Force Sensitive

Force Sensitive
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  • Force Sensitive

    Unlocking Force Sensitive

    To unlock Force Sensitive skills and story, you must first progress through three phases covered on Jedi Unlock and The Village pages.

    EXP Conversion

    To get the proper type of force sensitive experience to learn their respective skills, you have to trade in normal experience at the rates below.

    Normal EXP can be converted to Force Sensitive (FS) EXP by talking to Paemos.

    EXP TypeConversionForce Sensitive EXP Type
    Unarmed Combat30:1Combat/Reflex
    Pistol Weapons30:1Combat/Reflex
    Carbine Weapons30:1Combat/Reflex
    Rifle Weapons30:1Combat/Reflex
    Heavy Weapons30:1Combat/Reflex
    Bounty Hunter5:1Combat/Reflex
    Creature Handler30:1Senses
    Image Designer7:1Senses
    Structure Crafting (Architect)35:1Crafting
    Armor Crafting (Armorsmith)5:1Crafting
    Droid Crafting (Droid Engineer)5:1Crafting
    Food Crafting (Chef)5:1Crafting
    General Crafting (Artisan)8:1Crafting
    Medical Crafting (Medic/BE)5:1Crafting
    Clothing Crafting (Tailor)5:1Crafting
    Weapon Crafting (Weaponsmith)5:1Crafting
    Quest Combat0None

    Combat Prowess

    Information about Combat Prowess profession.
    Be sure to check out the ability granted at Master Box.

    Branch NameUnlockBenefits
    Ranged AccuracyPhase 1, Captain Sarguillo+3 General Ranged Accuracy/Box
    Ranged SpeedPhase 4, Captain Sarguillo+3 General Ranged Speed/Box
    Melee AccuracyPhase 3, Captain Sarguillo+3 General Melee Accuracy/Box
    Melee SpeedPhase 2, Dageerin+3 General Melee Speed/Box

    Skill Breakdown

    Check out these pages to learn more about Accuracy and Speed:
    General Ranged AccuracyImproves accuracy with all ranged weapons (1 accuracy per point).
    General Ranged SpeedImproves attack speed with all ranged weapons (0.5 speed per 100 pts).
    General Melee AccuracyImproves accuracy with all melee weapons (1 accuracy per point).
    General Melee SpeedImproves attack speed with all melee weapons (0.5 speed per 100 pts).

    Force Sensitive Ability: Use the Force

    The Master Box of Combat Prowess grants the ability 'Use the Force' which guarantees your next attack that can miss, will hit.

    FS Ability Use the Force
    Use the ForceGuarantees a hit with your next attack.10 Seconds15 Minutes

    Enhanced Reflexes

    Information about Enhanced Reflexes profession.
    Be sure to check out the ability granted at Master Box.

    Branch NameUnlockBenefits
    Ranged DefensePhase 3, Dageerin+5 Ranged Defense/Box
    Melee DefensePhase 4, Captain Sarguillo+5 Melee Defense/Box
    Vehicle ControlPhase 2, Whip+5 Force Vehicular Control/Box
    +1 Force Vehicular Acceleration/From 2nd Box
    SurvivalPhase 1, Whip+5 of each Scout base Skill Mod, scattered across boxes
    • Survival 1: Camping +5, Foraging +5
    • Survival 2: Trapping +5, Mask Scent +2
    • Survival 3: Terrain Negotiation +5
    • Survival 4: Creature Knowledge +5, Creature Harvesting +5

    Skill Breakdown

    Check out this page to learn more about Defense:
    Ranged DefenseImproves defense against incoming ranged attacks (1 defense per point).
    Melee DefenseImproves defense against incoming melee attacks (1 defense per point).
    Force Vehicular ControlSlightly improves turn rate and turning abilities overall
    Force Vehicular AccelerationSlightly improves acceleration and deceleration of the vehicle.
    Mask ScentIncreases the effectiveness of Mask Scent Ability
    (Mask Scent hides player from aggressive creatures).
    Terrain NegotiationIncreases speed at which you move up slopes.
    Creature HarvestingIncreases yield of resources harvested from creatures.
    Creature KnowledgeNo known benefit.
    ForagingUnimplemented; Requires heroic junk.

    Force Sensitive Ability: Trust the Force

    The master box of Enhanced Reflexes grants the ability 'Trust the Force' which guarantees the next attack against you that can miss, will miss.

    FS Ability Trust the Force
    Trust the ForceGuarantees a miss with the opponents next attack.10 Seconds15 Minutes

    Crafting Mastery

    Information about Crafting Mastery profession.
    Be sure to check out the ability granted at Master Box.

    Branch NameUnlockBenefits
    ExperimentationPhase 3, Quharek+5 Force Experimentation/Box
    AssemblyPhase 1, Quharek+5 Force Assembly/Box
    RepairPhase 4, Shaneeka+5 Force Repair Bonus/Box
    TechniquePhase 2, Quharek+1 Crafting Technique/Box

    Skill Breakdown

    Check out this page to learn more about Crafting:
    Force ExperimentationExperimentation Skill
    Force AssemblyAssembly Skill
    Force Repair BonusIncreases the chance of successfully repairing an item.
    Crafting TechniqueReduces the chances of failing when crafting an item.

    Force Sensitive Ability: Feel the Force

    The master box of Crafting Mastery grants the ability 'Feel the Force' which increases the chance of amazing success in crafting experiments for 1 minute.

    FS Ability Feel the Force
    Feel the ForceIncreases the chance of an amazing success in crafting experimentation.1 Minute1 Hour

    Heightened Senses

    Information about Heightened Senses profession.
    Be sure to check out the ability granted at Master Box.

    Branch NameUnlockBenefits
    HealingPhase 4, Silvarra+1 Force Veil - Dancing/Box, +2 at 4th Box
    +1 Force Veil - Music/Box, +2 at 4th Box
    +5 Healing Efficiency/1st and 3rd Boxes
    +5 Cure Efficiency/2nd and 4th Boxes
    SurveyingPhase 2, Eozlin+5 Surveying/Box
    PersuasionPhase 1, Silvarra+5 Persuasion/Box
    LuckPhase 3, Eozlin+1 Luck/Box

    Skill Breakdown

    Should be pretty straightforward here.

    Force Veil - Dancing/MusicReduces up to -5 points of Visibility per ten seconds.
    Requires watching/listening to an Entertainer who has these skill mods.
    Healing EfficiencyIncreases amount healed by: [log(healing efficiency) * 100]%
    Cure EfficiencyIncreases the amount of DoT Damage that can be mitigated by cure abilities and the effectiveness of Heal Wound.
    SurveyingIncreases the range of surveying, reward of survey missions, and yield of hand sampling.
    PersuasionUnknown at this time.
    LuckUnknown at this time.

    Force Sensitive Ability: Hear the Force

    The master box of Heightened Senses grants the ability 'Hear the Force' which notifies you of any bounty hunters or enemies nearby.

    FS Ability Hear the Force
    Hear the ForceNotifies you of Bounty Hunters and Enemies nearby. (Range -?)Instant15 Minutes
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