engineering stat, which is gained in the Bio Engineer: DNA Sampling skill line
Common creatures to pull HQ enzymes from:
- Krayt Dragons
- Kimogilas
- Gorax
- Peko Peko Albatrosses
- Mutated Rancors (Level 89)
- Other elite rancors (level 80-88: can provide minimum purity needed but not as reliably as gold elite mobs or mutated rancors)
Enzyme Element (Unprocessed)
Hydrolase Enzymes are broken down using an Enzyme Centrifuge (DE) and Enzyme Separation Tray (DE) into Enzyme Elements. There are five (5) different elements A-E.
- Enzyme Element A
- Enzyme Element B
- Enzyme Element C
- Enzyme Element D
- Enzyme Element E
Processed Element Enzyme
Once an unprocessed Enzyme Element is ran through an Element Processor (Architect) with a Element Processing Canister (Architect) it becomes a Processed Element Enzyme.
Processed Element Enzymes will have distinct coloring as follows:
- A - Yellow
- B - Orange
- C - Red
- D - Pink
- E - Purple
Note there is an additional line to denote the element has been processed
Reprocessed Hydrolase Enzyme
Once one of each five (5) Processed Element Enzymes (A-E) have been recombined in an Enzyme Re-Processor (BE) with a Re-Processor Capsule (BE) it becomes a Reprocessed Hydrolase Enzyme.
If making a '60 point pet', the ultimate goal will to have three Reprocessed Hydrolase Enzyme with a Purity rating of 20.
Note there is an additional line to denote the enzyme has been processed.
There’s enough equipment to make your head spin so let’s break each one down.
Enzyme Extractors (Artisan)
These devices are used to extract raw Hydrolase Enzymes from creatures.
Master Artisans craft these items and require quality sub-components of Enzyme Extraction Canisters and Enzyme Extraction Controls. The Purity caps at 3.0 and will greatly enhance the quality of your Hydrolase Enzymes.
To use an Extractor
- Have the Scout: Trapping I skill box (required)
- Put these in one of your toolbar slots
- Select and target the dead creature
- While hovering over the dead creature with your targeting reticle, fire your toolbar slot
- Quality is influenced by Genetic Engineering skill mod in BE skill tree
Hydrolase Enzyme Breakdown
Enzyme Centrifuge (DE)
Enzyme Centrifuges are created by Droid Engineers and are used to break down raw Hydrolase Enzymes into their elemental forms.
Enzyme Centrifuge Burst Piston is used to craft an
Enzyme Centrifuge Motor, which is finally used to create the Enzyme Centrifuge. All component qualities matter and the final product has a purity caps of 3.0.
Place a raw Hydrolase Enzyme and a Enzyme Processing Separation Tray (DE) into the Enzyme Centrifuge and hit "Start Centrifuge". This process will take 3 hours and the output will be two random Enzyme Elements.
Enzyme Processing Separation Tray (DE)
This consumable item is used in conjunction with Enzyme Centrifuges and raw Hydrolase Enzymes to break down the enzyme into its elements. This item caps at 3.0 Purity and is made by Droid Engineers with
Enzyme Centrifuge Separation Filter and
Enzyme Centrifuge Separation Mixture subcomponents.
Hydrolase Element Processing
Element Processor (Architect)
This container is used to process Enzyme Elements into a higher Purity or Mutagen rating. Element Processors are crafted by Architects and utilizes
Element Processing Control Units and
Element Processor Plasma Arrays. The Purity cap is 3.0.
Element Processing Canister (Architect)
This canister is crafted by an Architect and is used as a consumable item while refining Enzyme Elements in an Element Processor. Subcomponents of
Element Processing System Fuses and
Element Processing Filters are required to craft this item. The Purity cap for this item is 3.0.
Hydrolase Reprocessing
Enzyme Re-Processor (BE)
This container is used to combine six (6) different Processed Element Enzymes (A-E) into a Reprocessed Hydrolase Enzyme. This item is crafted by a Bio Engineer and does not require any sub-components. The Purity caps at 2.0.
Enzyme Re-Processor Capsule (BE)
This consumable capsule is utilized by an Enzyme Re-Processor while re-combining Processed Element Enzymes. Bio Engineers craft this item along with its subcomponents of Enzyme Re-Processor Coolants and Enzyme Re-Processor Filters. The Purity caps at 3.0.
Incubator Unit (Architect)
Crafted by Architects, Incubators are utilized in the final stages of pet creation.
- Quality - Affects mutation chance and overall pet statistics (Cap is 4.0)
- Functional Rating - Affects incubation time.
- With quality 4.0 and capped functional rating, incubation time is just below 15 hours per experiment.
- Locating your incubator in a DNA Laboratory specialized city lowers incubation time by a further 3 hours per experimentation session. (9 hours total).
In this example we will walk through making a simple Narglatch pet.
Phase 1: Prep Materials
Phase 1A: Pick Your Pet
Check to select the pet you desire. For this example we will select a Narglatch feline. In this section we will not be specifically covering mutations, however note that this pet can be mutated into Xandank by utilizing the correct color combinations of Lyase and Isomerase enzymes.
- DNA is listed as Extracted from Dire Cats and Naglatches which can be found on Corellia and Naboo, respectively
- Lyase requirements are Orange, Orange, Purple if desiring mutations. Otherwise any color will do.
- (Purple only used on 3rd incubation session if mutation is achieves on 2nd session)
- HQ Isomerase requirements are Light Blue, Light Blue, and Purple. Otherwise any color will do.
- (Purple only used on 3rd incubation session if mutation is achieves on 2nd session)
- LQ Isomerase requirements are Green, Green, Yellow. Otherwise any color will do.
- (Yellow only used on 3rd incubation session if mutation is achieves on 2nd session)
Phase 1B: Extract DNA
By utilizing the skill Extract DNA from Scout: Trapping I, you can pull DNA from creatures in the wild. Trapping IV and furthermore with Ranger skills will increase the quality percentage of the DNA.
In general, the higher the %, the better, but at least 90% is a good target, with up to 129.99% possible. The x4xx tree in Scout will consistently provide you with at least 90-109.99%.
Phase 1C: Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy is used in Incubators at a rate of 7500 per session. This resource is extracted via Geothermal Power Generators with a Base Extraction Rate up to 15. Overall Quality is the stat we are looking to optimize for Geothermal Energy, which affects the Isomerase percentage that can be used to cap a pet. An entertainer buff was added in Hotfix, which boosts Incubation Quality by 1 point (for a total of 26). This help lower your minimum iso needed and allows you to cap your pets' DPS/armor bonus for the top isomerase slot. The two below charts reflect the required minimum isomerase needed for the top isomerase slot with and without the Entertainer buff:
Geothermal OQ | Isomerase quality needed (WITH ENTERTAINER BUFF) |
1000 oq | 89.03 % |
997 oq | 89.05 % |
996 oq | 89.06 % |
971 oq | 89.21 % |
896 oq | |
Geothermal OQ | Isomerase quality needed (WITHOUT ENTERTAINER BUFF) |
1000 oq | 89.59 % |
994 oq | 89.63 % |
950 oq | |
900 oq | |
896 oq | |
Phase 1D: Collect Isomerase Enzymes
Six (6) Isomerase Enzymes will be required to make a pet.
Depending on the OQ of your Geothermal energy, the requirements of Isomerase will change in order to cap DPS/Armor.
- HQ Isomerase Required: (-0.0065) x (Geothermal OQ) + (95.83)
- LQ Isomerase Required: 85%+ depending on your Geothermal OQ
If going for specific mutations, refer to If not, any color will do.
Phase 1E: Forage Lyase Enzymes
To complete all three stages of incubation, three (3) total Lyase Enzymes are required. Forage on Lok, Rori, or Talus for increased chances to loot enzymes since ice cream ingredients do not drop on these planets.
Selecting +11 enzymes gives you the best shot to max out stats for your pet. Even with +11 there are technically 12 different stats so you will always miss 1x on each of the three incubation stages.
If going for a mutation, ensure the colors are appropriate according to
Phase 2: Hydrolase Processing
The main goal of this phase is to process your Hydrolase into a 20 point purity Re-Processed Hydrolase Enzyme.
Phase 2A: Extract Hydrolase Enzymes
Utilize Enzyme Extractor to acquire a minimum of 9 Hydrolase Enzymes. Each enzyme breaks down into 2x elements (18) and after processing are recombined into a processed Hydrolase Enzymes. Due to the randomness of enzyme elements (A-E) you will likely need twice that amount.
There are many factors in what Purity of enzyme you want to shoot for (depending on your equipment) but an average of 7.5 Purity is a good target to shoot for with the higher the better. These will be used to break down and re-process into 20+ Purity enzymes.
Phase 2B: Break Down Hydro
Place your Hydrolase Enzyme in your Enzyme Centrifuge (DE) with a Enzyme Processing Centrifuge Tray (DE) consumable item. Once started, this process will take 3 hours.
The output will be two
Enzyme Elements with a random letter from A-E. Repeat this process until you have a full set of Enzyme Elements A/B/C/D/E.
Phase 2C: Process Element
Take each of the Enzyme Elements and place into an Enzyme Processor (Architect) with a Element Processing Canister (Architect). Once started, this process will take 2 hours. The output will be a
Processed Element Enzyme (A-E).
Phase 2D: Process Enzyme
Take each of your five (A-E) Processed Enzyme Elements and place into an Enzyme Re-Processor (BE) with a Enzyme Re-Processor Capsule (BE) consumable. Once started, this process will take 3 hours. The output will be a
Re-Processed Hydrolase Enzyme.
Before beginning, make sure to average the Purity of your elements and calculate your probability of hitting +20 Purity. If all has gone according to plan, your Re-Processed Hydrolase Enzyme will have a purity of greater than 20. Three (3) of these are required to create a "60 point pet".
Phase 3: Incubation Sessions
- Activate Incubator to associate your character with the Incubator
- Load Geothermal Energy into your Incubator using the 'Deposit Power'
- Load your chosen DNA into the Incubator
Phase 3A: Stage 1 Incubation
Open your first experimentation session on your Incubator
- Load 20pt Hydrolase, HQ Isomerase, LQ Isomerase, and 11pt Lyase Enzymes
- Turn up the Temperature slider to optimize for DPS (recommendation)
- Distribute the points as 17-3-0 using the nutrient slider and allocate the points
- Hit commit to progress to stage two
Phase 3B: Stage 2 Incubation
- Load 20pt Hydrolase, HQ Isomerase, LQ Isomerase, and 11pt Lyase Enzymes
- Turn up the Temperature slider to optimize for DPS (recommendation)
- Distribute the points as 0-3-17 using the nutrient slider and allocate the points
- Hit commit to progress to stage three
Phase 3C: Stage 3 Incubation
- Load 20pt Hydrolase, HQ Isomerase, LQ Isomerase, and 11pt Lyase Enzymes
- Turn up the Temperature slider to optimize for DPS (recommendation)
- Distribute the points as 3-14-3 using the nutrient slider and allocate the points
- Hit commit to progress to the final egg creation!
Phase 4: Pet Egg!
Once the incubation timer is up, hit 'Formulate Egg' and you are finished! Congratulations!
Note the capped stats as follows:
- Aggression, Bestial Resilience, Cunning, Hunters Instinct, Intelligence, Survival - 10
- DPS Bonus - 1.9%
- Health Bonus - 9.6% (Missing one stage here is 6.4%)
- Hit Chance Bonus (changed to Accuracy) - 4.8% (Missing one stage here is 3.2%)
- Dodge Bonus (changed to Defense) - 4.8% (Missing one stage here is 3.2%)
- Critical Hit Bonus - 4.8% (Missing one stage here is 3.2%)
The "end game" for Bio-Engineer is mutations. You can use any high-end enzyme color to make a capped pet, but using a certain color combination gives you a small chance at a mutation. There are two types of mutations: type 1) a stat mutation, in which the pets stats are improved, and type 2) an appearance mutation, in which the pets appearance changes and possibly even their ability kit. In order to achieve an appearance mutation, you MUST get a stat mutation prior.
The color combination includes a certain lyase color, and then two isomerase that MUST be slotted correctly in the experimentation window. These mutations are entirely RNG. As long as you put the correct color combination in and ensure you're using high-end supplies you are both maximizing your mutation chance, and having a chance at a capped 60-point mutation.
There are also certain hydrolase purity allocations you MUST follow to ensure your mutation will be 60-point. The more you do mutations, the more you will memorize these combos and what to hunt for when you're after a particular mutation. There are some supply management strategies you can apply to the usage of your enzymes, which will allow for more mutation attempts in a shorter window.
Mutation Chance
Isomerase quality contributes up to 3.5% at 90% isos.
Mutagen quality contributes up to 4.5% at 20 point mutagen.
Incubator bonus contributes up to 3.5% at 4 point quality.
Fervent mutation contributes up to 0.75% at 10 points(hard capped skill mod).
DNA quality contributes at 3.5% for 90%, up to 5.055% at 129.99%.
These % values are summed, then rounded, then capped at 18%.
Types of Mutations
Stat Mutations (Type 1)
A bonus to any of the 12 lyase stats. Upon hitting "commit" you will be notified if a stat mutation is hit. The message will include the lyase stat mutated and by how much (examples below).
Stat mutations have ratings of 1 to 10, which scales the bonus amount provided. The rating is completely random.
Appearance Mutations (Type 2)
A change to your beast's appearance, beast type, and possibly their ability kit. An appearance can only be achieved if you hit a stat mutation prior. You do not have to hit two mutations in a row for an appearance (you can get a stat mutation first session, miss on second session, and then hit an appearance on the third session). Like a stat mutation, you are also notified immediately upon hitting "commit". As you can see, the folks at BBP praise you for stat mutations, but sort of shame you for appearance mutations.
Five appearance mutations are considered "third-stage mutations" that require a mutation on all three sessions. These are incredibly rare. Upon hitting a third-stage mutation, you are notified immediately and praised by Darth Vader himself.
The five 3rd stagers are Spined Rancor, Mutant Acklay, Spiny Gorgilla, Blackwing Rancor, and Varasquactyl.
Spined Rancor, Mutant Acklay, and Spiny Gorgilla all have another mutation appearance prior: Rancor, Acklay, and Kimogila respectively. Can be referred to as the "STAT-APP-APPs": stat mutation 1st session, appearance mutation 2nd session, and another appearance 3rd session.
Blackwing Rancor and Varasquactyl do not have an appearance prior and can only be achieved with two stat mutations prior. Can be referred to as "STAT-STAT-APPs": stat mutation 1st session, stat mutation 2nd session, and an appearance mutation 3rd session. As a result of not having an appearance prior, attempting these two 3rd-stage mutations can be rather unforgiving when you miss on the third session. When you are chasing the other three third stage types, it will at least result in a few appearance mutations along the way (rancor, acklay, and kimogila: STAT-APP-MISS).
Allocation of Purity Points
It is crucial to ensure you follow the purity point allocations when making a 60-point pet, and even more so for mutations since an appearance mutation will add 2 points to Aggression, Beastial Resilience, Cunning, Hunters Instinct, Intelligence, and Survival or 12-points total to your pet. There is a recommended method that avoids the usage of 20-point hydros on the first session, and in the long run allows you to make more attempts. Since there is no cooldown when cleansing an incubator on Restoration, the raw 8-point hydro method becomes king above all.
The raw 8-point hydro method or "8-20-20"
- Using a raw 8-8.99 purity hydro on first session
- Appearance mutation adds 12-points to pet whether hit on 2nd or 3rd session, which makes up for using the 8-pt hydro
- Always cleanse on first session if no stat mutation; it's ideal and more efficient to have two chances at an appearance mutation
- If stat mutation on first session: proceed with 2nd and 3rd session now that you have two chances at an appearance
The 12-point hydro method or "20-20-12"
- Using a 12-point hydro on final session
- Typically when you get an unplanned appearance mutation on 2nd session. This is why you always follow the 17-3-0 and 0-3-17 distributions on 1st and 2nd sessions when using 20-point hydros, which allows you to finish the pet as 60-pts if mutation hit.
- Some prefer this method because it allows you to increase your mutagen potential on your third session hydro for 3rd-stage mutations (blackwing rancor, spined rancor, varasquactyl, etc.)
- If no appearance mutation hit on second session, proceed with the 3-14-3 distribution using a 20-pt hydro
Attempting a Mutation
Kimogila mutation example.
Mutates from Voritor Lizard DNA. Look up the pet you wish to mutate to on SWG Pets.
Enter the following into your first experimentation session:
- Hydrolase Enzyme with 8.00-8.99 Purity and the higher Mutagen the better
- Corresponding Lyase Enzyme and Isomerase Enzymes according to SWG Pets
- Distribute points to 0-1-7 (more on this later)
Upon hitting Commit you will be greeted with the following message if you put in the correct Lyase for a mutation attempt
From there, you will instantly be notified whether you hit a mutation or not. If you did, your incubator will spark significantly and you will get a message similar to this.
If your mutation did not hit, you can feel free to cleanse the incubator and start again right away. Alternately, you can continue the process and try for another mutation or complete a 48-point pet.
If your mutation did hit, on your second attempt distribute the points as 3-9-8. If the appearance mutation does hit, each of the six lines will have +2 points added.
Misc Mutation Info
SWGPets exceptions
Be sure to watch out for mutations that are Legends exclusives and not on Restoration. These are denoted by the "SWGLegends" logo symbol as seen below (example: Aanklor=not on resto; Acklay=on resto)
SWGPets Combo Changes
Some mutations on restoration reflect combination changes, and base DNA changes made by another server.
- Boar Wolfcale: on restoration mutates from Zucca Boar and Boar Wolf. The combination for boar wolf is correct on SWGPets in order to mutate on Resto, however, it reflects a custom appearance change made by Legends.
Mutations Needing Confirmation
Mutant Acklay: This was fixed in December 2023, and then was confirmed when a player achieved the Mutant Acklay on 3/23/2024.
Game Update 16 Mutations (Sligtooth Bol): there has been one report of the Bol NOT mutating to Sligtooth Bol upon successfully hitting the second mutation, which was confirmed upon seeing two stat mutations on the incubator. This has been the only report of a mutation not being possible out of those added in "GU16" on live, or any mutation that was possible on live. Proceed at your own risk attempting the ones listed below. Those that are confirmed to be on Restoration are noted as such.
NOTE: Sligtooth Bol was fixed in Patch 1.2, and is confirmed as one was created May 2024.
Barbed Vesp: confirmed possible
Blackwing Rancor: confirmed possible
Finned Blaggart: confirmed possible
Malosaur: confirmed possible
Mooc: confirmed possible, NO lyase message on stat-app-stat 3rd experimentation using Orange Lyase
Pangrack: confirmed possible
Sligtooth Bol: NOT confirmed. Fixed with Patch 1.2, but still needs confirmation.
Spiny Gorgilla: confirmed possible
Tusked Bolle Bol Stag: confirmed possible
Tusked Bull Thune: confirmed possibnle
Whiskerback Widow: confirmed possible
Pets/Mutations added in GU16
NOTE: on live, mooc and pangrack were obtainable through mutation and the Rare Loot System. While there is no indication they will be added to RLS on Restoration, it feels worth mentioning.
Incubation Cooldowns
Revised as of changes Q4 2022. Previously incubation times were almost non-existent and SEAs were not functioning.
The lowest incubation time is ~12 hours with the base time closer to ~24 hours.
Cleansing the incubator is instantaneous meaning you can restart a session from the beginning at any time.
Ways to reduce incubation time.
- Work up BE xx4x tree
- Gain Master Bio Engineer
- SEAs with Incubation Time Reduction
- Incubator with high (i.e. less negative) Functionality Rating
- DNA Laboratory city specialization
DNA Laboratory City Specialization
Reduces each session cooldown by 3 hours each session, or 9 hours total.
Pet Creation Suit
Pet suits are partially possible on Restoration. The three modifiers are:
Incubation Time Reduction
- Reduces incubation cooldown by up to 33 minutes per session, or 1 hour 39 minutes total. Functions as of Q4 2022.
Focused Enzyme Manipulation
- Increases the cap on DPS/armor bonus from 1.9 to 2.2
- Currently available using "A Poison Canister" junk loot from the Imperial Star Destroyer. Can be paired with most wiring junk loot types; refer to SWGJunkyard for further combinations.
Fervent Mutation
- Increases mutation chance by a small amount (less than 1%)
- Not currently available until the Echo Base heroic (Hoth) is released, which drops the junk loot required
Medical Assembly & Experimentation
You CANNOT make medical assembly into a powerup through RE. Even though 139 experimentation is attainable, experimentation is capped at 120 (12 experimentation points).
Treasure Map Bracelet
Saldalith Manufacturing Veridicator 200A
- +15 medical assembly and +15 medical experimentation.
Treasure map bracelet and resource quality bracelet take up the same slot. Treasure map bracelet is not required for experimentation since 12 experimentation points is cap, and is likely not needed for assembly.
Max DNA Cap 130%
Base system had a DNA cap of 90%. As of late 2024, 90.01-130% DNA was confirmed to increase your mutation chance.
Additional +6 Incubation Quality (+5 from xx4x BE, and +1 from entertainer buff)
On Restoration, you are given +25 Incubation Quality from the xx4x BE tree, however, the amount given in base system tree was +20. Additionally, entertainers can provide you with a +1 Incubation Quality buff, for a total of +26 incubation quality. This has a significant impact on the calculations for Isomerase/Geothermal quality when attempting to make a capped pet.
Additional +5 Genetic Engineering
On Restoration, you are given +125 genetic engineering from the xx4x BE tree, however, the amount given in base system was +120. This has been tested using the hydro calculator and provides a minor bonus.
Functioning Lyase Stats
All 12 stats are affected during incubation but only 4 appear on the egg (critical hit, defense, accuracy, and health bonus). As of Hotfix, all 4 of these stats now function. Dodge was changed to "Defense" and hit chance was changed to "Accuracy" to better fit with the CU.