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  • Kashyyyk.png

    "Go I will. Good relations with the Wookies I have."

    Home planet to the Wookiees, Kashyyyk, was fittingly introduced in the Rage of the Wookiees expansion. When arriving in Kachirho, Kashyyyk at first glance may seem smaller than your typical planet in the galaxy. However, upon further exploration, you will find yourself delighted as you uncover the layers of this tree-covered world. From Kachirho, you can venture to Etyyy, the Rodian Hunting Grounds, the many levels of the Ryatt Trail, the mysterious spooky Kkowir Forest (home to the Myyydril Caverns), or the Blackscale Slaver Compound.

    Kashyyyk is divided into many zones, and features pre-set paths for you to explore. Pre-set paths mean that unlike other planets, most of the gameplay on Kashyyyk will be on the given trail, so no shortcuts through the harsh terrain. Some areas will restrict vehicles to mounts only.

    Each zone has its own map and unique environment, with different adventures to unfold, and beasts to slay, with varying difficulty levels. Some instances, zones, and arenas may require a group to complete due to difficulty, so keep that in mind.

    With quest giving NPCs at every turn, it is hard to get bored on this big green planet. Some missions will send you up into space, into a specific zone, or even an instance. Quests will involve conflicts between native Wookiee populations, Trandoshan slave clans, Zssik clan, Blackscale clan, Rodian Hunters, and Chiss Poachers.

    Players will be rewarded greatly from quests completed on Kashyyyk, from hunting trophy skulls, to unique home decor, unique weapons, clone war paintings, starfighters, and mounts.

    NPC Cities​

    Kashyyyk is an adventure planet and lacks the standard cities and layout that is typical. Instead, linear trails run over it's surface.

    Kachirho (village and zone portals)
    • Kachirho (village and zone portals)
    • Zones:
      • Kachirho
      • Etyyy - Hunting Grounds
      • Bocctyyy
      • Hracca Glade
    • Rryatt Trail
    • Zones:
      • Level 1 - The Common Paths
      • Level 2 - High Ground
      • Level 3 - Wroshyr Canopy
      • Level 4 - Webweaver Path
      • Level 5 - The Shadowed Lands
    • Kkowir Forest
      • Myyydril Caverns
    • Blackscale Slaver Compound


    Players cannot place houses on this planet.


    Notable POIs in and around Kachirho:
    • /way kachirho 408 578 Blackscale Slaver Compound;
    • /way kachirho -379 705 Canopy Bandit Camp;
    • /way kachirho 205 -437 Etyyy - Hunting Grounds;
    • /way kachirho 307 -271 Isolationist Wookiee Village;
    • /way kachirho -761 117 Kkowir Forest;
    • /way kachirho 121 628 Research Camp;
    • /way kachirho 706 -666 Rodian Hunters' Camp;
    • /way kachirho -81 606 Rryatt Trail;
    • /way kachirho 145 43 Slaver Camp #1;
    • /way kachirho 536 128 Slaver Camp #2;
    • a chassis broker (-682, -160)
    • a Wookiee Trading Co. Employee (-547, -108)
    • a Wookiee Trading Co. Employee (-512, -70)
    • Dr. Criss Ne'Pomi (-495, -109) Insurance Broker, Great Tree 2nd floor


    Etyyy Hunting Grounds
    • Noxious versions of wildlife
    • Chriss Poacher Prey Hunters
    • Kkorrwrot
    Ryatt Trail
    • Level 1 - The Common Paths
      • Imperial Scout Trooper
      • Rebel Commando
      • Bolotaur Darkgnasher CL52
      • Walluga Skullsmasher CL54
      • Walluga Skullsmasher Veteran CL54
      • Wallugget, a Walluga Skullsmasher CL54 elite.
    • Level 2 - High Ground
      • Bolotaur Darkgnasher CL52
      • Bloodclaw Mouf CL56
      • Bloodclaw Mouf Gaurdian CL56
      • Escaped Wookiees CL55 (-472 549) from one of the Trandoshan slaver quests
      • Rotclaw, a Bloodclaw Mouf CL56 (-273, 461)
      • Urootar, a crazed ex-Jedi, CL60 (240 579)
    • Level 3 - Wroshyr Canopy
      • Fern Bicker CL17
      • Jyykle Vulture CL18
      • Deep Woods Poacher CL64-66
      • Crazed Rodian hunters CL64-66
      • Sathog CL20
      • Minstyngar Breeder CL63
      • Minstyngar Thrasher CL64
      • Goretongue, a Minstyngar Thrasher CL64 elite, HAM 87707
    • Level 4 - Webweaver Path
      • Webweavers
      • Feral Wookiee
      • Blackscale guards
    • Level 5 - The Shadowed Lands
      • Gotal trappers
      • Gotal hunters
      • Gotal hunting champions
      • Minstyngar Bloodspillers, Bonecrushers, Deathcallers, Scratch
      • Abandoned Droidekas, Battle Droids, Super Battle Droids left behind from the Clone Wars
      • The mighty katarn
      • Katarn nestings
      • Lobarorr (quest given by Chatook in Kachirho)
    • General Wildlife
      • The Katarn
      • Kashyyyk Banthas


    Kashyyyk has many different quests and branching paths:
    • Avatar Platform Quests:
      • Avatar platform cells quest
      • Avatar Run
      • Brody Johnson
      • Civilian Protection Guild
      • Collecting Survey Data
      • Corellian Engineering Corporation
      • Cyrans the Unfeeling and the Sayromi Queen
      • Deadwood Moss
      • Deep Depths
      • Doing Your Duty
      • Dorn Nareusu the Human
      • Erriya
    • Etyyy Quests:
      • Find Missing Son
      • Forgotten Creations
      • Hides for the Head Hunter
      • Hunting Grounds Access
      • Jessk the Trandoshan
      • Kallaarac
      • Kashyyyk Hunting Grounds Quest
      • Kerritamba Village
    • Kkowir Forest Quests
      • Lost Souls
      • Luilris Mushrooms
      • Mada Johnson
      • Medical Boxes
      • Mother Queen
      • Mysess Glade
      • Mystical Stones
      • Myyydril Trust
      • N-K "Necrosis"
      • NK-3
      • Nyenthi'Oris Graveyard
      • Perusta's Experiment
      • Queen's Healing Touch
      • Quelling the Varactyl
      • Radiated Nak'tra Crystal
      • Ren'salla
      • Ren'Salla's Stone
    • Rryatt Trail Quests:
      • Rryatt Trail Trials
      • Search for the Cure: Part I & II
      • Sera Jossi
      • Smuggling for the Trandoshans
      • Steelclaw (quest)
      • Task Force Bravo
      • The Art of Smuggling
      • The Imprisoned Geonosian
      • The Missing Researchers
      • The Sayormi
      • The Sayormi People
      • The Search Begins
      • The Urnsor'is Infestation
      • Trandoshan Slavers
      • Treun Lorn
      • Urnsor'is
      • Urnsor'is Eggs
      • Webweaver Blankets
      • Wookiee Blood Sample
      • Zssik Clan

    Notable NPCs by Zone​

    • Kachirho
      • Starport Compound
        • Admiral Krieg (-671, -115)
        • Cmd. Richards (-636, -119)
        • Dr. Price (-660, -111)
        • Stren Colo a Bounty Officer (-667, -115)
      • Kachirho Village
        • Vryyyr Master Hunter (-589, -103)
        • Chewbacca (-588 -102)
        • Dr. Farnsworth (-504 -97)
        • Omwaan Novice Adventurer (-587, -104)
        • Marium Valmont (-578, -68)
        • Gursan Bryes (-556, -71)
        • Ikvizi (-512, -111) imprisoned geonosian quest
        • Eyma (-549, -132) civilian protection guild quest
        • Rroow (-500, -111) "package delivery"
        • Wrelaac (-507, -112)
        • Rroow (-501, -113)
        • Tien Wallub (-508 -66)
      • Great Tree
        • 1st floor
          • Colonel Gurnst (-457, -26)
          • Flash Harrison (-453, -20)
          • Kymayrr a Wookiee dancer (-477, -19)
          • Unluto a bartender (-465, -19)
          • Chatook (-448, -102)
          • Belga Daeri (-441, -63)
        • 2nd floor
          • Dr. Cheyerooto (-432, -96)
          • Harwakokok the Mighty (-419, -89)
          • Ovarra (-425, -85)
        • 3rd floor
          • Captain Koh (-441, -75)
          • Fezrik Bendledon (-442, -74)
          • Mada Johnson (-478, -92)
      • Trandoshan Slavers Compounds
        • Borantok (461 258)
        • Tempal B'uncho (497 275)
        • Ssiksik (208 109)
        • Ysith (133 204)
        • Mssikss (125 195)
        • Olima Grunc (221 40)
      • Other
        • Sera Jossi (-235 58)
    • Etyyy - Hunting Grounds
      • Quest Lines
        • Hunting Grounds Access
        • Kashyyyk Hunting Grounds Quest
        • Trophy for Excellence in Hunting in Etyyy
        • Hracca Glade Access
        • Soordan's Hunting Wagers
        • Treat for Trandoshans
        • Find Brody Johnson
      • Quest NPCs
        • /way 276 494 Soordan Xris;
        • /way -29 -201 Towezz Vol;
        • /way 180 460 Ehartt Brihnt;
        • /way 120 450 Manfred Carter;
        • /way 170 600 Tripp Rar;
        • /way 419 520 Ziven;
      • Bocctyyy
        • In order to gain access to this private hunting ground, one must challenge Sordaan Xris to a hunting wager. After accepting a wager, visit the Rodian shuttle pilot NPC (381, 612) to travel to Bocctyyy
      • Hracca Glade
        • In order to gain access to Hracca Glade, one must complete the Find Brody Johnson quests
    • Rryatt Trail
      • Quest Lines
        • Rryatt Trail Mastery
        • Rryatt Trail Trials
        • Rryatt Trail Rodians
      • Level 1 of the Rryatt Trail - The Common Paths
        • Quest NPC's
          • Achonnko, master trail guide (-724, -532)
          • Carl Mosik (-706, -524)
          • Krepauk (-708, -477)
          • Zhailaut (-709, -524)
        • Participant NPC's
          • Negal Tek'lon (-279, -75), part of Borantok's "The Big Coverup" quest, close to the end of the trail
          • Rryatt Trail guide at the end (-124, -40)
          • Vritol, a creature trainer (-455, -56)
      • Level 2 - High Ground
        • Quest NPC's
          • Tressk (18, 439)
        • Participant NPC's
          • Rryatt Trail guide at the start (111, 141)
          • Rryatt Trail guide at the end (364 96)
      • Level 3 - Wroshyr Canopy
        • Trail Guides
          • Rryatt Trail guide at the start (-532 -605)
          • Rryatt Trail guide at the end (12 446)

    • Level 4 - Webweaver Path
      • Rryatt Trail Guide at the start (-535 341)
      • Rryatt Trail Guide at the end (462 337) Just keep going... you'll find him.
      • Rroot, a capured Wookiee at (-598 -319) Must start the quest for him to spawn.
    • Level 5 - The Shadowed Lands

    • Kkowir Forest
      • Abandoned Camp
        • Dr. Kinesworthy's equiptment (cybernetics Doctor found in Myyyrdril caverns)
        • 6 crates of weapons are found when doing 'The society: Exemplar' chain of quests
      • The Arena
        • Finish missions that start with Chief Kerritambato gain access to the arena

    • Dead Forest
      • Sayormi leader and the great Sawtooth are located here
    • Kerritamba Village
      • Chief Kerritamba
      • Warchief Naloriss
      • Wirartu, the village Champion
      • Ardon, Kerritamba Elder
      • Zhadran, an Outcasts contact
    • Mysess Glade
      • Search for the Cure Quest

    • Myyydril Caverns
      • An Instanced dungeon, quests include the Myyydril Themepark Missions such as Myyydril Trust.
    • Nyenthi'Oris Graveyard
      • Cloning Facility
    • ShadowWeave Caverns
      • Mother Ves'ad
      • Outcast Assassin
      • Rhiek Okina, leader of The Sect, the Outcasts band of killers
      • Dahlia Damask, leader of the Outcasts
    • Blackscale Slaver Compound
      • Defeat Lord Cyssc Blackscale
      • This quest is very long and will reward you a badge and the Kashyyyk Medal of Freedom. Includes space and ground combat, and you will most likely need to group with fellow players to complete.
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