Crafting in Star Wars Galaxies (Restoration Edition!)
This page attempts to
cover the general aspects of the SWG crafting system in order to allow you to start a successful career in your chosen crafting profession.
While each of the individual crafting professions will have their own individual pages and guides, this page
covers information which is applicable to all (or virtually all) crafting professions and may help you decide what you may wish to specialize in.
Before You Begin - What to Know
If you are brand new to crafting in Star Wars Galaxies, here is some news about crafting you may not know and may not be obvious:
The "Master" box is where you start your apprenticeship.
While training all of the skill boxes in your tree may seem like mastery (and will grant you
nearly all of the available schematics for your chosen profession), training skills is only the very start of your crafting journey.
Star Wars Galaxies' Crafting System differs from other MMORPGs in a couple of key ways which make becoming a true "Master" of a crafting profession more complex than training the "Master <Profession>" Skill tree box.
Of particular importance are:
- Knowing your Skills - Knowledge of the profession's skills, schematics, and intricacies.
- Knowing your Resources - Resource quality and collection.
- Knowing your Profession - Knowledge of interactions with customers and other professions
You may have noticed that 2 out of the 3 important aspects of mastering a crafting profession are
entirely knowledge based! This is part of what makes becoming a true "Master" of a crafting profession difficult.
As a result, the SWG crafting system may appear intimidating to some players!
Rest assured - crafting is easy to get into, even if it can be difficult to truly "master". Dive in and learn along the way!
The first level of complexity comes with knowing what you have available and where your chosen profession's intricacies lie. Profession-specific pages will provide more direct guidance, however it will be worth some effort to get to know where your profession fits in the world, what you provide, as well as exploring the different things that you can create.
There will inevitably be a
lot of things that you can create. Explore and learn about what the things you craft do and where resource quality is or is not important.
You will also have several crafting-related attributes or skills from your trained skill boxes. Some of the most common are listed below:
Assembly Skill
Skill in Assembly affects the following situations:
- Roll for success when assembling the item during the crafting process.
- Chance of success for weapon and armor repairs
- Ability to get socketed weapons, armor, and clothing (above +160 guarantees a socket)
Experimentation Skill
Skill in Experimentation:
- Allows you to experiment on the final result of your item when you are creating it
- Each 10 points of experimentation skill is worth 1 experimentation "point" during the process
- Most professions have a cap of 12 experimentation points with the exception of Artisan & Shipwright
Opportune Chance
Higher stats in Opportune Chance can:
- Roll a <LUCKY> assembly or experimentation for a higher quality outcome
- Roll a <LUCKY> repair to sustain higher condition when repairing
Resource Types
Resources are generally categorized as follows, but are broken down into even further detail:
- Energy
- Inorganic
- Chemical
- Gas
- Mineral (Gem, Ore, Metal...)
- Radioactive
- Petrochem Fuel
- Organic
- Water
- Creature (Bone, Hide, Milk, Meat)
- Flora (Food, Wood)
- Space
For more detailed information on resource types, visit the R3 Wiki page:
Crafting Resources
Each recipe calls for its own resource type and quantity. Some schematics call for generic resource such as 'metal' while others call for very specific metal such as Doonium Iron.
In order to maximize the outcome of the given item, you must input the qualities of resource that the scheamtic calls for.
For some recipes you will have only one or two attributes that matter for a single value (ex: conductivity and overall quality for "Effectiveness"). In other cases you may have several attributes that matter in differing ways, and affect different outcomes of the final product
For most recipes and components resource quality will have a dramatic impact on the possible result of the product you are making. Pay attention to the resource attributes that matter when crafting, and check the profession specific wiki!
Resource Quality
Resource quality will impact both the starting values that you get when assembling as well as (most importantly) the maximum values you can achieve.
960 is the "key" stat value with a 4% buff where "perfect" (1000) resource quality is possible. If the resource weighted average _before_ the buff is 960 or higher, you have the opportunity to achieve a 100% experimentation result.
Sometimes the difference between "nearly perfect" and "perfect" is minimal. In other cases, it is quite substantial. Recipes with "steps" in the resulting value will benefit more from perfect resource quality over almost perfect quality.
As an example, perfect resource quality and subcomponents for heavy harvesters will make the difference between BER 13 vs 14 - and on Restoration3 where harvester collection is boosted this seemingly small difference will actually be quite significant.
Example Resource Quality Calculation:
- Note the Titanium Aluminum & Platinite Copper do not have Shock Resistance (SR) maximums of 1000
Quality Enhancement
Fortunately, we do have limited ways to improve resource quality! The currently available resource quality improvements are:
- Entertainer inspiration buff adds +4% to resource quality. This buff scales with the skill level of the Entertainer to a maximum of +4% with a 20pt Entertainer (despite the named label only saying 2%)
- Sorosuub Personnel Comlink Wrist-P3 (Right): "Resource Bracelet" adds 1% to Resource Quality
Check with your profession specific wiki for more information about where it makes a larger difference. Tip your entertainer well! The difference their buff makes can be worth a lot of credits!
For more detailed information on resources, visit the R3 Wiki page:
Advanced Crafting Gear
Deciding on a Profession
Aside from the products each profession crafts, each trade also has a nuance in how their game is played.
For example, a Architect requires an extremely high volume of resource, but quality only matters in a few items.
On the other hand, a Weaponsmith requires a relatively small volume of resource, but each one has to be extremely high quality to maximize damage output.
List of Professions & Products
Short list of products made for each profession & where to find more detail.
- Crafting Equipment - Harvesters, Factories, Crafting Stations
- City Structures - Banks, Cantinas, Hospitals, etc
- Player Housing
- Furniture & Decorative Items
- Camps (Advanced) - with shuttleports, mission terminals, etc
- Player Association Galactic Registry - Used to create a PA/Guild
- Access Locks - Can add to containers to give access to specific players or guilds
- Bio-Engineer Components - Element Processors, Element Canisters, Incubator Units
For more detail and helpful tips, visit the R3 Wiki page:
- Armor Pieces and Sets
- Personal Shield Generators (PSG’s)
- Armor Repairs & Repair Kits
- Armor Color Kits
For more detail and helpful tips, visit the R3 Wiki page: Armorsmith
Basic crafting profession required for most crafting professions.
- Vehicles & Repair Kits
- Electronic sub-components for other professions (BE, DE)
- Some Chef items (Teltier, Dustcrepe, Ruby Bliel, Pkneb, Crispic, Caf, Blob Candy...)
- Weapon Power-ups
- Enzyme Extractors (to pull Bio-Engineer DNA)
For more detail and helpful tips, visit the R3 Wiki page:
Creates pets as well as select components for other professions.
For more detail and helpful tips, visit the R3 Wiki page: Bio-Engineer
- Player Food
- Player Drink
- Pet Food
- Beast Dietary Supplements
For more detail and helpful tips, visit the R3 Wiki page:
Droid Engineer
- Combat Droids
- Utility Droids (Harvest, Storage, Crafting, Medical, Merchant, Entertainer)
- Interplanetary Survey Droids (ISD's)
- Bounty Hunter Droids (Arakyd & Seeker)
- Astromech Droids
- Flight Computers
- Blank Program Flight Chips
- Bio-Engineer Components (Enzyme Processing Separation Tray, Enzyme Centrifuge)
- Vehicle (Mustafarian Panning Droid)
For more detail and helpful tips, visit the R3 Wiki page:
Droid Engineer
Allows creation and customization of vendors and advertising capabilities.
- Vendor Vocalization
- Vendor Clothing
- Merchant Tents
- Shop Signs
- Planetary Advertising
- Barker Droids
For more detail and helpful tips, visit the R3 Wiki page: Merchant
Reverse Engineer
- Creates Skill Enhancing Attachments (SEAs) from junk loot.
- Combined and increases stats on looted space components
For more detail and helpful tips, visit the R3 Wiki page: Reverse Engineer
- Ship Chassis Blueprints
- Space Components
- Space Consumables - Chaff, Missiles
- Component Repair Kits
- Component Analysis Tool (RE)
- Starship Texture Kits
- Instant Travel Vehicle (ITV) Fuel
For more detail and helpful tips, visit the R3 Wiki page:
Smuggler (Spice)
Creates spice (short term buffs) and provides weapon and armor slicing.
Focuses on locating, mining, and extraction of high quality resources.
For more detail and helpful tips, visit the R3 Wiki page: Surveyor
- Player Clothing - Bodysuits, Cloaks, Dresses, Jackets, Pants, Robest, Shirts, Skirts, Vests
- Accessories -Bandoliers, Belts, Necklaces, Footwear, Handwear, Headwear, Rings, Bracelets
- Wearable Containers (bags)
- Wookiee Garb
- Ithorian Clothes
- Invisible appearance items
- Socketed Shirts for Reverse Engineers
For more detail and helpful tips, visit the R3 Wiki page: Tailor
- Melee Weapons
- Ranged Weapons
- Heavy Weapons (Commando)
- Grenades
- Weapon Repairs
For more detail and helpful tips, visit the R3 Wiki page:
Crafting in Star Wars Galaxies is the process of taking raw materials or components and turning them into something useful.
Unlike many other games, crafting is central to the SWG experience and provides many necessary items to combat and non-combat players alike for a wide variety of purposes. Part of the fun and complexity of the SWG crafting system is that no one player can do everything, and even within a single crafting profession often the help of other players will be necessary to build the best and most successful items.
Surveying for Resources
Survey Tools
Surveying for High Concentrations
Picking a Crafting Tool
Select a tool
Selecting a Schematic
Select the schematic you would like to craft.
Selecting Resources
Pick the highest quality ones for that specific schematic.
Use your experimentation points to make the item better!
For any experiment line that affects multiple attributes, each attribute has an individual success state rolled, and the chat displayed success state is an average of all individual success states that occurs in that experiment. For example, in the above image, the Experimental Effectiveness affects both Damage Mod and Attack Speed Mod. The Damage Mod could roll a 'Good' Success, while the Attack Speed Mod could roll an 'Amazing' Success, and chat will say 'Great' Success for the experiment.
Result | Quality |
Lucky success | 8.40% |
Amazing success | 8.05% |
Great success | 7.00% |
Good success | 3.50% |
Success | 1.75% |
Moderate success | 1.05% |
Critical failure | -14.00% |
The amount of XP granted by crafting something is based roughly upon the quantity of resources a schematic requires to craft. This means that from an efficiency perspective (e.g. when wanting to power level), the focus is broadly going to be on ease of obtaining resources along with schematics with the least number of clicks. Some items do come out slightly more efficient from a resource to XP ratio. As an example, making items that reward General Crafting tend to grant between 20 and 27 XP per resource used.
Requirements & Grinding
- Engineering IV
- Structure Modules (Metal, Ore) until x2xx and then Fountains (Ore, Metal, Water)
- Engineering IV
- Assault Segment (Polymer, Steel, Iron, Scaley Hide) until 3XXX then Ubese Shirts (Fiberplast, Iron, Steel)
- Generic Crafting Tool (Metal, Chemical) until 3XXX then Wind Power Generator (Steel, Ore, Aluminum)
- Domestic Arts IV
- Soypro (Vegetables & Cereal) to X3XX then Kiwik Clusjo Swirl (Berries, Fruit, Water) or just straight Large Glasses (gemstone)
Droid Engineer
- Engineering IV
- MSE Droid (Metal, Chemical) until XXX2 then Adv Frame Units (Steel & FIberplast)
- Business IV
- Work up to XXX4, keep adding vendors with items on them, hire buddies to check vendors, time
- Engineering IV
- Scyk Chassis (Inter Petro, Ore, Steel, Aluminum)
- Domestic Arts IV
- Ribbed Shirt (Fiberplast, Metal) until X4XX then Cartridge Belts (Inter Petro, Steel)
- Engineering IV
- Projectile Pistol Barrels (Steel), option at xx2x to Chemical Warheads (Thoranium Steel, Amorphous Gemstone, Copper, Polymer)
Generic Resources
Quite simply, a schematic that requires 16 Metal of any type is going to be easier to gather resources for than a schematic that requires 8 Polysteel Copper, 4 Plumbum Iron & 4 Rhodium Steel. You're a lot more likely to find an 80% density spot when you have a choice of multiple resources.
Entertainer XP Buff
Head to your local Cantina to grab an experience buff from a dancer or musician. Ask for 'Flush with Success' to gain +15% experience while you grind away.
Practice Mode
When crafting, there's a tick box option that enables "Practice Mode". Rather than gaining a physical item from your craft you instead gain a bonus 5% experience.
Crafting Droid
You can purchase a crafting droid from a Droid Engineer - which is a private crafting station on wheels. Call the droid and take a seat next to the trainer while you grind!
Grinding Macro
See bottom of this page for full macro and how to use it.
External Websites
Disclaimer: while there are many websites still available providing information about SWG, due to the different "flavors" of SWG available you are likely to get different answers depending on what the site is focused on. SWG Restoration is (like many other SWG Emulator servers) unique and has its own developed blend of content and mechanics.
| |
Link | Description |
| Provides current and previous resource tracking (user-provided) as well as schematic and resource usage information. Be sure to select "Restoration 3" as the server for searching. |
| SWG Tracker is a Restoration-focused resource tracking and schematic information website developed by Restoration players for Restoration specifically. All data and schematics are tailored to the specific nuances of our server and many useful features have been added including best resource tracking, advanced filtering and sorting and favorite schematic tracking. |
Grinding Macro Example
- Copy the below macro into a new macro (may need to keybind the 'copy' function in Options)
- Put 4 crafting tools in your first top left toolbar (Slot 00, 01, 02, 03)
- Open one of the tools, select a schematic, hit next, then close the screen completely
- Fire up this macro, rinse, repeat
/ui action toolbarSlot00;
/pause 1;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 4;
/pause 1;
/createPrototype Practice No Item;
/createPrototype Practice No Item;
/pause 1;
/ui action toolbarSlot01;
/pause 1;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 4;
/pause 1;
/createPrototype Practice No Item;
/createPrototype Practice No Item;
/pause 1;
/ui action toolbarSlot02;
/pause 1;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 4;
/pause 1;
/createPrototype Practice No Item;
/createPrototype Practice No Item;
/pause 1;
/ui action toolbarSlot03;
/pause 1;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 4;
/pause 1;
/createPrototype Practice No Item;
/createPrototype Practice No Item;
/pause 1;
(option to loop the macro, or continue on to more toolbar slots with /macro <macro name>)
-SoloWest, June 2022
-Grogar, Feb 2022
Producers & Consumers
This table provides a quick reference for which Profession (skill tree) produces a subcomponent or critical part of the crafting process for other professions. It does NOT identify your customer base.
If you are trying to figure out "Who makes this thing that I need for this schematic?" here's the cheat sheet:
Details about what is provided are listed separately below.
Note: This table is incomplete!
Producer (down) Consumer (across) | All | Architect | Armorsmith | Artisan | Bio-Engineer | Chef | Droid Engineer | Shipwright | Tailor | Weaponsmith |
n/a | | | | | | | | | | |
Architect | x | | | | | | | | | |
Armorsmith | | | | | | | x | | | |
Artisan | | x | | | | | | | | |
Bio-Engineer | | | | | | x | | | | |
Chef | x | | | | | | | | | |
Droid Engineer | | |
| | | | | | | |
Shipwright | | | | | | | | | | |
Tailor | | | x | | | | | | | |
Weaponsmith | | | | | | | | | |
Item | Used By |
Crafting Stations | Other crafters |
Item | Used By |
Bespin Port | Other Crafters (Experimentation Bonus) |
Droid Engineer
Profession | Has Own Skill Tree? | Description |
Architect | Yes | Creates Structures, Furniture, Harvesters, and Factories. |
Armorsmith | Yes | Creates armor for players to wear, reducing damage taken. |
Artisan | Yes | Basic crafting profession required for most crafting professions.
Master Artisans provide sub-components required for several other professions as well as vehicles. |
Bio-Engineer | Yes | Creates pets as well as select components for other professions. |
Chef | Yes | Creates food and drink which provide buffs to various stats. |
Droid Engineer | Yes | Creates droids for a variety of uses as well as flight computers for ships. |
Merchant | Yes | Allows creation and customization of vendors and advertising capabilities. |
Reverse Engineer | No | Focuses on creating Skill Enhancing Attachments (SEAs) from junk loot. |
Shipwright | Yes | Creates space ships and ship components such as engines or shields. |
Smuggler | Yes | Creates spice (short term buffs) and provides weapon and armor slicing. |
Surveyor | No | Focuses on resource surveying, mining, and . |
Tailor | Yes | Creates clothing for players to wear. |
Weaponsmith | Yes | Creates weapons for players to use in combat. |